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What is your favorite response to...

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Depends how I'm feeling, and who's asked; it will vary from "Oh, I'm sure you could" to "Oh, right!" It's a bit of a non-starter, really; what exactly are they wanting me to say? You know?!


I very occasionally want to say (but don't) "No.. you couldn't. Please don't consider it." :lol:

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"It's a bit of a non-starter, really; what exactly are they wanting me to say? You know?!


I very occasionally want to say (but don't) "No.. you couldn't. Please don't consider it." :lol:"


Exactly my feelings! My husband tried to convince me that it is a compliment, but it really doesn't feel like it. Anyways, I REALLY appreciate your responses! I'm quite exhausted with defending myself, but it sounds like we all get this...

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Depends on my mood, and the attitude of the person saying it. I often get people telling me they couldn't do it, meaning they really couldn't handle the responsibility of educating their children. If I'm in a good mood, I say (very graciously) "Well, it really isn't for everyone".


If I'm in a bad mood, or someone says it meaning they couldn't handle being around their children all the time I say something along the lines of "Probably not". lol. I try to avoid saying that... but sometimes it just slips out... :glare:

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Sometimes I say, "Well, it takes a great deal of patience, organization, determination and you have to like being around your children everyday. Some days it is very hard but for the most part it is a blessing."


If they persist and continue to say how they could never do it then I follow with, "Well, then you have made the best choice for your children by putting them in ps."

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This is usually my response: :001_huh:



I can just never think fast enough on my feet. Actually, a very dear family friend said, "I just don't see how you have the patience" when we were there at Thanksgiving and I had no response at all. None. I sat there like a log until someone else distracted her!

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I usually say something along the lines of "Well it's not for everyone" but one time in a situation at a store where a woman I didn't know approached us out of nowhere and started with "What school do they go to, ours isn't off today" and then even after politely saying "We homeschool" she just kept following us and going on and on with little remarks that were supposed to be jabs my oldest son just couldn't "smile and wave" anymore and said "My mom is great at it, but SOME people would NEVER be able to pull it off"


Yes it was rude, but no more so than the woman following us making her rude comments.

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My favorite reply to that one is similar to those above: You would, if you thought it was in your children's best interest.


I have to say, though, that I receive far fewer negative or questionable comments these days, compared to when I started homeschooling seven years ago. Actually , I get far fewer questions, now that I think about it. And when people do ask, they generally finish off with - I think that's great!



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I was in the store recently and a cashier asked me if my daughter was out of school that day. I said we homeschool and she said "Oh, I can usually recognize the homeschoolers but she doesn't act like one. They have a certain demeanor. I can almost always tell who they are..." I just said "well, she's pretty much always acted the way she does now."


I couldn't tell whether she was trying to say that homeschoolers are wierd or my daughter was misbehaving or what. I did not know whether she was saying something positive or negative and I was too flabbergasted to ask for clarification.

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My first response is


"Everyone does what's right for their own families."


9 times out of 10 that's the right response, because "I could never do that" usually seems to mean "I'm totally uninterested in homeschooling my children but I suspect that you think I'm shortchanging them by having them in school."


But sometimes it really means "I have no clue what homeschooling involves and it seems very intimidating." If there's a followup response that suggests that that's what the interlocutor means, I go with


"Homeschooling is like any other job; it looks hard from the outside, but when you're past the learning curve and actually doing it, it's not."


I've been surprised how many people feel enlightened by that second answer. Seeing it as a job with a learning curve, and not as some special parenting skill that they suspect they might not have, seems to help a lot of people be more comfortable with the idea that they could do it if they wanted to, but aren't under any pressure (from me) to choose it.

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I like to say, "I wasn't sure I could either, but you learn as you go." The moms who have said this to me really feel like they couldn't do it--and one who has said it to me now homeschools! Don't burn bridges & realize that the person probably just feels inadequate.


Merry :-)



I usually say something very similiar, "The kids are learning a lot, and so am I..." With a smile. Folks seem to think that I am either a big idiot or a saint. I don't care which opinion they choose. The children and I are fine either way.

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If it's someone who really wants to know, I say something like, "Well, it sounds harder than it is. I have a lot of help!" or "It's like nursing. You think you can't do it, and then you try it for a day or two and pretty soon you're in the groove wondering why you ever worried about it." Someone who is a really good friend with good will might hear, "Wow, here's what I know--if I can do it, you certainly can! But, hey, you don't have to! The homeschooling police are not on patrol!"


Most of the time, though, I say something like either, "Wow, it's just working out great for our family!" in a really smiley way, or, "I'll bet you're doing the very best thing for your specific family, just like we are!"

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"you home school? I just couldn't do it!"


With one child in a school program and one at home, I get a lot of this and sometimes I just run out of creative responses. any help?


I just smile and don't really say anything...Most people are just commenting and don't really want to hear anything more...


If one of my friends seriously asks me, then I will discuss it with them by asking them why they feel like they couldn't...Then we start from there based on their answers...

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I often get people telling me they couldn't do it, meaning they really couldn't handle the responsibility of educating their children.



I used to say:

It's a lot of work, but I find it very rewarding.


Now that puberty has surfaced/emerged/exploded (can't find the right word), I say:

It's a lot of work.





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I am still new to this, so I usually say that my kids and I are learning together, and we really like being together.




Another mom told me this one, I tried it once and I think it will be coming out more and more often as the shocked look was great. Before they get to that, when they ask why my ds is not in school. I kept a straight face and said "Oh, we quit, I don't believe in school" and walked away. It was great, she was being a nosy parker in a rude way and nothing I said would have been good, so I had fun!

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"It's definitely best if you have a good attitude about it and truly enjoy it."


Basically what I'm saying is if you WANT to do it and if it's something you think you would enjoy, then you can do it. It's probably best that those who think they couldn't do it, don't. :glare:

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