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DD got braces this morning & 2 brackets have already popped off!!!

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She got her braces on this morning and as the hygenist was going over the ways to clean, etc with us -- DD was still in the chair -- DD said, "Something just popped."


The ortho had left for a meeting but they called him & he said don't worry. It was just from so much pressure.


Then we went to the receptionist who went over some more rules, including not running your tongue over the braces, which DD was doing.


We left & drove about 2 miles down the road and another one popped.


I called the office & the receptionist called back and said they wouldn't replace them yet b/c DD had been thru enough but that DD also had to stop touching them with her tongue.


I am really starting to doubt this whole thing.



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I think I would be looking for another ortho.

:iagree: I've had braces for three years now, and they never told me not to run my tongue over them. My tongue has definitely not popped off any brackets, although some beef jerky did! :D

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Either the adhesive they're using is defective or they're not curing it properly. The brackets shouldn't just be randomly popping off like that.


Touching a bracket with your tongue shouldn't generate anywhere near enough force to pop the bracket loose.


The brackets have to stick to your teeth even while you're eating. They've done something wrong.

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DD just got her braces off after 3 years and she never had a problem with this. She is definitely a fidgeter and constantly ran her tongue over the braces. I've never heard of anyone being told not to.



I had braces and was NEVER told that. I also never lost a bracket. Whenever anything did go wrong (usually the wire popping out of the brackets) they wanted to see me immediately.

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So in other words, "It's your child's fault!"?


Um, I don't think so. And yes, they need to fix that immediately!


"She's been through enough."?


Yeah, that's not good enough, either. She had braces put on, not surgery! How long do they propose she live with 2 brackets rattling around in her mouth. It's difficult to eat when you first get your braces. (I remember this well, from when I was a kid.) It would be even MORE difficult to eat with 2 brackets rattling around.


I would insist that it be fixed immediately and if the ortho is not available, demand they refer you to whomever handles his "emergencies".

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I just got my braces off after 3 1/2 years and I never had any brackets pop off.


Did the brackets pop off teeth that are in a drastically different position than the rest of the teeth? I could see that happening if the teeth are maybe set way back from the other teeth and they are trying to move them forward. Those brackets are naturally going to have a lot of pressure on them.

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Either the adhesive they're using is defective or they're not curing it properly. The brackets shouldn't just be randomly popping off like that.


Touching a bracket with your tongue shouldn't generate anywhere near enough force to pop the bracket loose.


The brackets have to stick to your teeth even while you're eating. They've done something wrong.


:iagree: completely. My son has a very hard and strong bite. He completely broke a bite plane. He has NEVER had a bracket "pop" off.


I wouldn't be very happy either :glare:. Nice for them to try and place the blame on your child.

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Either the adhesive they're using is defective or they're not curing it properly. The brackets shouldn't just be randomly popping off like that.


Touching a bracket with your tongue shouldn't generate anywhere near enough force to pop the bracket loose.


The brackets have to stick to your teeth even while you're eating. They've done something wrong.



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No popping brackets for son, but I had a few pop when I ate something I wasn't supposed to like ribs or corn on the cob. Even then, I was told to come in immediately and they were reattached. Sounds to me like your ortho didn't want to be bothered replacing them today. Not a good start to a long-term relationship, imo.

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My son has totally popped brackets. At least twice it was because he was using his teeth to pull legos apart.


It happens and IMO, it always seems to happen when there has been a change. When he first got them on, he popped one that week. When he got them on his top teeth, he popped one that day. Now that we are heading towards the finish line, he hasn't popped one in months and months.


You can pop them with things like tic tacs, running them over the teeth with the tongue. We know a kid who kept doing that. Biting into a crispy dorito...thick bagel....carrot.. legos.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I have to agree with everyone else.


Our orthodontist seems like a member of the family, almost. This is a long-term relationship involving the health and comfort of a child! We trust her.


If a bracket popped off (which has never happened) she would want to fix it immediately. Both for the success of the treatment and for the comfort and safety of the child.


The way you and your daughter are being treated is totally unacceptable.

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I just got my braces off after 3 1/2 years and I never had any brackets pop off.


Did the brackets pop off teeth that are in a drastically different position than the rest of the teeth? I could see that happening if the teeth are maybe set way back from the other teeth and they are trying to move them forward. Those brackets are naturally going to have a lot of pressure on them.


I had one break off like that, over and over again; the ortho never could get one to stick so that tooth is still a little crooked :confused:


never from just my tongue, though

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That tells me that they did a shoddy job and that this not that uncommon for them. I have ran three of them through braces now and I think that we have ahd a total of two popped brackets and my kids weren't even very good at following the rules. I would call you insurance right away and tell them not to pay this dentist. Because if they do pay then they will not pay another provider to fix the problem once it comes to that. Then call your dentist tell them that you are not happy with the work they did, their response to the issues they caused and that you will not be paying them and you will be transfering to another provider. I have a very strong feeling that if you allow them to correct this until they get paid you will regret it.

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I would call you insurance right away and tell them not to pay this dentist. Because if they do pay then they will not pay another provider to fix the problem once it comes to that.


And then I'd get her in to another ortho right away for their opinion.

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Oh, I'm sorry to hear this.


You know, my dd got her braces (top row only for now) back in Jan. We've had only the best experience with them. They did have dd and me (!) sign a contract confirming she'd take the care of them seriously, but I do not ever remember hearing anything about tongue over braces. That's new to me. BTW, she'll get her lower braces this summer.


Now, with that said, they will repair/fix at their expense anything that may be "reasonable". However, if she is breaking the contract and not fulfilling her contract by making repeated errors, ie....not flossing, not using flouride treatment, etc, etc then we will incur a cost. So, with them it's a matter of, "yea, every now and then OR once in a blue moon (over the 2 year treatment plan) something may happen and they deal with it. But, if there is a habitual problem, then it will come out of our pocket.


I would point out as tactfully as possible that it's very unreasonable to expect people to "get it" the first day/first hours...:tongue_smilie: Our practice is great (ortho and techs..whatever they are called), but the girl did go over all the info and it must have been info overload on this Mom b/c I had to call back for clarification.


While I understand a practice has to have "boundaries" and contracts, etc. I feel they are wrong here and I would make an appt with the ortho not the girls. Write your script out beforehand.

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Just wanted to say:


The one that popped when she was still in the chair was taken out by the hygenist.


As for the one that popped off after we left, they said if we wanted to come back, they'd take it off.


They did not want to reapply them b/c they felt it was enough pressure on her mouth already.


They popped from teeth 7 & 10. Those teeth are set back deeper than the ones around them, KWIM?


I watched them thru closed circuit put the braces on. It seemed like they treated every tooth the same. :confused:


I truly wasn't expecting to hear find a new ortho now. I was more worried that the ortho DID try to do too much in this appointment, like tighten the braces too much, too quickly.

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I truly wasn't expecting to hear find a new ortho now. I was more worried that the ortho DID try to do too much in this appointment, like tighten the braces too much, too quickly.



I guess it would depend on how comfortable I was with this ortho. The one we use is very highly regarded, and I know many people that have used him and been very happy. So if this situation happened to me, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and stick it out. But if I didn't really know anything about him, and he wasn't highly recommended, I'd be much more likely to want a second opinion.


If another ortho takes a look and thinks they look fine and that it's not unusual I'd be satisfied.

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It sounds like the teeth got wet during the process. The orthodontic technician needs to keep the teeth very dry as each step is performed until the braces are attached and cured.


Sometimes this is challenging with a SN's child or one whom has overactive saliva glands. Ceramic braces also tend not to stick as well.


I wouldn't write the enitre office staff off just yet, but would continue to monitor things.


They had her mouth held open with a special apparatus and a suction thingy in her mouth the whole time. They told me there was also something holding her tongue out of the way.


Do you think it could be just too much pressure? Like the wires were too tight or those teeth were just too far back?

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I guess it would depend on how comfortable I was with this ortho. The one we use is very highly regarded, and I know many people that have used him and been very happy. So if this situation happened to me, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and stick it out. But if I didn't really know anything about him, and he wasn't highly recommended, I'd be much more likely to want a second opinion.


If another ortho takes a look and thinks they look fine and that it's not unusual I'd be satisfied.


He was HIGHLY recommended by our dentist.


And I felt entirely comfortable with him & the staff & everything...


In fact, the few times I've been there, at least 3 different patients came in and it sounded like they were coming to this ortho after they were unsatisfied with the care they were getting elsewhere.

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Just wanted to say:



They did not want to reapply them b/c they felt it was enough pressure on her mouth already.




When I've had brackets pop off, it was more comfortable to get them re-applied asap, as it evened out the pressure on each tooth. When the brackets were off, it put pressure on specific teeth, and made those teeth a lot more sore.


I feel sympathy for your daughter; I detest the days following newly applied braces and/or having them tightened! (I currently have braces, and have to keep them on until my adult canine teeth grow in. I'm 33 years old, and those adult canine teeth are sooooo stubborn!)

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He was HIGHLY recommended by our dentist.


And I felt entirely comfortable with him & the staff & everything...


In fact, the few times I've been there, at least 3 different patients came in and it sounded like they were coming to this ortho after they were unsatisfied with the care they were getting elsewhere.

In that case I'd probably stick it out, at least for awhile. Sometimes things go wrong, even with the best dentists and doctors.


Our orthodontist puts the brackets on in the early morning, then has the kids come back in the afternoon for wires. Maybe this is why.

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Do you think it could be just too much pressure? Like the wires were too tight or those teeth were just too far back?


It's possible. Every case is different. Maybe the doc knows better than a bunch of homeschooling moms. :)


If my child was not uncomfortable and I felt the office had addressed my concerns adequately, I'd let it go. It is a long process and he must feel reattaching them next time is soon enough.

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This happened to my ds (14). One the first day and the second just a few days later. We were told it was because there probably was moisture on the tooth. He had the tongue suction thing too but it is a lot for them to undergo all at once. They waited a week and we went back and they fixed them. No problems.


He has popped off 2-3 others in the last year. One tooth is way out of line and no matter how they bumper the above tooth it is the friction against the lower one. They just keep putting it back on- the sooner the better is what they told us.


I wouldn't stress and leave that practice just yet. It may have even been a new hygienist.

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When brackets pop off very soon after they're applied, it's called bracket failure. According to our ortho's office, it does happen sometimes. The adhesive is (should be) strong enough to hold up to a lot of strain. The thing that bothers me is the implication that this is somehow your dd's fault. I wouldn't be changing orthos over this, but I would be expecting them to take care of it at your convenience.

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They popped from teeth 7 & 10. Those teeth are set back deeper than the ones around them, KWIM?



This makes sense to me now. The ortho will probably have to re-evaluate the wire strength and the course of treatment for those 2 teeth. I wouldn't do anything drastic like switching Orthodontists over this. I would schedule the appointment to get the brackets fixed and discuss the issue with him/her.


Your DD is probably going to be pretty uncomfortable. I feel bad for her. I remember eating a lot of baked potatoes after I got my braces on. Ouch.

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DS had his braces put on in mid-Dec. We have been back three times for popped brackets. The first time happened right before Christmas. They had us wait a few days and then come in for a repair. The next time it happened thye had an opening and DS was seen that day. The last time it happened on Thursday and we had to wait until Tues.


We were told about not playing with the wires the first day. Our ortho made a point of telling DS not to run his tongue along the wires and especially not to try to stick his tongue under the wires. Maybe this is what your ortho meant.

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We have gone through the same thing! My daughter recently got braces and a bracket popped on the bottom which we went in immediately to have fixed. Then after she had the top braces put on, she came home and then said she thought a bracket was broken. I called right away but since she wasn't feeling well waited until the next day to go in.


When the tech. started to take the wire off, several others just fell off with the original one. The doc asked if we wanted to wait another week but I said no, as I didn't think my daughter wanted to come back another day. He said that there could have been some contamination - perhaps as others suggested, too much saliva? Personally, I think the first tech didn't use the heated wand long enough (sorry don't know the medical term) to let the glue adhere to the tooth. No one ever accused my daughter of doing anything wrong. (She barely ate anything that day and since was running a fever laid around all day).


This is a well respected ortho that treats many kids in the area. However, when my daughter saw a friend she used to go to school with, she discovered that that girl also had several broken brackets. I have been keeping track of our visits in case it become problematic.

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My son's have broken a fair bit in the year he has had tehm so far- I was warned that they often do in the beginning but it gets less over time. I was told that as SOOn as they broke to make an appt to come in because its important to fix them asap, otherwise the teeth start moving back to their previous position and weeks can be lost. We had that experience once where I left it a few days and we could actually see the teeth move back to their old position.

But moving tongue over them? That has never been mentioned and seems almost cruel to tell them not to.

I would go in there with your big mummy boots on and suggest THEY do something about it.

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I've never, ever heard of not running your tongue over your braces, and I've spent a total of five years of my life in braces, under the care of four different orthodontists.


It sounds like the adhesive failed. Those teeth may not have been dry enough when the adhesive was applied, or they may not have cured the adhesive for long enough. My ortho places an appliance in the mouth to stretch the lips open very wide, then cleans and suctions the mouth, then aims a nozzle that sprays cold air directly onto the surface of the tooth for 10 to 15 seconds to make sure it is extremely dry. Then the adhesive is cured with some sort of light for about a minute.


In any case, the only time I ever popped a bracket was when I was chewing on a pen top in eighth grade.

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My daughter has had braces for nearly a year, and she hasn't had any problems with the braces - and she is very oral...always running her tongue and putting things in her mouth. We weren't even told that that would be a problem and we got a whole list of things to do and not to do.


She did have some initial trouble with her expander not fitting right, and the ortho got her right in and did impressions so she could have another one made ASAP. I would not have taken too kindly if we were put off or my daughter was blamed in any way.

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