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S/O: So let's share how God has provided in "impossible" situations...

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I'll start:

Everytime we have been short on funds, they have arrived, usually just in the nick of time.


When I've had chest pain or skipped heart beats, when I pray, often they will disappear. Or the anxiety and fear will go away.


Reading scripture, not understanding a passage, praying for understanding, and immediately getting it.



Seeing one or more of my dc, looking completely uninterested in the sermon at church, praying that God will change their heart, and seeing them straighten up and pay attention. All without ANYTHING said by me!!


Dh receiving understanding in a situation that seemed utterly impossible. Again, without a word from me!


But really, the big one for me, is what I mentioned above. I am almost always coming up short for unexpected expenses. And when I remember to pray about it, it gets provided.....


So, as I sit here, stressed about many things, I realize...I need to get off the computer and go pray!!

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I experienced multiple miscarriages before dd18 was born. They all started with the same symptoms. I always prayed for God's will to be done. I always lost the baby. When the same symptoms started with dd18, I lay in bed crying and praying that she would live. I could not take another loss. The next day, the ultrasound showed a beating heart for the first time.

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I answered a similar question this past December in another thread. Here it is again:


I don't have any recent experiences but there have been many of these kinds of occurrences throughout my life. One in particular stands out and I bring it mind whenever I'm tempted to question the goodness of God. It is small and seemingly unimportant, but in a way, that is what makes it all the more amazing.


I was getting ready to come home from college the first semester of my senior year. My ride was going to pick me up at 7pm in my dorm parking lot. It was late afternoon and I had a pile of dirty laundry. I decided to go ahead and wash it instead of taking it home (my mom lived in an apartment with the laundry in the basement and I really didn't want to have to do that).


After I figured the washing machine had finished its cycle I hunted around for a dime for the dryer. Aacckk!! I had no dimes - no money at all. I checked my suitemate's dresser where she kept a little dish filled with coins figuring I'd pay her back - the dish was empty. I knocked on my neighbors' door to borrow a dime but neither one was there. Everyone was out of the dorm studying for finals (mine had ended earlier than most).


I prayed a very faithless prayer in my head - something like, "God, what am I going to do? Help!" I decided to go on down to the dorm basement to see if anyone was there who could help me out. Nope. Empty. Just then a man walked in the room - I lived in a very strict dorm - no guys allowed during the week and this was Wednesday. I imagined the headline "Co-ed murdered in dorm laundry room." I held my breath as he approached the machines.


Then he took out a large key ring, placed one of the keys in the coin receptacle of one of the washers, pulled it out and dumped the coins into a canvas bag. I sighed with relief. He was just collecting the money! I had already moved my clothes from the washer to the dryer hoping someone would come in whom I could borrow a dime from and I was just standing there next to it trying to remain calm. The man reached my dryer, emptied the coin box and put it back in the dryer. Then he said, "Are you going to use this dryer?" I nodded. He took a dime out of the canvas bag and deposited it in the coin slot and said, "There now, here's one on the house."


I know it seems so insignificant - but that dime in the dryer has gotten me through many times of near despair. If He cares about one silly little dime, then certainly He is able to sustain me through much more.

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Well. From the very first day I found out I was pregnant, it was, for me, God providing what I needed. At the time I was using drugs, drinking heavily, and just doing nothing good with my life. I was also told that I would never have children of my own. DD, who by doctors accounts shouldn't be here, was my savior.


And not a specific instance but, for the last 2 years, DD and I have been living on less than 12K a year while I finish school. Things have gotten extremely tough. I currently owe my babysitter and my landlord money. But... God always pulls through. Sometimes my parents come into extra money and are able to help. Sometimes I find a babysitting job or two to cover extra expenses. Sometimes my grandfather calls and asks if I need help. Once or twice I've sold things that were of no use to me for significant amounts of money (well, significant enough to make a difference!)


He really is good.

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1. I was 17 and my boyfriend had left for the Navy. We were pretty serious, I had a promise ring, and we planned to get engaged when he got out. (we did, but that's another story) I was so brokenhearted when he left. Four years seemed forever at the time. I was crying one night and missing him and just feeling like things were hopeless. I'd gone to the bathroom and when I came back, I was stunned by this amazing rainbow across my bedroom wall. My bedroom was in the basement and it was night. I had all the lights out except for a strand of multi-colored Christmas lights hanging in my room. They were hanging in such a way that they reflected off the paneling in my room and made a stunning, colorful rainbow over the wall. I wouldn't have noticed it while in the room, I had to see it from an angle from the outside of my room. Anyhow, I felt very strongly that God was sending me my own rainbow like he did Noah. Everything was going to be ok-there was no promise of a happily-ever-after, just that God would be there for me. I felt very much at peace right then.


2. Four years (and a few of ups and downs later) my boyfriend came home, proposed to me, we got engaged, he cheated on me, we saw a therapist a couple times and ended up going our seperate ways. I really struggled with trust issues after that. During one week's time, I had been reading out of a daily devotional and was really moved by something I'd read and it just made so much sense, it took a weight off my shoulders. I'd also been listening to Petra and one of their songs said, "Don't let your heart be hardened. Don't let your love grow cold. May it always stay so child-like, may it never grow to old." That really hit me too. I couldn't harden my heart to future love-there'd be so much loss in that and it's not a way to live. That was important to helping me move forward.


3. I met my now husband in college and we'd been dating for a good year. We were at a point in our relationship where we either move forward with marriage or we go our seperate ways. I had gone for a long walk one night and told God about where I was at. I told him that I didn't trust my heart this time. I wanted to marry my now husband, but was I seeing things clearly? I told God to let me know if marrying him was right or wrong and let me know it so strongly in my hear that I wouldn't have a single doubt either way. I was given an immediate image in my head of my hubby-to-be in the palms of God's hands and got a message saying, "He is my precious gift to you! Love him as much as I do!" I could just feel the love God had for my husband-to-be and the joy he had in sharing him with me. I felt so privileged to feel that and just knew in my heart that this was truly the man I was meant to be with, no ifs ands or buts and I never looked back. I second guess so much of what I do in my life, that that's quite a testimony!


4. My husband and I had been married for a few years. He quit his job as a high school math teacher and was offered a job selling insurance to school teachers. We had to relocate and spent a couple months trying hard to find a place in that area to live. We were both so baffled because we weren't picky people. One palce was way too tiny for a sahm, another was a rental shared with college students in the basement, one smelled like drugs, one was an old house with disgusting carpets we could've lived with but we had a crawling baby, so no way, another we had to fill out forms and wait. In the meantime the company was waiting for us to move and our landlord had rented our place and wanted us out asap! We were so stressed out. One day, while going through the paper, he saw an ad for an IT position in a town just down the road. He applied for the job, interviewed, was offered the job, we went to look at apts., found one and moved all in ONE WEEK! He declined the other job and ended up on a totally different path. About one month later we found out we were expecting. We had an ultrasound two months after that and found out we were having twins. My water broke at 26 weeks, I was in the hospital for 3 weeks before they were born and then they were in NICU for 2 months. This hospital was only 30 min. from our home. Had we moved to the area we'd planned and went through all that, we would've been 2.5 hours from the nearest hospital that could've helped us. To this day I am so grateful we were that close to the large hospital and could have the ease of being together as a family yet. My husband's employer and co-workers were just incredible through that time and he had just started working there. He wouldn't have had that support as an independent salesman like he would've been at the other job.


5. We spent two years looking for an acreage to move to. We found one that seemed really nice and would work for us. We'd finally have our dream place. We had to sell our house in town first, though, and that ended up not happening. We lost that place and hoped that God just had something better in mind for us. He did. About a year later an acreage in foreclosure came on the market and it was even better than the first one. It was cheaper, had a much nicer house, was on a tar road and had rural water which were huge bonuses as well. Hubby had just moved to a different job in the company, got a pay raise and we felt we could handle two mortgages for awhile and went ahead and bought the acreage. Our house in town sold two months later. That acreage was a much better fit for us.

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Last May our dd left for the states before Dad got back from Iraq--just a week apart. He was heart-broken that she wasn't there to meet him with us.

Well, as things turned out she went to meet a young man who was in the military and they married just one month later. We didn't get to go, and were heart broken yet again. Then came the call that a sweet babe was on the way. My dh's heart had gotten pretty wounded by this point as we had done nothing to cause her to treat us this way. The kids were struggling to make ends meet and dd had a horrible job. She was so sick with morning sickness and I was a mess just praying night and day for those two. I wanted to do things for the kids to make life easier...but hubby wouldn't have it. He said they made their bed and they have to sleep in it. I cried and worried like any mom would do. Then I prayed for God to change his heart. I prayed we could help out our children. Well it only took 6 months of praying like crazy and God came through. DD job was getting worse, she wasn't gaining weight and was completely stressed out and crying on the phone. I called dh at work and ask could we please send them money to help them out and allow her to stay home. He said Yes(I jumped for joy)....we send them a check equal to her monthly salary and she stays at home and takes care of our sweet little blessing. This has been going on for 4 months now and it's working out beautifully. The baby is adorable and has stolen her grand-dads heart and we talk to our daughter and son-in-law daily. It's amazing what prayer can do.

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I can't really name a specific occurrence where I can say, "THIS was provided." OVerall, though, it's always enough. Most of the time, it is my EXPECTATIONS that change, rather than my actual situation. I've learned many lessons over the last few years about what really matters.


Makes me complain less!:lol:

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Many ways. Most recently he provided a job for me that is my dream job, really it is more than I would have dreamed of. I need work and I want to homeschool. I prayed that God would lead me to a place where I could have a flexible schedule and not too much stress. I was thinking Wegmans, Starbucks, Trader Joe's or a book store somewhere. I got a job I didn't even apply for, I applied for a shipping department position at an alliance of reformed theologians and I got a job as their event coordinator planning their conferences. Now instead of simply shipping out books and cds by these men whom I often read and admire, I get to meet them and hear them speak. Best part is that I work from home for the most part. I still can't believe I have this job!

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This isn't my story, but my sister's. My sister and her DH were very strapped financially, but they desperately needed a car. They both work (in opposite directions) and have 4 kids. BIL's pickup truck had died an ugly death. They could not afford a car payment, so my BIL prayed, "God, I really need a car." A couple of days later, a friend from church called and said, "I have this car sitting in my garage that no one is using. For some reason I thought of you and wondered if you wanted to borrow it." And it was a Lexus! BIL drove the car for free for about a a year, then they had the money for him to buy it. I've always thought it was an amazing story.

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Dh used to be an IT guy, an extremely competent one with fantastic people skills to boot. He was laid off the in the IT bust of 2001/2002 (Mar 2001 to be exact), but had a bunch of opportunities he was scheduled to interview for as hiring picked up coming out of summer 2001. Then 1) 9-11 happened and the bottom fell out of everything, 2) dot.com bubble burst, 3) IT collapse in N Tx, 4) Telecom (big in N Tx) also in a huge contraction.


It was a quadruple whammy regionally, and he was unemployed nearly two years. We "ate" our savings for a house; mercifully, we were in a rental. We couldn't get him a job for love or money, with both of us working nearly fulltime at it, him networking constantly, me job searching the internet, preparing resumes and cover letters, etc. And homeschooling 3 in grade school.


When were were down to our last savings and some other extended family circumstances changed, dmil decided to move into assisted living, but dfil did not go with her (long story). She asked us to move into the family home and care for him.


We agreed, but just before we moved, dh landed a job--35% pay cut, but it was something. We were torn, but decided to move in w/ gramps anyway, to make sure he was well taken care of and to rebuild our lives.


Ffwd a year, and we found out that both boys have dyslexia. I had done a great job with ds1 (3 phonics programs ;) ), but he still needed some language therapy ($40/hour; 4 days a week, for 9 months). Ds2 needed the full program--turned out to be 2.5 years of language therapy. All told, more than $20K of expense. We were able to afford it, even on the smaller income, b/c God had put us in a place where we didn't have a mortgage or rental cost, just our food and sharing the utility costs. The personal cost of eldercare was very high--the kids have very mixed feelings about some of what they experienced, as dementia can damage even the most loving of relationships--but it funded what my boys needed, and for that I'm eternally grateful.


God provided for what we needed before we even knew we'd need it.

Edited by Valerie(TX)
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When we were only a few month married at the time and we were short $200 for bills. I was upset and DH made a comment about God supplying our needs and not worry. I was mad he was not stressed about this so I yelled " What, God's going to give us $200 in an envelope". The next day my mom calls and asks us to stop by on the way home from work because a neighbor left us something. It was an envelope with $200 in it. From that moment on, I have never doubted God will supply all my needs no matter what our bank account or the world says.

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There have been many times when God has provided, and always in the nick of time. One time, when we had bills to pay and no money to pay them, we thought my husband would have to quit school and we'd have to move in with family. For no particular reason:), several people sent us checks, saying that God had laid it on their hearts to do so (we hadn't said anything to anyone about the situation). When we totaled the checks, the amount was, to the nickel, what we needed that month!


God is so good!

Edited by mamajudy
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I don't know that I've ever been in an "impossible" situation, but I do feel that God has been active in my life.

All those times I've realized I've just narrowly missed a collision on the highway felt like I was nudged out of danger.


Also, when money is tight, I see God's hand more often in that somehow we always get the things we need, and sometimes even the things we just want. When this happens in a conspicuous way, I make sure I vocalize this to my kids. I guess all of it could be coincidence, but it sure doesn't feel like it. So I choose to believe that God has a hand in it somehow.

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I'll start:

Everytime we have been short on funds, they have arrived, usually just in the nick of time.


When I've had chest pain or skipped heart beats, when I pray, often they will disappear. Or the anxiety and fear will go away.


Reading scripture, not understanding a passage, praying for understanding, and immediately getting it.



Seeing one or more of my dc, looking completely uninterested in the sermon at church, praying that God will change their heart, and seeing them straighten up and pay attention. All without ANYTHING said by me!!


Dh receiving understanding in a situation that seemed utterly impossible. Again, without a word from me!


But really, the big one for me, is what I mentioned above. I am almost always coming up short for unexpected expenses. And when I remember to pray about it, it gets provided.....


So, as I sit here, stressed about many things, I realize...I need to get off the computer and go pray!!


Please get this checked out.

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I have so many some small and other large.


My largest was around 5 year ago. My heart was failing from a childhood condition. I would collapse when climbing stairs. I fasted and stayed in prayer for days prior to my next echo cardiogram. I just new that things were getting real bad.


I prayed that God would allow be live long enough to raise my boys.


The night before my heart test. I was reading scripture and was burden to read in the old testament of dying man that god allowed him to live 15 more years. Then I had the most odd feeling of intense heat all over my body.


Well a big surprise at my echo that morning. My heart was in PERFECT health. The medical people were WOW. I literally walked 1/2 a mile that afternoon when the previously day walking up the stair exhausted me.




I have been in perfect health ever since.


My everyday stuff. My oldest went to the mall after Church a couple of weeks ago. I was sitting on the front porch reading and really relaxed. I just had this heavy prompting to pray for my son. I really ignored the feeling for a minute and then just HAD to pray. I prayed for a hedge of angels to protect him for while then felt a since of peace and went back to my reading.


Well my son came home a little shaken up. He told be he had witness a horrible accident and he almost was part of the accident but just barely missed being hit by the guy running the light.

I am tears even now.

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A loaf of bread to go with the free dozen eggs for french toast for dinner this week. And there was enough jam left to substitute for syrup. It was a nice change from the rice & bean routine.


We ran low on grocery money this pay period. We're sticking to the budget because of the layoff end date is looming and we know there'll be a gap of a month before severance starts.

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This happened for my Mom when we were little. She was a single Mom with no help from my Dad. One week, she was out of money and food and trying to figure out how she would feed us for the rest of the week. As she was walking to the bus stop that morning, head down, she found a $20 bill and enough bus tokens to get her to and from work for the rest of the week. We were taken care of.


My own experience came at a time when I was emotionally broken down when I was in college. It was truly the lowest point in my life. One night, I had this sensation that God reached down and just set me back on my feet, much like the old movie Clash of the Titans where Zeus does this for Perseus. From that point on, things began to get better as I had the strength to face it all head on.

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I was doing my Bible study late one night and I was struck with an overwhelming desire to share my faith in Christ with someone. I was a young, stay-at-home mom and my circle of interaction with people included Church and not much else. I didn't know a single non-believer! So I just prayed right then and there and asked God to send someone into my life who needed to hear the Gospel so that I could tell about what Jesus had done for me. That was at 11:00 p.m.


At 8:00 a.m. the next morning my neighbor (we shared a two flat with a common back hall, I'd never met her other then in passing, saying "hi".) knocked at my kitchen door. I opened it and she says, "I just have to ask you one question. Why are you so happy all the time?" I invited her in and shared Jesus with her.


Isn't God amazing! It took him less then 10 hours to answer my prayer and have someone standing IN. MY. KITCHEN. I didn't even have to get dressed!

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I was doing my Bible study late one night and I was struck with an overwhelming desire to share my faith in Christ with someone. I was a young, stay-at-home mom and my circle of interaction with people included Church and not much else. I didn't know a single non-believer! So I just prayed right then and there and asked God to send someone into my life who needed to hear the Gospel so that I could tell about what Jesus had done for me. That was at 11:00 p.m.


At 8:00 a.m. the next morning my neighbor (we shared a two flat with a common back hall, I'd never met her other then in passing, saying "hi".) knocked at my kitchen door. I opened it and she says, "I just have to ask you one question. Why are you so happy all the time?" I invited her in and shared Jesus with her.


Isn't God amazing! It took him less then 10 hours to answer my prayer and have someone standing IN. MY. KITCHEN. I didn't even have to get dressed!


Love that. :)


I need to show my *happy* more.

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we had three little ones, dh had just finished grad school and started teaching, and I quit my job.


It is the normal course in our system for new teachers (like dh) to be "let go" at the end of each year until they receive tenure. Dh's contract ended and he was interviewing at schools with special ed openings. A new principal at another school connected with him after the interview and told dh he was requesting him. The job was lined up for the next year. :) (We thought!)


JUST before school started, dh got a phone call. Some supervisor had told that principal he needed to hire some other person (who knows the reason?! -- a friend of someone???) and dh would not have the position. Again, this was JUST before the beginning of school when the openings that HAD been available were taken. No one else was interviewing.


It was extremely discouraging. It was ugly. I was UPSET.


We looked through all of dh's paperwork and evaluations and certificates, etc. Everything was positive and in order.


We prayed. The day before teachers were to report for duty, dh dressed in his suit and tie. We had communion together. We asked God for favor.


Dh went into the human resources office without an appointment. He was used to being brushed off by the front office staff, but the DIRECTOR was walking through the outer office JUST as dh was trying to get some help. She picked up his file and called him back. She looked over everything, saw that it was good, and reassured him. "Hang tight" are the words I believe she said.


He came home. Nothing.


On the morning of the first day of classes, the phone rang. The secretary of the school he had taught in the previous year asked, "Where ARE you???"


Dh explained that he had not been assigned. It turns out the director had called that previous principal (where dh had gotten good evaluations) and told the principal to take dh back even though he didn't "need" another special ed unit. Neither human resources nor the principal had remembered to notify dh until the students showed up!!!


It was a great year for dh. And it was very very clear to us that God had OPENED a door that was closed. He is our provider!

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Love that. :)


I need to show my *happy* more.


Thanks. I'll tell you what, this miracle has sustained me and encouraged me for many years. The reason my neighbor thought I was "so happy all the time" was because she always heard me singing. I sang worship songs and hymns in my kitchen while I cleaned and she could hear me through the back hall. So I always remember, praise the Lord, sing to Him, and others will hear. :001_smile: This song is a good reminder. It's words are so beautiful and encourage me to share my joy and light my world.



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Thanks. I'll tell you what, this miracle has sustained me and encouraged me for many years. The reason my neighbor thought I was "so happy all the time" was because she always heard me singing. I sang worship songs and hymns in my kitchen while I cleaned and she could hear me through the back hall. So I always remember, praise the Lord, sing to Him, and others will hear. :001_smile: This song is a good reminder. It's words are so beautiful and encourage me to share my joy and light my world.




Thanks for sharing that. Not a bad song to have going through my head all day. :001_smile:

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I am also crying reading these posts! :001_smile:


Jesus saved me! This was an impossible situation. I knew I was going to hell. For three years I tried to muster up every bit of faith I had to trust Him, and be good. I never could.


One night in July about three years ago, in the kitchen of our old house, God saved me. I said to my husband, "I want Jesus to be my Savior and Lord", and immediately put my hand over my mouth in surprise. I could not believe that I had just said it! At that moment I felt all the weight of my sin go away. Jesus made peace for me with God.


To this day the gospel is to me the very best piece of news that I can ever imagine. That Christ died for the ungodly! for the ungodly! I came from a strong religious background. I tried all my life to earn God's favor on my own-too proud really to accept that I needed to be forgiven and saved.


He had mercy on me! If you are reading this post, and need mercy, run to Jesus.


It is outstanding to me that the Lord who is so holy that people in the Old Testament who touched the ark of the covenant were struck dead because he was so holy, would make a point to come to this world and make peace with human beings. Who are we?


Look at Psalm 107. It is full of praises to God because He saves.


"He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things."

Edited by just Jenny
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:crying: Your testimony is beautiful.


I am also crying reading these posts! :001_smile:


Jesus saved me! This was an impossible situation. I knew I was going to hell. For three years I tried to muster up every bit of faith I had to trust Him, and be good. I never could.


One night in July about three years ago, in the kitchen of our old house, God saved me. I said to my husband, "I want Jesus to be my Savior and Lord", and immediately put my hand over my mouth in surprise. I could not believe that I had just said it! At that moment I felt all the weight of my sin go away. Jesus made peace for me with God.


To this day the gospel is to me the very best piece of news that I can ever imagine. That Christ died for the ungodly! for the ungodly! I came from a strong religious background. I tried all my life to earn God's favor on my own-too proud really to accept that I needed to be forgiven and saved.


He had mercy on me! If you are reading this post, and need mercy, go to Jesus.


It is outstanding to me that the Lord who is so holy that people in the Old Testament who touched the ark of the covenant were struck dead because he was so holy, would make a point to come to this world and make peace with human beings. Who are we?


Look at Psalm 107. It is full of praises to God for His saving ways.


"He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things."

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I'll share one of our favorite God provides moments...We were young and married while dh was in college. And flat broke. I worked part-time at the hospital but it covered our expenses and not much more. Tuition was due and we weren't sure how we were going to pay. Dh registered and we were praying.


Dh was rearended at a stop light. It did little damage mechanically to our car but it was dented. In our state at the time, you rec'd the check and then decided to fix your car or not. The check we rec'd was almost to the dollar the amount dh needed to pay for tuition.


We drove that car until our first child was born and while dented, it was a constant reminder to us that God hears our needs and provides.

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What an encouraging and uplifting thread!


I just did a blog post in December on this topic called "Just Enough", so I'll just share a link rather than repost it all here. . .




And now that those medical bills have started coming in (close to $30,000 so far!!!) it helps my sanity to remember that my God provides always just enough!

Edited by *~Tina~*
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What a wonderful thread!


When my 3rd child (ds 3.5) was born he seemed to have breathing problems from the start. They went undiagnosed during his first night but things went quickly downhill the next morning. He had to be transported to a different hospital and watching him be packed up, strapped in, tubes attached, it was horrible. As I waited, staring at him and praying, he turned his head and stared directly into my eyes. I knew at that moment that God was with me. It was an overwhelming feeling. I knew that whatever happened God was with us.


After arriving at the NICU we were told that in addition to a burst lung sac that was causing the labored breathing he also had an infection. I will always remember the Dr. looking gravely at me and saying this infection is going to get worse before it gets better. I heard the word sepsis and was so scared. I will also always remember that afternoon. After the next blood draw the Dr. came to tell me the infection was gone. He said, "I don't know how this is possible, but his white cell count is back to normal." Just telling this brings back such powerful memories. God is great!

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I had put everything I owned into two garbage bags and left with no cash and only a full tank of gas. I landed at a friends, and began job searching. And searching. Nothing. And now I was on fumes. (I couldn't ask-she was already letting me eat and sleep there). I was honest to God praying that I was going to be make it there.


I found 75 bucks in the pocket of a jacket I hadn't worn in years, and was able to make it to my next interview-where I got hired and met my husband.

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Last May our dd left for the states before Dad got back from Iraq--just a week apart. He was heart-broken that she wasn't there to meet him with us.

Well, as things turned out she went to meet a young man who was in the military and they married just one month later. We didn't get to go, and were heart broken yet again. Then came the call that a sweet babe was on the way. My dh's heart had gotten pretty wounded by this point as we had done nothing to cause her to treat us this way. The kids were struggling to make ends meet and dd had a horrible job. She was so sick with morning sickness and I was a mess just praying night and day for those two. I wanted to do things for the kids to make life easier...but hubby wouldn't have it. He said they made their bed and they have to sleep in it. I cried and worried like any mom would do. Then I prayed for God to change his heart. I prayed we could help out our children. Well it only took 6 months of praying like crazy and God came through. DD job was getting worse, she wasn't gaining weight and was completely stressed out and crying on the phone. I called dh at work and ask could we please send them money to help them out and allow her to stay home. He said Yes(I jumped for joy)....we send them a check equal to her monthly salary and she stays at home and takes care of our sweet little blessing. This has been going on for 4 months now and it's working out beautifully. The baby is adorable and has stolen her grand-dads heart and we talk to our daughter and son-in-law daily. It's amazing what prayer can do.


Oh I know how much your heart must of been hurting for your "grown baby girl" and her baby. I am glad so glad that the relationship is mending.


Bless you Grandma:001_smile:

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I had put everything I owned into two garbage bags and left with no cash and only a full tank of gas. I landed at a friends, and began job searching. And searching. Nothing. And now I was on fumes. (I couldn't ask-she was already letting me eat and sleep there). I was honest to God praying that I was going to be make it there.


I found 75 bucks in the pocket of a jacket I hadn't worn in years, and was able to make it to my next interview-where I got hired and met my husband.


WOW a job and a husband what a great story!

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I have so many faith-building mile markers in my life. Some are so personal, they wouldn't mean as much to others. My dh is a direct result of my teenage prayers for a boyfriend. God kept me from some less-than-ideal boys that I had my eye on and preserved me for my dh, who is more than I could ask for or imagine. ;)


One favorite happened right after I quit my job to stay home with our then 4 little ones, giving up more than half of our income. We were living on a shoe string. Then, dh and I became convinced that we needed to begin tithing on that shoestring. It was early December and dh's employer retroactively changed his sales quota for the year. Though dh had quarterly bonuses banked for the year's end, his employer now claimed no bonus based on the new figures. :confused: We were struggling so much financially, we had some sharp words in the kitchen, I headed outside pretty upset, checked the mail and found we had won $500 from a random Publix drawing. That paid for Christmas for our dc as well as hosting extended family over the holidays. Over and over, we have found God so faithful when we are faithful to tithe.




Edited by FloridaLisa
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