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How's filing going for you?


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We're getting more work done, more efficiently. Ds 11 is taking more responsibility for doing his work independently - which is one of my goals for him this year - and I'm feeling more organized, less stressed, and enjoying our home school days more.


:hurray: Us, too, I think...definitely helped us through the move. :001_smile:

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I think it's the best thing I've ever done too. We're still not caught up for a variety of reasons (death in the family, freelance work, insane number of activities), but we're closer to on-track than we've ever been, and I know exactly where we need to be and how to get there. That's a wonderful feeling! This method will definitely be a keeper for me.

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Aubrey, I am in a similar boat. We have moved 3 times in the past 8 weeks due to a string of unfortunate circumstances. We will move for the last time (hopefully) in 3 weeks. It is only because of the filing system that we have stayed on top of school. We are a tiny bit behind but I think I just would have given up if we hadn't given this a try.


I have wanted to post a file system success thread because I am so thrilled w/ how it worked out for us. I will probably always use this system. I probably spent a month getting it set up but what a relief to just pull out folders every week for the rest of the year. Oh, and we have a baby due soon. We'll take some time off but I don't have to worry about getting everything together. I could go on and on. Bottom line: I'M LOVIN' THE FILE FOLDERS!

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Aubrey, I am in a similar boat. We have moved 3 times in the past 8 weeks due to a string of unfortunate circumstances. We will move for the last time (hopefully) in 3 weeks. It is only because of the filing system that we have stayed on top of school. We are a tiny bit behind but I think I just would have given up if we hadn't given this a try.


I have wanted to post a file system success thread because I am so thrilled w/ how it worked out for us. I will probably always use this system. I probably spent a month getting it set up but what a relief to just pull out folders every week for the rest of the year. Oh, and we have a baby due soon. We'll take some time off but I don't have to worry about getting everything together. I could go on and on. Bottom line: I'M LOVIN' THE FILE FOLDERS!


:grouphug: I would never have guessed that file folders could get a person through what you've just described! I'm so glad you've got them, that they're working for you, & I SO hope you're life is easier soon! :svengo:

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I love seeing exactly where we are just at a glance- I love *knowing* we're on track for the year- I love that the kids really take initiative with their own work now. Those amazing file folders have so far given us the smoothest school year ever! It's great for my very compartmentalized brain! :hurray:

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The filing system is AWESOME! I love that I can take out the folder on the weekend and quickly have the whole week's lesson planner filled in and ready to go. I don't fill out the actual planner ahead of time, because I want to be able to be flexible. There are weeks that I might want to spend a little more time on something, and other weeks that I need to cut out the fluff and get the basics done.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

The Files are going great for my 1st grader, but I changed curriculum for my 5th grader after 4 weeks and now all the files are wrong.

I am trying to redo them on the weekends.

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It's working well for my dd5...no surprise there.


I unfiled almost everything for ds7 and have them in files by subject instead. He is just one that grows in leaps and plateaus. I just finished week 12 here, and am contemplating whether or not to put the next 6 weeks together in folders or just keep going 1 week at a time. I'm fairly certain about what he'll need 6 weeks from now...36weeks-notsomuch. 6 weeks seems to be a good chunk to plan/organize/prepare...it seems I am ever evaluating what subject needs tweaking this time....sigh.


I've been putting daily checklists in his folder, and that is working very well.


We moved last year in Oct. It was crazy! We are going to be moving again at some point...so I am keeping in mind the need to pack everything in one tidy tote to carry along in the van.

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Cool!! and your kids are gorgeous...you too!



Well...I was thinking Wow! Thanks! But...how does she know??? So I looked at the article again....


That's not me. Those aren't my kids. They fill our articles w/ stock photos.


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I love the file folders. It has made life lots easier for me, once I got done filling the folders. :D We went on a month long trip in Sept. and we just took the folders with us. Easy peasy!


I have had to tweak some things with our curriculum. That has messed us up a bit but nothing that I can't handle. :001_smile:

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Our files are still doing their thing for us. It is so nice to set up school for the next week and have everything in the file that we need with only a few things to print out. Prep time take about an hour now instead of all day on Thursdays.


I love the file system. Now, that I know that over December, I will be spending time prepping them for 2011 since we start our new school year then.



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I've been folder filing for a couple years now and it's working well for me. I only file 6 weeks at a time though. This means every 6 weeks I need to copy things off, file new things, etc. I will just change one thing about that for next year. I will do ALL my copying up front so it's all done, but I will still only file 6 weeks at a time. I like the fact that if we get off I don't have to reshuffle a ton. However, it's so much time to copy things off (most of my curr. is digital) that I really need to do that during our longer break in the summer (we school year round, but take a good 3 weeks off in June). Other than that one change this is a keeper for us.


Glad to see you found something to help you through so many moves! I can't imagine! My hubby will die in this house so I don't have to worry about moving any time soon! :lol:

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I only have one first grader, so I'm using a simplified by-subject filing system (copies stored in the front of each file folder, completed work in chronological order in the back). I LOVE it, my documentation worries are erased, the flow of our schoolday is much improved over last year, etc. etc. Love it love it love it.

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I love the filing system! Like others, this is the most productive and smoothest school year yet. :D I still have to finish copying Latin for the year as when I had first planned/filed, we were going to do one chapter every other week, and then we all decided that was too slow to move through the materials. I love knowing everything is already planned and copied. The only thing I need to do next year is when I'm making our lesson plans, I need to write the topics for history and science in them, not just the chapters/labs we are doing.

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I've decided that next year I am going with several LARGE binders instead of the files. I've gotten off of my files and then some weeks I've even forgotten to look at them. I think if I filed them in binders behind my lesson plans then it would work better for me. I am still VERY glad that I did my copying ahead of time. That part has worked out great. Even if I didn't use all the copies, I've used most of them. The rest I've put into a "unused" folder, so I can sort through at the end of the year and refile if necessary.

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I am also still LOVING my files. They keep me sane and keep us going when I just don't feel like it. (big whiney voice LOL)....


We have done 7 weeks, and I'm feeling great about everything. My Kindergartener isn't getting lost in the mix like I was worried about, and we are consistently getting to history and science each week.


I'm so happy that others have had the same successes!!

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not filing but doing something inspired by the thread--each week I'm binding the week's work with my coil binder, in order, including notes for myself/teacher pages, to make 1 portable book. I'm loving the simplicity of it and not looking for things. I put a checklist-type plan on the front cover organized by subject but the inside goes in order per day. It uses more ink but I'm loving it.

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It's been a huge help for me this year! I didn't get the whole year planned out earlier, I'm taking it in 6wk chunks. We're doing a 6wk on 1w off school schedule this year which is also going well. And we use TOG with the library. So, it's a *big* ordeal to check the library for an entire year's worth of TOG selections..and then..will they still be available when you need them? KWIM?


So, 6wk at a time is working well on all counts. I am very much liking having all our stuff planned AND printed out for that time.


I feel much less stressed and harried about planning this year.

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I am, very reluctantly, coming to the conclusion that I may need to undo my filing system. :crying: I LOVE the idea of it, I LOVE having everything copied, sorted and ready to go. Unfortunately, we are fairly new and I was not very accurate in predicting how fast or slow my son was going to do things. He's been going through AAS, ETC and some of our math (time) very quickly but much slower in writing and money and at my predicted pace for MEP. :tongue_smilie: I already had to redo the folders once and I could see this being a chronic problem especially once we get past short vowel words in AAS and ETC (I'm thinking it may get harder for him then).


I think I'm going to refile based on subject - still with everything copied, still in a file crate (I don't like going in and out of binders all the time). Then if extra time is needed for one thing and he's racing forward with something else, it won't matter so much.

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I think I'm going to refile based on subject - still with everything copied, still in a file crate (I don't like going in and out of binders all the time). Then if extra time is needed for one thing and he's racing forward with something else, it won't matter so much.


I sort of did this. I have everything filed weekly but each subject is paper clipped together w/in the week. My ds got ahead in math so we are on week 11 for the year but when I pulled his math for next week I pulled from week 14/15. I am not going to bother refiling because he may slow down at some point too. HTH!

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I tried the file by week folders and after the 2nd week I knew it would work for us. Our life is so hectic that many times things get bumped. I took all my kids papers out of the folders and filed them by student/subject. So now my files say Child 1 history, Child 2 history, Child 1 grammar, Child 2 Phonics, Child 2 math, Child 3 math and so on. I found that I am able to pull my sheets for the next day after we finish for the day. I put my kids papers for the day in a folder they picked out and then when they finish them they move them from one pocket to the other and turn them in for correcting. After I correct their work I pull what sheets they will need for the next day and load up their folder. This system is working much better for me. By pulling sheets daily I also don't misplace them if we have to bump something, because I'm only having to refile that one subject instead of multiple days worth of that subject.

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I liked your blog post, and am so glad it's working well for you!


It's been absolutely wonderful here! I've had to make adjustments here and there (mostly on math), but I love the flexibility. If we take a day off, I don't worry at all. We either make up the work... or don't. There have been times I've tossed out stuff as busywork, added more into the files, and adjusted as necessary. Plus, we have a tracking chart so DS always knows what week we're on. He can also easily see how much he has left to finish each week. I'm so glad I learned of this system so early in the game!

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Loving it here. It's sticking and we're zipping along.


Learning to let go of having to do every. single. worksheet. and/or every. single. problem. was something of a revelation to me. Now, we do some things orally, or I skim through, ask dc a question about this-or-that - and if they seem to have retained that information, or understand the new concept...


We. Just. Move. On.


Those four words have changed my life forever. ♥ :D


My mantra for this school year is "consistency" and these little files have made that such an easy thing to accomplish.

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I ended up re-doing my files by subject instead of by date b/c it never got done in the correct time frame. I was having to pull one subject out of one week and another subject out of another week and it started to get confusing. This way I just go to the subject and pull out the next item. Works nicely!

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Seriously, I don't know how I did it before my tweaked verision of filing. (Yes I do--I spent every Sunday afternoon/evening copying and gathering and writing plans.)


I do 12 weeks at a time and have only had to make a few minor changes (I added WWE and shuffled a few history chapters). I have gotten art, history projects, geography and science done far more consistantly than last year. Sundays are free for the most part since I just need to peek at next week's plans and grab my library book list for our weekly trip.


We just finished our first 12 week period and over the course of this week I am putting together the files for the next 12 (everything is copied and in binders/files, I just need to transfer the work to our weekly folders and copy out the lesson plans.) Sigh of content...

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I also love that it forces me to just move on. Can't fit in the wonderful project for science? It's okay---move on to the next chapter. In the past I might have waited weeks until we got to the project and then we would have been weeks behind! This year I've moved on---knowing that if we ddo end up with an extra chunk of time to do the project--it will be waiting for me in the file folder.


I like not having to think about things ahead of time. Just pull out the folder Friday afternoon or Monday morning. Everything there.

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This week is the first time I've had to refile anything. I looked at the calendar & realized that w/ all the extra projects we did last "6" weeks, we're behind a little. I'd like to get 15 weeks' worth of curric finished before Christmas, so that means this "6" weeks needs to be finished in about 4.5 weeks.


I omitted some stuff & combined others, no problem. And I could see the whole plan all at once, so I could see what was more important & what could really be skipped. Our Latin curric includes language, history, & art study, so I dropped the art study this week & skimped on the history (which I wouldn't mind dropping, since it's not our regular history, kwim?).


I planned some days off for math anyway, because I always seem to overplan for that. To finish in 4 wks, I removed some of what I thought was excessive review anyway.


For science, they surprised me--they did this week's assignment (a longish book to read) over the summer when I wasn't looking, lol. Another week had already been left blank for extra activities, etc. :D

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I ended up re-doing my files by subject instead of by date b/c it never got done in the correct time frame. I was having to pull one subject out of one week and another subject out of another week and it started to get confusing. This way I just go to the subject and pull out the next item. Works nicely!


:iagree: This is how things are panning out here. Out of sync pacing is an inevitable reality with all these little people . . . my best laid plans are often thwarted by "deer in the headlights", psychotic one year olds or a tired Mom!


I do 12 weeks at a time and have only had to make a few minor changes... and over the course of this week I am putting together the files for the next 12 (everything is copied and in binders/files, I just need to transfer the work to our weekly folders and copy out the lesson plans.) Sigh of content...


:D Gloriously brilliant! This may be my next move!!!!!!!!!

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:iagree: This is how things are panning out here. Out of sync pacing is an inevitable reality with all these little people . . . my best laid plans are often thwarted by "deer in the headlights", psychotic one year olds or a tired Mom!


Substitute whiny crazy three year old and cranky busy teenager along with the tired mom and that's where we are. Since we are still at the learning to read stage it isn't possible to just ditch what we don't get to. We may be able to skip a page here and there but we don't do a whole lot that isn't necessary. Having everything at a different week was just too confusing to my muddled mind.

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  • 2 months later...

Overall, it has been great for us. I did color coded files and notebooks for each dd. I filed most of the year, I will have to complete the 2nd semester soon. I found I made a few errors in my filing madness this summer, but it wasn't anything I couldn't fix. I didn't do a weekly assignment chart in advance. I do those two or three weeks ahead. This leaves flexibility for unfinished things. In Lively Latin 2, for example, my 4th grader consistently gets behind. I can't skip it, so I leave it in the Latin section of her notebook and put the new sheets behind the unfinished sheets. She may catch up, she may not. I'm not too worried about it, as long as we are moving forward. I do insist that some subjects get finished, like math, spelling, reading. This has worked great with TOG. We do end up skipping some TOG material but not too much. If life gets really crazy, like right before Thanksgiving, we do one file of material over two weeks. That really takes the pressure off and we don't get off track.


My kids are loving it too. My 6th grader sets up her own notebook each week. They can work ahead to leave free time later in the week if they want. They have become much more responsible with their time. They check off boxes of completed assignments on their weekly sheets and know exactly what they need to do before Friday afternoon. Another incentive I have found is making Friday afternoon "art time", IF they get all their work done. They really push since they love doing art.


Thank you to whoever started this. I'll never go back!

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Total bust here. I definitely wasted time doing it, overall, except for breaking down FLL into weeks for myself. Next year I will try to do it by subject instead. Everything is a hodge-podge for me now, as we didn't really follow WP's schedule at all. I like the idea and it could work for us, I just have to seriously rethink how I do it next time! It stinks bc I was so excited LOL. I don't think I'm an orderly enough person for it to work LOL!

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It's not working for me. Not a total bust though because I did have fun putting it all together. I had wanted to file for years and I did, I know it doesn't work for me and I can move on :D.


I think my problem is, I have too many crates. Six total. Even though everything is in a crate, it all seems so scattered. I have lost parts of workbooks. Some how lessons 27-32 have disappeared from Saxon Grammar :001_huh:.

I found out I prefer my books intact. When I make my weekly lesson plans for each child,it's easier for me to pull all the books and stack them on the table and go from there.


I'm glad I tried it though.

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I was originally thinking about weekly filing, but I'm glad I didn't, as I'm still learning where my son is in various subjects. I knew ahead of time that we'd probably be going pretty fast in math. I was right. We got part way through the chapter and realized he understood the concept already. So I scrapped the rest of the chapter, gave him the chapter test to verify he was ready to move on (got a 100), and we're skipping ahead to the next chapter.


The filing I did do was by subject, and each week I'll file the days of that week in an 8 pocket folder. The subjects are in order, and all copies are made, so it's easy.


My lesson plans are in HST+. I assign things one week ahead so I can easily move things around if I need to. This week, math and handwriting got moved around.

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I was originally thinking about weekly filing, but I'm glad I didn't, as I'm still learning where my son is in various subjects. I knew ahead of time that we'd probably be going pretty fast in math. I was right. We got part way through the chapter and realized he understood the concept already. So I scrapped the rest of the chapter, gave him the chapter test to verify he was ready to move on (got a 100), and we're skipping ahead to the next chapter.


The filing I did do was by subject, and each week I'll file the days of that week in an 8 pocket folder. The subjects are in order, and all copies are made, so it's easy.


My lesson plans are in HST+. I assign things one week ahead so I can easily move things around if I need to. This week, math and handwriting got moved around.


I filed by subjects too but I'm so unorganized. I think it's more of my unorganizational skills then filing. In the beginning I didn't make a file for every little thing. For instance where to return answer sheets, blackline masters etc. One would think, how can you lose something if it's in the crate :confused: but I have and it takes me so long to find what I lost. I am still tweaking it .

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I only had two crates. In each hanging file (36 total) I have one file for each dd. Sometimes we have found ourselves moving faster in one subject. This has not been a problem. I just move up that one subject. For instance, my 4th grader reads ahead in literature. I just have her pull the comprehension sheets from the next week. I'm just happy to have it all there. I can handle a little tweaking.


One other thing I have really loved, although it took some time to set up, is having note cards paper clipped to each weeks hanging file. I have one for science that lists items I will need that week for experiments. The other card lists what books I need to get from the library. This has been a life saver! Before, we would skip so many labs and readings because I couldn't keep up with what was needed. I find myself much more prepared.


I know it won't work for everyone, but it's been a huge success for us.

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I filed by subjects too but I'm so unorganized. I think it's more of my unorganizational skills then filing. In the beginning I didn't make a file for every little thing. For instance where to return answer sheets, blackline masters etc. One would think, how can you lose something if it's in the crate :confused: but I have and it takes me so long to find what I lost. I am still tweaking it .


I think the main difference between us may be that I have one kid's stuff to keep up with and you have 6. :lol:


So my system for one kid... homeschool books in general are on a bookshelf (so far one shelf mostly, but starting to overflow... I'm sure they'll take up the whole bookcase by time all 3 are school age :D ). I have a file drawer in my desk, so I set aside some of the folders to hold copies. A lot of my stuff is PDFs or textbooks, so not a lot of workbooks anyway. I had to rip up one workbook, and actually hadn't planned to until the first day we were about to use it and I realized he wasn't going to be able to easily write toward the inside of the page. So I said "Let's go out to Daddy's garage and play with sharp objects!" That was a good first day of homeschool. :D


Back to my file folders... I have one for WWE1 student pages (printed from PDF, and I have the book separately - intact), one for history (maps, worksheets), one for Math Mammoth, one for science (student pages from Elemental Science Intro), one for Language Arts that contains R&S Spelling worksheets, R&S English tests, and CLE Reading tests. I would have filed those separately, but I'd have to take stuff out of other folders to fit them there. :tongue_smilie:Then the last folder is for MEP Math.


Now when it comes time to get ready for the week, I'll pull stuff from the files and put them in the 8-pocket folder, pull any workbooks (I left CLE Reading LU intact, for example), textbooks, and teacher's manuals I might need, and I stack them all up on top of the drawer cart that holds our math manipulatives. Everything we need for the week is there. Then each morning, I grab what we need for that day (daily assignment sheets are printed from HST+ and stuck in the pockets of the 8-pocket folder).


So right now, all this is very easy to keep up with, BUT... again, I only have one child in school. I've thought about what will happen when I have 3, and it somewhat freaks me out. I'm glad I have another year and a half before I'll even have 2 in school. :)


I guess if I had answer keys printed out (mine are all either in a textbook type teacher's manual or in PDF on the computer, and it's first grade, so I usually don't need answer keys yet - I know that will certainly change!), I'd probably just stick them in the back of the folder for that subject? Or maybe have a manilla file marked "Math - Answer Keys" within the general big green "Math" hanging file folder?


Oh, and I have binders for putting completed work, though I'm not completely married to that idea, as they fit oddly on a shelf. I don't plan to keep stuff long term... probably just tests for a couple years in case I needed to show something to someone (I shouldn't need to).


I will say that HST+ was my best homeschool purchase prior to starting. It really helped me be very organized (I tend to want to be organized but don't always attain it ;) ). The file system I put in place gave me a place to put copies so I wouldn't have to do it every week (so far, I only printed the first 6 weeks of all subjects, though some subjects have the whole year printed). I knew I'd need everything to be ready before I started or I wouldn't get things done. I've tried Letter of the Week enough times to have learned that lesson. :lol: Printing things out each week just does NOT work for me. I have to do it waaaaay ahead. I'm planning to take a break every 6 weeks or so and use a week to print out stuff for the next 6 weeks.

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I'm only doing it for 1.5 kids too, but I still love it. I've tweaked some things, and realize some things I want to differently, but overall, it's working so well for us.


I started out just putting math in a manila folder and everything else in the main folder. By about 6 weeks in, I realized I needed a manila folder for every subject, even if it's just a page or two, because it allows me to refile very quickly if we get off track in a subject. I also like having a postcard clipped to the front for certain things (like math, with lots of manipulatives and sheets for each week). We school year-round, with breaks at certain intervals, so I color coded the hanging folders to reflect the school-week segments. That worked pretty well for us too--I know quickly how far ahead a break is. It got off track a little bit because we broke early for Christmas, but I rescheduled our main calendar (my own Excel spreadsheet) accordingly, and now we're back on track.


So far, it has not worked out exactly like I planned, but it has worked far, far better to keep me accountable than anything else I've tried over the years. Like Boscopup, the only thing I plan to change for next year is to make all my photocopies at once (which I did this year, and it saved me) but only schedule and file 6-12 weeks in advance to give myself some leeway and make refiling easier. Although, maybe making refiling easier is not what my lazy self needs :lol:

Edited by melissel
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I have five crates. I was able to fit two children into one crate (Brent & Caleb) :D. In each child's crate holds all their subjects for everything. Then I have the 6th crate with the TM that I use daily. Then I have one of those portable Hanging File Folder holder with a lid to hold pens, markers and things (can't remember the name) that I put the current weeks stuff in :blink:. Keeping up with all of this is too much for me. I like the whole idea. In fact I have one of those metal office files, the ones that office people use :D but it's in storage. We moved to a much smaller house and I can't find a spot for it. I think that would have helped a lot because then I could pull the file drawer out, instead of moving crates around.


I like the idea of having a desk with a file drawer too, but again, our house won't even fit that :tongue_smilie:


*Here is a link to my Filing Adventure. If you scroll down you can see the file holder thingy that I can't remember the name of.

If I can ever find space for my huge office file holder, I'll probably try filing again. Especially now that I know I need folders for everything. Even scraps of paper ;)

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I heart my files. This is the most organized I've been - I still have a ways to go, but this has been such an improvement for me.


I did discover that I should not have cut up the Latina Christiana workbook, but it's not that big of a deal.


I'm still not quite decided on what to do with my own stuff. Weekly action items, papers that accumulate, emails I need to print, whatever. I have files for myself, but I'm not keeping up with them as well as I should. But in years past, I've had a binder, and I didn't do well with that either. I think, pretty much, if the paper is not stapled to my forehead, I'm going to forget about it pretty quickly. But I don't think that's a filing system problem - I think that's an I-haven't-had-a-full-night's-sleep-in-17-months problem. :lol:



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