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S/O who waited the longest to tell dh

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I think the longest I waited was a week, because I didn't want to believe I was pregnant at 39. I really can't wait long without dh knowing. When I'm pregnant I start napping 2 hours a day--and that's just at a few weeks along. I never nap, so the daily falling asleep would have tipped him off anyway.



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I waited all day the first time I found out LOL.


I tested that morning and it was positive. I ventured out to the store and purchased several pregnancy books. When DH got home I said "Look at the books I bought!" He did a half glance and said something like "Yeah, cool."


I paused and said "Did you ACTUALLY READ the titles?" He looked over again and then the light bulb went off in his head LOL.

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We hovered over the pregnancy test together. I had my eyes closed, though, and he told me.


Frankly, I would just be outraged if my husband were pregnant and he didn't tell me . . . first and right away.


Though I woulnd't mind the exception of waiting a day or two or so for Christmas like the pp.


I've never told anyone else first. :001_smile:

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I waited a little while to tell Dh about #2, it was a week or two before his b-day. I wrapped up the little test stick and gave it to him as a present. I did not tell anyone else in the mean time. My hubby's love language is gifts and I know this would make it a special birthday for him. He did not care that I already knew. He loves suprises and appreciated the big deal I made of it.


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I waited once so I could tell him on Christmas, but I don't remember how long. It was probably at most a week. And once I wasn't absolutely sure yet, but told him anyway in his Valentine's Day card, just because it was so perfect.


I did that once, too. :) But it was hard because I get terrible morning sickness right away, so I had to go around acting like I wasn't throwing up all the time for about a week.

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Wow, you guys are making me feel guilty (or at least strange:001_huh:). I always feel like pregnancy is a private thing happening inside my body, that I need to come to grips with myself (and perhaps relish a bit) before telling anyone else, even dh. The fact that I have always gotten pregnant within a couple of weeks of stopping the pill, and therefore earlier than expected, could have something to do with it. Every time, it has been a bit of a shock.


With my 1st, I can't recall, I probably told him within a day or two. We had no idea how long it would take, after being on the pill for 4 years. Surprise!


With my 2nd, we had discussed having another, so I switched from the Depo injection back to the pill. Again, it happened much faster than we (especially dh) had expected, so I wasn't quite sure how to tell him. He ended up guessing within a week.


Now, I am due with my 3rd in 2 months! While one or the other of us had mentioned the fact that it might be nice to have another, our kids are getting so big, the option will be closed soon, etc., we never discussed it seriously. When I found out, I was half shocked and stunned, half relieved that we've "still go it" ;). I knew no one, absolutely no one in our family or circle of friends would dream we would have another child. We were so "one boy, one girl, done". It took me a long time to sort out what this meant in my own mind, how it would change our lives and our lifestyle. I honestly didn't know how dh would react, and I wanted to put off telling him (and especially our other dc) as long as possible.


I waited a month, intending to tell him on his birthday, but he ended up being bogged down in final exams and unable to think about anything else. I took him out to dinner a week later, but somehow just couldn't do it. I finally told him, 6 weeks after I found out, because I had my 1st Dr. appt. the following week, and needed him to help me get out of the house without the dc suspecting anything. I actually had a whole long explanation planned out, but when he saw me with sweaty palms, flustered and my voice cracking, telling him I needed to talk about something important, he guessed! And...he was thrilled! We waited 2 more weeks to tell the dc, after my 1st ultrasound at 12 weeks to make sure everything was OK. I told my mom the week after that (on Mother's Day), by including a laminated photo of the ultrasound in her gift bag! I told other extended family a couple of weeks later, and friends at about 5 months. There are still a few people I haven't told, but now at 7 months, I am finally comfortable letting the general public know (not that it's that easy to hide, but most people don't dare say anything!) :lol:

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I was nice, I refrained from waking him up. I waited for him to wake up and finish his morning shower the day I took the test.


Haha, I waited once for dh to finish his shower so I could tell him I was in labor. I had out out nice pants etc. for him and he was just complaining why he wasn't wearing his jeans that day??! He ended up freaking out and brought me way too early to the hospital (to relieve him of a potential homebirth??). This was baby #4. Oh, well.


I always told dh right away. With some I knew even before my period was due.

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Wow, you guys are making me feel guilty (or at least strange:001_huh:). I always feel like pregnancy is a private thing happening inside my body, that I need to come to grips with myself (and perhaps relish a bit) before telling anyone else, even dh. The fact that I have always gotten pregnant within a couple of weeks of stopping the pill, and therefore earlier than expected, could have something to do with it. Every time, it has been a bit of a shock.


With my 1st, I can't recall, I probably told him within a day or two. We had no idea how long it would take, after being on the pill for 4 years. Surprise!


With my 2nd, we had discussed having another, so I switched from the Depo injection back to the pill. Again, it happened much faster than we (especially dh) had expected, so I wasn't quite sure how to tell him. He ended up guessing within a week.


Now, I am due with my 3rd in 2 months! While one or the other of us had mentioned the fact that it might be nice to have another, our kids are getting so big, the option will be closed soon, etc., we never discussed it seriously. When I found out, I was half shocked and stunned, half relieved that we've "still go it" ;). I knew no one, absolutely no one in our family or circle of friends would dream we would have another child. We were so "one boy, one girl, done". It took me a long time to sort out what this meant in my own mind, how it would change our lives and our lifestyle. I honestly didn't know how dh would react, and I wanted to put off telling him (and especially our other dc) as long as possible.


I waited a month, intending to tell him on his birthday, but he ended up being bogged down in final exams and unable to think about anything else. I took him out to dinner a week later, but somehow just couldn't do it. I finally told him, 6 weeks after I found out, because I had my 1st Dr. appt. the following week, and needed him to help me get out of the house without the dc suspecting anything. I actually had a whole long explanation planned out, but when he saw me with sweaty palms, flustered and my voice cracking, telling him I needed to talk about something important, he guessed! And...he was thrilled! We waited 2 more weeks to tell the dc, after my 1st ultrasound at 12 weeks to make sure everything was OK. I told my mom the week after that (on Mother's Day), by including a laminated photo of the ultrasound in her gift bag! I told other extended family a couple of weeks later, and friends at about 5 months. There are still a few people I haven't told, but now at 7 months, I am finally comfortable letting the general public know (not that it's that easy to hide, but most people don't dare say anything!) :lol:


Gosh, you are funny. And no, I always expected you'd come around and bless some new little baby by being her momma....


I remember being shy with my first since everyone would now know I had "done the deed"!!!! I am usually very happy and excited and love to share my news except with numbers 7 and 8 I felt hesitant, probably due to being judged. With #8 I was hesitant for different reasons incl. the fact that we were out of work and so would people judge us? I actually got the most love and sincere well wishes of any of my new babies with this last baby and that really helped make me not care one bit about what some might think.


In the end, then I truly don't care about what others think about me or our family. If I cared, then we would have gotten two kids and sent them off to school while I had some high-powered job....

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Haha, I waited once for dh to finish his shower so I could tell him I was in labor.


Funny--sounds like what happened with my 3rd. Dh got home from work around 1 am. I woke at 2.30 in labor--but I let him sleep until 5. He jumped out of bed wondering why I didn't wake him sooner, but later he thanked me for letting him sleep. :001_smile:



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Haha...I lose this hands down. I tried calling my dh at WORK when I got the positive pregnancy test! LOL I couldn't reach him, so I waited by the door and when he came in the driveway, I ran to the car, pulled him out, and dragged him into the bathroom. Later he told me that I scared him to death with the way I was acting. OOPS!

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I was nice, I refrained from waking him up. I waited for him to wake up and finish his morning shower the day I took the test.


LOL! I wasn't so nice. I woke up at 5am and needed to use the bathroom so I took the test then with my first. Except I'd thrown away the directions and wasn't completely sure what the test meant. So I woke DH up at 5am and said I was pretty sure I was pregnant but that we were going to have to stop off at the store on our way home from church to read the back of the box to make sure. :lol::lol::lol:


6 months later after giving my extra tests (without directions) to my friend, I got a phone call from said friend asking how to read the tests because she was pretty sure the results meant she was pregnant. I bust out laughing and told her what had happened to me.:D

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For me, my dh always knew before I did... except for our first. We found out when I was 3 months pregnant (I had a period the whole time).


But a good friend of mine waited almost 9 months! She found out she was pregnant shortly after our husbands left on deployment. She figured they would be back 6 months later....... the cruise lasted almost 9 months. She was able to keep the secret, both her mom and her MIL knew and a few friends. She "told" him when he got off the boat on the pier. The pictures are priceless (I took them). They had been trying to get pregnant for over 2 years and nada. He was talking about starting right away when he got home. They had a baby boy 6 weeks later.



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I am usually very happy and excited and love to share my news except with numbers 7 and 8 I felt hesitant, probably due to being judged. With #8 I was hesitant for different reasons incl. the fact that we were out of work and so would people judge us? I actually got the most love and sincere well wishes of any of my new babies with this last baby and that really helped make me not care one bit about what some might think.


In the end, then I truly don't care about what others think about me or our family. If I cared, then we would have gotten two kids and sent them off to school while I had some high-powered job....


This is exactly how I felt (and feel) too! In fact, we're now expecting #8, and my dh is also out of a job! (He retired from the military in Aug, but hasn't found a job yet.) I hope we get the same response you did to your #8! That's great, and very encouraging!

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For the 1st 3 pregnancies, he brought home the tests for me (he works at a Dr's office). For this last one, when I realized at 6pm that I hadn't gotten my period that day, I told him I thought I was pg (yes, I'm that regular). Pregnancy was confirmed 5 weeks later when he woke up in the middle of the night to me throwing up all over the house...

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I waited a few days before telling dh about #3. I called my best friend & told her first, because no way could I keep it secret!


Then I painted "Big Sister" shirts for my dds to wear. Since only one dd was already a big sister, the shirt on the younger dd was a fun way to tell dh. ;)

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I waited a few days with one pregnancy, because I wanted to make telling him special. So I thought about it and finally wrote on my 10 month old's diaper "Daddy, I'm going to be a big brother!" and then asked dh to change his diaper.


But all the other times I couldn't wait, or asked him to stop and get me a test, or we were purposely trying to get pg, so he kept tabs. I'm expecting our 5th right now.

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At that time he was an over the road trucker and we rarely got a chance to talk to each other (this was before cell phones, think CB radios). The day I knew he was coming home I made a Big poster and put it on the wall in my entry way. It said "Welcome Home Daddy". He came in the door, saw the poster and got this quizical look on his face. Then you could see the light bulb turn on over his head and he laughed, gave me a big hug and a big kiss and said "Are you sure?". By that time I'd already been to Dr to confirm so , Yeah I was sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
He always knew before I did.

yup, ditto.


ETA- this thread is making my uterus twinge. If the economy had not happened I would have had another baby when my near 5yo was 2 (God willing). Last night I was actually getting weepy when I spotted Blues Clues on TV (true story..) because the show was my oldest's favorite as a young baby. It just seems like these 10 years have flown by in a blink. I want to press rewind and do it all over again.

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Heh. I sent him a card at work. I didn't want to be there when the top flew off his head. (It was all fun the first few times, after 5 it started to get a little crazy.)


I couldn't stomach morning coffee which was about 3 days after I became pregnant so tif he was paying attention, that's when he found out

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With number 6 the conversation took place almost 2 weeks after I found out and here's why.

Me: So honey, how is your vasectomy healing?

Him: Good as new. Piece of cake, why?

Me: well you were a little too late because I am pregnant again.

Him: Are you F&*^%ing kidding me?

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But a good friend of mine waited almost 9 months! She found out she was pregnant shortly after our husbands left on deployment. She figured they would be back 6 months later....... the cruise lasted almost 9 months. She was able to keep the secret, both her mom and her MIL knew and a few friends. She "told" him when he got off the boat on the pier. The pictures are priceless (I took them). They had been trying to get pregnant for over 2 years and nada. He was talking about starting right away when he got home. They had a baby boy 6 weeks later.


Awwwww! This one has me all misty!

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And once I wasn't absolutely sure yet, but told him anyway in his Valentine's Day card, just because it was so perfect.


With dd I assumed I was pregnant a few days before Valentine's Day, but waited and tested on the day, and presented him with it. Doesn't everyone want a stick that's been pee'd on for Valentines Day? :tongue_smilie:

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