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I tend to get my nighty in a knot


:lol: I think that is the first time I have ever heard it phrased quite like that. I love though. I really busted out laughing. I have heard, don't get your knickers in a knot and don't get your panties in a twist though. We usually say, "don't get your knickers in a knock", thanks to a misquote by my oldest dd when she was about six.


Yeah, I prefer the lighter stuff, too. But the heavy stuff does make me think and is good mental exercise. And I have learned so very much from everyone here over the years, no matter what the subject matter of a given thread.


I like both...I really love reading controversial threads until they get nasty. If I thread is already really long before I have read it, I don't always post... although this one is long and I am posting!;)


Dude...I'm here for not so serious threads. I have enough going on to have yet someone else to argue with. I enjoy the polls, prom pics, youtube videos...and I always pray for prayer requests. For me, life is too short for the other threads and I try my hardest to not respond. I am firm in my faith and beliefs and choose not to stir the hive pot. :D Peace out!

I usually contribute to fun threads and offer advice and help when I can. I participate in some serious threads especially if it is something I have researched and feel strongly about. However, I no longer participate in right/wrong or religious threads. These kinds of discussions frustrate me to no end but I read them anyhow. I always hope that some kind of understanding will be reached or that an issue will be resolved but it never is. It seems to me that the "opposite" sides can rarely even begin from the same starting point. If you can't even agree to the terms being discussed then I don't think that it is possible to have a logical discussion. And to tell you the truth, I really don't think that these are "logical" subjects. For the most part, most people, seem to believe what they believe and they can't be convinced otherwise (this applies to "both sides). It has taken me a few decades to figure this out.


And I agree with everything that she said.

I still sometimes make a comment or two in those right/wrong/religious threads, but I do try to refrain. I like to go around handing out rep to people who have the stomach to get in there and say the things that need to be said. But I'd rather stay out of it because it gives me a headache.


And KH is sooooo right when she says above that when you can't even agree to a set of terms being discussed, the conversation will only go round in circles. I find that every time I go ahead and read these threads. One person gives their non-Christian (or "non-Xn"...grrrr) perspective, but there are different kinds of non-Christians, so the pagan, the wiccan, the Muslim, the agnostic, the atheist, the Jew, the Hindu, the Buddhist, etc. will each have a different way of giving their perspective on Christianity and frankly all of them will miss the mark because to some extent we are speaking separate languages. I mean, even when Catholics and Protestants talk about things like grace, sanctification, etc. it is necessary to define terms because we define these things differently.


And so, it is just all so complicated.

I enjoy the disparity of opinions.

I love the diversity.

I just don't like the facelessness (even though some use personal avatars) because I believe that it makes it easier for us to argue at one another rather than just share ideas. And it gives me a stomach ache.


Both, depending upon my mood and available time. But sometimes I don't weigh in on the controversial ones if I don't have the "emotional energy" or I'm pretty sure people would get upset. I'm with Crissy that almost anyone else can articulate my position better than me.


I agree with both of you. I enjoy intellectual discussions. I like educating myself in all POVs and drawing my own conclusions. I don't feel threatened by those that oppose my viewpoint b/c I have reached mine with much deliberate thought. I can normally understand where others are coming from even if I have ultimately reached different conclusions.


What does bother me about many of the "hot" threads is that people post heresay as if it is well-documented fact. Many times no matter how bland and innocuous of a factual response you post, it makes zero impact.


I try to avoid getting involved in threads if I know that my post is futile or if I know that once I post that I am going to have to keep elaborating. I make the decision to enter into heated discussions only if my POV has not been mentioned by anyone and feel that perspective needs valid consideration.


I have enough conflict with my overly emotional teenager to get involved in conflict for conflict's sake! :)

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