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My daughter, Stacey, lost this baby -- she just called me

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OH my Mariann :grouphug:,


I have am stunned...we've been praying here for Stacey, Mario, and baby and I'm just gobsmacked. We will continue to pray in earnest for them and for you, your dh, and children. I'm glad you are going to spend a week with her.


If memory serves, her whacko, freak principal was evil about her leave last autumn, so I am just going to say that I'm heartbroken for her and Mario, but thankful that the summer break has arrived and she won't also be dealing with Mr. Nasty every day. I'll also pray for the doctors to have wisdom and tenacity in finding the problem.


Again, I'm so sorry Mariann...I wish I lived in Virginia so I could do something practical for you.



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I'm so, so very sorry. Unfortunately I have been in her shoes many times and it is heartbreaking. It's so hard to carry a baby and never get to bring him home. *tears* My heart is breaking for your dd.


I know you are still reeling from this news, but two late losses are not normal. If the babies don't have any genetic problems, PLEASE have your dd find the book "Is Your Body Baby Friendly?" by Dr Alan Beer. I had seven late losses and was able to have two healthy babies with treatment developed by this brilliant man and wonderful doctor(who sadly died during my last pregnancy). She may need to find a reproductive immunologist. Does she have any living children? It is common for women or already have one (or more) child(ren) to develop an immune problem. I hope this helps and she doesn't have to spend years and years looking for an answer the way I did. :( Give your dd plenty of hugs from me.

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I'm so, so very sorry. Unfortunately I have been in her shoes many times and it is heartbreaking. It's so hard to carry a baby and never get to bring him home. *tears* My heart is breaking for your dd.


I know you are still reeling from this news, but two late losses are not normal. If the babies don't have any genetic problems, PLEASE have your dd find the book "Is Your Body Baby Friendly?" by Dr Alan Beer. I had seven late losses and was able to have two healthy babies with treatment developed by this brilliant man and wonderful doctor(who sadly died during my last pregnancy). She may need to find a reproductive immunologist. Does she have any living children? It is common for women or already have one (or more) child(ren) to develop an immune problem. I hope this helps and she doesn't have to spend years and years looking for an answer the way I did. :( Give your dd plenty of hugs from me.


OMH -- I was also a patient of Dr. Beer when I was having miscarriage after miscarriage -- one round of tx with him and we now have dd12 and the twins who are almost 11. He is such a wonderful man.


Thank you for the book suggestion -- I will get it and see that Stacey reads it.


Thanks for your kind words -- last night and today I was telling stacey that when I was pg with the three youngers, I took heparin injections twice a day in the abdomen, and had IVIg treatments through both pregnancies. Thirteen/Fourteen years ago, lots of people in the medical community thought that Dr. Beer was a clown - I thought he was a genius.



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I just got online and thank you all again from the bottom of my heart. :grouphug: Today is the day that it has all 'sunk in' for me, but I am fine. Just exhausted. Stacey just wants to deliver the baby and find out what went wrong. I do think she is getting comfort from the thought that there is nothing she could have done to prevent this from happening and that there is something physiological going on.


I will go to NJ on monday with one of my three and the other two will stay behind here with family friends. I just don't have the stamina to deal with my three and my sweet, precious grand-daughters who are just heartbroken.


Your prayers and good thoughts and the wonderful advice we have received have been a blessing to me and Stacey and to her husband. Thank you all so much. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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OMH -- I was also a patient of Dr. Beer when I was having miscarriage after miscarriage -- one round of tx with him and we now have dd12 and the twins who are almost 11. He is such a wonderful man.


Thank you for the book suggestion -- I will get it and see that Stacey reads it.


Thanks for your kind words -- last night and today I was telling stacey that when I was pg with the three youngers, I took heparin injections twice a day in the abdomen, and had IVIg treatments through both pregnancies. Thirteen/Fourteen years ago, lots of people in the medical community thought that Dr. Beer was a clown - I thought he was a genius.




Oh, those are so...fun. :glare: I had those with ds6, since he followed my daughter who died in labor and then an early miscarriage. It's just so sad that any of us have to chalk up multiple losses before things can be discovered. :(

But I was entirely grateful to my perinatologists, who looked hard for the source.

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Oh, those are so...fun. :glare: I had those with ds6, since he followed my daughter who died in labor and then an early miscarriage. It's just so sad that any of us have to chalk up multiple losses before things can be discovered. :(

But I was entirely grateful to my perinatologists, who looked hard for the source.


The first time I had to give myself the injection, it probably took me 20 minutes just to get the syringe close to my abdomen. But, I learned.


Progesterone -- now that's another story. :glare: I think I spent months walking around with ice packs on my belly and my fanny.


You are correct - it is all so sad -- they have, however, learned so much in just the past 15 years.:grouphug:

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I'm so sorry about your daughter's loss.


Another vote for recommending to her that she see someone at the late Dr. Beer's clinic. Besides that website (http://www.repro-med.net/repro-med-site2/) there's also a yahoo support group http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/immunologysupport/ .




So sorry to hear that. Peace be with you all.:grouphug:


I'm so very sorry! :grouphug:


Oh my -- Dr. Beer passed away? DH and I saw him 13-14 years ago when we were in IF tx with him. He was a wonderful man. I will put Stacey in touch. I know that Dr. Check in Marlton, NJ does things quite similarly to Dr. Beer.


Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers and advice.


I am going to NJ on Monday -- and returning next Friday. Coveting prayers for Stacey during delivery on Wednesday as the last time, it did not go well, and things became dicey.

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