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s/o rats vs gerbils....which would you choose?

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Hello all,


After a recent thread about pet mice, I'm now thinking rats or gerbils. I have a DS11, DS8, DD4. They really would like a pet. I've taken care of rats before and found them very loving and social. But someone said she has had rats and gerbils but preferred gerbils b/c of less mess.


So, which would you choose and why?


Thanks for helping me with this possible decisions,


Capt Uhura

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Neither. I have a very strict no rodents in the house rule. I will leave you with this story. When my dc were little dh wanted ds to have a hamster or a gerbil. I said "No." One day I am at the pet store picking up some cat food. Ahead of me in line is a mom and her 2 children purchasing a hamster. The children looked so happy with the little guy and their habitrail and accessories. I started thinking "Maybe." They exit the store and I make my purchase. The family happened to be parked next to me. As I approached my mini-van I heard screams and crying. I get closer. Little boy is in tears and has blood running down his hand. The cute, little rodent had bitten him. No rodents in the house.

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rats!!! Hands down. Rats are very social and very cuddly. We had a wonderful Russian Blue Dumbo that loved to be cuddled and fall asleep in your arms. Dc would dress her up in doll clothes and she seemed to like it. She would pick up an outfit and take it to them. They are social creatures so you should consider more than 1.

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Rats, definitely. Gerbils aren't very friendly and jump like they're possessed. Rats are highly intelligent, clean, very trainable, friendly, and adaptable. I've had several, and they make amazing pets. Like a dog, but more compact.


Also, they'll eat your leftovers. :D


The only downside I've seen to having rats is that they have a higher than normal tendency to develop tumors. Most of the ones I've had didn't live much beyond two or three years, even when I had the tumors surgically removed by the vet.

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Rats, definitely. Gerbils aren't very friendly and jump like they're possessed. Rats are highly intelligent, clean, very trainable, friendly, and adaptable. I've had several, and they make amazing pets. Like a dog, but more compact.


Also, they'll eat your leftovers. :D


The only downside I've seen to having rats is that they have a higher than normal tendency to develop tumors. Most of the ones I've had didn't live much beyond two or three years, even when I had the tumors surgically removed by the vet.


:iagree: (except that I haven't had one. Yet. ;) )

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Neither. I have a very strict no rodents in the house rule. I will leave you with this story. When my dc were little dh wanted ds to have a hamster or a gerbil. I said "No." One day I am at the pet store picking up some cat food. Ahead of me in line is a mom and her 2 children purchasing a hamster. The children looked so happy with the little guy and their habitrail and accessories. I started thinking "Maybe." They exit the store and I make my purchase. The family happened to be parked next to me. As I approached my mini-van I heard screams and crying. I get closer. Little boy is in tears and has blood running down his hand. The cute, little rodent had bitten him. No rodents in the house.


Well. If they read the hamster book they would have known better. It says not to go poking at a new hamster until it knows you.


A gerbil bit my finger. I was dumb and bathing it (???) Finger swelled and I had to take meds

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Neither. I have a very strict no rodents in the house rule. I will leave you with this story. When my dc were little dh wanted ds to have a hamster or a gerbil. I said "No." One day I am at the pet store picking up some cat food. Ahead of me in line is a mom and her 2 children purchasing a hamster. The children looked so happy with the little guy and their habitrail and accessories. I started thinking "Maybe." They exit the store and I make my purchase. The family happened to be parked next to me. As I approached my mini-van I heard screams and crying. I get closer. Little boy is in tears and has blood running down his hand. The cute, little rodent had bitten him. No rodents in the house.


I've only ever been bitten by one of my rats once, but I had chocolate smeared all over my finger and he thought it was a Snickers, so really, it was my own fault. And as soon as he realized it was a finger and not a snack, he let go and looked properly ashamed of himself. ;)

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If you get a gerbil, you should ideally get two, from what I've read and heard. However, DH and DD came home with only one, so that's what we stuck with. He's cute but has never been cuddly or that tame, though he tolerates DD and will let her pet him sometimes and not run away when she's playing with him. He has bitten her, me, and my younger DD before. He's easy to take care of, eagerly chews up all our empty toilet paper/paper towel tubes, and low maintenance. I do not recommend getting a wire/plastic cage; stick with a glass one to contain the mess and keep him/her from chewing up all the plastic.


I doubt we'll get another gerbil after he's gone, which probably won't be long, since we've had him over 2 years and their life expectancy is around 3 years—sometimes more and sometimes less. Now my DDs want a hedgehog. :)

Edited by WordGirl
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Ds has a gerbil, and he likes putting him in his gerbil (hamster??) ball. The gerbil is a pretty curious little fellow, but not very loving or easy to pet. If you persist in trying to hold him, he'll bite.


He is fairly clean though. Keeps his waste in one area of his cage and we only need to clean out his cage about 1x every 8-9 days.

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I've only ever been bitten by one of my rats once, but I had chocolate smeared all over my finger and he thought it was a Snickers, so really, it was my own fault. And as soon as he realized it was a finger and not a snack, he let go and looked properly ashamed of himself. ;)


I can see how a finger could look like a snickers. I did have a friend in college who had a pet rat. He was a friendly rodent.

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We have both and adore both.

Our gerbils are friendly, will take treats from our hands, get play time but are not really for holding.

The best thing is they do not smell!!!!


Rats smell, have a shorter life span then gerbils BUT are highly trainable, can be carried around with you easily.


If they want a pet to hold then a rat. If they want a pet to care for and feed and enjoy by watching then I would recommend gerbils.


Have fun!

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Gerbils! We had female litter mates that were the most precious rodents I've ever owned. They never bit and weren't stinky like any other rodent we've had. They would run to their cage door when they saw us. I miss my Harriet and Jane.

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Hello all,


After a recent thread about pet mice, I'm now thinking rats or gerbils. I have a DS11, DS8, DD4. They really would like a pet. I've taken care of rats before and found them very loving and social. But someone said she has had rats and gerbils but preferred gerbils b/c of less mess.


So, which would you choose and why?


Thanks for helping me with this possible decisions,


Capt Uhura


I picked gerbils b/c DH said if we got rats he'd move out! :lol:


We got 2 males who were little cuddlebugs. They died after 2+ years. Then we got 2 females. Not as sweet and cuddly, I am afraid!

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rats are really smart, can come when you call them, and can learn really cool tricks. of course they have personalities, too. They are very, very fun pets in that you can interact with them, almost.


we've recently had Russian Hamsters and they are so sweet, adorable, funny and loved to be held. My av? That's one of them. But not a lot of interaction going on.

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Rat!! though I've never had a gerbil. We had a rat a few years back named Peachy. I could bring her into the living room and she would run around and sniff and would come when I called her name. We could hand wrestle with her. I'd put her on her back and tickle her tummy and then push her away and she would come running back. She also gave lots of kisses.


Spend a little time in the pet store if you can. We had another rat that we describe as our 'laboratory rat'. She sat in the corner of her cage, never came to us when we called, and could not be caught if let out of the cage.


Good luck!

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What about cleaning cages?


We've had rats. We loved them tremendously and they were great pets. The cleaning part wasn't fun though. The cage made my dd's room stink. We cleaned it out every other day because if we waited more than 2 days the smell was really noticeable. It wasn't hard but it was time consuming because we had to wash out the whole cage including the ramps and shelves since the rats didn't confine their waste to one area of the cage. I found it is extremely important to not let soiled bedding sit around too long because the ammonia can make the rats sick. The type of cage is also important for rats because wire cages can cause bumblefoot.

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My oldest has two female rats that he has brought home from college. I am shocked by how smart they and how clean they are. They are shiny-clean and keep their living space tidy. They also do things and they come when he calls them. They nestle into him like puppies. It's very intersting! However, they eat through plastic cages, chicken wire etc. He has them in large glass aquarium with various toys. At night, he puts the aquarium in thhe enclosed shower stall. They are very good escape artists, which is probably when they are banned in Alberta. ;)

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Thank you everyone for helping me to think through this important decision!


If they want a pet to hold then a rat. If they want a pet to care for and feed and enjoy by watching then I would recommend gerbils.


Have fun!


Love this! Thank you! I think the kids want a pet to hold and play with.

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Gerbils can be very affectionate if you get them young, males especially. but they're escape artists, and they're jumpers-it is very, very difficult to contain them (I have seen a gerbil sail out of a cardboard box with walls several feet high). This makes them very, very hard to play with, because it's so easy to lose them-and when one jumps, it's HARD to hold on to that slippery little body (and trying to hold the tail is about like trying to hold a lizard by the tail-same result). I'd suggest only one, unless you want LOTS of babies. Neither two males nor two females do particularly well together.


The plus of gerbils is that, since they're desert dwellers, they produce almost no urine and little, tiny, hard pellets of feces-so they're less stinky than most rodents.


I never had rats, so I can't compare them.

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