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Name For Baby That You Love But Will Never Use

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It was my grandma's name but my dh is not a fan. Then we decided not to do family names at all because we lost a few very close to us and we didn't want to choose.


I had wanted that name for one of my kids since I was 12 though.:sad:


ETA: We knew if we had a boy we would name him Ean but we have all girls.


A friend of ours just had twins: Eva and Zoe :)

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The girl name I never got to use: Elena Marie


The boy name nobody would let me use: Duncan Phillip


I love Duncan!


boy: Saxon

girl: Bronwyn


I had a good friend who called her little girl Arwen. We all thought it would be weird (LOTR anyone?) but it isn't it's lovely.





We used it for our dog. I wish we had saved it for a child. :glare:


My SIL did this.. named her 2 dogs her favorite baby names because they thought they'd wait a long time for kids, then she got pregnant right away.


Also Desmond, Jabin Xavier (almost got that one for the last ds), Evangeline, Audrey and William. I've wanted a William since I was a little girl and it's been suggested for each of our dc, but it never stuck. *sigh*

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I love, love, love the girl's name Dagny. I know some people think it's awful, but everyone in our family loves it. Part of the reason I like it is because it has a very similar meaning to my middle name (it means "new day" and my mn is Dawn).


As for boys, Rudy. I would name a little boy Rudy in a heartbeat -- but it's my dh's dad's name and while they have a good relationship, it's his *dad*. To him, Rudy is an older man's name, not a little boy's.


ETA -- I had to add this in here: I have always liked the girl's name April and my mom's middle name is Mae. I really wanted to have an April Mae (and would have done it), but dh said no. :001_smile:

Edited by milovaný
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I LOVE Charlotte. DH thought it sounded "too Southern." Then I found out it was his paternal grandmother's name and I campaigned harder for it. We saw FIL while I was pregnant with Thing 2 and I told him about my campaign for Charlotte and he said "After my mother? Oh don't do that. She was an awful woman - always miserable."




On the opposite side, DH really wanted to use Marshall for Thing 2. It was the name of an uncle of his who died in infancy. He thought I was being completely irrational when I said there was NO WAY I was naming my perfect newborn son after someone who had died in infancy - I refused to tempt fate or whatever with that. Took us 7 days to name that kid - he was named then only because it was the deadline for filing a birth certificate. We either had to name him or file it with "Baby Boy" as his name and then refile a corrected form.

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Does anyone have a list like this? My husband is a total killjoy when it comes to my favorite names. I'm sure there are others out there with a list of great names that their spouse has nixed.


Mine are:






Love these! Especially the first one, it's my first name, lol! ;) The second one was the first name of the most wonderful nurse praticioner I ever knew and the last one I actually met a little girl that was seeing the same speech therapist as my daughter and that was her name.


Ever since I read the Three Musketeers (in jr high) I have wanted to name a son Dartagnan.


My oldest, when he was in public school, had a classmate that was named Dartagnan, his nickname was Dar. Everyone loved him, he was my son's best buddy at school. :001_smile:



The one's I wish I could have used are:





Rachel (dh's grandma's name, doesn't work with our last name)


Sylvia (my grandma's name but we couldn't make it work with our last name)






Harrison (my grandpa's middle name)



For our 2yo dd, we could only agree on Danielle (dh) or Katherine (me), in the end dh let me have my way, lol! He was a little dissapointed until he discovered that Katherine is the middle name of his favorite aunt that passed away several years ago and his great-grandmother, then he was very glad we picked that name.:001_smile:

Edited by Cortana
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I LOVE Charlotte. DH thought it sounded "too Southern." Then I found out it was his paternal grandmother's name and I campaigned harder for it. We saw FIL while I was pregnant with Thing 2 and I told him about my campaign for Charlotte and he said "After my mother? Oh don't do that. She was an awful woman - always miserable."




On the opposite side, DH really wanted to use Marshall for Thing 2. It was the name of an uncle of his who died in infancy. He thought I was being completely irrational when I said there was NO WAY I was naming my perfect newborn son after someone who had died in infancy - I refused to tempt fate or whatever with that. Took us 7 days to name that kid - he was named then only because it was the deadline for filing a birth certificate. We either had to name him or file it with "Baby Boy" as his name and then refile a corrected form.


How interesting re: Charlotte. I have a Charlotte and I associate it more with England.

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I have a list of boy names:






Trinity is the name that I really, really wanted for our youngest daughter.

DH didn't. :(


If we have another girl, she will likely be Calliope. Or Kasimiera (the latter is a family name from my side of the family, one of my aunts from Russia was named that, and my DH loves it, more so than I do, actually. That was what he wanted for youngest daughter. I didn't.)


DH really, really wanted to name our son Jericho. I actually liked it, BUT, DH's dad's name is Jerry, and I didn't want Jericho to get shortened to that. But then we found the name Jaiden (actually we saw Jayden, but we changed the spelling) and both loved it. And then about a month before he was born, Will Smith named his son that (tho spelled differently). We couldn't believe it. When we had our ds, after a few days of having no name because we were so torn, we went with Jaiden anyway because we really did like it, and it was different. Now, it is EVERYWHERE, and used for both girls and boys. My ds is 12, so he is usually much older than the other kids with that name, but still.


My oldest dd21 was *almost* Brandywine. Instead, she is Sarah. She is very upset by this, and reminds us often that we should have chosen Brandywine. :glare:

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Felicia (went to elementary with a girl who had this name and thought it sounded so lady-like)

Anna Elyse (next name on my list if we have another girl!)



Kyle (Just think it sounds manly!)

Simon (definitely a smart boy name)


Having taught public school for five yearsm it is hard to find a name that doesn't have bad memories associated with some terrible student you taught :glare:

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I love the names Hailey and Briana for a girl and Ian for a boy, but dh doesn't like any of those names. :-( Every pregnancy he's threatened to name a boy Fenton, but I've told him that it's just not going to happen. I don't think he really likes the name; he just likes to see my reaction.

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I love Asher but the last two were girls.


I have a friend (female) whose name is Asher.


I wanted to name one of mine Jack. It even says "Hi Jack" on his ultrasound picture. My dh nixed the idea. Now that same son is going to have a child in August and if it is a boy, he will be Jack. :001_smile:

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I love Phoenix, but would never use it.


Also, Alma for a girl, but I'm Mormon, and Alma is a man in our scriptures, so it would be weird in our circles. Also Ammon for a boy, but he's also in our scriptures and I don't know, I think it would be dorky. But I like it anyways..


I'm still working on Asher if we ever have a boy. My husband thinks it sounds like a wimp. ETA: I totally didn't know Asher was already discussed before posting. I love that name!

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I chose a name for my daughter when I was 9 years old (that's 38 years ago.) and I've loved it all these years. I got it from a Niel Diamond 8 track tape my mom used to play over and over again! When I suggested it to my DH he said, "Over my dead body." So we never used it. The name was:


Shiloh Marie


Now that the Jolie-Pitts have used that name, I'd never use it, but then too, I'm not having anymore babies. I still love the name.


For our last child, we chose a boys name before we found out she was a girl.


Josiah James


I still think there should be a Josiah in our family. It's weird that I sort of miss him even though he never existed. Maybe it's becaues I have 3 girls and 1 boy and always wanted to give my son a brother.

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Not planning to have more kids, so I won't be using these...





This is one of my as well. I told J that he has to have two girls and name them Isobel and Zofia. Then a little boy and name him Jakob.


J was either going to be a Sarah Elisabeth or Paige Elisabeth as DH nixed Kadie Scarlett, Isobel, Zofia and Emma.

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My husband has vetoed:

Isabella/Bella (and darn Twilight, I wouldn't go for it anymore, either.)


Luke (doesn't think it goes with our last name, although we have friends with a similar last name and they have a Luke!)


The names he likes that I don't love-




Whoever mentioned Piper - I love that.

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I love, love, love the girl's name Dagny. I know some people think it's awful, but everyone in our family loves it. Part of the reason I like it is because it has a very similar meaning to my middle name (it means "new day" and my mn is Dawn).


As for boys, Rudy. I would name a little boy Rudy in a heartbeat -- but it's my dh's dad's name and while they have a good relationship, it's his *dad*. To him, Rudy is an older man's name, not a little boy's.


ETA -- I had to add this in here: I have always liked the girl's name April and my mom's middle name is Mae. I really wanted to have an April Mae (and would have done it), but dh said no. :001_smile:



We have a Dagny at our church. She's about 2 and SO CUTE! :)

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Boy: Ariel (pronounced AIR-ee-el, accented at the front instead of the end, which would be the girl version)

Girl: Abigail


What I've heard (and the baby name site I checked confirmed this) is that both the boy and girl version are accented on the first syllable, but the vowel is slightly different on the first and last syllables. AR-ee-el for a boy and AIR-ee-ul for a girl.


(Just in case someone is getting inspiration from this thread. ;))

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I really like Eden, but my husband's name is Adam so that would be weird. Same with Eva, though that is also way too popular for me to seriously consider it in any case.


My husband has said a big fat no to my suggestions of Gaia, Lilith, Athena and Harper. I had to agree on Harper because it is the last name of our Prime Minister, who is a dolt. I would love the name otherwise.


I also love Bella, Emily, Grace, Lauren, Bronwyn, Bryn, Quinn, Siobhan, Gwenyth, and Sienna. We've ruled them all out due to popularity; I know kids with each of these names.

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My dh has no say when it comes to naming our babies. He doesn't think deeply about it, his suggestions are so lame (old girlfriend's names, for example), he doesn't take it seriously. So I get to name the baby, he doesn't get to know what my choice is until baby is born, and he can't complain. It works for us. :D


I did let him name #2 (Tyler). Wow...how original. That "creativity" along with the girlfriend's names ended his input for good. :glare:


So I get free reign with baby names - woohoo!

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[Dagny] is a cute name, it makes me think of Atlas Shrugged though!


I've heard that (I posted up above about Dagny), but have never read the book. It wouldn't influence me even if I had. No more than Axl Rose changed our mind about using the name Axel for our 2yob. :D

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Alia - We planned to name DD1 this, but at the last minute I decided I couldn't do that to her. My name is Jessica.


Anneliese - I came up with this when pregnant with my first, as a sort of an amalgamation of my maternal grandparent's names (Anne and Lee). But he was a boy. Then my cousin named her baby that, for the same reason. I had never discussed the name with anyone other than DH - we came up with it totally independently.


Laurel - DH doesn't like it.

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My husband has vetoed:

Isabella/Bella (and darn Twilight, I wouldn't go for it anymore, either.)


Luke (doesn't think it goes with our last name, although we have friends with a similar last name and they have a Luke!)


The names he likes that I don't love-




Whoever mentioned Piper - I love that.


We have a Piper and I just love her name! She loves it, too. I think it's becoming more popular now, but she's 12, so she hasn't met a Piper her age. Her middle name is Lee, but I so often wish that I'd used Louise (my middle name) as her middle name, even if it meant her having two middle names. She says she wants to change her middle name to Lee-Louise. I wonder how complicated that would be to do.....hmmmmm.....maybe I could work Silas in there somewhere.....

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I really like Eden, but my husband's name is Adam so that would be weird. Same with Eva, though that is also way too popular for me to seriously consider it in any case.


My husband has said a big fat no to my suggestions of Gaia, Lilith, Athena and Harper. I had to agree on Harper because it is the last name of our Prime Minister, who is a dolt. I would love the name otherwise.


I also love Bella, Emily, Grace, Lauren, Bronwyn, Bryn, Quinn, Siobhan, Gwenyth, and Sienna. We've ruled them all out due to popularity; I know kids with each of these names.


My dh is Adam also, and people sometime ask us why we didn't name one of our girls Eve. Love your list of girl names, esp. Bronwyn! Welsh names are so interesting!

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