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May I have your prayers, please? DD had a seizure

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She has had partial-complex seizures in the past but we've been mostly dealing w/absence seizure the past 2 years. We're visiting relative out of town & she has a fairly long partial-complex seizure this morning just as we were headed out to do some fun family stuff.


She's exhausted now & discouraged b/c she feels/felt so out of control. She felt it coming on and said it was like she was trapped in her own brain.


My poor dolly.


Prayers & good thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Love you ladies! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Praying for you, your dd and family.


Like Jennifer in MI I too remember the day my dd had her grand mal in 2007. The seizure "type" changed into absence seizures. She's been seizure free now for 2.5 years. Be encouraged!


I also sent you a pm.


Sheryl <><

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My DH has seizures. He was born in full grand mal seizure He seized all partical) the way up till he was about 10 then started back up at 27 with a grandmal behind the wheel in rush hour traffic 100ft from an active crosswalk. He just quit work in May to be the stay at home because I believe has been siezing in his sleep. He just had another series of them that they are blaming on heat.


Have they tried your dc on keto diet?


We will say prayers for you both

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Epilepsy has run through my family. My great grandmother had it, but I don't know any details. My dad started having grand mal seizures in his forties that they never got under control, but he has since passed away. My younger brother had seizures as a young teen, but has had no problems for probably 15 years and is drug free.

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So sorry!! I hope she is feeling better soon! I can only share my experience...but from lots of study, many of these 'unexpected' events are triggered by puberty/hormonal changes/stress...some of those you can't control, others you just have to wait for the body to digest and come up with a way to manage it...


I had clonic/tonic seizures in college....my first year at college I did the opposite..I lost 100 pounds (walking 10 miles a day across campus and not being able to fit much food in made it happen) but once the first 30 pounds came off in 2 months, I really thought I can get all this weight off, I am fairly tall and carried my weight okay, might have gotten into a size 18 but mostly 16's...so I started buying slimfast for a quick meal on the go...some days I'd have 2 and some days just one, but pretty much everyday until I reached a healthy weight....THEN I started the seizures...I had never had seizures...my brother had grand mal 3-5x but since has been on meds, and a cousin had them but out of 50 other cousins and aunts/uncles, no issues...so who knows if I was predisposed..but after studying phenylalanine more closely, I made a distinct connection between the amts in Slim-fast and seizures...the evidence is there..and the types of seizures associated with it are documented...I'm just one case among many...but I have struggled to remove all traces of it from my diet....very hard to do!! I think it is addictive!! :(


It won't hurt to remove those types of things..it may not help, but wanted to share and pray your daughter recovers well with no more incidences!



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