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I dont' have that strange of a last name but everyone seems to add an -ing to it :confused:


It makes it horrible because if you aren't really listening -just waiting to hear your name called- you will completely miss your turn. They are calling for -------ing and You are just in la - la land. It's even worse with the kids. If they are getting awards or something and have to have their name called, they look around and then ask if the person is referring to them because their name is this and not the one not the -ing name. They don't want to mess up and take another person's turn!


I have not idea why anyone adds the -ing to it and changes one of the letters to a w to boot. I always make sure it is spelled correctly.



But my first name - UGH I think I was in highschool before I realized my name violated spelling rules. i before e except after c - unless you are in my name. NO wonder I never could spell.

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Never in my life has anyone EVER spelled my name right. For some reason I can't just spell it once I have to spell it 6 times and spell it s-l-o-w for them! Most people try Leticia but it's Lattishia. :) Doesn't bother me.


Only a handful can pronounce it right just by looking at it.

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Never in my life has anyone EVER spelled my name right. For some reason I can't just spell it once I have to spell it 6 times and spell it s-l-o-w for them! Most people try Leticia but it's Lattishia. :) Doesn't bother me.


Only a handful can pronounce it right just by looking at it.


ish like Trish, right?

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First names don't bother me. Name your kid what you want...and spell it however you want. I changed an i to a y (Bryce) and now I really wish I had spelled his actual name (Bryson) "Brycen" as well.


When I was married to my older son's dad, he had a really common last name that is spelled a really weird way. People literally NEVER get it right. And if they see it spelled, they say it another way - with a short E rather than a long A. I even had a pharmacy tech argue with me when I asked for a prescription for ds. She looked and the name and said, "I have one for (name pronounced with short E) and I said, "yes, that is it...but it is pronounced (name with long A). She laughed and said, "Um, no, this is (name pronounced with short E). ROFL. Oh, RIGHT. Thanks for letting me know...it isn't like it is MY last name too or anything! GOOD GRIEF!!!

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Wow! 16 pages about names in one day.


I'll admit I'm guilty of creative spelling.


Mikaela got her spelling because I didn't want her to be Michael with an a. Madelynn got her spelling because I liked it and wanted it pronounced with a short i sound. People think her name is spelled Madeline, but that has a long i, if you ask me.

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My name is always misspelled. It is the French/German spelling and people always insist that I should have a D in there somewhere. My broker (I am a real estate agent) has a board with all our names that she runs through during sales meeting. Last time we met, I finally erased the "d" she had in my name on the board (I did so before she got there), but she did notice the change. A couple of days ago I got my Christmas card from her. My name was spelled Briditte! Instead of dropping the D, she dropped the G!


I can't help but chuckle at this. My dd's name is spelled with the d, but just one t and no e at the end (the Irish spelling). I keep having to tell people that her name is not spelled with 2 ts and there is no e. Including my MIL initially.

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I just have to say: my sister's friend recently had a baby and named her Assir. Last name is something like Groing, maybe spelled differently, but it sounds like groin. Poor, sweet little baby. I can't imagine what she will endure as a result of her given name. The parents apparantly love the name, they think Assir sounds like an Indian princess. :confused: Folks, it rhymes with passer... I'm not thinking Aladdin's sister here. Anyhow, all that to say that the parents should have just spelled it Asser Myparentssuckatnamingbabies Groing. Maybe she would be spared a small percentage of mockery.

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As a former high school teacher in an inner city school...I get it. Every year on the first day of school the teachers have to play a game called "How in the Heck do you Pronounce THAT?" I felt badly for those kids because one day they are going to have to put that name at the top of a resume and it is not going to look very good at all.


It was like the parents went out of their way to come up with the most bizarre names and unusual spellings with random hyphens, capital letters and accent marks. I wanted to grab one mom and shake her and tell her "You can't put an accent mark on a T !!!"


And of course the teenagers would get all bent out of shape because I do not know how to pronounce something like:







Pe'irrie' (pronounced like the water...yes, folks, that is TWO, count 'em TWO accent marks)



You can call it creative if you like. I call it cruelty to children...and maybe to teachers too. :D

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:confused: I'm not getting the difference. The differing pronunciations of Laura/LahRah sound so subtle to me that I'm not sure I would hear the diffrence there, either.


In Britain it is pronounced 'Lawra'. I never worried about how she said my name though - there were more important aspects of the relationship that needed careful work.



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Our last name was always misspelled a certain way. Now though, a new product has taken hold of the market which is ponounced like our name, but spelled even differently. Think 2 syllable navigation system that is close to the name of a European country. Actually, we've been called that, too! But we have an a, not an e for the first vowel.

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Wow! 16 pages about names in one day.


I'll admit I'm guilty of creative spelling.


Mikaela got her spelling because I didn't want her to be Michael with an a. Madelynn got her spelling because I liked it and wanted it pronounced with a short i sound. People think her name is spelled Madeline, but that has a long i, if you ask me.


Do you not like the male name Michael? I thought Michaela is the feminine variation of Michael?

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Do you not like the male name Michael? I thought Michaela is the feminine variation of Michael?


Maybe she thought it would look too much like "we wanted a boy"? I think that can sometimes be the case with feminine forms of common male names. I hesitated at first to name my daughter Alexandra because I thought it sounded a little too much like "we wanted a boy," but fortunately my friends convinced me otherwise. Alex's name totally fits her.

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My name is common but not hugely popular. Its Colleen. Everyone spells it with an i, a, y... I find it funny and it is usually a good ice breaker and an opening to conversation. Growing up and still till this day my father pronounces it "Ko-leen" and my mom "Call-een" LOL.



This is one of my names and I hate it. 2 "L", 2 "E", it's in the dictionary, it's a WORD, and yet no one can spell it, let alone say it correctly.

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I had a boy in my first grade class whose name was Kenyon.


First day of school I go up and down the line calling out Ken-yon....no kid answers. Finally I have all kids accounted for but this one boy. I ask him his name and he says Key-ahn. I still didn't realize he was Kenyon till he pointed to his name.


*shakes head*

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Furthermore, if you do choose to create your own spelling, you are not allowed to lose your mind if the name is spelled with the typical spelling on invitations, gifts, etc.


Hah! Yeah, that's what *gets* me. The tone of indignation and, "Ugh! They spelled Cayte-Liynne's name wrong again!" Well - duh!


When I was a baby, my mom's friend thought my name was pretty. When she had her own little girl, she and the nurse at the hospital tried to come up with how to spell "Danielle". Yep. They gave that poor child the spelling Danyell. I hope she turned out quiet.:tongue_smilie:

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Well, thankfully a person can still go into court and have his or her name CHANGED. An old boyfriend once told me that his six-year-old brother insisted on having his name changed, and his parents allowed that. If a judge was willing to change the name of a six-year-old (whose original name was perfectly normal), then surely the court system would take pity on those unfortunate children who have been saddled with outlandish names.

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When I worked in a law firm, there was a little girl whose mother was apparently aiming at "Monique," but, unfathomably, named her "Monquie." Mon-Key! Her name was legally changed before she was, I think, 10. Cases like that make me think that it's not a bad idea to run your proposed name by a few people pre-baby. :tongue_smilie:

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Did anyone see this court case of the girl who hated her name so much she actually petitioned the court to have her parents' rights terminated so that she could change her name? Her given name was Talula does the Hula from Hawaii.




Yeah, I was told I would have to divorce my stepdad in court in order to get my original birth cert/last name changed back (he had legally adopted me) :glare: It's my name! I can't imagine what a mess it would be now to legally fix my name.

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OK, I totally forgot about this part.


Ok, so my parents chose my name by mis-remembering the name of a character of an Igmar Bergman movie. It should have been Karin (Kah-rin) not KOh-rin ~ Laura, I realized you wrote it more the way my name is pronounced, I think, BTW I usually say "sounds like Warren, or borin', or Lauren....) but luckily, it wasn't or I would be correcting people and sounding pretentious my whole life....


Well, whoever was typing out my birth certificate couldn't read the midwife's handwriting, as they mistook the "ri" for an "n", resulting in my name "officially' being Konn.


So, that was the name on my birth certificate until I had it legally corrected in 2000, when I was 30... cause, even though social security and 2 different state BMVs would accept my oral explanation (which is weird) it wouldn't fly when I had to get a passport.


now back to more relevant posts....;)


WHY do my posts ALWAYS end up at the top of the next page?

Edited by radiobrain
cause I can
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My name is Stephanie. Verrrrry common name, which drives me nuts when I have three people in my class, group, whatever with my name.

Anyways, I've seen some very interesting spellings.

Stephany, Stefany, Steffany, Stefanie, Steffanie, and there are others who switch the vowels (Stephiane, Stephaine, etc.)

I've also met at least 2 other people who have both my first AND middle name. I guess the combination was popular about 15 years ago or so.


I know someone named Colin, and constantly, people spelll it Colon ???

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and what he or she will go through the rest of their lives. I have a different spelling name and although it is not out of the ball park like others it can be very challenging at times. First, I do like my name. It is unique but I'm so tired of people looking at it and not know how to say it. (this difference should be simple enough to figure it out). Anytime I have to give my name out over the phone or to a person face to face I can't say Alice, I have to spell it because if they are looking for it on the computer or on a list they won't find it using the traditional spelling. That at times can make you pull your hair out. Even once you spell it they get this deer in the headlights, look and so you spell it again. When I was younger it was made worse because I had a very unusual last name that most people couldn't pronounce either so I ended up looking at people stare at me becasue they didn't know what to call me or I ended up spelling my whole name. I'm very happy I married someone with a normal name.


Unique spellings are nice but there are a lot of downfalls for the child as they become an adult. Please think about that before giving your child their name.

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Wow! 16 pages about names in one day.


I'll admit I'm guilty of creative spelling.


Mikaela got her spelling because I didn't want her to be Michael with an a. Madelynn got her spelling because I liked it and wanted it pronounced with a short i sound. People think her name is spelled Madeline, but that has a long i, if you ask me.



There is nothing unusual about Mikaela. I believe that spelling originates from Scandinavia. So says this mom of a Mikaela who does not not like the way the Michaela looks like I really wanted a boy.


I did not like my name growing up at all. Kathy. Just Kathy. A childhood of this conversation: Teacher (or any other adult) "Kathy, is that short for anything? Katherine or Kathleen?" Me "No." This was always followed up with "Are you sure?" Don't even get me started on the C vs. K controversy.

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I have saddled my children with unusual enough names that spelling them oddly would be entirely too much. Many of them have very common words as names but the fact that they are names really throws people for a loop. As an exmaple, one of my dds is named Asia, like the continent. She was born in Asia. Even though she is 25 years old there have been several other stars named Asia since then. Seems fairly easy to me and yet, no one ever gets it right.

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We named our middle daughter Noelle. If I don't spell it out, it gets spelled Noel. If it's written out, it's pronounced Nicole. Some people get close and pronounce it No-well instead of No-ell.


Our boy is named Malcolm. We've seen various misspellings over the years, but the most common in Malcomb. :confused:

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Our boy is named Malcolm. We've seen various misspellings over the years, but the most common in Malcomb. :confused:


My oldest son is Malcolm as well. Our most frequent misspelling is Malcom. No second L. We don't get the Malcomb one often, but we do. I have always been totally confused by that one! :D



Look! I'm at the top of the new page again!

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For me, name your child whatever you want. Spell it whatever way you want. Rights, and freedoms, ya know. Feel free to let me know if I spelled it wrong, I'll try to do better next time. Plus what's wrong with being creative?? I guess we should all stick with Bob, Dick and Jane.


I've got bigger fish to fry then worry about what other's name their children.


Yes, Imp, don't you know that having an opinion is not acceptable on this board? I was informed of such recently. :lol:


I'm not a fan of inventive spelling of existing traditional names. One of my children has a family name that ends in "en". People constantly write it as "on". I'm not sure how she'll feel about her unique name in the years to come.

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Although my name isn't very common, people have such wierd spellings for it. I used to know one other girl when I went to school who had my name Cheyenne, but she spelled it Shyanne. I mean it's crazy! I fell bad for kids that have such wierd spellings for their names. There are so many ways people spell my name wrong, instead of Cheyenne, it's Shyanne, Chyanne, Chianne, Cheyanne, and some other wierd spellings as well. That's is how everyone used to spell my name at school! It drove me crazy!:tongue_smilie:

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I always felt sorry for her because I know she had to constantly explain.


Folks, I really don't care what you name your kids. Seriously. Call the girl Quasimodo for all I care.




Could ppl please can it with the weird spellings?


'Pawla' "Distiny' 'Dystny' 'Sevastian' 'Millisa' Folks don't think, "Wow! Those parents are just so cool!" Rather, they think, "Geez, they couldn't even be bothered to spell the kid's name properly!"


Furthermore, if you do choose to create your own spelling, you are not allowed to lose your mind if the name is spelled with the typical spelling on invitations, gifts, etc. We're not all gifted with psychic abilities and instinctively know you've spelled your kid's name differently.


This has been the end of the PSA.



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What do you think of the name Annaliese? Pronounced Anna-Lease.


I always loved that name. :) And yes, I believe that's the German spelling.


I do think it's a tough call whether to use a traditional spelling that is foreign for Americans, or "Americanize" a spelling so people will not be baffled. Our "boy" name for our oldest was "Reese", but I agonized about that problem. The correct spelling is Rhys, which no American will get. "Reese" makes it clear, but doesn't look good to me. "Reece" is worse because it calls to mind chocolate and peanut butter! :D Luckily, we had a girl and named her Kyla, which everyone immediately thinks is Kayla, even though we spelled it as plain as it's possible to be. It's hard to win sometimes. :tongue_smilie:

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... rather than a made up one. My cousin is called Annaliese (pronounced Anna-leesa).





I knew it wasn't made up, but did not know it was a German spelling. I wish there was a better way of spelling it but cannot find one. The other way we could spell it is Annalise, but that looks like Anna-lice to me. :tongue_smilie:


I really don't want Lisa to be a part of the name, but Anna-lisa is pretty.

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I always loved that name. :) And yes, I believe that's the German spelling.


I do think it's a tough call whether to use a traditional spelling that is foreign for Americans, or "Americanize" a spelling so people will not be baffled. Our "boy" name for our oldest was "Reese", but I agonized about that problem. The correct spelling is Rhys, which no American will get. "Reese" makes it clear, but doesn't look good to me. "Reece" is worse because it calls to mind chocolate and peanut butter! :D Luckily, we had a girl and named her Kyla, which everyone immediately thinks is Kayla, even though we spelled it as plain as it's possible to be. It's hard to win sometimes. :tongue_smilie:


I know, if we go with it, I am sure we will get a 50-50 response. "Oh, I love it!" or "What?? never heard of it, how do you spell it? how do you pronounce it??" etc.

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I knew it wasn't made up, but did not know it was a German spelling. I wish there was a better way of spelling it but cannot find one. The other way we could spell it is Annalise, but that looks like Anna-lice to me.


I really don't want Lisa to be a part of the name, but Anna-lisa is pretty.


You could spell it Annelise, which is like "Ann-Elise," but people will not say "EEE-lease"; it will sound like Anna-Lease when said. I think if you go with this name, you will have to accept that spelling it out will be a necessity, no matter how you spell it. That was part of why this name never made it to the very top of my naming list; however, I still have wound up with that in naming my other kids. My middle child has a name with two completely acceptable spellings, so spelling it is necessary. In any case, it's best not to be too hung up on people spelling and pronouncing your child's name perfectly unless you're willing to pick a name that is agelessly common and nearly always spelled the same way. (Think "William".) :)

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