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If you wear make-up ...

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(this is a two-part question)


... do you change your color palette by season, or do you pretty much wear the same colors all year round?


... do you always wear your make-up the same way, or do you change it up depending on how you feel or where you're going? (Example: I always wear eyeliner but only sometimes wear lipstick.)


I'm just curious.


I broke out my "summer" palatte this morning, and my son wanted to know why. Well, son, duh! The summer colors just go better with my darkening skin and brighter summer clothes :D.


Yesterday I dropped my eyeliner and it rolled under the shelving unit in my dressing room, so I skipped it. All day long people were telling me I looked worn out and tired. I had slept well, felt great; just didn't have my usual eyeliner on LOL.


I'm a creature of habit in all areas except for make-up. I have different colors for different seasons, and I apply make-up depending on the day's activities. I have a way for work, for park day, for dinner with the ladies, for edgier outfits, for mom outfits, et cetera. My sister has worn her make-up the exact same way every day for the past 10. She always looks great. I never found that One Style that did it all for me, so I change things up and have fun with it.



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Usually I just wear foundation and mascara. I won't leave the house without them. Most of the time I apply Burt's Bees tinted lip gloss. Yesterday, since it was a holiday, I wore real lipstick. I rarely go all out, like foundation, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. If I do, I stick to pretty neutral colors, which I hope work in most seasons. I also carry the same handbag for months, not caring if it is the right season for the color or whatever else determines whether or not handbags are in season.

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I wear make-up every day, or almost, and use the same things year round. I do vary a little bit on what I might wear during the day in the summer as opposed to an evening out such as a light shade of lip gloss as opposed to a medium or dark lipstick. I do have to go with a little darker foundation in the summer but that is about the only major shade change.


I've always followed the suggestions in the book "Color Me Beautiful". I base what I wear on my skin tone and hair and not on the time of year.


Same with my clothes. Summer or winter, all my clothes are in certain shades that compliment my skin tone. I just change from short sleeve t-shirts or sleeveless in summer to long sleeve and sweaters in winter, but basically still wear certain colors all the time.

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I wear neutral tones year-round. Colored eyeshadow/liner and brighter lipsticks have never appealed to me.


I do wear my makeup a bit differently if I am going out for the evening. A little more contour shadow and a bit darker in the eye liner.

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I wear neutral colors year-round. I do not darken in the summer, so no need to do anything there.


The only thing I do different for different occasions is I only wear mascara if I'm going somewhere (other than the grocery store or something). If I'm going to church, out to dinner, shopping trip with friends, etc, I'll liven things up a little.

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:D I typed out a no answer, then realized the answer is actually yes!


I have my basic all year go to looks

neutral on lid with black liner

smokey eyes


But I like to play with color. I do a lot of greys in winter, crazy bold color in spring and summer, golds and coppers in fall.


My new favorite brights are Make up For Ever at Sephora: http://www.makeupforever.com/products/eyes/matte-eye-shadow.html

In warmer happy weather I like to add a tiny bit of bright and bold.


My other new love is cream shadows. In cold weather I've been using creamy greys.... love it.


I definitely change my toe nail polish for the seasons.

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I wear makeup, but I don't really have a color palette. All I seem to be doing is dropping different makeup every few years. First, the eyeshadow went, then the lipstick, then the lip moisturizer. I suspect blush may be next. Now, I do like to wear makeup, and wouldn't feel complete without it, but I seem to be getting lazier and lazier about it. I guess it's the result of getting smaller and smaller results from it as I get older.:D



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I use mineral make-up and wear the same neutral colors year round. Most days I wear powder, blush, and lip balm. For evening make-up I also use eye shadow, mascara, and lip gloss. I have dark lashes so I mostly skip mascara during the day.


I'm somewhat ashamed to say that, at 30 years of age, I have yet to master eyeliner... :tongue_smilie:

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I'm somewhat ashamed to say that, at 30 years of age, I have yet to master eyeliner... :tongue_smilie:


I have very dark lashes, both top and bottom, so I've never worn mascara or eyeliner ever, even once. My complete cluelessness in this department (and I'm 46 already) has come back to haunt me when I've been helping out with makeup at various plays and ballet performances for my dds. After making a complete disaster of it a few times, I have given up and send them along to someone else for those two items.


As far as palette - in my 20's I used to play around with eyeshadows a lot, but I've gotten lazy in my more mature years.... pretty much the exact same thing all year long (I don't tan at all, pretty much pasty year-round). I often go without at all except for some spot concealer, but I do usually wear it if I'm going to see people. I've given up on lipstick entirely and just use lip balm (without which I quickly get chapped lips).

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I don't wear makeup except for lipstick and mascara very often. I use a tinted moisturizer sometimes, and when I do, I also use a bronzing stick (Mary Kay--kind of tanish, not so pink as regular blush). So in the summer I tend to tan a bit, and I switch to lighter shades of lipstick that contrast with my tan better. Think Malibu Barbie, and then dial it back about 3 notches. And as the tan fades I switch to richer, darker, and sometimes brighter lipstick colors. My all the time favorite, though, that looks good all year round is Lancome Champagne. That's my fallback.

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I like to play with colors! I do it by season, I guess, because every time I get a new MK catalog, I like to try the new looks. Actually, I like to try the looks that the women wear who have skin the closest to my skin tone. I would look really silly in the ones for women with that beautiful bronze skin.


Otherwise, I have colors that I love, I have neutrals that I wear if I don't know what I'm going to wear yet when I'm putting on my makeup, and the "dash out the door" face that involves cream-to-powder eye shadow. :D I rarely remember to put lipstick on but I always have eyeliner and mascara.

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(this is a two-part question)


... do you change your color palette by season, or do you pretty much wear the same colors all year round?


... do you always wear your make-up the same way, or do you change it up depending on how you feel or where you're going? (Example: I always wear eyeliner but only sometimes wear lipstick.)

I wear pretty much the same colors every day, every season. I have a small range of colors (eg. for eyeshadow, shades of beige/coppery browns/coppery pinks) that I shop for. It seems like an unending quest for the "perfect" color, and when I find it, it's not available anymore when I need to replace it.


I always wear my makeup the same. I wear eye liner on the top lid, eye shadow only up to just above the crease, and mascara on top lashes. This has come from years of experimentation: I can't wear eyeliner or mascara on the bottom lid, it makes my eyes look puffy or tired; I tried wearing a lighter color on the browbone, below my eyebrows, but it looks fake; without mascara, my lashes disappear; I've pretty much given up on blush--I just can't figure out how to make it look good on me. I occasionally wear some lipstick, but it's a color about the same as my lips or slightly darker. Not a big change when I do wear it.

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I'm somewhat ashamed to say that, at 30 years of age, I have yet to master eyeliner... :tongue_smilie:


This is me. If anyone feels like giving a mini lesson, that would be great.


I wear the same stuff all year round, except that I switch to a slightly darker shade of foundation (Bare Minerals) in the summer.

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(this is a two-part question)... do you change your color palette by season, or do you pretty much wear the same colors all year round?


Pretty much. :001_smile:


... do you always wear your make-up the same way, or do you change it up depending on how you feel or where you're going? (Example: I always wear eyeliner but only sometimes wear lipstick.)


I wear more make up (base all over my face, blush, eye shadow under my eyes as liner, eye shadow and lip gloss) when I am going to one of my jobs, to church or out with dh or friends to dinner,etc. I wear less (just under eye concealer, blush, mascara and lip gloss) when going to run errands, to homeschool coop, etc. I am never without my eyebrows and lip gloss. :D




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I didn't know there were different colors for different seasons :001_unsure: I prefer browns and dark reds but I did see some blue eye shadow the other day that looked fun.


:tongue_smilie: I like to wear bold brights in the summer, browns in the fall, blacks and grays during winter, and beigy neutrals in the spring. My best friend has her standard Mom uniform (black tee, denim shorts/skirt/pants) that she wears pretty much year-round. She sees clothes as a necessary evil, kind of like broccoli. I see clothes as a way to scream to the world: THIS IS ME. We tease each other about it. The neutral color eyeshadow I wear in the spring looks washed out with my bold summers! I love blue shadows and wish I could carry them off ... I sometimes buy the cheapo colors in those shades just to see.


I also carry the same handbag for months, not caring if it is the right season for the color or whatever else determines whether or not handbags are in season.


My sisters and cousin are handbag fiends. They are very much into whatever season and designer and that. I inherit their perfectly good purses, and then after a season sell them on eBay or craigslist for a crazy profit. Like you, I'm more about "What can this handbag do for ME?" rather than letting ME be the handbag's accessory ;)


I've always followed the suggestions in the book "Color Me Beautiful". I base what I wear on my skin tone and hair and not on the time of year.


Same with my clothes. Summer or winter, all my clothes are in certain shades that compliment my skin tone. I just change from short sleeve t-shirts or sleeveless in summer to long sleeve and sweaters in winter, but basically still wear certain colors all the time.


I went to a few Mary Kay and similar parties, and always got told I was different things. Some put me in the pastely winter colors; others put me in the warm fall colors. I was so confused for so long that I just got in the habit of wearing everything and anything. Then someone suggested that book to me. I asked several women, and turns out I could pass into two categories: Autumn and Winter. We did the gold/silver thing and the white/cream thing and nobody could agree. I was a bit of both, even though they're opposites! I tan super easily, and my hair lightens considerably - I think my "season" may differ with the real seasons.

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Makeup colors stay the same year around here. I've resorted to mostly neutral colors. The only difference in my makeup is that during the winter I wear my (MAC) foundation and powder a lot more. In the summer, I live in my (BareMinerals) powder, unless it's a holiday or special function. Otherwise, the foundation and powder just slides off my face in the heat. Eyeliner is a must; anytime I go without it, I get the "you look SO tired" comment and it drives me up the wall. Mascara and blush are staples; don't do lipstick, though. (Gloss is fine. :))

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My other new love is cream shadows. In cold weather I've been using creamy greys.... love it.


I definitely change my toe nail polish for the seasons.


I haven't tried cream shadows yet, but I have a store credit at Sephora to burn; maybe I'll try! I was saving it for primer, which I only just recently discovered. And love. And need.


I don't do the little piggies. I'm on my feet 8-12 hours a day at work, and the toesies don't hide that LOL. I'm afraid to all any more attention to them. I live in flip flops from mid-March through mid-November :D.


I have very dark lashes, both top and bottom, so I've never worn mascara or eyeliner ever, even once.


I'm Asian. My eyelashes are black, straight, and incredibly short. They are so difficult to work with. They won't hold a curl, and mascara tends to end up leaving me with racoon eyes before the end of the day. I always did eyeliner to try to compensate. That and I have a funky eyelid -- it's not like a caucasian eyelid, but it's also not typically Asian. It's like a hybrid - half folded, half exposed. The eyeliner trick was to equalize my eyes. First make-up I ever wore regularly was eyeliner LOL.


I like to play with colors! I do it by season, I guess, because every time I get a new MK catalog, I like to try the new looks. :D I rarely remember to put lipstick on but I always have eyeliner and mascara.


A woman after my own heart! And, like you, I do lipstick once in the morning (if that) and then I'm done for the day. Eyeliner I never go without, and based on yesterday's reception - will never again go without!


This is me. If anyone feels like giving a mini lesson, that would be great.


Ooooh! I have one for you! My little sister is always forwarding me videos from this girl ~

is her eyeliner tutorial on YouTube. You'll find more on the sidebar, too. I wear my eyeliner pretty heavy and thick so you probably don't want lessons from me personally :D I do wonder if I'm hitting an age where I can't carry it off as well. I may have to change palettes with my seasonal age as well, sigh!
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I don't change for the season. I stay pretty pale all year, so no need to change foundation. On a daily basis I wear foundation (the mineral stuff), eyeliner, eye shadow (okay, just a splash of color...) mascara, chapstick and lipgloss.


I'd really like to do more with my makeup but I guess I haven't figured out what colors go best for me. Everytime I buy new (eyeshadow, lipstick, lip gloss..) I end up hating it.. :tongue_smilie:

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