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Book a week in 2011.... We're doing it all over again. Who is game?

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There's a 52 books blog????

Why am I just now finding out this stuff????


Yep, there's a 52 books blog where you can link to your reviews. I post weekly on Sundays - all things book related. Link is in my signature however it is called


Read 52 books in 52 Weeks and the link is www.read52booksin52weeks.com


I'm so in.


Even though I'll probably fail miserably at the mini-challenges, since most of my reading ends up being non-fiction, history related. Unless it's summer, or winter break, or spring break, during which I get to read anything I want! :D

But last summer alone I think I finished 50 some books.... can I count more than one book a week? :tongue_smilie:


Yes, the goal is at least one book a week to make the goal of 52. However you reach the goal of 52 is up to you.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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Yes, the goal is at least one book a week to make the goal of 52. However you reach the goal of 52 is up to you.


Thanks for the answer to my unasked question! I didn't join this year, but have read more than 52 books, if I count re-reads, or 49 books if I don't count those I've read several times. I don't think I could bear only being able to read one book each week! :001_smile:


I'm in for 2011!

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We don't HAVE to do the mini-challenges, do we? ;) I already have a pretty lengthy list of books I'd like to read this year. :D I am embarrassed how many of the AO list books (3-12) I have not yet read, and how many books are patiently waiting on my shelves. My personal mini-challenge is to read fantastic literature, biographies, history, etc. from these lists that I already own! :) (And, perhaps, a few re-reads of classic literature. I usually like to read LOTR at least every other year. ;))

Edited by Medieval Mom
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We don't HAVE to do the mini-challenges, do we? ;) I already have a pretty lengthy list of books I'd like to read this year. :D I am embarrassed how many of the AO list books (3-12) I have not yet read, and how many books are patiently waiting on my shelves. My personal mini-challenge is to read fantastic literature, biographies, history, etc. from these lists that I already own! :) (And, perhaps, a few re-reads of classic literature. I usually like to read LOTR at least every other year. ;))



Nope, you don't have to do the mini challenges. They are being offered for some extra fun.

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I'm in!!! :cheers2:


...been waiting a couple of months for this. Haha!


So, do we check in every Sunday? how do we find out about the mini challanges? are we required to post something...on here or on your blog? ...or do I just read? lol

(newbie to blogosphere:blush: and reading challenges)




Every sunday I'll be posting a Book a Week in 2011 thread for folks to check in and talk about what books they are reading for the week. You don't have to post anything. However, if you have a blog and do reviews, you can link to your reviews from the 52 books blogs. Mr. Linky will be put up every Sunday along with a weekly post. You are not required to do anything at all.


Well - except read. :)



I just posted a introduction to 2011 challenge on the 52 books blog including the Mini challenges info. When mr. linky comes back up will post a "I'm participating" links so you can link to your blogs.

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Nope, you don't have to do the mini challenges. They are being offered for some extra fun.


Super! :)


Wait a minute... I just checked out your very cool blog! Do we just choose which, if any, mini-challenge we want to do? Sorry to be so dense about all this... I'll chalk it up to sleep deprivation. ;) The sci-fi journeys look like a lot of fun!

Edited by Medieval Mom
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Super! :)


Wait a minute... I just checked out your very cool blog! Do we just choose which, if any, mini-challenge we want to do? Sorry to be so dense about all this... I'll chalk it up to sleep deprivation. ;) The sci-fi journeys look like a lot of fun!



The mini challenges are there as choices - if you want to do them. You don't have to make a committment in writing or anything. Just simple, easy, casual come as you are, interesting ideas. Last year I didn't give advance notice on the mini challenges, just popped them on folks intermittently throughout the year. Will still be doing a little bit of that as we go along when I get an idea.

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Just found out something really cool. Here's the email I received from Sourcebooks today.


Sourcebooks, the world’s leading publisher of Jane Austen fiction, is offering a unique deal to readers who want to celebrate Jane by reading special editions of all six of Austen’s beloved novels in a 21st century format.

Special e-book editions of Pride and Prejudice, Emma,Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion and Mansfield Parkwill be available for free for one day only. These celebratory editions include the full novels, plus the legendary color illustrations of the Brock brothers, originally created to accompany the books in 1898.

In addition to the Jane Austen classics, readers can also enjoy these bestselling Austen-inspired novels. The following bestselling e-books will be free on December 16th in honor of her birthday:

Eliza’s Daughter by Joan Aiken

The Darcys & the Bingleys by Marsha Altman

Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll

What Would Jane Austen Do?by Laurie Brown

The Pemberley Chronicles by Rebecca Ann Collins

The Other Mr. Darcy by Monica Fairview

Mr. Darcy’s Diary by Amanda Grange

Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One by Sharon Lathan

Lydia Bennet’s Story by Jane Odiwe

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy by Abigail Reynolds

Available wherever eBooks are sold.



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The mini challenges are there as choices - if you want to do them. You don't have to make a committment in writing or anything. Just simple, easy, casual come as you are, interesting ideas. Last year I didn't give advance notice on the mini challenges, just popped them on folks intermittently throughout the year. Will still be doing a little bit of that as we go along when I get an idea.


Fun! Thanks for explaining. I won't have my lawyer write up a binding contract for this, then. Whew! :lol:


I can't wait! :)

Edited by Medieval Mom
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Confession: I am consumed with guilt because I quit writing blog posts a month or so ago. I've read a lot of books and several would have made great posts, but I suddenly went off the whole thing for a little while. Now I'm tempted by new January challenges, but I feel like I should slink off into a corner!

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Confession: I am consumed with guilt because I quit writing blog posts a month or so ago. I've read a lot of books and several would have made great posts, but I suddenly went off the whole thing for a little while. Now I'm tempted by new January challenges, but I feel like I should slink off into a corner!


Don't slink off. I used to practically review every book I read and now I only do reviews for book tour books which is about once a month. I don't have the energy to review every single one any more. Hopefully will get some new life in me and at least do some mini reviews for some books in 2011.



I want to, but I'm probably going to fail. :glare:


Aw! I don't consider not being able to reach the 52 goal a failure. The pleasure is in reading and trying. Jump in and do your best.

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Just found out something really cool. Here's the email I received from Sourcebooks today.


Sourcebooks, the world’s leading publisher of Jane Austen fiction, is offering a unique deal to readers who want to celebrate Jane by reading special editions of all six of Austen’s beloved novels in a 21st century format.




Very cool! Thank you! :)


I just dowloaded them all, except Mansfield Park, which was still at $0.99. :) This might just entice me to read a whole book on my iPad. :)

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I'm in. This year I set a goal of reading 52 books this year. I've read 43 so far and thought maybe I could read the rest over Christmas break.


But the next book I want to read is 931 pages :w00t: (it's a library book that I've had on reserve for a little while and it just came in. It also can't be renewed)


So I won't reach my goal this year, but there's always 2011!

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I would love to do this. Just finished grad school this week and suddenly have a lot of time on my hands. After four years of reading school related books, I look forward to picking out whatever books I want. So...I'm in!:)Lesley


Congratulations on finished Grad school. Major accomplishment. Can we call you Doctor now?


I'm in. This year I set a goal of reading 52 books this year. I've read 43 so far and thought maybe I could read the rest over Christmas break.


But the next book I want to read is 931 pages :w00t: (it's a library book that I've had on reserve for a little while and it just came in. It also can't be renewed)

So I won't reach my goal this year, but there's always 2011!


Awesome job- the fun is in trying


I'd like to join. But I don't think I will succeed!



Again I will say it, there are no failures in a reading challenge. You set a goal, strive for it and do the best you can. If you did your best, then you have succeeded. If you had fun, you succeeded.


Glass is half full... Remember that!!! No pessimism allowed. :cheers2:

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So, what book is it??? (I often like long books too.)


It's called The Sunne in Splendour a Novel of Richard III by Sharon Kay Penman. http://www.amazon.com/Sunne-Splendour-Novel-Richard-III/dp/031237593X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1292525514&sr=1-1



I think someone here recommended it. I love historical fiction and especially that time period.

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It's called The Sunne in Splendour a Novel of Richard III by Sharon Kay Penman. http://www.amazon.com/Sunne-Splendour-Novel-Richard-III/dp/031237593X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1292525514&sr=1-1


I think someone here recommended it. I love historical fiction and especially that time period.


That looks good. I, too, love historical fiction. Be sure to post your review of it after you finish reading it! :001_smile:

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After much back and forth-ing, I am in :)


And actually, my non-reader husband is in as well! I asked him if he wanted to do this with me (making sure to note that he could read Star Trek books on his iPad and it would count) and he said yes! I'm pretty sure he's just placating me and doesn't think I'll keep up with it, but he agreed to it and that's that :)


I am SO looking forward to this. But first, I MUST finish John Adams so I can start the new year with a clean slate :)

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After much back and forth-ing, I am in :)


And actually, my non-reader husband is in as well! I asked him if he wanted to do this with me (making sure to note that he could read Star Trek books on his iPad and it would count) and he said yes! I'm pretty sure he's just placating me and doesn't think I'll keep up with it, but he agreed to it and that's that :)


I am SO looking forward to this. But first, I MUST finish John Adams so I can start the new year with a clean slate :)


Great book! I loved it! :)

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It's called The Sunne in Splendour a Novel of Richard III by Sharon Kay Penman. http://www.amazon.com/Sunne-Splendour-Novel-Richard-III/dp/031237593X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1292525514&sr=1-1

I think someone here recommended it. I love historical fiction and especially that time period.


I've got this one and her Welsh Trilogy. Inherited them from my late mother in law but haven't gotten around to reading them yet. Will have to put them on the list for next year.


After much back and forth-ing, I am in :)


And actually, my non-reader husband is in as well! I asked him if he wanted to do this with me (making sure to note that he could read Star Trek books on his iPad and it would count) and he said yes! I'm pretty sure he's just placating me and doesn't think I'll keep up with it, but he agreed to it and that's that :)


I am SO looking forward to this. But first, I MUST finish John Adams so I can start the new year with a clean slate :)



Great - glad you both will be joining in. Enjoy John Adams. I've got in on the shelves, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Another one to add to the list for next year.

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yes, I know you said that just about everything counts.


Still, I'm the kind to have to ask: Do books of the Bible count?


Hmm! Err! :001_huh: Interesting question. I'm torn on that. My first thought is it's one book, however.... I'm going to leave that up to you. If it's one of your goals for the year, go for it. Plus point you in the direction of becky's Operation Actual Read Bible challenge.

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