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What's on your nightstand?

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I must say I like all of your night stands way better than mine. I have the lonely unmatched sock collection from the laundry which divorces pairs right next to my alarm clock. There is room for a glass of water and a little Ghirardelli chocolate. :) Any of my books are either clear across the room or unceremoniously dumped on the floor of my side.


By the way, what is the time limit on waiting for the "other" sock to miraculously re-appear? I never know how long to wait before I just give in and throw it away...

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The Help - Kathryn Stockett (made me bawl!)

I'm the One that I Want - Margaret Cho (made me laugh!)

The Wordy Shipmates - Sarah Vowell (saw her live a few weeks back)

So Far - Kelsey Grammer (don't like him...)

Portugese Irregular Verbs - Alexander McCall Smith (haven't started yet)

How Soccer Explains the World - Franklin Foer (only read parts of it so far)


(Oh, and 2 books in my take everywhere bag - both about David Beckham. Guilty pleasure... ::blush:: )

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The Unofficial Guide to Disney (too tired to go get it for exact title)- we're planning a vacation.

The Egypt Game- reading it to see if it's suitable for dd.


That's it. A cosleeping baby makes it hard to read in bed at night and I am usually totally wiped out at the end of the day now. I miss reading.

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I don't have a nightstand, but by my computer are the books I'm actively reading (is it an ADD thing to be reading a bunch of books at once?).


The Emotion Code (about energy work)

It's All Too Much (about clutter)

Taming the Spirited Child (about... the obvious)

Book of Mormon (scriptures)

Edited by LittleIzumi
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Augustus Caesar's World


Let's Weigh the Evidence: Which Bible is the Real Word of God?

Nature Study for the Whole Family

Tocqueville's Democracy in America

Prescription for Nutritional Healing

TRISM's Reading Through the Ages

The Nature Study Idea Book

Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends

Bible Doctrine for Today

Shakespeare for Dummies


gee whiz, no wonder my house is a mess...

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iPad Kindle - reading all of these at once: Atlas Shrugged, A Little History of the World, Lies My Teacher Told Me, Killer Germs by Barry Zimmerman, Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer

Physical books - Core Knowledge books and a few dozen read-alouds/picture books, mostly on science and history

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Oh boy, mine is a crazy mess:


The Right Choice: Homeschooling by Christopher Klicka

The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease

TWTM by SWB and Jessie Wise

The Bible (NIV )

History of the Christian Church by Lars P. Qualben

Home Style Teaching by Dr. Raymond Moore

The Rainbow Resource catalog

Fabled Flowers ( a quilting book)

A stack of piano music

The Jungle Book (Walt Disney version. Don't know why this is here. DD8 must have been reading it in my bed!)

My personal journal

The Republic of Plato

Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe by Todd Wilson

Shattering the Myths of Darwinism by Richard Milton


I am actively reading most of these. They are ones I am either in the middle of currently or refer to often enough to keep them close. Except in the case of the Church history, Darwinism, and Plato.. these are ones that I plan to finish some day. I enjoyed what I read so far. I keep my book mark in them. I will get to them... someday....

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ETA: Deleting because I had only read the title and posted. Upon going back and seeing you were talking about BOOKS, well... then there's no need to list all my personal thingies. :tongue_smilie:


As for books on my nightstand:

The Enclave by Karen Hancock

Desiring God by John Piper

Born on a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet(cool book written by a savant/aspie)

Edited by specialmama
arg... must read first post thoroughly...
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Books: NIV study bible, sudoku puzzle book, and a baby counting book for the number 4


Discarded book jackets: WTM and one of Joy Hakim's science books. I must've been reading them in bed at some point and got irritated with the paper jackets slipping around.

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I don't read in bed because my kids sleep with me, and then they'd want to read in bed as well. Then we'd all wake up cranky in the morning with sore noses from where we dropped the books on our faces. This we know from that sad, sad lesson known as Experience, sigh!


I keep my books-in-queue on the back of the toilet, within reach of my beloved bathtub. I have a few cooking magazines, a few trashy gossip magazines, and a book about the mass-marketing of "luxury" and how the big brands have suckered middle America whilst simultaneously watered-down the true meaning of luxury. I love me some sociological books. With short chapters. Long chapters = pruney body because I can't get out of the tub mid-chapter. I don't know why, just can't. I've tried and had to hop back in, sans water, just to finish the chapter.


But that's not what you were asking, now, was it :blush:!

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By the way, what is the time limit on waiting for the "other" sock to miraculously re-appear? I never know how long to wait before I just give in and throw it away...


Experience has taught me that the time limit on waiting for the "other" sock to miraculously re-appear is ALWAYS one day less than the time it actually takes to re-appear.


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By the way, what is the time limit on waiting for the "other" sock to miraculously re-appear? I never know how long to wait before I just give in and throw it away...


I put unmatched socks (everybody's) in my underwear drawer and match them up as they show up. I have some that have been in there, unmatched, for years. I just can't bring myself to throw them out.

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History of the Ancient World

Far From the Maddening Crowd

The Last Juror

Old Yeller (read aloud for kids)


And I'm also in the middle of another book about the teenage brain, but that's on my desk downstairs. I can't remember the name of it and don't feel like getting out of bed to go look.


On the floor next to my bed is:

Apologia General Science (I'm pre-reading a chapter ahead of ds all year)

Writer's Jungle

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Holy Bible the spanish/english version (dhs)

Your body's many cries for water

Using the cuisenaire rods by jessica davidson

RR catalog

The recipe for living without disease by aajonus vonderplanitz...raw primal diet


I am too tired to capitalize and such...waiting for dh to finish milking and chores...all the kids are having a sleepover in our bedroom tonight and are finally asleep. :closedeyes:

Edited by JENinOR
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