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Help me decide our school name

What name do YOU like best?  

  1. 1. What name do YOU like best?

    • Breakaway Christian Academy
    • Breakaway Classical Academy
    • Breakaway Classical Christian Academy
    • Under The Rock Christian Academy
    • Under The Rock Classical Academy
    • Under The Rock Classical Christian Academy
    • other- You have to tell me what your other is :)

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Poll to follow with choices.. Please give me your reason for your choice if you don't mind :001_smile: (you certainly don't have to though!)




The Breakaway came from us "breaking away" from the public school system (oldest dd was in it til the end of 4th, dd9 was in ps K but ds's were never in PS.


Under the Rock comes from us living for The Rock- our God and Savior. We want to live under His commands and protection and to serve him always.


Classical is pretty obvious- we do a classical education with Charlotte Mason thrown in.


Academy-- I just like academy better than school :lol:


Christian- well we are Christians doing with a strong Christian education :D

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Oh, hon.

I don't know.

I have two slight criticisms--and I don't want to be discouraging--


Breakaway Christian sounds like some sort of heretical group.

Under the Rock is not a good choice, imo, because of the saying, "Where have you been, under a rock?" You say that to someone ignorant.


I totally get your ideas, maybe they could use a little work to get the same idea but in a more complimentary way?


I hope I haven't hurt your feelings.

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Oh, hon.

I don't know.

I have two slight criticisms--and I don't want to be discouraging--


Breakaway Christian sounds like some sort of heretical group.

Under the Rock is not a good choice, imo, because of the saying, "Where have you been, under a rock?" You say that to someone ignorant.


I totally get your ideas, maybe they could use a little work to get the same idea but in a more complimentary way?


I hope I haven't hurt your feelings.



Constructive criticism is a good thing!!!!!! No feelings hurt don't worry!


Any ideas?? I am very open to ideas! We keep jumping around and want to find a name to stick with.


LOL we had thought about the Under The Rock thing- and we kinda chuckled because of the stereotype that homeschoolers do live under a rock (meaning no socialization and such)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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"Under The Rock" sounds too close to "Under A Rock"....:lol:


Lol. For several of my own home schooled years, I *did* live "under a rock". ;) Dh and I still laugh about it when anything 80s pop-culture-related comes up.


It was a very pleasant rock though. :)

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I voted for Breakaway Classical Academy.


It's so hard to know what the homeschool climate will be in 10 years- it could be that our society is more open to it or it could be that we start going the way of Sweden. For that reason, I'd want to choose a name that doesn't scream "homeschooler"- something that would be less obvious on college & job applications.

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Do you have any nearby lakes or mountains, anything like that? We named ours "Lake Gregory Classical Academy."



I like some of the suggestions I am getting! We live in the Black Hills (wyoming side)


Hmmmm....Black Hills Classical Academy? I wonder if there is a school already called that?? Off to google LOL



ETA: Its taken :glare:


Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Guest Dulcimeramy

Well, don't forget the other option. Call it whatever you want, only say it in Latin. Nobody'll know what it means but it will sound impressive.

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I like some of the suggestions I am getting! We live in the Black Hills (wyoming side)


Hmmmm....Black Hills Classical Academy? I wonder if there is a school already called that?? Off to google LOL



ETA: Its taken :glare:



Does it matter if it's used somewhere else? Just thinking - many MANY schools have the same names... named after famous people, streets, etc. I don't think it's like band names or such, where there's "claim" to the names...



edit: or what about...


Black Hills Classical Prep?

Black Hills Christian Learning Centre?

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In place of Breakaway, you could use Liberty


In place of under the rock you could use Cornerstone


You could even combine these into something like Cornerstone of Liberty Academy, for example to represent Christ as the foundation and your "liberation" from traditional schooling as well as your liberty & freedom in Christ.




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Well, don't forget the other option. Call it whatever you want, only say it in Latin. Nobody'll know what it means but it will sound impressive.




Remember you can always change the name before it's time to submit those official transcripts for colleges!:001_smile:

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Does it matter if it's used somewhere else? Just thinking - many MANY schools have the same names... named after famous people, streets, etc. I don't think it's like band names or such, where there's "claim" to the names...



edit: or what about...


Black Hills Classical Prep?

Black Hills Christian Learning Centre?



Hmmm... I don't know.. I guess I didn't think about the bolded part but you are right now that you mention that :001_huh:

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I'm going to name mine after regular schools. There's a Lincoln Middle School around here so I think Lincoln Academy sounds good.


There's also a Maple Elementary School nearby, so maybe I"ll call mine Maple Academy.


I think that sticking with something simple and recognizable (there are lots of Lincoln Schools out there) is a wise bet for transcripts.

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I have to go with other too. My first thought was the same as Chris's in regard with Breakaway. And my mind went straight to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson with Under The Rock.


What about YourLastName Classical Christian Academy?


Um, not that I know anyone with this name *ahem*, but what if your last name was Cheater?


Cheater Classical Christian Academy:lol:

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Okay, I thought about it for a minute (forgive me if this is a repeat as I didn't read through the entire thread).


How about Heritage Christian Academy or Heritage Classical Christian Academy. You are attempting to impart a Christian heritage to your children and leave them with a legacy of Jesus.


Just a thought.

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Okay, I thought about it for a minute (forgive me if this is a repeat as I didn't read through the entire thread).


How about Heritage Christian Academy or Heritage Classical Christian Academy. You are attempting to impart a Christian heritage to your children and leave them with a legacy of Jesus.


Just a thought.




Oh I really like that!!!!! That is under serious consideration thank you :D

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