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Now that the dust has settled....flying in under the radar

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Welcome back.

I don't think you have to worry about your name going down in WTM history. I think it's safe for you to post without thinking that others are all thinking about that one particular post. We all tend to have a lot of other things on our mind to be too caught up in something like that. We tend to move onto the next thing pretty quickly.

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Guest Katia

So glad you are staying around! I think I will, too, even though I only come here now and then, now that the kids are out of the house and at college. I've been coming here for 11 years now......it's kind of a hard habit to break. :D


Lisa, you are so gracious and humble. :grouphug: I hope one day that I can be, as well. You are a wonderful example.

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I have only read your post - none of the others -- I am glad you will stay. I think you are on a very short list (and one that puts you in an enviable position) of folks who have made WTM board history. ENJOY!!!!!!


With your post here, you certainly demonstrate graciousness. :grouphug:

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WOW!!! I go off to one of my kid's soccer games and come back to find all this love :hugs: Thanks so much. Honestly, it wasn't hard to come back because I knew that I would be received with this much grace and care from all of you. So, really it was you all that made it possible for me to come back.


Thanks, And....no I didn't look at any of the kilt pics. Should I? Or will I regret it? Will I need more wine? HEEEE!!!


I appreciated the pm from those of you who have personally told me they were sorry, that was nice. SWB, thanks so much for your personal hugs. Makes me feel even more welcome.

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I guess the dust has settled after my dramatic non-exit. I really didn't want to leave but the current controversy had my feathers ruffled. This girl, that usually remains quiet, had too much wine and too many hormones coursing through her body, that she could no longer contain herself. Unfortunately, my good intentions went out the window and what I had in my head to say did not get transferred here.


I am coming back to ask for everyone's forgiveness for any hurt I caused; that was not my intention at all. I did not know the board rule about "not" announcing that I am leaving, it was a mistake on my part. I really don't want to leave. I have found most here are gracious, wise women of whom I have the upmost respect for. I have gained much wisdom on a myriad of things from the women on this board.


I was happy to see that my contribution was of much enjoyment for many on this board and gave a comedic relief from the kerfluffle that was currently going on at the time. It looks like my name will go down in WTM board history :)



Glad you didn't leave and nothing but admiration at your courage in explaining yourself. Sometimes we can just agree with disagree and move on, but the defining sameness throughout it all, is that we all want what is best for our children.

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Listen, Mo, (may I call you Mo? :D)


I'm not here because I agree with everyone, I'm here because it's fun, educational, and supporting to me. I'm here because I can occasionally forget my little life and write about bigger things. I'm here because, sometimes, I can contribute some semblance of wisdom from my life experiences. I'm here because I don't want to do the dishes. Reasons vary.


Surely your reasons vary, too. Keep contributing your unique perspective, your hard-earned wisdom, and your humorous "stuff." Stay engaged--We need you! I need you!





I love it.....that is going to be my new tag line. I AM HERE BECAUSE I DONT FEEL LIKE DOING THE DISHES!!!!

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I am happy to see that you hold no ill feelings that we steered that thread to kilts. :D I know it's not what you had wanted to happen but it will remain in my memory as one of the funniest nights on this board.

As to your actual post, I am glad you have chosen to stay and are not afraid to clarify your stance. We cannot all be in agreement, if we were, it would be one boring board.

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Welcome back Lisa :grouphug:


That took an enormous amount of humility. I'm glad you are back. I know that I have learned A LOT from people I don't really agree with. And, honestly, it has made me a better person. :)


Glad you stayed. :grouphug:


:iagree: How boring it would be around here if we all agreed with each other. It leads to some great spin offs. :)

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Likewise, glad you are back. :)


The whole controversy has brought me back, for better or for worse. I use curriculum from SWB and AiG and don't plan on changing. I like both and disagree with some that both SWB and Ham have said. Each are unique and will differ with my personal theology on various points.

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I'm here because I can occasionally forget my little life and write about bigger things. This

I'm here because I don't want to do the dishes. Reasons vary.

And definitely this!



I could say this about most everyone here!


But I am gonna miss those men in kilts!;)



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But I am gonna miss those men in kilts!;)




Maybe we could have a Kilt Reunion Thread every couple of months. (Although I'm finding it hard to explain to my husband why so much of my recent curriculum research has involved pictures of men in kilts...)


Anyway, glad you're back, Mo. You do have one of the coolest user names, so I'm glad you're still here.

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Ain't nothing to it! I don't think there is anything to apologize for or feel embarrassed about. Hormones have gotten the best of all of us from time to time. I hope our making light in your thread encouraged you to not take it all so seriously. I say all the time, "if I weren't laughing I'd be crying so I'd rather laugh." I'm glad that you are come back. It would truly be sad to lose you over a word like "kerfuffle" ;) :) :grouphug: I definitely think your thread will go down in WTM history. ;) hehe God bless you. :)

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I'll tell ya, that thread about "kilt" me.


I'm glad you're back. :grouphug::D



I have only read your post - none of the others -- I am glad you will stay. I think you are on a very short list (and one that puts you in an enviable position) of folks who have made WTM board history. ENJOY!!!!!!


With your post here, you certainly demonstrate graciousness. :grouphug:

You didn't see the rest of the thread? Oh, you missed some fun.

WOW!!! I go off to one of my kid's soccer games and come back to find all this love :hugs: Thanks so much. Honestly, it wasn't hard to come back because I knew that I would be received with this much grace and care from all of you. So, really it was you all that made it possible for me to come back.


Thanks, And....no I didn't look at any of the kilt pics. Should I? Or will I regret it? Will I need more wine? HEEEE!!!


I appreciated the pm from those of you who have personally told me they were sorry, that was nice. SWB, thanks so much for your personal hugs. Makes me feel even more welcome.



I'm sorry I stepped on your toes, but a beautiful thing resulted. You should take a peeksy.

Hey, there! I won't post a recipe in this one. ;)


PS: I have left but not really before.

Haven't we all?!? Some more quietly than others ;)

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:grouphug: Welcome back! I'm glad you didn't really go away! However, after the fun we had I'm thinking we should each take turns getting upset and saying we are leaving at least once a month. (if it weren't against board rules of coarse);)

New Social Group needed... hormonals with wine. Take one for the team and tell us what you really think! :lol:


No offense OP, I'd be one of the first to sign up. Obviously the op was not the only hormonal woman online that evening, my hormones just ran contrary.

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