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I have bedbugs


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Ew ew ew with the map! I am really trying not to freak out. I checked the mattresses already and no signs of anything sinister...and we have WHITE mattresses. No bites either.


I did stay at a Comfort Inn once and woke up with about 10 bites on me. Dh stayed there another week and we never got bed bugs at our house. I would bet money they had them at the hotel, though! (this was about 8 years ago).

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I feel your pain -- one time, while son was in the hospital -- we slept on a pull out sofa bed in his room. Hubby was bit during the night. We reported it to the nurses. Turns out it was BEDBUGS. Eeeeeyuuuu. They fumigated the room, transferred us to another wing, apologized, and so on. :eek:

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I have been sitting here reading this and now my head itches. Yuck. I feel like I have bugs crawling on me.


Me, too! Yeck! I have woken up several times this summer with bug bites on my stomach and backside, but always under my tight-fitting spandex shorts. I keep checking my bed (which is an air bed) and checking under the bed and haven't seen anything--I even lifted the mattress up completely to look underneath (our box spring is a plastic frame so nowhere for anything to hide in there). I just searched again today behind the pictures on our walls and by the head of the bed, and still nothing. I checked for BB dust and nothing there either.


I've done tons of research online and I HOPE they were just spider bites (never thought I'd see the day where I'd rather have spiders in my bed :lol:). Or mosquitoes or just about anything other than bed bugs. :ack2::scared:


Last Monday I did a major bedding cleaning and washed every single sheet and blanket in use in the house in hot water because I was that paranoid. But so far I've seen no evidence of anything. And I've had no issues since the weather turned cold so my mosquito hunch could be right. I pray it was right.

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Ugh. So sorry to hear that you're dealing with this. We had them three years ago -- I brought them home from the hospital when I had my second son. FWIW, we freaked out but getting rid of them was not ultimately that difficult. I did catch the problem very early -- just two nights of textbook bites (three all in a row) and spots on the sheets, and I decamped *immediately* to my parents' with my newborn and toddler. Poor DH (who is a total germaphobe, so this was his worst nightmare) cleaned/washed everything in the bedroom, sprayed Steri-Fab in all of the crevices of the floor and walls, and replaced our bed. At that point an exterminator came to inspect, found nothing, and that was the end of it.


It was extremely stressful, though, and I do sympathize. As others have mentioned, there is an epidemic here and it will be a miracle if we don't get them again. Which reminds me that I need covers for the kids' mattresses, pronto.

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Of course I had to google it. Sure enough a library in Denver has already been affected by this twice, both times it came from the same man who was permanently banned from public libraries. He is now thinking of suing to get his rights back. My husband just asked me if I wanted a Kindle and I said no. Now I am reconsidering that.:glare:


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Me, too! Yeck! I have woken up several times this summer with bug bites on my stomach and backside, but always under my tight-fitting spandex shorts. I keep checking my bed (which is an air bed) and checking under the bed and haven't seen anything--I even lifted the mattress up completely to look underneath (our box spring is a plastic frame so nowhere for anything to hide in there). I just searched again today behind the pictures on our walls and by the head of the bed, and still nothing. I checked for BB dust and nothing there either.


I've done tons of research online and I HOPE they were just spider bites (never thought I'd see the day where I'd rather have spiders in my bed :lol:). Or mosquitoes or just about anything other than bed bugs. :ack2::scared:


Last Monday I did a major bedding cleaning and washed every single sheet and blanket in use in the house in hot water because I was that paranoid. But so far I've seen no evidence of anything. And I've had no issues since the weather turned cold so my mosquito hunch could be right. I pray it was right.


1. do you have any gerbils/mice/rats/etc as pets? we had a problem a few years back with mites that were related to rodents and the kids and i got bit just as you described - under clothing.


2. do you have "no see ums" in your area? we had bites from those this summer - took me a bit to figure out what it was, but then once i knew what to look for i did indeed spot them outside..hanging around our windows. (they can get through screens - very small)

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I am so very, very sorry!


A month ago we attended a family reunion in Utah. Beautiful, clean cabins with wooden bunks. When we arrived back home I noticed that 8yo had bites. I was especially concerned because we had stayed in two different hotels also. I had a suspicion it was bed bugs. A week later a family member who works at the campground called to let us know the cabin we slept in was infested with bed bugs. I washed dd's sheets and vacuumed ONLY the top of her mattress. What was I thinking? :confused1:


No more bites. I did nothing more to prevent them. A few days ago my MIL calls to let us know that they found a bedbug. BooHoo! Saturday I took three mattresses and bunky boards/box springs outside in the sun and inspected every place I could see. I washed sheets and the kids cleaned the bed frames, but I ran out of energy and didn't get to my own bed.


This has the potential to be a nightmare!

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Of course I had to google it. Sure enough a library in Denver has already been affected by this twice, both times it came from the same man who was permanently banned from public libraries. He is now thinking of suing to get his rights back. My husband just asked me if I wanted a Kindle and I said no. Now I am reconsidering that.:glare:



do you happen to have a link to the story? i'm curious because i can't imagine how they could identify one specific individual as the source when these things are pretty much everywhere.

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Ok, I'm the OP--to answer a couple of questions:


1. I live near Gettysburg, but as you can see from the map someone provided, they're everywhere.


2. How did I know they were there??! HOW DID I KNOW??? When I was about to get into bed and turned over my pillow to fluff it last night and ONE WAS SITTING RIGHT ON MY PILLOW!!! ON MY PIIIILLLLOOOOWWWWW!


Didn't you all hear me shrieking last night??


It was the size of a watermelon seed and looked just like the pictures online when you google images of bedbugs. DH was in total denial and went to bed anyway. As soon as my Ninja Bug Guy saw it, he just looked at me with pity and said, "Aw man. It's a bedbug." And shook his head in sympathy.



The bugs HAVE BEEN BITING US, but we DID NOT KNOW IT!!!!!! I guess that's a slight blessing??? Yes??? We didn't get any itchy sores or anything. I told my Ninja Bug Guy that, but he lifted the mattress and right there, on the top of the box spring were little black spots. See, they drink your blood and then poop it out, and dried blood is black. Ninja Bug Guy said, "They've been biting you--you can see the dried blood." Yuuuuuuck.


He went on to say that they will bite your head because it's the warmest place on your body. AHHH! Thank goodness my husband snores and I've been wearing earplugs every night. Or I would wonder if they'd been in my EARS. (Yes, I am YELLING through this whole post!!! AHHH!!)



But even though there are no itchy bites, I'm feeling very itchy right now!!!!


And who was that horrible WTMer who posted that if you move from your bed the bugs will follow you and be all over your house. Now I have to debate if I'll just stay in my bed tonight and let them bite me so that they don't get into my whole house, looking for me. I really can't afford to buy a new bed and new couch and new whatever else I'd need to buy.



My Ninja Bug Guy mentioned the heat treatment. He says it's crazy-expensive and he doesn't have the equipment yet. He was cautiously hopeful that my problem is just in my bedroom, even though he'll treat the entire first floor in an effort to eradicate them.



What does everyone else in the rest of the world do? Just live with them? What do you English/Aussies do?

Edited by Garga
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do you happen to have a link to the story? i'm curious because i can't imagine how they could identify one specific individual as the source when these things are pretty much everywhere.


Sure! http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/21095953/detail.html


thanks! :) interesting - it's not like i was thinking it would be, what with the guy apparently 'admitting' that they did indeed come from his place...

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20/20 or 60 Minutes just had a segment on this. You can bring them home from department stores, even upper scale ones! Several major areas of our country are battling bedbug infestations. Chemicals are necessary, but the segment showed the professionals erecting a huge makeshift contraption to bake all belongings in. The heat killed the buys.


I'm so sorry, this is going to be a long process showing gradual progress.:glare:

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Just in response to the microwaving books idea... I'd recommend against it as the sensors in many library books have metal in them.


DEFINITELY check with your librarians first.


And for the OP, good luck! I hope you manage to get things treated quickly and thoroughly!

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I did stay at a Comfort Inn once and woke up with about 10 bites on me. Dh stayed there another week and we never got bed bugs at our house. I would bet money they had them at the hotel, though! (this was about 8 years ago).


Yeah, when I went to France as a kid, our last hotel had them. Not a problem at night, but itchy during the day. Never did bring them home to my parents' house. So, I guess I'm not totally paranoid about them. However, I always do strip the mattress at any hotel when we get there to see what's up.


Business opportunity for those who can afford the baking machines! :)

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Am I the only one who thoroughly checked ALL her beds last night before bed???? (We're okay so far!)


And I had nightmares all night long.... it doesn't help that I was running a fever, so you can just imagine the nightmares... Argh


DH told me that if I didn't stop checking the bed, he was going to make me sleep on the couch. We were laying on the bed chatting for about an hour before bed and I kept checking every speck to make sure it was a fuzzy from our purple blanket and not something worse.


And all night long I barely slept because I was convinced something was biting me. I woke up biteless, but blah!!!


DH is convinced that they can't live in our sleep number mattress but I"m not sure if that's right since they can live anywhere I thought.

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DH is convinced that they can't live in our sleep number mattress but I"m not sure if that's right since they can live anywhere I thought.



Your dh is in denial like mine was! They can live in picture frames, in the wall sockets...anywhere.


And I ACTUALLY SLEPT IN MY BUGGY BED LAST NIGHT. Talk about getting a bad night's sleep.


My Ninja Bug Guy confirmed that if I move my sleeping place to somewhere else in the house, the bugs might move, too, to find me. And then I might have to get rid of my brand new couch, or the Ninja Bug Guy won't be able to track them down and it'll take much more money/effort to get rid of them. Right now, he's pretty sure they're just in the bedroom.


Since I don't have raised bumps from the bugs, I just went ahead and slept there and let them bite me. I felt rather like Ma Ingalls--very brave. :D


My Ninja Bug Guy is coming on Thursday. I have to spend another $200 (besides Ninja Bug Guy's fees) on a bed bug proof bag for my mattress and box spring. Plus hours upon hours of work to clear out the bedroom and adjoining closet and living room.


And OF COURSE, dh is having migraines right now and can't help. Why does he always get migraines when I need the most help? I mean, honestly. He always gets headaches or knee trouble or whatever when I need the most help. Maybe it's psychosomatic? Well-he really is in pain, so I won't complain about him...too much.

Edited by Garga
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I don't think I'd try microwaving library books. The plastic covers might melt.


I find it reassuring that all we'd need to do is turn off the A/C for a few days and it'd kill off an infestation. We can just leave the library books in the car (or, if paranoid, a foil and cardboard solar oven) for 24 hrs before bringing them into the house if we get wind of problems in the area. One advantage of the desert, except for ants we have less of most bugs that bug people. As annoying as the roaches that took over my garden are, it's nothing compared to what we put up with when I lived in Florida!

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I find it reassuring that all we'd need to do is turn off the A/C for a few days and it'd kill off an infestation.


Would your house really get *over* 120 F degrees by turning off the a/c?




Although we haven't had any problems with any of the hotels that we stayed in. We usually do 3-4 stars.



That has nothing to do with chance of bedbug infestation. They are being found in 5 star hotels.

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I must be living under a rock because I didn't know about the bedbug problems before reading this thread yesterday. We are going to Disney soon, so now I'm worried, and I had awful bedbug dreams about it last night!


A couple of the resorts do have or had bedbugs. Do a search on that thread for your resort. But, I did notice that most reports were from a year ago or so. So, I bet they are being VERY aggressive about treating it.


Don't panic!! Just check your beds very carefully. Bring a heating pad and put it on the bed for a few minutes (apparently they like the heat). Then, check again. Enjoy your time at Disney!!!!!

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A couple of the resorts do have or had bedbugs. Do a search on that thread for your resort. But, I did notice that most reports were from a year ago or so. So, I bet they are being VERY aggressive about treating it.


Don't panic!! Just check your beds very carefully. Bring a heating pad and put it on the bed for a few minutes (apparently they like the heat). Then, check again. Enjoy your time at Disney!!!!!


I did search for my resort, and it wasn't on there, but then I just wonder if people just didn't bother or know to report it. There was at least one report at a different resort there within the past month.


We're arriving in the afternoon, not when it's dark, I wonder if the heating pad will work then? I just mentioned the heating pad thing to DH and he thinks I'm crazy, that there's no way Disney will have bedbugs, and doesn't think we should bring a heating pad to Disney. I guess I'll have to go for a visual inspection of the mattress.

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bed bug people - how did you find out? I have been wondering for a short while if we have them...my ds and I have tiny bug bites all over us. When I get misquito bites, they are normally HUGE so this makes me wonder...the only thing is, my dh (with whom I share a bed) does not have any...

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Your dh is in denial like mine was! They can live in picture frames, in the wall sockets...anywhere.


And I ACTUALLY SLEPT IN MY BUGGY BED LAST NIGHT. Talk about getting a bad night's sleep.


My Ninja Bug Guy confirmed that if I move my sleeping place to somewhere else in the house, the bugs might move, too, to find me. And then I might have to get rid of my brand new couch, or the Ninja Bug Guy won't be able to track them down and it'll take much more money/effort to get rid of them. Right now, he's pretty sure they're just in the bedroom.


Since I don't have raised bumps from the bugs, I just went ahead and slept there and let them bite me. I felt rather like Ma Ingalls--very brave. :D


My Ninja Bug Guy is coming on Thursday. I have to spend another $200 (besides Ninja Bug Guy's fees) on a bed bug proof bag for my mattress and box spring. Plus hours upon hours of work to clear out the bedroom and adjoining closet and living room.


And OF COURSE, dh is having migraines right now and can't help. Why does he always get migraines when I need the most help? I mean, honestly. He always gets headaches or knee trouble or whatever when I need the most help. Maybe it's psychosomatic? Well-he really is in pain, so I won't complain about him...too much.



Oh my. I could NOT do it. No way. I'd have to be put in a medically induced coma! I'd sleep in the bathtub and let my dh and dog keep the bed bugs in one place.




Don't panic!! Just check your beds very carefully. Bring a heating pad and put it on the bed for a few minutes (apparently they like the heat). Then, check again. Enjoy your time at Disney!!!!!



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bed bug people - how did you find out? I have been wondering for a short while if we have them...my ds and I have tiny bug bites all over us. When I get misquito bites, they are normally HUGE so this makes me wonder...the only thing is, my dh (with whom I share a bed) does not have any...



Well, I posted earlier how I found out (an actually full-sized bug on my pillow). But I've had bugs for about 2 months and didn't know it (according to my Ninja Bug Guy.)


Look on the sides of the mattress and between the mattress and box spring for little black dots. That is their droppings. It's actually your dried blood that they've pooped out.


My dh and I have had no bites that we can tell. The Ninja Bug Guy said that some people get bites so bad that it scars them, and other people don't notice their bites at all.

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I just mentioned the heating pad thing to DH and he thinks I'm crazy, that there's no way Disney will have bedbugs, and doesn't think we should bring a heating pad to Disney. I guess I'll have to go for a visual inspection of the mattress.


My dh went on a trip to New York in July. Here it is September, and we have the bed bugs. We've had them for about 2 months (per the Ninja Bug Guy.) Sounds like DH picked them up in his hotel.


My dh's roommate had bug bites on him. They weren't sure if it was spiders or bed bugs or what, but they asked to move to a new room.


I very loudly and very vocally told my DH all about the problems with bed bugs. I told him and told him that he needed to check that room. I went on and on about it.


He just poo-poo'd everything I said.


Lo and behold---here we are with bed bugs.


I did leave all his stuff in the trunk of his car (so it got above 120), I visually inspected the suitcase and all his clothes along each seam. I did pretty much EVERYTHING I could to his stuff before he brought it into the house...but here we are with the bed bugs.


My Ninja Bug Guy is GOLDEN and is only charging us half of his normal amount (because he's pretty sure it's localized into just one room), but it still is costing $700 for him, plus $200 for the mattress bags we need to buy.


We're out $900.


And I really just want my dh to say to me, "Honey, you were SO RIGHT about bed bugs! I really shouldn't have made light of it in July when you were warning me."


Seriously. I'm pretty upset about the bed bugs, but if he said that I would feel soooooo vindicated.


So, tell your DH that you're GOING to check the room. You're GOING to use the hot pad and he can just GO to the pool while you do so if it upsets him too much.


Don't let him talk you out of checking for these bed bugs.


And I'm lucky (so far) because the bug guy is pretty sure they're not in my couch. If they were, I'd be out another $600 for a new couch.


I already have to wash ALL of our clothes in hot water and dry everything in the dryer at at least 120 degrees. Do you KNOW how many of my clothes will now be shrunk? I don't know yet, either (haven't done it all yet), but there's a good chance that I'll have to go out and spend more money on clothes because mine will be ruined.


I'm having a REALLY BAD DAY today, as we prepare for the exterminator.


And I just want DH to tell me what a wise woman I was for trying to stop this from happening.

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We're out $900.




this is part of the reason that they can - and will continue - to spread around... a lot of people simply don't have the money to pay a private exterminator.


imagine bedbugs in senior's homes...low income housing... working poor... whatever. people who don't have the money to pay for treatments & prep (or the ability/supplies to do all of that prep work)....

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this is part of the reason that they can - and will continue - to spread around... a lot of people simply don't have the money to pay a private exterminator.
Also people in rooming houses and subsidized accommodations are often reluctant to mention bed bugs to their landlord for fear of being evicted. We've seen this here in Portland. Also, because they are not considered a "public health nuisance," there is no centralized city or state agency for reporting and co-ordinating removal efforts.
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OP here.


I'd just like to say that I'm normally a pretty cheery person, but preparing for the exterminator has put me in a seriously bad mood. I have to wash every single article of clothing in our house (except the stored stuff in the attic.) Do you have any idea how much that is? Oh, and don't forget ALL the bedding (even the stuff in the closets.)


And all the fabric (clothes, bedding, curtains) has to be heated up to 120 degrees for 20 minutes in a dryer. So, I have to take it all to the laundromat--our local laundromat shows the temperature and can get up to 160. I'm not sure ours at home gets that hot. I can't even begin to tell you how many bags full of stuff I'll have to wash tomorrow (about 20 big black trash bags or so). I don't even want to think about how much that will cost. You guys are absolutely right--it costs too much for many people to handle. Fortunately we have had the ability to save money just for things like this.


Since we don't know where the bugs are or where their eggs might be, anything that we don't absolutely need or love has to be tossed. It's been a painful day. For example, I had to throw away all of my wrapping paper and a bunch of Christmas music on cassette tape and stuff like that. Some things have too much sentimental value and we'll bag it up and store for a year and a half, waiting for the bugs to die, since bedbugs can live w/o eating for a year.


By tomorrow night, I'll probably have time to write in a let everyone know the details on what it takes to get rid of bed bugs. Trust me, you DON'T want these things!!!!


I just needed to vent a little bit. Am feeling pretty low right now. We've been working non-stop to prepare the rooms that need treatment since 10 this morning and still have a couple hours of work, so I really need to go--dh is working alone right now. My body is shaking a little bit from all the lifting and hauling and working for so long. And I'm just feeling...low.

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I'm not trying to be cute, because this IS a horrible problem to have -- but how about looking at it as an opportunity to REALLY declutter?


Yeah--we had to call the trash people and tell them that there are 15 big black trash bags to pick up. (They're a local company and we live in a small town.) The guy sounded really annoyed. "Well...we might not have room on the truck. We probably won't. We'll have to make a special trip..."


My dh was sympathetic to the guy, but said, "Sir, we did NOT plan on this. We would rather have NOT had to throw all our stuff away."


I don't think the trash guy really understood. So, we'll probably have those big black trash bags sitting on our curb in the morning and have to arrange a special pickup sometime later this week.


But, yeah--it was nice to get rid of some of the stuff. Dh is finally inspired and said, "We should go through the rest of the rooms and get rid of things, too!" I told him to give me a couple of days to recover from this. He's usually the one who doesn't want to declutter, so after I recover, I'll jump on it and we'll get rid of more stuff.



And to the poster who said it's like having to move NOW, she's right. It's sort of like that. You try to organize it somewhat, but at the end of the day, you're just throwing things away or putting them in bags willy-nilly.



Just to creep everyone out--did you know that bed bugs can be in movie theaters? They climb aboard and ride home on you...or in your purse. Basically bed bugs can be ANYWHERE. There's simply no way to protect yourself from them.


I really hope that I never get them again. This is something you only want to do once in a lifetime! (Well, really you don't ever want to...)

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