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Please tell me I don't need party favors!

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You don't have to do party favors. I'd like to know who started this terrible tradition??

Pinatas, goodies from a theme party like a decorated cupcake from a cupcake decorating party, or an art project from an arts and crafts party.. okay! Obligatory pricey junk bag... grrrrrr!



I might be crabby tonight too. :)

Edited by helena
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No, you don't need them. I HATE goody bags, yet I always do them for Indy's parties. :glare: I try to find useful stuff though. This year we did a pirate party and their goody bags had stuff like pirate themed school supplies (pencils, erasers, a ruler and a little bit of candy).

Since you're paying entry fees to the pool and providing food, I'd say don't worry about it.

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No, you do not have to. I think the animal rubber bands (are these bracelets) are a nice touch. It seems that the pressure of goodie bags varies depending on your location. If this were me, I would not necessarily be surprised if one of your young guests asks where the goodie bag is when the party's over.


Honestly, is there any parent who truly likes goodie bags, giving or getting? As if a child needs a reward for leaving a party!

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You don't have to do them at all. I try not to do junk. Some cheaper alternatives...bake large cut-out decorated sugar cookies and give each child one wrapped up nicely with ribbons or do chocolate covered pretzels in little baggies...give each child a pretzel or two.

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No, you don't have to do one, especially not at an expensive venue. My DD is taking a few friends to Incredible Pizza to eat and play, which will run me about $15/child by the time I pay for pizza and a game card for each kid. We're going to decorate tiaras for the girls to wear, but other than that, if they want to take home cheap, junky toys, they can play games that give tickets and trade in those tickets before they leave.

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We live in an affluent area, where parties are completely over the top (prime opportunities for parents to one-up each other) and goodie bags are ridiculously pricey (parents get companies to sponsor their parties, so it's a lot of "cool" swag). Think: MTV's Sweet Sixteen, except it's for 1 year olds, 21 year olds, and every birthday party in-between - not just the "big" ones.


We went to a party last week, and no goody bags were handed out. Most of the kids didn't even notice, and once they found out -- didn't really care. They enjoyed the party for what it was. There were a handful that commented, but they're overly material-focused anyhow because that's how their parents are. There's always going to be one or two, you know?


I say skip the party favors :)

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I've started giving out homemade bookmarks with images relating to the party theme on them. The kids love them! I love them because I feel like I filled the expectation of a favor but still didn't sent home a bunch of junk.


If you do decide to do favours, this is a neat idea.

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Lately I have been incorporating an item to take home that's an actual part of the party. Dd8's guests made and took home bracelets. My oldest had a Harry Potter party and as part of Transfiguration the kids made clay figures. For my third dd's party the kids decorated sugar cookies. The year before I gave each guest a set of fairy wings (it was a fairy party).


So, if you really feel bad about not giving something out, you might find some small pool toys or something, but I wouldn't worry about it. The kids will be happy wihout the extra stuff.


I'm happy to buck the bag-o-junk trend. :D

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I'm thrilled when my kids don't get goodie bags. Who needs the extra junk? You don't need them.


:iagree:. Hope this doesn't come off too strong but I HATE when my kids get sent home with some cheap plastic made in China junk that I'm going to spend three days picking up and then try to throw away only to hear a day later that so-and-so can't find the broken light up whatever that she thought she left lying on the floor of her room. Don't do that to me. Please.



I've started giving out homemade bookmarks with images relating to the party theme on them. The kids love them! I love them because I feel like I filled the expectation of a favor but still didn't sent home a bunch of junk.


This is a fantastic idea. My kids love bookmarks too and it'd be so cool to see them and be reminded of the party!

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You don't need them.

The easiest party favors I have seen recently was when a mom got a deal on those really large lollipops. She stuck them in a styrofoam tree. If you wanted one, take one as you leave. It was great for us as DS does not like lollipops so it was easy to pass. No hard work for the mom either.

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My daughter had a carnival party for her birthday last month here at home, and I gave out little circus boxes with a bag of animal crackers in each one, some circus themed temporary tattoos, and a little bit of candy.


My son had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese this month, and I didn't do favors at all (he's only 5 and it was a small party and those Chuck E Cheese type parties aren't cheap, so I didn't bother) :D


I usually do something because I feel like it's expected. But then again I can't STAND when my kids bring home little plastic pieces of junk and such favors usually end up in the trash before very long.

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