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Your stimulus rebate- save it or spend it?

Stimulus rebate- save it or spend it?  

  1. 1. Stimulus rebate- save it or spend it?

    • Savings/ Investment
    • Pay down bills/ debt/ mortgage
    • Buy something we need
    • Buy something fun, like a vacation
    • We will use it for our homeschool!
    • Other!

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We are probably putting it towards one of the land/sea Disney Cruises. The kids have been begging to go to Disney as we have never been there and I sure could go for a cruise - the best of both worlds. Now, to keep it a secret until October when it's a little less expensive and we can make it a great 13th birthday present for dd.


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We are relatively debt free (house only).


We give regularly - as in out of every monthly paycheck, to our church and a few other organizations. We also give spontaneously as led.


We save first, right after tithing. Our savings that was missing from our emergency fund (used for an emergency! :)) was paid back with our tax return.


My husband and I are too frugal to just go spend it on ourselves. We would feel wasteful. But the vehicle needs fixed, and we haven't otherwise had one chunk of cash to do it with. Now we will.

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I said "other" because it will be used for more than one thing. Most of it will be to pay off/down medical bills from pre-term labor stuff as well as the actual birth. But we also want to make sure we save a portion of it as well, seeing as though we are in such unstable times right now.


It kind of stinks to be "responsible" with it because there are so many things I can think of to do with the money - fun things, kwim? But I just can't in clear conscience do that. :(

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I voted "other," but we plan to "invest" it in things close to home that reduce our cost of living. We just bought a wood burning fireplace insert, and if we find a deal on a used vehicle that runs on compressed natural gas (for 63 cents per gallon in Utah, and another tax rebate) we'll use it for that. We also put in a supply of food and clothes in the basement. I feel more confident "investing" in "commodities" close to home rather than putting the money in the bank when the dollar is falling so much and prices are going up.

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It is going for vacation simply because we committed to vacation - over two weeks in California - last fall, and my dad (all my folks are in California) has been asking us to come out for a long time. The only other time we took the kids they were 6,4 and 2 years old. So it has been ten years!!!!

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A local grocery chain just advertised that they will give you an extra 10% on your purchase of a gift card using your rebate. So if you purchase a $300 gift card, they will add $30 to that. It's one of the cheaper grocery stores too which we shop at all the time so we may "invest" in these gift cards & get a 10% interest!

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We are probably putting it towards one of the land/sea Disney Cruises. The kids have been begging to go to Disney as we have never been there and I sure could go for a cruise - the best of both worlds. Now, to keep it a secret until October when it's a little less expensive and we can make it a great 13th birthday present for dd.



Hey - we're going on the Disney cruise next January! We're SOOOO excited. We've already got the money set aside for that, but the rebate sure helps us feel better about going!!


We plan to spend it on patio furniture and a new tv.


I think we'll spend ours on this same thing. I think we'll also buy one of those fully-inclosed fire pits. We also get a rebate, so we're also getting carpet installed in our finished basement.

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I checked something for fun--maybe vacation. That wasn't the original intention. We scheduled our vacation for this time, about 6 mos ago. As it happens, the rebate checks are coming in about 2 weeks before we leave. I would like to put it in savings and maybe dh & I both get $1-200 to do something for ourselves.

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We are currently saving for a down payment on a house...trying to pull a 15 year mortgage out so that we can pay it off a lot sooner.




I like this poll very interesting...

I also had a $1400 garage sale over the weekend....YIPPEE!!! Doing well to saving up.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

We will use it to buy a class ring for my son, next year's school books, tickets to Bush Gardens, and pay off part of a dental bill. In that order. We can not save any of it or it could change our son's financial aid status. :-P

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I have to pay regular household bills (mortgage, utilities, etc.) since husband lost job a few weeks ago. I guess this comes at just the right time. Even though I really wanted to get my hardwood floors refinished!:crying: Oh well...

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Since I am currently paying off IRS debt, I will only receive a notification letter of the amount and that it was applied to my debt.... stupid self-employment taxes...


Here's some fun trivia for you.


You know that VeggieTales song, "Oh, Santa!" from their very first Christmas video, The Toy that Saved Christmas? Remember the IRS man coming to the door, having the door slammed on him, and then coming in uninvited and taking the last cookie? Well there's a story behind that.


Mike Nawrocki, the dude who wrote the song, was suffering from 'stupid self-employment taxes syndrome'. Apparently he was unaware of the need for freelancers to set aside some of their income for taxes. He got a big surprise when he filed that year. Same year as he was writing the song.


There. Does that make you feel better?

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Here's some fun trivia for you.


You know that VeggieTales song, "Oh, Santa!" from their very first Christmas video, The Toy that Saved Christmas? Remember the IRS man coming to the door, having the door slammed on him, and then coming in uninvited and taking the last cookie? Well there's a story behind that.


Mike Nawrocki, the dude who wrote the song, was suffering from 'stupid self-employment taxes syndrome'. Apparently he was unaware of the need for freelancers to set aside some of their income for taxes. He got a big surprise when he filed that year. Same year as he was writing the song.


There. Does that make you feel better?


I'd feel better if there was any money to set aside. :tongue_smilie:


We finally qualified for a refund in 2007 and I'm pretty sure that our debt will be paid in full in 2008. My new baby is a blessing in more ways than one!!:)

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