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Do you drive with the car windows down?

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I'm sitting at a 4 way intersection earlier daydreaming while I wait for the light to change. I started counting how many people had their car windows down. It was amazing. Out of about 30 cars I would say that at least 20 had at least one window down.


Its nice weather here today but not that warm. My heat came on this morning :confused:


I never put the car windows down. I hate the noise when I'm driving and I'm always afraid some bugs are going to fly in.

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In nice weather I will put the windows down while we are on rural/suburban roads. Once we are on highways, I always roll them up because I can't stand the noise. If it's too hot I'll put them up to turn on the AC since I don't like opening the windows next to the little guys since they like to throw things out the windows.:glare:

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Yup. I love the fresh air, and it's much better for the environment than driving around with my car's air turned on all the time.



When it's not raining or very cold, I like the windows down and fresh air moving through the car.

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If I'm alone and smoking in the car (yes... I'm one of those..., never with the kids, but by myself I do) then I do. I don't understand how people smoke in their cars with the windows up. Gets it FAR too smoky.


If it's a nice day out, I try to have the windows open, but if we're getting on a highway, it's just way too noisy. Unfortunately, our AC is having issues at the moment. Hopefully it'll be fixed before it gets too hot, but last summer, it was windows down or we burn up in the car. :tongue_smilie: Hate that.

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If I have a rubberband to put up my hair and it is warm I will put my windows down. If my asthmatic son is in the car I can't though because of all the dust and pollutants from the cars around us. He has to have the air going through the HEPA cabin filter.

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I drive with the windows up. When the windows are down my hair blows into my face and drives me batty. Because of allergies I've become sensitive to hair touching my face. I even wear my hair back but there are short wisps that can't be controlled. The other reason I drive with the windows up is that in this car, when the windows are down, the way the air flows causes a sort of vibration that hurts my ears. Ds1 and I are the only ones in our family affected by this, though. Dh, ds2, and dd don't notice anything.

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No. I have super fine hair. If the window is open it is whipped into a snarl that takes me an hour to undo. No open windows and definitely no convertibles for me!



Plus the noise if my windows are open. Once my van gets to around 35 mph, there is this buffeting/whooshing noise that drives me crazy.


My first car was an old little Honda Civic. I drove it for a couple of years and then the radiator started having problems. Until I got it fixed, I had to drive in the heat of summer with my windows open and the heat going full blast, just so my radiator wouldn't overheat. :glare:

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Almost always... I love fresh air so much, I've been known to drive in the winter, with my window down and the heat on.


:D Me, too! I keep the heat on my feet, because I'm also usually in flip flops - even in winter.


Every chance I get.


:D Me, too.


Never. I can't stand it blowing my hair and the noise.


My hair is waist-length, so it doesn't blow around too much. I just tuck it under my armpit LOL. My daughter's hair is much shorter (bra-length, if she wore one, plus bangs and layers) ... she isn't as fond of driving with windows down, either, because her hair flies in her face.


I don't hear the noise over my obnoxious music, though :tongue_smilie:.

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I'm sitting at a 4 way intersection earlier daydreaming while I wait for the light to change. I started counting how many people had their car windows down. It was amazing. Out of about 30 cars I would say that at least 20 had at least one window down.


Its nice weather here today but not that warm. My heat came on this morning :confused:


I never put the car windows down. I hate the noise when I'm driving and I'm always afraid some bugs are going to fly in.


I absolutely LOVE driving with the windows down. I like the feel of the wind and the fresh air and I like the sound too. Weird huh?

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