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lol We did bathing suits, but what about high heels?

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I don't have time to think about such things. I'm too busy wearing sensible shoes that I can actually walk in. And I'm too busy driving my sensible car and learning from the auto parts guy how to do simple repairs. (I learned how to change the headlights this week!) I'm afraid that my hair is wash and go. And my clothes are what is most comfortable and moves with my body so that I can go from homeschool to garden without even thinking about it. But that has nothing to do with my faith. It might have something to do with wearing too many hats (sensible ones!) and being middle aged.:)

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I had a woman once who was appalled that I paint my daughters' toenails. She went on to give me a nice sermon about how you aren't "supposed" to do those kind of things. I then gave her some great advice: Mind your own business. :D


BTW, I went on my first real date with a boy because of his car. I still remember that old vintage Monte Carlo. It was beautiful. He, on the other hand, was a total dork and that was our last date.

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I used to wear a bikini, paint my nails, blow out my Farrah hairdo and drive an awesome Firebird. I worked on my feet in four-inch heels. If you can do it, more power to you. Now, like Jean, I'm middle-aged, and it's all about comfort. :001_smile:

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So what about heels? I used to wear heels regularly. We were a the dept. store and I ambled my way into the shoe dept. and tried on some 3-inch heels. To me it was simply a fun thing. Dh liked them - he gave me *that* look. I bought those shoes and two other pair. This was 2 weeks ago.


I've been trying not to break my neck in the stupid things, but I wear one of those pairs of shoes daily.


But it isn't about the shoes. Dh married a woman who was fairly put together most of the time. I realized that over the last 12 years I've let things go to the point that I wasn't put together well more than once a month or so - even jeans to church.


Should we inspire lust? Why wouldn't we inspire lust within our marriages? I want dh to look at me "that* way, not someone else. If it takes me wearing heels, painting my toenails hot pink and going to the stylist every 8 weeks then that is what it takes. If I'm not going to catch his eye, someone else might. If some other guy wants to look, well, that is his problem. He can explain to his significant other why he can't control himself in public.

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I used to wear very high heels, until I met my dh. I towered over him. He said he didn't care, but it did make me feel a little awkward. Now I'm barefoot or in Birkenstocks. My dh finds long legs in high heels quite attractive.


You know what really makes my blood boil with lust? A man working on a road crew, wearing Carharts, no shirt, a nicely tanned, muscled torso. Yum. My dh even points them out to me.


Every discussion we have about modesty seems to always be about what would lead a man into lust and how women need to guard against that. Let's look at it from the other side. I think all men on road crews should have to cover their entire body (no tee shirts that might show their musculature or they need to be covered by another shirt and no tight jeans) even if the temperature is in the triple digits.

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I used to wear high heels all the time, just because I'm short :D. If someone got a "kick" out of it, well, so be it (but I kinda doubt they did - I'm really not All That). Same goes for my painted toes - I do that because my feet aren't All That either and I feel like it draws away from that, iykwim. If someone digs that, well, that's their problem. Hmph.

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Should we inspire lust? Why wouldn't we inspire lust within our marriages? I want dh to look at me "that* way, not someone else. If it takes me wearing heels, painting my toenails hot pink and going to the stylist every 8 weeks then that is what it takes. If I'm not going to catch his eye, someone else might. If some other guy wants to look, well, that is his problem. He can explain to his significant other why he can't control himself in public.


:iagree: I WANT to look hot for my husband. I want him to want me. And, I love when he gives me *that* look. I also never want the words "frumpy" or "matronly" to apply to anything I'm wearing or to the way my hair looks. He does the same for me.....and I love to give him *that* look. :D


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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Oh, I forgot to address the high heels part. I don't wear them for two reasons: 1) I am clumsy and I feared for my life when I wore them in the past, and 2) my husband is only a couple of inches taller than me, and I don't want to tower over him.

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I used to wear a bikini, paint my nails, blow out my Farrah hairdo and drive an awesome Firebird. I worked on my feet in four-inch heels. If you can do it, more power to you. Now, like Jean, I'm middle-aged, and it's all about comfort. :001_smile:



LOL I was not talking about me. I am middle aged, and while I like my tankini, I would only wear a bikini with a nice person like Mrs Mungo...and in Europe.


I am too cheap for highlights. I do like cute shoes.


I was thinking people have all kinds of turn -ons, and one could be covered from head to to in loose clothing, and might still inspire lust. I mean, I knew a guy who liked nun garb. He looked look all normal, too.


Yk, If i dared, or was on a library computer (LOL) I would search Nun, Catholic school girl, and ruler. I am sure it's a gold mine.

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Should we inspire lust? Why wouldn't we inspire lust within our marriages? I want dh to look at me "that* way, not someone else.


Absolutely! Today is my wedding anniversary. DH and I are on a tight budget right now, so we are only celebrating with a movie. But I've already got a mini-skirt and a pair of high heels in the closet that won't cost me a penny, and you can bet I'm going to put them to use. ;) Not because I think I'm hot stuff, mind you. Far from it! (My long legs are one of the few things about my body that I feel good about.) But because for some reason my dh thinks I'm hot stuff, and I'd like to keep it that way! :D

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Young Lady! I hope you don't think you're going out of the house in that get-up!?? You'd better be talking about Netflix!


Absolutely! Today is my wedding anniversary. DH and I are on a tight budget right now, so we are only celebrating with a movie. But I've already got a mini-skirt and a pair of high heels in the closet that won't cost me a penny, and you can bet I'm going to put them to use. ;) Not because I think I'm hot stuff, mind you. Far from it! (My long legs are one of the few things about my body that I feel good about.) But because for some reason my dh thinks I'm hot stuff, and I'd like to keep it that way! :D
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I used to wear very high heels, until I met my dh. I towered over him. He said he didn't care, but it did make me feel a little awkward. Now I'm barefoot or in Birkenstocks. My dh finds long legs in high heels quite attractive.


You know what really makes my blood boil with lust? A man working on a road crew, wearing Carharts, no shirt, a nicely tanned, muscled torso. Yum. My dh even points them out to me.


Every discussion we have about modesty seems to always be about what would lead a man into lust and how women need to guard against that. Let's look at it from the other side. I think all men on road crews should have to cover their entire body (no tee shirts that might show their musculature or they need to be covered by another shirt and no tight jeans) even if the temperature is in the triple digits.


Where do you live? All the road crews around here are obese balding men in their fifties. And I am glad that they cover their whole bodies!

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Young Lady! I hope you don't think you're going out of the house in that get-up!?? You'd better be talking about Netflix!




DD is having a sleepover at a friend's house, so yes, GASP! I actually get to go out to a movie! To a rated PG-13 movie! Wearing a mini-skirt and high heels, on the arm of a handsome man! :svengo:

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Where do you live? All the road crews around here are obese balding men in their fifties. And I am glad that they cover their whole bodies!


Out west. They've been doing a ton of road construction around here and seem to be employing a lot of young men. Well, those are the ones that catch my eye anyway. There's probably obese, balding men too, but they don't register. :001_smile:

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DD is having a sleepover at a friend's house, so yes, GASP! I actually get to go out to a movie! To a rated PG-13 movie! Wearing a mini-skirt and high heels, on the arm of a handsome man! :svengo:


Alright. I can let the heels slide. I can look the other way over the miniskirt, but a PG-13 movie??? I am SO calling your priest! *hands on hips* :lol:

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Out west. They've been doing a ton of road construction around here and seem to be employing a lot of young men. Well, those are the ones that catch my eye anyway. There's probably obese, balding men too, but they don't register. :001_smile:



The state worked on one road in my town for 3 years. The traffic police were some of the nicest looking men... I miss them.

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Gosh I do love Catholics. :D



HA! I'm not Catholic, and neither is Gretalynn! heeheehee


(I've been doing some reading up on EO and reading the social groups, of which GL belongs to. That's how I know she has a priest. Or maybe it's a bishop. Clearly, I need to study up more. LOL)

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Oh this is funny!


I love high heels and I wear my hair past shoulders and blown out. My DH likes beauty. He would probably have a wondering eye if I didn't keep attractive. He has made comments all the time how I look so much younger, sexier, and not over weight and matronly like the majority of women my age tend to become.


I do dress what I would call sexy but with modest twist. I don's show cleavage or wear short dresses. I have a 5 inch rule for my shorts. I am short so these cover my thighs.


I do own a few longer shorts but only wear them to home school days where my more matronly counter parts think short are evil:D

Edited by Cafelattee
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Oh this is funny!


I love high heels and I wear my hair past shoulders and blown out. My DH likes beauty. He would probably have a wondering eye if I didn't keep attractive. He has made comments all the time how I look so much younger, sexier, and not over weight and matronly like the majority of women my age tend to become.




My dh says the same thing, but it's just so he can get me into bed. (In the shower?)

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Oh this is funny!


I love high heels and I wear my hair past shoulders and blown out. My DH likes beauty. He would probably have a wondering eye if I didn't keep attractive. He has made comments all the time how I look so much younger, sexier, and not over weight and matronly like the majority of women my age tend to become.




My dh says the same thing, but it's just so he can get me into bed. (In the shower?) And thanks to the miracle of modern 'medicine', I am wearing a sundress without a bra right now.


In the shower works? Specially with a house of teenagers;)


Oh and as for the lust think. My dh works out in our home guy. He wanted to get more definition so he just started the P90X. I am so luck to have my 46 year old with a 20 something body;)


I am shallow but I really don't like men with pregnancy bellies.


My dh and I promised each other when we married we would help each other not to be middle age over weight people like our parents were when we married. Its been 20 years and when one of us starts to get lazy about exercise we gently help and encourage each other to stay fit.

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Alright. I can let the heels slide. I can look the other way over the miniskirt, but a PG-13 movie??? I am SO calling your priest! *hands on hips* :lol:


Uh-oh. Adding to my ever-growing list of things to talk about in Confession. :lol:

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(I've been doing some reading up on EO and reading the social groups, of which GL belongs to. That's how I know she has a priest. Or maybe it's a bishop. Clearly, I need to study up more. LOL)


Yes, you had it right. A priest. My diocese is currently without a bishop, but regardless, it is my parish priest who will take my confessions (as soon as I am officially received into the Church).

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I used to wear high heels all the time, just because I'm short :D. If someone got a "kick" out of it, well, so be it (but I kinda doubt they did - I'm really not All That). Same goes for my painted toes - I do that because my feet aren't All That either and I feel like it draws away from that, iykwim. If someone digs that, well, that's their problem. Hmph.




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Heels are fun, but not usually comfy.

I like the way they make my legs look, but I have back trouble and they are a no-no.

I certainly don't care what kind of shoes anyone else wears. I don't think shoe wearing can have a moral or ethical value - unless perhaps you've spent your last grocery money or your mortgage payment on them!

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I can't wear heels. I've tried, but I just can't walk in them and not look drunk. I clomp, trip, and stagger from side to side.


Also, my favorite TV confession was from Northern Exposure, when Shelley made Chris hear hers before her...wedding?, because he was the closest thing to a priest Cicily had.


My problem with bikinis and mini skirts is how bad I look in them. ;)

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High heels, sure. High-heeled boots, definitely! My husband quite likes me in heels even if (maybe especially if?), when wearing them, we're about the same height.


I'm 5'11" and I wear heels often. It comes in especially handy when you have to deal with those short men who overcompensate for their shortness by being an extra big jerk (I call it "banty-rooster syndrome"). If they have to crane their little necks up all the time it puts out their little banty fire pretty quick. :lol:


Audrey -- who owns many, many pairs of high heeled boots ;)

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Woah, woah, woah, what's with all the high heels bashing? Unacceptable! I wear heels almost every day. James Bond makes fun of me because I'm so used to walking in heels that on the rare occasion I do wear flat shoes, I stumble around like I'm drunk because my center of gravity is off. It's bad. I wear them because they make my legs look good and because I loves me some pretty shoes and while some flats are cute, heels are just beautiful. I have so many shoes it's not funny (to James Bond anyway). And oh, how I love high heeled boots! Love, love, love. I can't wait for fall and winter so I can wear them again. I've done entire blog post on my blog dedicated strictly to my shoes.

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I can't do the bikini thing anymore....well I could but I won't :D But I will never give up my high heels and highlights. In fact I used to think men with a foot fetish were skeevy but not that I think about it a man who thinks pedicures are wonderful, wants to massage my feet, and buy me pretty shoes might be the way to go. Of course DH loves my legs in heels but has zero interest in feet...so oh well, maybe in my next life.

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I adore the way my otherwise short stocky legs look in high heels; they are strictly a vanity item for me. Crocs and others makes 3+ inch heels that are almost comfortable enough to wear all day. However, I keep a pair of comfortable sensible black maryjanes nearby in my work desk drawer, my van, or my closet.


My choice to wear high heels and to paint my toenails vixen red or fuschia has nothing to do with inspiring lust in men. The clackety-clack of my red patent sandals on a hard floor is music to my ears just as my freshly painted red toenails are candy to my eyes.

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LibraryLover, anyone would think you are trying to make a stir! :lol:

I would have thought that it would be congruent with extreme modesty to not try to drawn attention to oneself as a sexual being except within ones marriage, however, I guess that doesn't mean one cant look pretty or lovely. I don't know how people like that think- I am sure it is very individual. I think long hair is beautiful, and skirts are feminine. I dont get why showing skin is not ok, because often it doesn't look as beautiful as someone beautifully and modestly dressed.

I am not particularly modest- well, I am because I am not young and flirtatious any more, and dont wear clothes to be deliberately provocative, but I have no problem with nudity or bikinis- I don't wear high heels or paint my nails more than once or twice a year because I am very practical and not especially "feminine" in that regard. I am more crunchy in that regard (love that word- we don't use it in Australia but I think we should) and prefer my birks and rarely wear "pretty" sandals. I like to feel the ground and feel earthed. I dont own high heels, but I do have some sexy boots my dh likes me to wear on the motor bike (along with my black leather gear). No skin showing there.

I think a woman in high heels can look great though, and sexy, and eye catching, and I dont have a problem with that! I have the girliest daughter you can imagine who has 25 pairs of high heels (all op shop) and long painted nails and is totally conscious of her sexiness without actually wanting to create trouble for herself. She is also down to earth, playful, has many male friends AND would punch or kick anyone who tried to take advantage of her! We women have plenty of options- we are not victims, and we can be beautiful AND powerful! Why we need to protect men from themselves I do not understand. Most men I know do really not need that sort of protection- they are quite grown up.

I don't know why we have to go to extremes. I have no problem looking at a guy in a Jaguar. More likely, I would notice, nowadays, a good Harley Davidson because thats how my dh has trained me :)

I have no problem with any of it. I think its great we live in a diverse society. How awful if we were all the same. I think Muslim women bathing together has a beauty in it. I lvoe women only groups and think there is definitely a place for them- we have gone too far into androgeny. I hope they feel free in that and that they are choosing that lifestyle for themselves because it works for them, rather than being dictated to by a patriarchal religion...but it's not my business.

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LL-You can hang out with me in your bikini any time. I assure you, nobody on the beach in Hawaii would blink an eye.


eta: Obviously,I am fine with high heels, cleavage, fuschia toenail polish and I am particularly fine with a shirtless Sawyer. ;)

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