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I'm back, did you miss me?

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Okay, maybe you didn't even notice I was gone. But I sort of died and now I'm back! Mitral valve prolapse regurgitation they called it. Seriously. I am on the mend, open heart surgery, who would have known? How's your heart?:001_huh:

Ginger, that is just unreal. We just never know what's around the corner, do we? Can I ask your age? I bet you are young for open heart surgery, but I guess mitral valve problems can be at any age. So glad you are OK!

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Heheh. Good attitude indeed. I wake up happy every morning. Maybe I was taking a walk with God while I was gone, eh?

All of my symptoms of anything I said to self, "oh, just annoying menopause symptoms." I had on and off for a few years MINOR heart palpitations. But the week before I went to mid atlantic I was starting to have heart palps that took, really, took my breath away and made me unable to speak. But it only lasted for a few moments....

Laying in bed, at family member's home, trying to sleep, I was so tired, but my heart was pounding so hard (like I'd been running) and my breathing was very weird (it matched the beating of my heart, as in waves) and a weird sound coming from my airway...I woke up family member, we went to ER. I remember most of the next 4-5 hours, but then...I've got nothing much in the memory banks for 4-5 days. They say I crashed. They thought I had double pneumonia and a few other things, but the valve that closes from the area to the lungs was faulty, and the blood wasn't going into the next chamber or something, it was all going back into my lungs.

I'm still kind of stupid feeling.

I was lacking oxygen! I'm 50, they say I don't look it, too young to be 50. Meanwhile, dh came to where I am and finally went back home after my lengthy hospital stay of 10 days. Sister will take care of me and then I'll get to go home. Yes, they nearly lost me. How prepared was my family for this? Not at all. Not at all.

My heart...repaired; no placement parts, just a little GORETEX here and there. :lol::001_huh: I'm serious. And I'm happy.

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Heheh. Good attitude indeed. I wake up happy every morning. Maybe I was taking a walk with God while I was gone, eh?

All of my symptoms of anything I said to self, "oh, just annoying menopause symptoms." I had on and off for a few years MINOR heart palpitations. But the week before I went to mid atlantic I was starting to have heart palps that took, really, took my breath away and made me unable to speak. But it only lasted for a few moments....

Laying in bed, at family member's home, trying to sleep, I was so tired, but my heart was pounding so hard (like I'd been running) and my breathing was very weird (it matched the beating of my heart, as in waves) and a weird sound coming from my airway...I woke up family member, we went to ER. I remember most of the next 4-5 hours, but then...I've got nothing much in the memory banks for 4-5 days. They say I crashed. They thought I had double pneumonia and a few other things, but the valve that closes from the area to the lungs was faulty, and the blood wasn't going into the next chamber or something, it was all going back into my lungs.

I'm still kind of stupid feeling.

I was lacking oxygen! I'm 50, they say I don't look it, too young to be 50. Meanwhile, dh came to where I am and finally went back home after my lengthy hospital stay of 10 days. Sister will take care of me and then I'll get to go home. Yes, they nearly lost me. How prepared was my family for this? Not at all. Not at all.

My heart...repaired; no placement parts, just a little GORETEX here and there. :lol::001_huh: I'm serious. And I'm happy.


Ok, forget my question if you had any warning. Got it. Wow!! Again, since I have mitral valve regurg. and have been having heart palp's I'm a bit :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, maybe you didn't even notice I was gone. But I sort of died and now I'm back! Mitral valve prolapse regurgitation they called it. Seriously. I am on the mend, open heart surgery, who would have known? How's your heart?:001_huh:


OH my goodness, how scary! :grouphug: I'm glad you are recovering!

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Ok, forget my question if you had any warning. Got it. Wow!! Again, since I have mitral valve regurg. and have been having heart palp's I'm a bit :tongue_smilie:

They said my heart was falling apart in that one area.

Please have it checked.

If you don't have a cardiologist, you should.

This coming from an herbalist.

They'll do an echocardiogram (forgive my spelling). It will show them where the blood is coming from, where it's going.

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They said my heart was falling apart in that one area.

Please have it checked.

If you don't have a cardiologist, you should.

This coming from an herbalist.

They'll do an echocardiogram (forgive my spelling). It will show them where the blood is coming from, where it's going.


Thanks for the push Ginger. My husband has been telling me this. My latest EKG showed an arrythmia(on top of the mitral valve and aortic regurg.) but my dr didn't seem concerned.

Going to look for a cardiologist.....


stay well!

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Wow Ginger! Glad you are all fixed up!


I have MVP with sporatic heart palps, too. As Mom2littleboys also said, my Dr. has never seemed too concerned about it. I had an Echocardiogram years ago, wore a halter for a couple of days a few years back, but they seem to just come in sporatic waves every few years.


The thing I would like to know from you is- when you had the heart palps, were they the kind that just sped up? or were they the weird "skip, stop beating, then start hard and fast again?"


I am so very glad to hear you are ok. Crazy scary!

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sheesh, I don't know. palpitations would just come on me, as a light heart fluttering up in the upper part of the heart I think, and it seemed like I'd roll along okay with it. But in the past couple of months more frequently they were palpitations with the ability to take my breath away. It was noticeable to my family when it was happening too. I could not speak. No breath.

Thanks everyone! It is going to be a long road back.:grouphug:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was very fortunate, kalanamak. I had repair instead of replacement! My expert surgeon also used goretex and parts of my heart to repair 5 areas all right there in the mitral valve.

I was far from my home and kids and husband. What a trip it has been! It really affected my ability to think, remember. I have a long recovery ahead of me. I can't drive yet.

I even had a pulmonary embolism (blood clot) in my lung over a week after surgery and being released from the hospital and ended up back in the hospital for three days.

My chest hurts in various places, is numb in others, as nerves and muscles reacquaint themselves. I have even forgotten how to spell. I noticed I haven't forgotten the words to songs of Led Zeppelin that I just shouldn't even know. Okay, sorry.

I mean: I nearly died and would have died if they hadn't transferred me to the better hospital! It took them 3 days at the first hospital to realize I didn't have double pneumonia.

Okay, anybody got a stethoscope?

SO as I've posted here I've been slowly coming out of the fog I was in. If you've ever gone through anything like this you'll know what I mean. Coming to and not knowing even what had happened to me. (Enter that weird shivery noise here "the willies" we call it).

Thanks for the good wishes. I still need good thoughts sent my way because I am on meds i just do not want to be on!!!:001_huh:

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This is scary as I was diagnosed with this years ago. I do get palps from time to time, both fast beat and irregular beat, but nothing that's ever concerned me. My mom also gets palps; she's actually on medication for them, but I've never been that bad. Anyway, I have a cardiologist who's never seemed concerned. I don't seem him very often. I do get an echo every year during my physical but my regular doc has never said to be concerned about this either. Did you know you had this, or was this the first it was diagnosed? Scary.

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Okay, maybe you didn't even notice I was gone. But I sort of died and now I'm back! Mitral valve prolapse regurgitation they called it. Seriously. I am on the mend, open heart surgery, who would have known? How's your heart?:001_huh:


did you get a valve replacement?


I had one done in 1998. No fun. Everyday is better than the last. One year from surgery you'll wake up and realize just how far you've come. But it does take a year.


Glad to hear you're on the mend. Scary stuff.

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I had been told I had ...heart...here goes my brain and memory...

let's say I chalked up my heart palpitations to menopause (see symptoms of menopause). and OH heart murmur. My siblings all have them. As far as we remember, our parents did not have any heart issues at all!

My valve was in such disrepair that the blood that picked up the oxygen in the lungs was not going and staying in the heart. It was going back out to the lungs. I was drowning sort of...gross huh?

I highly recommend a heart clinic where they do lots of heart surgeries all the time. My surgeon is one of the top ten in the country.:hurray:

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CalicoKat -- see post #40. it was a repair which means I shouldn't have to be on blood thinner for the rest of my life, but because of a clot they have to watch me for a few months and keep me on blood thinner meds.


You had a valve replacement? That is scarier than repair.

I told my 19 ds that goretex was used in there too. "My hiking boots are made of goretex!:lol:"

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CalicoKat -- see post #40. it was a repair which means I shouldn't have to be on blood thinner for the rest of my life, but because of a clot they have to watch me for a few months and keep me on blood thinner meds. Blood thinners do suck. My valve wasn't repairable.


You had a valve replacement? Yes


That is scarier than repair. Anything with the heart is scary scary stuff. Totally understood the congestive heart failure ick. My regular gp didn't get it either. He was treating me for asthma. :svengo::svengo: He thought I wasn't using the inhaler right and was in process of teaching me like I was a child how to do it, again, when my dh walked in and started hollaring at him. Must be a man thing because he listened to him and shortly I had surgery.


I told my 19 ds that goretex was used in there too. "My hiking boots are made of goretex!:lol:" A bit of titanium in mine and I sound like a watch. I can't think about it too much or I get weirded out though. Amazing what medical technology can accomplish. But I've had 13 more years above ground. And I'm grateful. .


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