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Do you have any current obsessions?

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I'm obsessed with building the Empire State Building in 3-D. We started the puzzle one year ago and it's been sitting on the shelf under our coffee table for most of the time. We're on break this week and I have vowed a blood oath to get this darn thing done! It is 902 pieces and it is hard because it is almost all windows. The thing is, we have 10 people coming over tomorrow evening for Bible study and dh is stressing that they will have to pick their way around all the pieces covering the table and floor. So (sigh) I'm going to carefully put it on trays and move it to our bedroom until the visitors are gone. Then I will start in on obsession again!


P.S. - The kids started out helping me but they've abandoned me now.


What are your current obsessions?

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Fresh air! I live in Connecticut and the house has been closed up with the heat on since October - that is 6 months, people! I have a few windows open today and will again tomorrow inhaling lots and lots of fresh air. Cold front returns early next week.... sigh. :) Yea oxygen!

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Yes! I've been on the computer all day! :tongue_smilie:


Checking what's going on in Japan.


These two, I am supposed to be off my feet. But I don't want to lay down. So I sit for a while and do what needs to be done when I am tired of sitting.


Also I am trying to figure out the kids curriculums for next year as well. Almost done:lol:

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Figuring out curriculum for next year is my current obsession - we're entering 3rd grade, and I'm freaking out about making "just the right" choices. Also, I'm reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, and that has definitely become my reading obsession!

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I need to plan out the next 10 weeks of school. And then I need to plan out the next 4 years so that I have a basic plan for high school. But is that my current obsession? No, I'd rather do that darn puzzle!:D


I am a curriculum junkie. I don't know if that is bad thing, I think it is sometimes :D

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More sleep?


Finishing a very large cross stitch...


Paying off bills...


Goodness, do I feel boring!!


Oh! I know!! Now that I am watching my 3yo grandson and planning on doing preschool with him... I am so excited to be looking at resources and preschool stuff once more!!

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Yeah. I'm obsessing about the craft projects I'm not working on. I have to finish my knitting, but don't want to. I want to work on the cross stitch, but should do the split stitch instead. I want to make new garb for next weekend, but the thought of making three tunics in one week when I don't even like sewing has paralyzed me so I can do nothing. Though I might do some of that knitting :glare:



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I'm currently stuck on procrastinating the getting it together of the apartment. Downsizing from four bedroom two story house to two bedroom apt. is tricksy, and I can't seem to get it together. It is driving me crazy, but, so far, not so crazy that I am willing to get things all squared away. Ugh! Hopefully tomorrow....see what I mean?

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Picking out the "right" curriculum. Ack! I am so ready to be done with this obsession! Then I plan to delve into gardening (I try every year but peeter out so this year I am obsession with following through - after I am done getting all that curriculum. :tongue_smilie:).

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Fresh air! I live in Connecticut and the house has been closed up with the heat on since October - that is 6 months, people! I have a few windows open today and will again tomorrow inhaling lots and lots of fresh air. Cold front returns early next week.... sigh. :) Yea oxygen!



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Now I'm obsessing over sock knitting books. I can't even knit socks. I don't even like knitting and am wondering why I'm learning. I can't even imagine ever being good enough to want to practice enough to learn how to knit those cute socks. I don't even like wearing knitted socks.


I must need chocolate or a nap.




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Now I'm obsessing over sock knitting books. I can't even knit socks. I don't even like knitting and am wondering why I'm learning. I can't even imagine ever being good enough to want to practice enough to learn how to knit those cute socks. I don't even like wearing knitted socks.


I must need chocolate or a nap.





:lol::lol::lol: You crack me up Rosie. You have such a wonderful way of putting things. :grouphug:

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Ugh, ever since Nakia's thread where we talked about putting colored streaks in our hair I am now obsessing over it. I really want to do it because I feel like I'm running out of time to do something crazy, kwim?? I'm going to be 40 this September and I am feeling so compelled to do this thing, but I can't help thinking I'm being ridiculous! First I can't make up my mind what color, red, hot pink, electric blue, purple?? Second, I am a youth worker at church so I don't know if that will go over well or not with the parents whose children I teach. Third, I don't want to embarrass my dd or my dh. I want to get the clip in extensions so that I could take them off and on whenever I want to so I can fly my freak flag and eat my cake too, but that brings me to Fourth, my hair is wicked long. I want to put two streaks in on each side on underside of my hair, BUT my hair from the nape of my neck to the ends measures 27" and the longest extensions I can find are only 18". :( I dont' want to cut my hair, but I don't want to permanently dye it pink, or red, or blue or purple either and the extensions being almost a foot shorter than my actual hair will probably look ridiculous. grrrr


I'm really obsessing over trying to find a way to do this thing though because I am really feeling like it's my last hurrah and it's now or never, but I don't know how to make it happen in a practical way. :( I need Freak Flags for Dummies I think. :(

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. I want to get the clip in extensions so that I could take them off and on whenever I want to so I can fly my freak flag and eat my cake too, but that brings me to Fourth, my hair is wicked long. I want to put two streaks in on each side on underside of my hair, BUT my hair from the nape of my neck to the ends measures 27" and the longest extensions I can find are only 18". :( I dont' want to cut my hair, but I don't want to permanently dye it pink, or red, or blue or purple either and the extensions being almost a foot shorter than my actual hair will probably look ridiculous. grrrr

. :(


Why not get "real" extensions? You can take them out by yourself and they look better than the clip in kind? Plus they are so FUN, not permanent, you can get them longer than 18 inches. I have had several colors at various points and it was a great low key way to add zesty color. Plus you can always decide if you need more or less while they are doing it.


My obsession: 30 Day Shred, I totally hated Jillian and had to see why everyone loved her but dang she may be sucking me in!

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Why not get "real" extensions? You can take them out by yourself and they look better than the clip in kind? Plus they are so FUN, not permanent, you can get them longer than 18 inches. I have had several colors at various points and it was a great low key way to add zesty color. Plus you can always decide if you need more or less while they are doing it.


My obsession: 30 Day Shred, I totally hated Jillian and had to see why everyone loved her but dang she may be sucking me in!


You mean like go to the beauty salon extensions?? Or something else?? I wouldn't be able to go to the beauty salon. We don't have the budget for that. I cut & color my own hair at home.


I hate Jillian too btw. lol hehehehe Never did 30 day shred though. I'm a runner at heart. ;) :D

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Guest CarolineUK
Ugh, ever since Nakia's thread where we talked about putting colored streaks in our hair I am now obsessing over it. I really want to do it because I feel like I'm running out of time to do something crazy, kwim?? I'm going to be 40 this September and I am feeling so compelled to do this thing, but I can't help thinking I'm being ridiculous!


Hey! There's no age limit to doing ridiculous things. I'm now 47 and I'm just warming up to some of the wonderfully ridiculous things I can do with my appearance. That's one of the brilliant things about reaching 40 you really do stop caring what other people think.


As for obsessions, I'm completely obsessed with trying to stick to our homeschool schedule. It involves lots of nagging, and dragging children away from basically quite constructive activities that they'd rather be doing if they didn't have this lunatic mother getting on at them all the time. It's exhausting.

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You mean like go to the beauty salon extensions?? Or something else?? I wouldn't be able to go to the beauty salon. We don't have the budget for that. I cut & color my own hair at home.



If you are a little bit daring (and isn't this what it is all about?), check out this site: Doctored Locks


They have instructional videos on how to do your own extensions. It is super easy, especially if you are only doing a few. Plus, buying the hair and the supplies and doing it yourself is really cheap compared to going to the salon and you can do whatever length/color you want. You can also get many of these supplies at Sally's.


Also, remember that the clip-ons taper at the end, so even if they are not the length of your hair, they look good and blend in if your hair is layered.


Anyway, good luck with your hair obsession! I have been having one of those for years!!! :D

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I'm obsessing about what I'm always obsessing about this time of year--curriculum! :banghead: Specifically history and writing, but last year I was obsessing about grammar and science in addition to history and writing so at least I'm getting better.


Also obsessing about coffee. I gave it up for lent and I am missing it soooo much. I like tea, but it doesn't do the trick for me like coffee. :sad:

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I forgot my other obsession - chopping blackberry vines! My neighbor believes in letting nature take it course, which is fine for her, but those darn blackberries go over and under the fence and then start taking over my yard! My health wasn't good enough last year to keep up the battle but now it is WAR! Dd9 has joined in on this obsession. She chopped for an hour yesterday and came in proudly asking for 8 bandaids:lol: They are all chopped. Now I'm digging out blackberry vine roots.

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Hey! There's no age limit to doing ridiculous things. I'm now 47 and I'm just warming up to some of the wonderfully ridiculous things I can do with my appearance. That's one of the brilliant things about reaching 40 you really do stop caring what other people think.


As for obsessions, I'm completely obsessed with trying to stick to our homeschool schedule. It involves lots of nagging, and dragging children away from basically quite constructive activities that they'd rather be doing if they didn't have this lunatic mother getting on at them all the time. It's exhausting.

Thank you for the encouragement. :) My mom always says that the 40's are the best years. :)


If you are a little bit daring (and isn't this what it is all about?), check out this site: Doctored Locks


They have instructional videos on how to do your own extensions. It is super easy, especially if you are only doing a few. Plus, buying the hair and the supplies and doing it yourself is really cheap compared to going to the salon and you can do whatever length/color you want. You can also get many of these supplies at Sally's.


Also, remember that the clip-ons taper at the end, so even if they are not the length of your hair, they look good and blend in if your hair is layered.


Anyway, good luck with your hair obsession! I have been having one of those for years!!! :D


Thank you so much. It's an interesting site. Where do you find the video clips?? I'm browsing it, but can't find that part. Thanks. :)


Doctor Who


THAT is a very worthy obsession. :D

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(1) Worrying about Japan


(2) Beating myself up over real or imagined shortcomings in how I have educated (or not) my boys


(3) Looking for magic wands that will make up for the shortcomings in (2) - mostly through online homeschool sites that combine a genuine love of educating children with a healthy dose of knowing how to manipulate maternal guilt and fear


(4) Knitting.


For you, I would suggest knitting.

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(1) Worrying about Japan


(2) Beating myself up over real or imagined shortcomings in how I have educated (or not) my boys


(3) Looking for magic wands that will make up for the shortcomings in (2) - mostly through online homeschool sites that combine a genuine love of educating children with a healthy dose of knowing how to manipulate maternal guilt and fear


(4) Knitting.


For you, I would suggest knitting.


I'm already doing 1, 2 and 3. I was starting to learn to knit. It got supplanted by my current obsessions!

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(1) Worrying about Japan


(2) Beating myself up over real or imagined shortcomings in how I have educated (or not) my boys


(3) Looking for magic wands that will make up for the shortcomings in (2) - mostly through online homeschool sites that combine a genuine love of educating children with a healthy dose of knowing how to manipulate maternal guilt and fear


(4) Knitting.


For you, I would suggest knitting.


I'm 4,2,3, and 1 on your list. Great minds think alike. :D

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Thank you so much. It's an interesting site. Where do you find the video clips?? I'm browsing it, but can't find that part. Thanks. :)


Oh, sorry, it is a bit tough to find! And, yes, it is a wacky site.. Obviously most of the stuff is a bit off the wall, but the tutorials are good. :)


On the home page, just scroll down and on the left column there is a link to TUTORIALS. You will be looking for anything having to do with LINKIES OR SHRINKIES... Here is a link to the LINKIES page.


You will probably want to look at the video, INSTALLING LINKIES WITH I-TIP PRE-BONDED HAIR. These are the kind of small extensions that you can do yourself with supplies from a Sally's. There is no glue involved and you can take them out when you want to.


Another note... this site has hair in colors that you can actually blow dry and style with heat like as in a curling iron or a flat iron. That makes a huge difference if you are going to have them in for a while! It is called Shapeshifter, and I don't think Sally's carries this kind.

If you use this type of hair, you will have to do a slightly different technique... Linkies with synthetic hair...


Sorry so long! But thought I'd put it here instead of a pm incase anyone else is interested! Good luck!!!

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Oh, sorry, it is a bit tough to find! And, yes, it is a wacky site.. Obviously most of the stuff is a bit off the wall, but the tutorials are good. :)


On the home page, just scroll down and on the left column there is a link to TUTORIALS. You will be looking for anything having to do with LINKIES OR SHRINKIES... Here is a link to the LINKIES page.


You will probably want to look at the video, INSTALLING LINKIES WITH I-TIP PRE-BONDED HAIR. These are the kind of small extensions that you can do yourself with supplies from a Sally's. There is no glue involved and you can take them out when you want to.


Another note... this site has hair in colors that you can actually blow dry and style with heat like as in a curling iron or a flat iron. That makes a huge difference if you are going to have them in for a while! It is called Shapeshifter, and I don't think Sally's carries this kind.

If you use this type of hair, you will have to do a slightly different technique... Linkies with synthetic hair...


Sorry so long! But thought I'd put it here instead of a pm incase anyone else is interested! Good luck!!!


Oh yes I did the online chat help thingy on there and the girl gave me links to the shape shifter. It looks cool and apparently I can buy it in whatever size I need. YAY! :hurray: I've got like 7 Youtube windows open for them now. lol Do you know about the hair dyes?? Do you have to bleach the hair first in order to put in the color?? I am trying to decide whether to the linkies extensions thingy or to just dye my own hair. What do you think?? Thanks again for the site link. :)

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