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What book do you wish would be made into a movie?

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The Invention of Hugo Cabret is one that begs to be made into a movie. I thought so as I was reading it.


A couple months ago I discovered that it was going to be and it comes out late this year! I never go see movies until they are at the cheap theatre or on DVD, but i might make an exception this time!

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And while I'm wishing for stuff, I really wish the author would write more in the series! I just got so attached to those characters, when we did them as a read aloud.


LOL, I know. My 9yo has them on her Sansa and is on her third listen.

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The Thirteenth Tale, The Alchemist...and The Once and Future King (if it's already a movie, let me know)





Could I add one I hope they don't remake? There is talk about remaking To Kill a Mockingbird. I know the original left out MAJOR parts of the book (my favorite, by the way) but honestly, how could you replace Gregory Peck? He is Atticus.

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Ok, mine are pretty cheesy but I just love the books so much.

All of the Cheney Duvall books.

The O'Malley books by Dee Henderson.

Cheesy I know, but I love Cheney and Shilo and Mr. Duvall and Mrs. Duvall and Dev and all of the O'Malleys....

I would probably be dissapointed though as I was with the Love Comes Softly movies. I don't know why they had to change the story lines so much!

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Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco.


But, Eco won't let any of his books go to film after Name of the Rose was such a disappointment to him. Still... a gal can dream...


Runner-up would be Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger.

Edited by Audrey
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Tamora Pierce's Trickster series.


ALL of Tamora Pierce's! Except not really because I don't trust they (whoever "they" are) to do it properly. And she says on her website that she refuses to allow it. Maybe when her works become public domain I'll be able to watch them with my great grandkids, lol.



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I'd love to see a new (well-made & accurate) version Anne of Green Gables. I actually like the first one (and no one will ever be as perfect for Marilla and Matthew as the original cast...) - but the sequels were SO horrid that I have a truly hard time watching the original now.


I wish they would make a Mansfield Park that gets Frannie "right!" I've been so annoyed with all of the versions I've seen. :glare:


:iagree: What is UP with that?!? I have a collection of Austen movies and just can't bring myself to buy any version of Mansfield Park.

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My suggestions:


an Amelia Peabody movie!

C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy (although admittedly Perelandra would be diffcult to film, with the main characters naked throughout)


And I agree with whoever said they need to make a GOOD version of Mansfield Park. Billie Piper's great in Doctor Who, but she's not Fanny - not by a long shot!



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Amelia Peabody! I have seen fan websites devoted to casting this, if ever made, it seems most folks think Minnie Driver would be a good Amelia.




I can't quite see Firth as Emerson.....


I wish the BBC would do something with the Miss Read books, too.


and I want me some decent filmed version of Elizabeth Perry - the series with Hester and Monk!

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Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart




For kids: Maroo of the Winter Caves, but the same people who did Walking With Cavemen



Been a while since I read that, but, isn't it terribly frustrating? A great book, but kind of depressing? Just wondering why one would want to see that on the big screen. :001_smile:



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I'd love to see a new (well-made & accurate) version Anne of Green Gables. I actually like the first one (and no one will ever be as perfect for Marilla and Matthew as the original cast...) - but the sequels were SO horrid that I have a truly hard time watching the original now.



Oh no! I couldn't imagine watching anyone, other than Megan Follows, as Anne!! I never did watch that final sequel though, since I heard it was so horrid and totally off track. But I really love the others.

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The Invention of Hugo Cabret is one that begs to be made into a movie. I thought so as I was reading it.


A couple months ago I discovered that it was going to be and it comes out late this year! I never go see movies until they are at the cheap theatre or on DVD, but i might make an exception this time!


Good book! I was just thinking about this being made into a movie the other day.



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I've wanted to see a Dragonriders of Pern movie or tv show since I was a kid, but it's just never happened. People have tried, and all have failed. I think the series is cursed.




I think that maybe now, with all of the advances in technology, they could pull it off - - but it had to be someone like a Peter Jackson who was devoted to the books in order to get it right.

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Been a while since I read that, but, isn't it terribly frustrating? A great book, but kind of depressing? Just wondering why one would want to see that on the big screen. :001_smile:



I think it is a "ripping yarn" and would make a wonderful drama. Thinking about African novels, A Bend in the River (okay, by a man of Indian decent from Trinidad who identifies himself as British) would make a fabulous drama as well.


I like my movies Very Funny, Very Creative, or Very Serious-REal Life. I don't like melodrama (nor romance or adventure, unless they fit one of my "likes" above.) :001_smile:

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There is a rumor going around that Katherine Heigl is in the running to play Claire.


Say what? Ok, I truly love Heigl, but I just cannot see her as Claire. :blink: Perhaps paired with Mathew MaConaughey as Jaime? :eek: :lol:


Please, please, please, please don't let them mess up The Outlander! (crossing fingers, toes, legs, eyes...you name it! Ha!)

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