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If a friend was sick over the weekend, would you go over Tuesday night?

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We have a friend that is hosting a cookie exchange. Several family members were sick over the weekend. I am on the invite as the other person helping with it, there's a chance the weather is going to be bad anyway, but I really do not want to go over to her house now. She has a rather larger house and not that she wouldn't clean it well, I just don't feel it's worth the risk. So sick on Sunday, cookie exchange on Tuesday, probably moved to Wednesday because we are supposed to get snow and freezing rain.

Would you even go Wednesday?

Any advice?



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My feeling is that she shouldn't be making cookies to be shared with others if there is a chance that the sickness is still going through their house. I probably wouldn't take the chance of getting sick this close to Christmas by attending. Of course, I am a little bit of a germ-aphob, so others may think that is extreme!

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I'd not go either. My dd was supposed to go to a friend's house last week so dh and I could go out and celebrate our anniversary (late). Anyway, Her friends had been sick (vomiting, fever) and that day was their first day back at school and the mom was feeling ill. I'm SOOOO glad I didn't send her!


PS We took dd with us on our "date!"

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We have a friend that is hosting a cookie exchange. Several family members were sick over the weekend. I am on the invite as the other person helping with it, there's a chance the weather is going to be bad anyway, but I really do not want to go over to her house now. She has a rather larger house and not that she wouldn't clean it well, I just don't feel it's worth the risk. So sick on Sunday, cookie exchange on Tuesday, probably moved to Wednesday because we are supposed to get snow and freezing rain.

Would you even go Wednesday?

Any advice?




I'll be the dissenting vote and say that I'd be more likely to go if they'd had a flu/vomiting instead of a cold (and as long as the flu symptoms were gone by Monday morning). A person with a cold will still be drippy and germy for several days. :ack2:


Based on everything you wrote though, it doesn't sound like you really want to go for a number of reasons. I'd back out and use the sickness as an excuse.

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Unfortunately, I would say to not go at all. I would not want to take the risk of getting sick for Christmas. The different members of the family could still be carrying the virus even if they feel well. And who knows how many germs could still be around the house.


Can you tell I am a germ phobe? :glare:

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I'll be the dissenting vote and say that I'd be more likely to go if they'd had a flu/vomiting instead of a cold (and as long as the flu symptoms were gone by Monday morning). A person with a cold will still be drippy and germy for several days. :ack2:


Based on everything you wrote though, it doesn't sound like you really want to go for a number of reasons. I'd back out and use the sickness as an excuse.


:iagree: This is me, too. But then I am not a germ phobic person and don't get sick often. I think you'd be more likely to pick something up on the grocery cart. I do the standard 24 hour thing, but after that, I'd consider it okay to go.

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I have to agree. If it was just a cold, maybe--vomiting, NO WAY.


Unfortunately, I would say to not go at all. I would not want to take the risk of getting sick for Christmas. The different members of the family could still be carrying the virus even if they feel well. And who knows how many germs could still be around the house.


Can you tell I am a germ phobe? :glare:

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No way for us!


Let's say this is a norovirus:


1. Contagious until a minimum of 3 days after last symptoms.

2. Onset up to 48 hours after exposure and lasting up to 48 hours...that's plenty of time for it to be traveling through your household for Christmas.

3. Cookies would be a great way to spread these viruses imo.

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