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Do you school on birthdays?

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DD is 7 today.


Daddy has the car and will be working until late tonight. We technically had her party on Easter weekend so she's gotten all her stuff. We had cake last night in anticipation of Daddy working tonight. The weather is blech and looks like rain is coming.


But do I make them do some school today? They've been jumping on the bed and playing Mario Wii for the day so far. Although we also let the rabbits in so they could poop all over Mom's clean kitchen floor. :glare:


It FEELS like the day has been a party for them already. :D

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"No. Yes. Sometimes, Depends on the child. It's up to the children."

These are the responses I got from dd 16.:confused:

Yes, my birthday is always a holiday but only for me;

unless I want them to wait on me, bringing me bonbons and the like.:D

If older one has college no day off.

It just depends on what's going on in the school year for us too. For the most part, we take the day off and go to a state park or a museum or zoo. If the weather's bad, we watch movies.

I used to say that we celebrated a birthday for a week sometimes, just doing various fun things if we can't do it on the birthday. I think we still celebrate as long as possible.

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We take a WEEK off from each child's birthday. I only have 2. It works really nicely for us. We take a week in February and next week (PARTY!). Then I take 2 weeks off in August and 6 weeks in November/December. 42 week school year.

So, yes, they boys have their birthdays off.

Although my birthday boy has to share his birthday with Mother's Day this year. I don't mind. :)

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We take a WEEK off from each child's birthday. I only have 2. It works really nicely for us. We take a week in February and next week (PARTY!). Then I take 2 weeks off in August and 6 weeks in November/December. 42 week school year.

So, yes, they boys have their birthdays off.

Although my birthday boy has to share his birthday with Mother's Day this year. I don't mind. :)

Us too! :D


My kids love their birthday weeks. It's one of their favorite things about homeschooling. They get as big a break for their birthday as we give other major holidays.

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We took today off because it is military spouse appreciation day. We absolutely take birthdays off. I'm always up for an excuse to take a day off. And then I stress because we're behind but it is usually worth it. :D

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