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Oh, good grief!

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My 5-year-old fell in the bath right on top of a measuring cup handle. It cut her vaginal lip. :( So of course it's sore. It is just a scrape, so I put some neosporin on it and am having her wear loose panties for the next few days. The worst part? She has doctor's appointment on Tuesday. It's a well-child check where they will check all her bits.


Tell me that this child is not the only one to get cuts on her crotch and my doctor won't think I'm some sicko! Because otherwise I think I cancel her appointment and just take in the baby for his 1-week check...

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Honestly, it depends on your relationship with your doctor. I'd have been fine telling mine what happened and then taking my dd in to her appointment. But, if you think yours would be suspicious, then I'd put it off!!!


Well I know mine thinks I'm a good parent. We see her pretty regularly (between well checks and illnesses). I don't think she'll assume anything except ask what happened. I just don't know about mandatory reporting/inspections or whatever. The rational part of me thinks that cuts happen all the time--even on vaginas--so that would really be a silly thing to have to report. But, who knows with today's society...

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Were there any issues you were planning to discuss with the doctor? Vaccinations that you were planning to give your child? Is she generally healthy? If you don't really have to take her, I wouldn't. I just heard of one more family I know that is being investigated by CPS because a Dr. turned them in, even after the family told the Dr. exactly how the child got the bruises.

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I'd go but tell her right off that your dd got a cut there, tell her how you've been treating it, and ask if there's anything else she recommends for it. That way you're the aware & proactive parent bringing the issue to her, rather than her discovering it and questioning.

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Call as soon as you can (Monday?) and ask for advice about her cut. If you don't take her and then an infection sets in, they might suspect you canceled her appointment because you are trying to hide something.


I hate that we have to be careful about getting help for our kids. :mad:

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Were there any issues you were planning to discuss with the doctor? Vaccinations that you were planning to give your child? Is she generally healthy? If you don't really have to take her, I wouldn't. I just heard of one more family I know that is being investigated by CPS because a Dr. turned them in, even after the family told the Dr. exactly how the child got the bruises.



Oh, God help me then, because my dd is on a record breaking binge to injure herself! In the last 7 months: 1. broke toe (in half) really bad (resulted in a cast up to her knee), 2. Split head open by ceiling fan (at a sleep over) resulting in stitches, 3. Good size konk to the head at an air show. She ran into the propeller of a plane, 4. Fell while walking and between her braces and teeth, she decimated her lower lip (late night ER visit). Toss in some extra random bruises and I should start saving for my defense lawyer, shouldn't I?

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I'd go but tell her right off that your dd got a cut there, tell her how you've been treating it, and ask if there's anything else she recommends for it. That way you're the aware & proactive parent bringing the issue to her, rather than her discovering it and questioning.



:iagree:So sorry for your little girl!

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She cut into her vagina? I am thinking you mean labia. No? I would take her in, just to make sure everything is ok. In retropsect, I have never had a Dr look at my toddlers' vaginas.


Yes, it's her outer lip.


If it were a weekday I'd have called and gotten direction with how to treat it. If it's looking off, I'll definitely call on Monday. Otherwise I'd just wait till her appointment Tuesday for any other typical cut.


My pedi has always checked out their bits at a well check. I think just to make sure things are deeloping fine. She's a very level-headed lady that I trust. I just wouldn't want any mandatory reporting issues.


I think I'll wait till Tuesday to see what it looks like and decide from there...


I know what having a cut there feels like, so I feel really badly for Abby. I hope it heals quickly!

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into the tub when he was 4, landed on the edge of a plastic toy, and cut a circumferential laceration around the base of his penis that had to have stitches.


It did not go all the way around, only about 3\4, and only about half of it was deep enough to be stitched. It's a pretty common area of injury for the average active preschooler!

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into the tub when he was 4, landed on the edge of a plastic toy, and cut a circumferential laceration around the base of his penis that had to have stitches.


It did not go all the way around, only about 3\4, and only about half of it was deep enough to be stitched. It's a pretty common area of injury for the average active preschooler!


Glad she's not the only one! And happy her cut isn't deep enough to need stitches!

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I'd seriously reschedule. No way... no how would I take her. My brother's friend had her daughter taken by CPS because she took her in when she fell on a shampoo bottle... Does it look like it's healing correctly? (if it's "cut" apart, is it naturally growing "whole" again?)

Anyway, no Drs for my child if that had happened!!! I have more than one friend... who has had CPS problems because of Drs... (and no, not because of any parent inflicted bruises...) My (other) friend who had the Drs talking about what to do... didn't EVERY spank her kids... or <of course> smack their faces. The little one bruises really easily and had slept on her hand and it had a VERY small light bruise... Totally fit the kids hand... but... the first Dr (her regular Dr was off... took the child in for a sick visit) had alerted other Drs to "talk" about it... UGH... Anyway, Drs can be VERY suspicious because of all the nasty stuff they see...


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It makes me deeply sad that our culture has devolved so much into suspicion and distrust of parents that rescheduling such a routine visit under such circumstances might be necessary.


I don't think I personally would reschedule, but CPS is one of my great nightmare, boogeyman fears, so if the OP does, I think that's totally understandable.

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I remember when I was about 8yo and playing in the back yard with my folks, my dad swung me around and tossed me in the air--sort of like it would look if you jumped off a swing--and I landed on the sprinkler head right. there. So I know how much that hurts! Anyway, I personally wouldn't reschedule, but I've been with our pediatrician for many years and he knows us and we know him. If it was someone new, or someone I didn't have a great relationship with, I would reschedule.

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This is where I think it is imperative to have a long-term doctor you trust. I used to worry about taking dd in when she was a toddler, because she was a walking disaster, always bumping, bruising, konking herself. I took her in after she jumped off a still-moving merry-go-round and really konked her head (I was worried because she had a soft spot on her head when she shouldn't have one any longer and was walking a little funny). My pediatrician was really glad I had brought her -- she had a simply concussion, and she said it would have been bad if I had taken her to the ER. Because she saw how upset and worried I was and had treated my dd since birth, there was no problem. We actually joked about whether a pediatrician could prescribe high blood pressure meds to moms of accident-prone toddlers.


All that to say that I'd take her in -- tell the doctor what happened and how you have been treating her. Like others have said, if the cut does not heal well or needs further attention, you don't want it to look like you delayed getting needed care.



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I'd go in like normal and say something at the beginning of the appointment like, "My daughter was taking a bath with some toys. One of them was a measuring cup for pouring water, and she fell on it and cut her labia. It looks like it is healing ok, but could you take a look during the exam and make sure?"

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It makes me deeply sad that our culture has devolved so much into suspicion and distrust of parents that rescheduling such a routine visit under such circumstances might be necessary.


I don't think I personally would reschedule, but CPS is one of my great nightmare, boogeyman fears, so if the OP does, I think that's totally understandable.



This is one reason it might (if you have the insurance) be good to have regular well child checks in the same practice, with the same Dr or nurse. I would not be the least bit concerned asking my Dr about an injury. She's known us a long time. She would not 'jump the gun."


I think it *is* sad that people worry. We need our doctors when children are sick/injured, and we should not run the other way if this happens. It's upsetting to me that so many people are so afraid. :grouphug: That a Dr you've seen for a few years, who has cared for your healthy children would turn against you? That is *very* scary.

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I'd reschedule if I didn't know the Dr pretty well. We moved to this area 3 years ago and changed Drs after the 1st year visit, so this one has only seen them 2X for well visits - I'd likely reschedule and just comment (after healed) about it, if the question came up. Where we used to live I had the same Dr for 5+ years and multiple visits a year, so it wouldn't have bothered me to go in and ask.


One of my biggest "new parent" regrets is that when my oldest was a toddler I ended up taking him to the Urgent Care for a tiny cut on his finger and they forced me to list my beloved dog as a "strike one" for dog bites. My dog is an ANGEL with the kids, no matter what (11yo now and has never even growled at them, even if they are rough) - but my son had gone up to him while he was chewing on a bone one day and literally stuck his finger in the dogs mouth as it chewed down. Completely NOT the dogs fault and in NO WAY an aggressive act, but because a dog was involved and I knew the dog they insisted I list him. It was a ridiculously tiny cut on his pinky, too, but because I was a new parent I freaked out when I couldn't get it to stop right away and he kept crying & puking (he was a stress-puker!). Nowadays, I wouldn't bat an eye - just put more pressure on until bleeding stopped, drop on a bandage, and go about our day.


The problem with forced reporting requirements is that they don't allow any common sense to be used!

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Just a public service announcement on taking kids in with bruising - I've had to take my ds to see the ped for excessive bruising (especially around the abdomen and back), and it turned out that he has a condition involving low platelets. This is a very important piece of medical information. Carry on....;)

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My relationship with my kids' pediatrician is long-term and such that I know he would accept my explanation for an injury like this. Also, a cut on a labia is not the most likely indicator of sexual abuse. Docs are pretty well trained to look at an injury and and determine if the explanation is likely or not. FWIW, our pediatrician always looks at the kids' bits at well-child checks. But if you feel uncomfortable, cancel it and reschedule.

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I would think that the cause of a labial cut without any other evidence of abuse would be believed. I mean, if a child were being abused in that way, the doctor would certainly look for more ****ing evidence than that (evidence of penetration, bruising, vaginal tearing, etc). So, if it were my child, and I had a positive history with the doctor, I'd take her.

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She cut into her vagina? I am thinking you mean labia. No? I would take her in, just to make sure everything is ok. In retropsect, I have never had a Dr look at my toddlers' vaginas.


:confused: My dd's get theirs visually checked every year and they, and I, *HATE* it. My sons also got the same.:confused: How *CAN* we avoid this?

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:confused: My dd's get theirs visually checked every year and they, and I, *HATE* it. My sons also got the same.:confused: How *CAN* we avoid this?


Switch to a family practice dr. instead of a pediatrician. We've found them to be much less instrusive and we're much more comfortable.

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:confused: My dd's get theirs visually checked every year and they, and I, *HATE* it. My sons also got the same.:confused: How *CAN* we avoid this?


Flat-out tell your pediatrician that you aren't comfortable with it. If they're level-headed, they'll say "Okay" and move on, or maybe explain what exactly they're checking for (and then you can restate your refusal and move on).


Mine always wanted to check DD1 for labial adhesions, and I finally said "You know, I'm not comfortable with a near-stranger (to her) touching or examining that area when there's no need. I change her diaper every day. If I notice anything I don't consider normal, I will bring her in. Otherwise, I don't want you to remove her diaper." He's never mentioned it again. I wouldn't continue seeing a doctor who was "my way or the highway".

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I would absolutely take her and mention the injury! Don't be afraid of the Dr. Just act very matter of fact. The child fell, it happens. If you reschedule, the Dr is still going to peek between her legs, and will probably see a healing injury.


A friend of mine got stitches down below when she was young.


Injuries in my house: DD had 4 stitches in the forehead, ds had 2 staples in the back of his head. Ds had 4ish stitches in his pinky. Dd should have had stitches in her leg, but the ER knew her (how sad is that?!) and glued it instead. Tick on the penis. Plantar faciitis. Ds fell off a guard rail and landed on his face, and Dr wanted a CT because it was impossible to tell how bad it was. Dd gets yeast infections and UTIs. Ds was trying to jump off a baby swing and caught his scrotum resulting in a bruise.


My kids were always seen at the same hospital and same pediatrician. We used to be thrilled when we saw a well known ER doc because he knew my kids and would skip the details. He even understood that my son was language delayed and would accept his answers to injuries.

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Switch to a family practice dr. instead of a pediatrician. We've found them to be much less instrusive and we're much more comfortable.


yes, looking at labia and the outside bits and such is not looking at the vagina. I have never once had our pedi open my dds legs to look at their vagina. Never.

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Today was the original appointment. I looked at her bits today and the cut looks fairly healed, but there is some bruising on her labia. We have a positive relationship with my kids' pediatrician, but just to avoid anything, I canceled her appointment and have rescheduled it to coincide with her brother's weight check next week.

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Today was the original appointment. I looked at her bits today and the cut looks fairly healed, but there is some bruising on her labia. We have a positive relationship with my kids' pediatrician, but just to avoid anything, I canceled her appointment and have rescheduled it to coincide with her brother's weight check next week.

Nothing wrong with that.

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When I was seven I had a pink girls Huffy dirt bike. The apartment complex we lived in had places in the curb where the concrete had broken and you could ride your bike up on to the sidewalk. One day I was going a bit too fast and missed the break I was aiming for, hitting the curb at full force. My crotch hit the bar at full force. I remember thinking I was going to get in trouble for wetting my pants just before I passed out from the pain. The wet I had felt was blood. I think that was probably the most pain I have ever been in.


My mom called our Dr. Even though it was a Saturday and he met us at his office. She had had a bad ER experience with my brother and did her best to avoid them. Our first Dr. had been her Dr., delivered us, and he preferred she bring us to him. It didn't seem to matter what day or time. After we moved my moms first job was in a Dr.'s office and she developed the same sort of relationship with him. She could call no matter when it was and he'd meet us his office or the ER if he felt that was necessary.

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