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My radiation plans

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I managed to find my way to TX through the Angelnetwork!!! Then an agency called Angel Ground Network picked me up at the airport in Angelton and brought me into Houston!! I didn't have to have a rental car. I fly home tomorrow.


Today I saw the doc, Doctor Wendy Woodward. I REALLY liked her. I have decided to go with what she recommended and do the twice a day radiation. I am VERY scared. Radiation causes cancer, right? Bad long term side effects, right? I am just putting my trust in Jesus. Please Lord see me through this difficult time.


I will have a half day to pack and start driving with my family to get to my appt on Tuesday. The best part is that I can get free chair massages AND I didn't have to receive tatoos!!! They used markers and I just have to keep them up!


I am totally exhausted. Tomorrow though I will meet two women who also have IBC. One is flying on the plane with me and the other is meeting me when the plane lands. I will have a 7 hour drive home.


This should all be an adventure. Wish me luck in getting packed, finding a place for the dogs and finding a place for me and the family. I always love a challenge and this one will be no different. The very, very best part is that baring any setbacks I will finish my radiation before my family reunion!!!! I didn't think that was going to happen. I am so happy!


Take care,


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Where are you having your radiation? I had radiation on my chest about 15 years ago. I have six weeks, five days a week. I have the tattoos, they look more like blackheads.


I'll keep you in my prayers, it can be scary. During my radiation the only thing I felt in charge of was my attitude.


Knock on wood, at 15 years I haven't had any major side effects. I have a few issues, but it's never been confirmed they were from the radiation. They are mere annoyances really.


I assume they talked to you about the burns. I will say this is good time of year to go through tx, because you can wear less clothes. I gave up on a bra and bought very thin cotton shirts to wear. By the end I had a "sunburn" but it healed fairly quickly.


I listened to a lot of inspirational tapes and music when I drove to my tx. I put God in charge of the things I couldn't change, and worked on my own attitude. :grouphug:

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I'm sure the 2 x per day treatment is as much an art as it a science. It sounds like you are in very good hands, especially if you liked your doctor right away. That's a good sign.


In the meantime I will keep praying for the very best outcome for you, Christine. Take care!


:) :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Christine, you are so brave and so strong.:grouphug::grouphug:

Prayers for continued strength and healing coming your way.

Reading your post makes me thing of the psalm, "the Lord is my strength and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?":grouphug::grouphug:

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I think it was miraculous that we left our house today at 4:15!!!! I didn't really have that many melt downs either!!! ha ha. We made it to Madison, WI. Tomorrow we will drive to my parents in MO and I think my Mom will come with us. We have no idea where we will stay yet but I know it will all work out. Maybe I can't meet some WTM friends in Texas.


Thank you for your prayers. I am not really super confident about the radiation. Truth be told I am scared. This is the worst part I think of all the treatment so far. I am afraid of the long term side effects. Just praying that the Lord will grant me a lasting cure so that I can raise my children to serve the Lord.

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I think it was miraculous that we left our house today at 4:15!!!! I didn't really have that many melt downs either!!! ha ha. We made it to Madison, WI. Tomorrow we will drive to my parents in MO and I think my Mom will come with us. We have no idea where we will stay yet but I know it will all work out. Maybe I can't meet some WTM friends in Texas.


Thank you for your prayers. I am not really super confident about the radiation. Truth be told I am scared. This is the worst part I think of all the treatment so far. I am afraid of the long term side effects. Just praying that the Lord will grant me a lasting cure so that I can raise my children to serve the Lord.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Continuing to pray, Christine. I would be scared too. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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