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S/O Sentences You've Said...Sentences You Can't Believe You Just Heard...

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The several "I don't know" statements I received from a real estate agent last week. :glare: I understand there are a lot of unknowns in the process we were trying, but "I don't know" should be followed by "I'll be happy to find out" or "There are a few ways this could go", not just a blank stare. :001_huh: Nice person, but thankfully our business didn't go any further together. Isn't he supposed to be the expert???:confused:

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The several "I don't know" statements I received from a real estate agent last week. :glare: I understand there are a lot of unknowns in the process we were trying, but "I don't know" should be followed by "I'll be happy to find out" or "There are a few ways this could go", not just a blank stare. :001_huh: Nice person, but thankfully our business didn't go any further together. Isn't he supposed to be the expert???:confused:


This is my all time biggest pet peeve with people who are suppose to be helping me. 'I don't know' is not an acceptable stand alone answer.

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Said to me about my mixed race children - "What are they?" My reply - "Human".


Said about my biracial son, "Is he adopted or is he yours? He doesn't look like you or your husband!" Asked by a TOTAL STRANGER.


Completely unrelated: We were at Burlington Coat Factory and a guy was there with his girlfriend. Young adults, definitely out of high school. The guy saw a sign that said, "Faux Fur" and he laughed and said, "Look! They spelled FOX wrong!" He was serious. :001_huh:

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When my kids were in ps the principal was giving a speech to the parents on back to school night. She was using a plant analogy and I think she got off track because she seemed to stumble and picked back up with, "Parents, you are the fertilizer". My dh snickered and asked, "Did she just call us the s*&t?". To this day when I've had a bad day and need a pick me up dh will remind me that I am the s*&t.:tongue_smilie:

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When my kids were in ps the principal was giving a speech to the parents on back to school night. She was using a plant analogy and I think she got off track because she seemed to stumble and picked back up with, "Parents, you are the fertilizer". My dh snickered and asked, "Did she just call us the s*&t?". To this day when I've had a bad day and need a pick me up dh will remind me that I am the s*&t.:tongue_smilie:



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"So, are you getting an abortion?"


These were the loving words of my Grandad after I announced that we were (FINALLY!) pregnant with our firstborn. If looks could kill I would have gone to prison. Thankfully, he's gotten over that, and loves all of his grand kids.


And I'm not sure if this would fit into the conversation... But when I had a cell phone, and it would suggest "couldn't've" or "can't've" as valid options. Couldn't've????? Really? Aaaarrrrrghh!:banghead:

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Said about my biracial son, "Is he adopted or is he yours? He doesn't look like you or your husband!" Asked by a TOTAL STRANGER.

I once had a cashier ask if my DD was adopted, followed by "How much did you have to pay for her, and what happened to her real mother?" :glare:


One of the leaders of DD's Brownie troop was teaching them about animals for an animal badge, and she told them that snakes were invertebrates. Several kids corrected her and she laughed and said "Don't be silly, snakes don't have bones!" :blink:



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I was talking to the religious ed. director at the local church when we first moved here. He was singing the praises of their parish school and it only got worse when he found out that we homeschool. Finally I said something like, "Well, it's not exactly easy to pay tuition for 4 children." He piped back with, "Well, you do need to understand that providing a good education for your children is going to require some sacrifice." I should have said, "You're telling me, buddy....we're homeschooling. Don't talk to me about sacrifice!" (Naturally, I didn't think of that response until I was driving out of the parking lot!)

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When my boys were born 13 weeks early, my MIL told me that she told all her relatives not to send cards or gifts in case one or more of the babies died. That way, they wouldn't either (a) waste their money, or (b) have to return unneeded gifts to the store.


She added that it wouldn't be bad if one or more of the babies died because it would be easier on me to have fewer of them to care for. She was especially happy that her son (DH) would then not have to support so many children.


In my entire life, no one has ever said anything to me that can top that.

Edited by RoughCollie
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When my boys were born 13 weeks early, my MIL told me that she told all her relatives not to send cards or gifts in case one or more of the babies died. That way, they wouldn't either (a) waste their money, or (b) have to return unneeded gifts to the store.


She added that it wouldn't be bad if one or more of the babies died because it would be easier on me to have fewer of them to care for. She was especially happy that her son (DH) would then not have to support so many children.


In my entire life, no one has ever said anything to me that can top that.



Wow, and I thought my MIL was evil.


I certainly can't top that, but when I was 23, and had recently broken up with my boyfriend of 3 years, my grandpa told me I was becoming an old maid.

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One of the leaders of DD's Brownie troop was teaching them about animals for an animal badge, and she told them that snakes were invertebrates. Several kids corrected her and she laughed and said "Don't be silly, snakes don't have bones!" :blink:




She must have been thinking of worms. They're just miniature snakes right? :D

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I have heard similatr before. One of my favorites was, "Does their biological mother know they are being cared for by someone else?"


:confused::confused::confused: How could she not? "Well, she was starting to catch on, so we gave her some dolls, so now she thinks they're with her still..."

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When my boys were born 13 weeks early, my MIL told me that she told all her relatives not to send cards or gifts in case one or more of the babies died. That way, they wouldn't either (a) waste their money, or (b) have to return unneeded gifts to the store.


She added that it wouldn't be bad if one or more of the babies died because it would be easier on me to have fewer of them to care for. She was especially happy that her son (DH) would then not have to support so many children.


In my entire life, no one has ever said anything to me that can top that.



Wow. Just....wow. :confused:

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This isn't as serious as the other posts, but, my hubby told me a few months ago that I "..don't flush right." huh?? it's a toilet, how do you flush wrong???


Apparently, he didn't tell me that toilets are different nowadays, you have to hold the thingy down if you want the sides of the bowl cleaned. If you only push it down, it is just a 'quickie' flush.


who knew?


My kids think it is hilarious....



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I have heard similatr before. One of my favorites was, "Does their biological mother know they are being cared for by someone else?"



What the...??? Um, no. She actually has no idea she was pregnant for 9 mos and then gave birth. Yeah, she slept through labor. DUH

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When my boys were born 13 weeks early, my MIL told me that she told all her relatives not to send cards or gifts in case one or more of the babies died. That way, they wouldn't either (a) waste their money, or (b) have to return unneeded gifts to the store.


She added that it wouldn't be bad if one or more of the babies died because it would be easier on me to have fewer of them to care for. She was especially happy that her son (DH) would then not have to support so many children.


In my entire life, no one has ever said anything to me that can top that.

I have nothing that tops yours, or even begins to come close...

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When my boys were born 13 weeks early, my MIL told me that she told all her relatives not to send cards or gifts in case one or more of the babies died. That way, they wouldn't either (a) waste their money, or (b) have to return unneeded gifts to the store.


She added that it wouldn't be bad if one or more of the babies died because it would be easier on me to have fewer of them to care for. She was especially happy that her son (DH) would then not have to support so many children.


In my entire life, no one has ever said anything to me that can top that.


Ouch! I am sorry you can't just bleach your brain of such an awful memory. And what a joy to have your house full, proving she was so wrong to even think it.


An aging relative of mine has taken to dying her otherwise beautifully natural silver gray hair (think thick & shiny, with an olive complexion and bright blue eyes - stunning, really). Somehow that seems to qualify her to suddenly start telling others, especially those much younger than she is, like friends of her children, "Wow, you sure have aged since I last saw you! Just look at all that gray!" It has made me want to dive under the nearest table a few times to avoid the crushed look on the face of someone just entering middle age.


I need a snappy, comforting, unsarcastic comeback for the next time that happens (boardie suggestions appreciated!). I am tired of just standing there feeling embarrassed for everyone.

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Ouch! I am sorry you can't just bleach your brain of such an awful memory. And what a joy to have your house full, proving she was so wrong to even think it.


An aging relative of mine has taken to dying her otherwise beautifully natural silver gray hair (think thick & shiny, with an olive complexion and bright blue eyes - stunning, really). Somehow that seems to qualify her to suddenly start telling others, especially those much younger than she is, like friends of her children, "Wow, you sure have aged since I last saw you! Just look at all that gray!" It has made me want to dive under the nearest table a few times to avoid the crushed look on the face of someone just entering middle age.


I need a snappy, comforting, unsarcastic comeback for the next time that happens (boardie suggestions appreciated!). I am tired of just standing there feeling embarrassed for everyone.


I would say "Oh Aunt x, you just have to tell them what you use to color all your gray!"

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My SIL, at her firstborn's 1st birthday party, to her brother (my husband):


"So, like, when do they get less dependent and stuff?"


(At the time she was dropping the baby off with her mom five days a week from 8a-1pm, and having dinner at her parents 4-5 nights per week -- at 29 years old still very dependent upon her own mother LOL. The irony was just too funny!)

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Last week my kids didn't bring their music to their piano lesson. We're about to leave for this week's lesson in about an hour and I reminded them to bring it this time because last time I had to run home and get it. Genevieve looked at me with a big grin and said, "We try to make you unhappy." :glare:

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First Communion class at our parish, when dd14 was in second grade. I used to sit in on the classes so I could correct all the misinformation on the way home.:glare: This was my favorite:


Catechist: Do you know why they used unleavened bread at the Last Supper? Because in those days, yeast hadn't been discovered yet.

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