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I have an appointment

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to see somebody for a diagnosis. I'm not private about *anything,* esp w/ you guys, but this is something I haven't talked about beyond my mom & dh.


I thought it was OCPD. Then I thought it was bipolar. Then Asperger's looked right. I don't know (obviously), but I'm thinking something in that range.


I'm not really sure why I'm telling y'all now, but...I guess it seems fair. I'm so relieved to potentially have a label so that I can (try to) explain to people why I can & can't do the things that I can/can't do. I know it doesn't mean people will understand necessarily, but maybe I'll feel less guilty about it.


I hadn't talked to ANYONE about the difficulty I was having -- and then Nakia posted here about herself, and when I finished reading what she wrote, I FINALLY picked up the phone and made a doctor's appointment -- I had been in misery and agony for almost two years by the time I made the appointment. I had my first appointment at the end of October, and trying different things, I am just now - literally this week - feeling improvement. thoughts and prayers coming your way! It'll be okay!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Aubrey, you are in good company here. I have always felt that you were a kindred spirit. I never really seen you expressing depression here but there have been a few times (for example, days rearranging the house repeatedly) when I have said to myself, "That woman has got to be manic." I am speaking from experience here as I recognize the behavior. There are a few women here suffering from the same or similiar issues and I have found they have all been willing to offer advice and support. A few have posted publically and others have been more likely to PM but I am sure that once you get your diagnosis you will find the support poaring in and quite a few people willing to answer your questions. :grouphug:

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I hadn't talked to ANYONE about the difficulty I was having -- and then Nakia posted here about herself, and when I finished reading what she wrote, I FINALLY picked up the phone and made a doctor's appointment -- I had been in misery and agony for almost two years by the time I made the appointment. I had my first appointment at the end of October, and trying different things, I am just now - literally this week - feeling improvement. thoughts and prayers coming your way! It'll be okay!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


And I was inspired by you Mariann...after being in pain for 25 years!! and also being depressed since I don't know when...My dh and my family are very thankful to you guys.


I am not totally better yet...but I am getting there....thanks to not being afraid to find out what the heck was going on with me...


Good luck Aubrey...and we do have your back...and you have our prayers.



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And I was inspired by you Mariann...after being in pain for 25 years!! and also being depressed since I don't know when...My dh and my family are very thankful to you guys.


I am not totally better yet...but I am getting there....thanks to not being afraid to find out what the heck was going on with me...


Good luck Aubrey...and we do have your back...and you have our prayers.




Oh, Faithe -- :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: How IS it going? I am improving -- My dd30 and I have talked about how long it does take Cymbalta to get into one's system and begin to work -- 8 wks or longer. But, I am taking it at 4pm and I am finally feeling like a functioning person again. How are you doing with it?


I've said it before and I will say it again, G-d bless Nakia for posting her very personal experience here -- it has made ALL the difference in my life!

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Aubrey, you are in good company here. I have always felt that you were a kindred spirit. I never really seen you expressing depression here but there have been a few times (for example, days rearranging the house repeatedly) when I have said to myself, "That woman has got to be manic." I am speaking from experience here as I recognize the behavior. There are a few women here suffering from the same or similiar issues and I have found they have all been willing to offer advice and support. A few have posted publically and others have been more likely to PM but I am sure that once you get your diagnosis you will find the support poaring in and quite a few people willing to answer your questions. :grouphug:


:iagree: And right after Nakia, KH was SO helpful to me.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Aubrey, you are in good company here. I have always felt that you were a kindred spirit. I never really seen you expressing depression here but there have been a few times (for example, days rearranging the house repeatedly) when I have said to myself, "That woman has got to be manic." I am speaking from experience here as I recognize the behavior. There are a few women here suffering from the same or similiar issues and I have found they have all been willing to offer advice and support. A few have posted publically and others have been more likely to PM but I am sure that once you get your diagnosis you will find the support poaring in and quite a few people willing to answer your questions. :grouphug:


Ironically, this is exactly what I wanted to hear--that people who know me (at least in some capacity) don't think I sound like a hypochondriac by suggesting there's something wrong. That's my *greatest* fear--that someone will think I'm just *looking* for something to be wrong or for attention or something.


I don't understand the hugs--those make me go back & reread my OP to see if I said something needing a hug. LOL I do that to dh all the time, though: "Why are you hugging me?" "Um...because I love you?" "Oh, ok. As long as it's not because you feel sorry for me or something." :lol:


I've stopped posting when I'm depressed. It's too embarrassing to read later, & I often did not like the responses I got. So I guess there are some things I keep to myself after all.

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I have been so transparent here, sometimes TOO transparent, I think. But then I read posts like Mariann's, and I know I have done the right thing by posting about my struggles. It will be okay, Aubrey. Whatever happens, it WILL be okay. There is so much support right here on this board. I have found so many true friends here when people IRL just didn't get it. So just know we are here for you. You can pm me anytime.

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You know, there is something very "off" about my MIL. All the siblings speculate about Asperger's, and it seems pretty likely. But she's in her early 70's and I think completely unaware that she is so very, very different, so nothing will ever be done. I do think about how much different her life and the lives of her children would have been for the better if she'd known and gotten help for whatever it is. It would have made a huge difference for them. It's really incapacitated her in in a lot of ways.


And I'm not trying to suggest you are anything like my MIL (your posts have always come across as so intelligent and put together to me) except to applaud you for being self aware and taking to steps to find answers that will help you understand yourself better. I'm sure it will be a blessing to your family in the long run, as well.

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I don't understand the hugs--those make me go back & reread my OP to see if I said something needing a hug. LOL I do that to dh all the time, though: "Why are you hugging me?" "Um...because I love you?" "Oh, ok. As long as it's not because you feel sorry for me or something." :lol:


I think I can speak for a lot of the women here in saying it's because we love and care about ya hon. A virtual hug is about the closest I come to touching someone I am not intimately related to or have given birth to but it comes from the heart.

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I think I can speak for a lot of the women here in saying it's because we love and care about ya hon. A virtual hug is about the closest I come to touching someone I am not intimately related to or have given birth to but it comes from the heart.


:iagree: I think it takes a lot of courage and insight to do what you are doing. So I offer a hug as support for you.:001_smile:

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I think I can speak for a lot of the women here in saying it's because we love and care about ya hon. A virtual hug is about the closest I come to touching someone I am not intimately related to or have given birth to but it comes from the heart.


No, no, I understand them normally. I just didn't see this as that kind of thread. It seemed more fact-based than feeling-based, but sometimes I mix those up irl. The boards have generally been more clearly delineated for me. :001_huh: So when I get a hug I didn't expect, I'm afraid I've come across whiny. :D I prefer to be factual or funny.

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I have been so transparent here, sometimes TOO transparent, I think. But then I read posts like Mariann's, and I know I have done the right thing by posting about my struggles. It will be okay, Aubrey. Whatever happens, it WILL be okay. There is so much support right here on this board. I have found so many true friends here when people IRL just didn't get it. So just know we are here for you. You can pm me anytime.



I have felt that way myself sometimes but then I felt like maybe this is my purpose in life, this is the way I can give something back. I was almost 40 when I was diagnosed and began to get help. It was a struggle but there have been a few women here who have been so helpful in guiding me, especially with medication issues. So I wanted to do my own small part to help other women through this struggle.

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I have been so transparent here, sometimes TOO transparent, I think. But then I read posts like Mariann's, and I know I have done the right thing by posting about my struggles. It will be okay, Aubrey. Whatever happens, it WILL be okay. There is so much support right here on this board. I have found so many true friends here when people IRL just didn't get it. So just know we are here for you. You can pm me anytime.


I know I am repeating myself, but if one understands 'where' I was and 'where' I am now, one would understand that I cannot say this enough:


Nakia's post was pivotal for me. I had literally sat for two years -- in my case, I was beyond miserable. I had been made aware of something henious that had happened a long time ago, and I could not move off of it. I knew absolutely that I needed to speak to someone and get professional help, but I could NOT make myself move in that direction. Nakia's post spoke to me -- and THAT is the understatement of understatements! She described in detail precisely what I had been experiencing, she described what she had done to get help, and she went on to say that she didn't know why she was posting except that if it could help someone, then that was good thing. Well, I KNEW why she was posting -- it was for me. (I immediately PM-d her with questions and thanks) I TOTALLY knew that -- for the first time in two years, I was able to take definitive action, move forward, and merely the act of making a doctor's appointment and googling and reading, I felt SO empowered.........which was amazing b/c part of my depression was intricately linked to my feeling so hopeless and so 'undiagnosable' - is THAT a word? :confused:. Simply making the doctor's appointment made me feel better. When I did go to the appointment, my doctor was so equipped to help me. She spent an hour and a half with me our first visit! Can you believe that? She was fabulous!


IF you have been where I have been, then you understand totally why Nakia is on my perpetual prayer list of people I give thanks for everyday.

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I have felt that way myself sometimes but then I felt like maybe this is my purpose in life, this is the way I can give something back. I was almost 40 when I was diagnosed and began to get help. It was a struggle but there have been a few women here who have been so helpful in guiding me, especially with medication issues. So I wanted to do my own small part to help other women through this struggle.


You have been an amazing friend to me through this past year of pain and struggle, and now peace at last. Thank you.


I know I am repeating myself, but if one understands 'where' I was and 'where' I am now, one would understand that I cannot say this enough:


Nakia's post was pivotal for me. I had literally sat for two years -- in my case, I was beyond miserable. I had been made aware of something henious that had happened a long time ago, and I could not move off of it. I knew absolutely that I needed to speak to someone and get professional help, but I could NOT make myself move in that direction. Nakia's post spoke to me -- and THAT is the understatement of understatements! She described in detail precisely what I had been experiencing, she described what she had done to get help, and she went on to say that she didn't know why she was posting except that if it could help someone, then that was good thing. Well, I KNEW why she was posting -- it was for me. (I immediately PM-d her with questions and thanks) I TOTALLY knew that -- for the first time in two years, I was able to take definitive action, move forward, and merely the act of making a doctor's appointment and googling and reading, I felt SO empowered.........which was amazing b/c part of my depression was intricately linked to my feeling so hopeless and so 'undiagnosable' - is THAT a word? :confused:. Simply making the doctor's appointment made me feel better. When I did go to the appointment, my doctor was so equipped to help me. She spent an hour and a half with me our first visit! Can you believe that? She was fabulous!


IF you have been where I have been, then you understand totally why Nakia is on my perpetual prayer list of people I give thanks for everyday.


You made me cry happy tears. Thank you. I admit my love language is words of affirmation, and I've felt kinda needy in that area lately, so I really needed this this morning. You are a blessing to me. I am so glad you have an amazing doctor. I thank God for mine every single day. :grouphug:

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You made me cry happy tears. Thank you. I admit my love language is words of affirmation, and I've felt kinda needy in that area lately, so I really needed this this morning. You are a blessing to me. I am so glad you have an amazing doctor. I thank God for mine every single day. :grouphug:


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: The Lord used you in the most mighty way in my life and for my family. G-d bless you!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You ALL are so courageous and inspire me to not be afraid to really look at myself and see if I need some help.

You are all so productive, caring and loving. It proves to me that God uses ordinary people- cracked pots- like me - everyday. Thank you all for being so real and Truth-Tellers. (my new favorite label :))

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After an hour, I was told that they don't do diagnoses, & that everybody has bad days.


I've cancelled the next appt.



ARRG!!! I am so sorry. That can be discouraging. I hope you try again and are able to find someone who will help you. Maybe call a help line and ask for a referral? Please don't just let it go.

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After an hour, I was told that they don't do diagnoses, & that everybody has bad days.


I've cancelled the next appt.


I always miss the whole threads, just wanted to say I am here for you. Whatever support you need, you are a great person and a super mom.


It is hard to find answers , a lot of us are on the same journey, but together we will get there(and of course w/a lot of help from God above.)


Just keep swimming.

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ARRG!!! I am so sorry. That can be discouraging. I hope you try again and are able to find someone who will help you. Maybe call a help line and ask for a referral? Please don't just let it go.


:iagree: It would be so easy to give up after one try. I'd make an appointment with someone else.

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After an hour, I was told that they don't do diagnoses, & that everybody has bad days.


I've cancelled the next appt.






How unprofessional!!! Not even a referral?!? I hope this does not discourage you into not following through with addressing your suspicions. You're one of my favorite people on this board--I hate to think of you struggling, and do sincerely pray you're able to find answers.



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:iagree: It would be so easy to give up after one try. I'd make an appointment with someone else.


I've been working on this since last summer, & this is by far the best help I've received.


My first try was in the 90s, though. The lady fell asleep, after several very unhelpful sessions.


I don't know what else to say. (There's a lot, but I'd just have to delete it.) :lol:

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How unprofessional!!! Not even a referral?!? I hope this does not discourage you into not following through with addressing your suspicions. You're one of my favorite people on this board--I hate to think of you struggling, and do sincerely pray you're able to find answers.




That means SO much to me. :001_smile: :grouphug:

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After an hour, I was told that they don't do diagnoses, & that everybody has bad days.


I've cancelled the next appt.


I'm so sorry -- hunt around and find someone else to see. Trust your instincts. Years ago when I first started struggling with PMS, you don't want to know how long it took me to find someone to help -- well, actually, I am trying to be encouraging here...........PMS was just beginning to get press (you probably were a baby - my daughter Stacey was a baby) -- I persisted, I read, I finally found a doctor who could help. I think it's a much less daunting process today with the internet -- so keep at it. Pm me or email me if I can help.:grouphug:

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