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Prayer Request - My older children's father is dying

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We recently found out that my ex-husband, the father of my three adult children, is dying of cancer. He is in the hospital and because the cancer has spread from his colon to his liver in a short amount of time, he's being given about two weeks to live.


We were married for ten years, but have been apart a very long time and I did remarry seventeen years ago. My ex was a terrible husband, but has suffered a great deal in his life and I have compassion for him. He suffered for most of his adult life with mental disease and has had a miserable existence. Although I grieved my losses long ago, my heart now goes out to my sons. I will grieve with them for the father they are losing, and the father that they always hoped to have and will never know.


Please pray for my dear sons as they walk through this tough time, and also that God will give me strength and wisdom too.




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