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confession--my house is a disaster

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I think it is worse than it has ever been. What is wrong with me? I have NO motivation to do anything about it right now either. It is bothering me a great deal, but obviously not enough to change it at this point. So I avoid it. I stick my head in the sand and pretend to not notice. I need a real, live person to hold my hand and get me out of this mess. (this is just a rant, I am not interested in flylady right now)


It gets to a point where I don't know where to begin. Oh, I'll begin somewhere soon. But for now, I'm just confessing and complaining.;)


We'll be finished with lessons soon and take a break. After I decompress, I predict I will attack. But not today. Today is for trying to reduce the mountain of laundry that snuck up on me, again.


Come on. Is there anyone else in the same boat, so we can commiserate together?

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You are me. It's such a mess. I try to at least keep the kitchen presentable, because if I have guests they come in through the kitchen. And then I can either say "let's sit here!" or "Let's go in the living room and sit!" depending on the level of messiness in the rest of the house.


I did flylady a few years ago and it worked really well. I'm trying to get back into it, but not really trying hard enough. If you know what I mean.

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Melissa, are you sure I didn't write your post? :D I gave the dc the day off from schoolwork so we could tackle a few problem areas today! My 5yo/6yo boys room is an absolute mess...can't even walk across the floor and dh says he thinks that nasty dead mouse smell is coming from there! :001_huh: He told my older 2 boys he'd pay them to tackle that room and find the mouse! Ds5 and ds6 do NOT clean up well and since I can't stomach the smell to oversee them...it's up to ds10 and ds8. Dd11 is right now vacuuming out our sofa cushions and under the cushions, has already cleaned the bathroom and will move on to her room (disaster area). Me? I'm so sore I can hardly walk so I dare not even tackle the stairs to even go downstairs to help. So, yes, I'm with you. I'm so totally with you. Perhaps I'll get the energy to organize some books in a bit. For right now...I sit. :D

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A couple of days ago, we threw all the "stuff" in the dining room and closed the doors! It doesn't change the fact that we have to deal with it at some point, but in the meantime I don't have to look at it. Just that step really helped my outlook, and I feel less overwhelmed by it all.


Of course, this morning I noticed a HUGE cobweb in the cormer of the bathroom....

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I'm there.


I have the 3 kids spending 15 minutes a time on the 8 & 3 yo's pit. If i have to go in there - it's all going in garbage bags..... again.....


Overall, i haven't recovered from moving in here 4 years ago pregnant, having a newborn and trying to get school going, having 3 hurricanes pass over us with loss of power 2 times for a week, having my parents move into our school/craft/scrap/office/play room for 3 years, and now trying to organize that space and unpack boxes STILL.


So while i've lived in my house for 4 years, i feel like i just moved IN. It looks like i did - i have boxes everywhere still i think.....


BUT, DD and I also worked in the kitchen yesterday. I have to get the laundry room DONE. That is causing me the most grief. I need my mom's freezer out of there and my shelves and counters put in like we planned.


ANYWAY, i'm on overload and so i don't do anything.....




i'm going to go spend 15 minutes on the OLD school table so the kids can get out the k'nex and build stuff on it.

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I think it is worse than it has ever been. What is wrong with me? I have NO motivation to do anything about it right now either. It is bothering me a great deal, but obviously not enough to change it at this point. So I avoid it. I stick my head in the sand and pretend to not notice. I need a real, live person to hold my hand and get me out of this mess. (this is just a rant, I am not interested in flylady right now)


It gets to a point where I don't know where to begin. Oh, I'll begin somewhere soon. But for now, I'm just confessing and complaining.;)


We'll be finished with lessons soon and take a break. After I decompress, I predict I will attack. But not today. Today is for trying to reduce the mountain of laundry that snuck up on me, again.


Come on. Is there anyone else in the same boat, so we can commiserate together?


Have a party. Or have a playdate. Your house will magically be clean, or one room of the house will be full of clutter. :001_huh:

The only reason I'm cleaning the house and getting rid of clutter is because my brother visiting us. :tongue_smilie: Flylady says to start with your sink. :D Don't get me wrong, I'm STILL cleaning.... what am I doing here???!! gotta go clean:leaving:

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Come on. Is there anyone else in the same boat, so we can commiserate together?


I was until this past weekend, so I will commiserate with you. I'm not sure why I got motivated -- might be because we're having a birthday "thing" in a couple of weeks. I like neat house -- we all like a neat house -- but none of us is motivated enough to keep it that way. I can already see the piles starting again.


Most of the stuff that was piled around came out of my office when I decided to move the furniture and it was *not* going back in there until it was organized. Well, *that* didn't happen -- so now my office is a mess again (although the furniture is where I want it :D), but the rest of the house looks pretty good -- except for the newly spawned piles.


Good luck!!

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And come, and come, and come...and come...and go. There are days when I get so frustrated with clutter and general disorder that I stop everything (yes, even lessons) to get it back to something more managable. I simply lose my ability to THINK when it gets too bad, and it impacts every other aspect of my productivity. But, I'll ignore it for a time. Sometimes, I'll allow it to go from bad to worse, and then to terrible before I'll snap.


Yep...I can relate. You'll get it back in order when the cons of having the mess outweight the pros of not messing with it. :D

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My house is a pit right now. I have stacks of books for sale, I have boxes of stuff all over because I have to find ds's birth certificate for his new job and I can't find it anywhere. I just cleaned out a closet, so now the hallway's a disaster. The baby I watch is rifling through boxes, bringing me things, saying "Dayday!" which means, "thank you!"



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Yes, I'm right there with you.


Since we started to renovate our other property, my own home has gone to "you know where" in a basket.


After we do school, I just try to do a bit of laundry, find the countertops and sweep.


It will have to be what it is, just for now.


You'll "attack" your mess when you've got the headspace.


In my case, it's the crazy "all or nothing" personality -- I want it all done now, or I'm not doing any of it . . . ever. lol


Be blessed as you tidy, or not.


Love, Tricia

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Well, that is pretty much the general state of our house on any given day, however when you contact the real estate agent to come by THIS FRIDAY so that you can start moving towards getting the house on the market...it is amazing what a great motivator that can be ;)


I have tried Fly lady...good concept, but I get generally annoyed by all the e-mails and sometimes I don't feel like cleaning that part of the house that day :D


My method is to "trick" myself by saying....OK I am going to spending just 10 minutes cleaning this....once I get into it I like to have the job at hand finished and will usually take about 20-30 minutes to complete that job.


I know what you are going through...Hang in there!



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Yes Melissa I feel your pain! My dh was great on Sunday afternoon he helped me get rid of A LOT of clutter and we got things picked up. Of course it's starting to snaek back up on me this week! He wants to tackle our closet this weekend and I dread that.:banghead:


I will say it's easier for me to help other people clean their house for some reason, I guess because it's easier to see what needs to be tackled with an outside eye. Sooo if you need or want help I can come and help you scrub!:001_smile:

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Yup. We've been in "shut-down" mode this week. We function sporadically, LOL. DH is off this week, so I'm hoping I'll be able to accomplish more this week. That may involve me loading the laundry and going to the laundromat, with a book, or a movie (portable DVD). :-)

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I think it is worse than it has ever been. What is wrong with me? I have NO motivation to do anything about it right now either. It is bothering me a great deal, but obviously not enough to change it at this point. So I avoid it. I stick my head in the sand and pretend to not notice. I need a real, live person to hold my hand and get me out of this mess. (this is just a rant, I am not interested in flylady right now)


It gets to a point where I don't know where to begin. Oh, I'll begin somewhere soon. But for now, I'm just confessing and complaining.;)


We'll be finished with lessons soon and take a break. After I decompress, I predict I will attack. But not today. Today is for trying to reduce the mountain of laundry that snuck up on me, again.


Come on. Is there anyone else in the same boat, so we can commiserate together?


I am in the same boat with you. Can't you see me waving from the starboard side deck? No, of course you can't see me, my three mountains of laundry are in the way. :ack2:


Alright, here is the deal, no Mike's (or wine or beer) until I have washed, dried, and put away 2 loads. No board until it is done either. Smack my hand if you see me back here.


Oh, but first I have to email Pam back, since I just got a message from her....:D

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I've barely done school for the past month because I've been cleaning. And guess what? It looks worse than ever in here!!!


Dc's bunk beds are on a different wall, but I broke one of their bookshelves, & they still don't pick up after themselves, so you can imagine that. The fridge is scary, my room...well...the closet...looked good the day after I cleaned it out. LOL

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My schoolroom is a mess!

I keep saying I'm gonna clean it, the dc don't even want to work in there cuz it's such a disaster.

What I need is someone to come over and motivate me.



Our classroom is a mess too. There are stacks of books and papers everywhere plus, the kids have carted in a bunch of toys. It would probably remain a disaster area for quite a while if we didn't have houseguests arriving soon!

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One of my goals is to have a home clean and uncluttered enough so I don't have to panic when the doorbell rings. Doesn't look like it's gonna happen soon though...lol.


And what about unfinished projects? My kitchen has had blue painters tape up for....gosh it's been so long now I can't remember how long. :p

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One of my goals is to have a home clean and uncluttered enough so I don't have to panic when the doorbell rings. Doesn't look like it's gonna happen soon though...lol.


And what about unfinished projects? My kitchen has had blue painters tape up for....gosh it's been so long now I can't remember how long. :p


LOL! We have that here too. I call DH Mr. 90% (sometimes less) regarding home projects. That's exactly what he does. About 90% of the job and then it sits for a couple of years LOL!

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Well, I'll totally commiserate, and to make you feel even better, I'll even let you peek at just how wacked things are right now. Go here: http://www.shutterfly.com/account/userhome.jsp and admire my lovely dr table, stairs and computer desk. Ugh.....I definitely have work to do. I do need to have company. That is extremely motivating to me. My standard excuse to myself is that we have minimal square footage (3br apt), and NO storage for anything, and no garage, but those are just excuses. Its time to declutter before the sanitation police take me away. Heh.


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Honestly, you don't know the solution?


You have to get pregnant so you can nest! You know the list I wrote about yesterday...my house is soooo clean now - not just picked up, but actually CLEAN, that now I'm freaking out whenever anyone makes a move, LOL.


See, you could be on the other spectrum - everyone walking on eggshells (though not literally because well, the house wouldn't be clean then, would it?) because you don't them to "mess something up".


It's all good. You'll be fine (as you know) and it will get clean. Just acknowledging it is a good sign. :D (I wish there were an emoticon of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown, LOL).

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Today is for trying to reduce the mountain of laundry that snuck up on me, again.


Come on. Is there anyone else in the same boat, so we can commiserate together?


Melissa, How is that laundry coming? I have two loads put away, one waiting to be put away, one in the dryer, and about 10 needing to get started. :ack2:

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Honestly, you don't know the solution?


You have to get pregnant so you can nest! You know the list I wrote about yesterday...my house is soooo clean now - not just picked up, but actually CLEAN, that now I'm freaking out whenever anyone makes a move, LOL.


See, you could be on the other spectrum - everyone walking on eggshells (though not literally because well, the house wouldn't be clean then, would it?) because you don't them to "mess something up".


It's all good. You'll be fine (as you know) and it will get clean. Just acknowledging it is a good sign. :D (I wish there were an emoticon of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown, LOL).


Cough, sputter, choke, umm, NO! Done with that here, thank you very much. I don't think I ever nested anyway.


Definitely not eggshells at this house. Maybe some other crud though.;)

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:iagree:Yup! 3 loads of laundry on the couch... 1 teenager and a tweener just look at it! LoL 1 more load in the wash and 1 more in the dryer…


Teen bathroom... can we say quarantined?


Who are these lazy piggies in my house and what happened to my helpful kids!?



I feel a task master mom comming on! I say stage a revolt and have the kids help...



:D put the kids to work! *Ü* Mmmmmwwwwaahhahahahah


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My house is actually the cleanest it's been in months. Which isn't saying something. I've been babysitting for a friend, and every time I even get a GLIMPSE of her yard or garage (never mind the house), I get an itch to clean. Sometimes it even lasts all the way home. I think one of them's a hoarder, or...? I wonder if it's just some sort of flaw in our generation? Baby boomer parents either spoiled us by doing it all for us or ran homes like they were drill sargeants and we got sick of it...so we rebel by having disaster area homes?


The people I know who keep tidy homes either have kids old enough to help, can afford someone to come in and clean, or are a tetch OCD in the "gotta clean" sort of way.


I try to sweep the debris out of the TV room once a week... and I HAVE to take broom to carpet, the vacuum doesn't pick up the big chunks. Dishes get done 3-4 times a week, and laundry the same...which keeps up on laundry, not always so much on dishes. Once in a while enough dishes get done that I can wipe down the counters. It's cleaner than a couple of friends' kitchens; that's all I can say for it.


One fellow HS'er with 4 kids has in the last year or two gotten a lot better at housework than she used to be; maybe I just need more and older kids/more experience and it'll be easier? It's like reflex action for my mom, keeping her house clean. It's like reflex action for me to sit down and chat on the forums.


Hey, maybe I need to get off the computer and do the dishes?


Or at least get DD a sandwich and turn on Noggin, as she's requesting, before I go to bed? I'm working the night shift and seem to be tired more than not. Except, of course, when I need to sleep.

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My house is so messy right now and I'm so tired, there's just nothing to be done about it. But what do you do when you're in one of these funks and your next door neighbor walks right into your house??? I'm not talking that she knocks first and comes in, I'm talking about, you're walking around in your pajamas, chatting on the phone, and she walks right in your back door, sits down with her little boy at your dining room table, waiting for you, while you look around helplessly at school books strewn across the living room, food all over the place, and you're unshowered and in pjs....


I'm still humiliated over that one!! I had my back door open to enjoy the beautiful weather not realizing that must be an open invitation to COME ON OVER!!!!


Anyway, working in each room 5 minutes does seem to work wonders....maybe I'll give that a shot.

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I have 5 "Oh Crap, Company's coming" boxes in my bedroom that I need to go through



LOL... Ive done that too! Its amazing what empty laundry baskets and milk crates can do to help alleviate embarrassment!!! lol


Its funny, sometimes I think I’m the only one who does things like that... I guess not hu? :D

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People at the stable where we ride think I'm kidding when I say that I'd rather groom the school horses (they aren't even mine!) than clean my house! I'm not kidding! Yesterday I gave dds the day off from school so they could help me dig out the sewing room/ "place where we threw all the stuff we didn't know what to do with". What prompted the clean-up was my promising to lend a dance costume to the ballet. I was sure I knew where the costume was... turns out it was buried under the mountain of fabric in the sewing room! Good news is that the sewing room now has clear floor space and an accessible spare bed. Bad news is the mess has crept into some of the other rooms of the house! Ever notice how cleaning one room messes up others?

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One of the worst things at my house is the mail. I'm drowning in it. I am so behind and it keeps stacking up. I'm afraid to just throw it out with our names and addresses on it for fear of ID theft. So I have a mountain of junk mail waiting to be shredded, and it's growing exponentially everyday. (insert icon of shame here) I'm thinking about having a junk mail bonfire/wienie roast. You're welcome to come as long as you:


1. bring your own junk mail.

2. bring your own plates. (The dishes probably won't be done.)

3. bring your own hot dogs. (I haven't had time to get to the store.)

4. bring your own hand towels. (No linens washed yet this week.)

5. bring your own Claritin. (I haven't dusted or vacuumed either.)

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It's getting worse by the day and I can't seem to motivate myself to fix it. It's not the worst it's ever been but I thought I had improved. (It used to get really bad. Really.) Or perhaps I just utilize child labor better than I used to.


We should do some digital camera dares. Declare a room that we must take a picture of and show everyone once a week. It would be like having a house guest coming over to inspect only with far more people.

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It is by far the worst it has ever been. I just started working full-time a couple of weeks ago (I was working part-time) and now when I get home from work ... after standing for 8 hours ... the last thing I want to do is clean house. I do manage to keep my kitchen fairly clean and have to keep up with my laundry or I don't have anything to wear to work (they frown on that, by the way), but otherwise ... I come home and either go online or curl up and read a book.



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You're welcome to come as long as you:


1. bring your own junk mail.

2. bring your own plates. (The dishes probably won't be done.)

3. bring your own hot dogs. (I haven't had time to get to the store.)

4. bring your own hand towels. (No linens washed yet this week.)

5. bring your own Claritin. (I haven't dusted or vacuumed either.)



I should have this engraved and posted on my front door. You know, whenever I get around to it.

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