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Local Shark Attack

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Nobody ever watched the movie Jaws and then went back into the ocean without thoughts of sharks. I can't tell you how many times I've told myself I'm just crazy. There really aren't sharks out there and then blithely swam and floated to my heart's content. Oh my, how I was fooling myself. This news story just did more for me than Jaws every did because this is my favorite beach. I have waded out to that depth more times than I can count. Never, ever again will I go out into the ocean without some serious trepidation.



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I cannot go in lake or ocean. The few times my dh has gotten me in a boat are miserable for everyone and each time I say never again. I saw Jaws, I learned from it--don't go in oceans or lakes. That movie terrified me, now I watch Shark Week, which terrifies me. Glad she is okay short of possibly needing some couch time to work through being attacked.

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I was hit (bitten) by a mako when I was surfing (I was 17). Long story short: I didn't realize it until I got to shore.


I never could go back in after that. I say I have a deal with the sharks: I won't go to their house and eat them, if they don't come to my house and eat me.


We're both doing great at holding up our ends of the deal.

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Mickler's was our favorite beach too, until we moved....scary!!



My DH and DS12 tend to go out WAAAY to far. Although it makes the beach easier with three children when DH comes, sometimes I am glad when he doesn't because DS12 doesn't go out that far without DH....then I don't worry so much.

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So, when I was 8 I was taken to see Jaws 3 in 3D, then when I was 14 one of my classmates older sister was killed by a great white.




I agree with Audrey, I don't go in the water and bother them, and they don't come up on land and bother me.



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We live in the North Florida area too. We NEVER go past our knees/thighs in the water. Not only due to sharks, but also the rip tide as well. The first time we ever really swam in the ocean was a few months ago on a vacation to the Gulf. The water was crystal clear, you could see if anything was swimming near you, and there were no waves. It was great to be able to actually swim in the ocean!

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We live in the North Florida area too. We NEVER go past our knees/thighs in the water. Not only due to sharks, but also the rip tide as well. The first time we ever really swam in the ocean was a few months ago on a vacation to the Gulf. The water was crystal clear, you could see if anything was swimming near you, and there were no waves. It was great to be able to actually swim in the ocean!


Love, love, love my hometown Gulf of Mexico. I cannot swim in the Atlantic. My brother has flown small aircraft over those beaches, from Jacksonville to Daytona. He said there are always sharks out there - always. And often they are numerous. And big.

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When I was a teen, we swam where there were dog fish (small sharks). We would lasso the ones we saw on their tail, stick a stick in the sand and let the shark swim in circles. We then went swimming in peace. When we were done swimming, we would let them go. In hind's sight, I wonder how many were there that we didn't see. . .



I would have been terrified to be lassoing up sharks! This is one of the bravest, and/or craziest, things I have heard!

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I can remember going scary deep with my dad when I was little. It is just not something I would ever do now and especially not with my kids. Mine is a mix of concern over rip-tides and sharks. We were shocked (not sure why) to hear a man had died the week we were down the Outer Banks last year and was eaten by sharks.

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I would have been terrified to be lassoing up sharks! This is one of the bravest, and/or craziest, things I have heard!


There was a group of about 10 of us (guys and girls) who spent weekends traveling together and going to beaches. This was true "free range" parenting. And yes, it was crazy. (BTW - none of us were into anything bad or immoral on these trips.)

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There was a group of about 10 of us (guys and girls) who spent weekends traveling together and going to beaches. This was true "free range" parenting. And yes, it was crazy. (BTW - none of us were into anything bad or immoral on these trips.)


I would not presume that you were doing anything bad...even if you are one of us "mixed-swimmers!" :ohmy:


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Chance of dying from heart disease: 1 in 3


Odds of being killed sometime in the next year in any sort of transportation accident: 77 to 1


Odds of being murdered: 18,000 to 1


Odds of dating a supermodel: 88,000 to 1


Chance of dying in an airplane accident: 1 in 354,319


Odds of being struck by lightning: 576,000 to 1


Odds of being killed by lightning: 2,320,000 to 1


Chance of contracting the human version of mad cow disease: 1 in 40,000,000


Chance of dying from SARS in the United States: 1 in 100,000,000


Chance of dying from a shark attack: 1 in 300,000,000


According to the International Shark Attack File, between 1580 and 2008 there were 2,251 confirmed (unprovoked) shark attacks around the world and 464 deaths.

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Nobody ever watched the movie Jaws and then went back into the ocean without thoughts of sharks. I can't tell you how many times I've told myself I'm just crazy. There really aren't sharks out there and then blithely swam and floated to my heart's content. Oh my, how I was fooling myself. This news story just did more for me than Jaws every did because this is my favorite beach. I have waded out to that depth more times than I can count. Never, ever again will I go out into the ocean without some serious trepidation.




:001_huh: I was just starting to get brave enough to go in the ocean again. We moved here 7 years ago, and dh's company put us up in a hotel on the beach for 3 weeks. During that time someone caught a shark while they were fishing from the beach. I couldn't believe the sharks were that close to shore. Guess I have an excuse not to let my kids go farther than knee deep now. :tongue_smilie:

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Chance of dying from a shark attack: 1 in 300,000,000


According to the International Shark Attack File, between 1580 and 2008 there were 2,251 confirmed (unprovoked) shark attacks around the world and 464 deaths.



Well, those are pretty big odds of not dying from a shark attack, but Barb... getting bit... that really, really, really hurts (once you get over the shock of it). Plus, it requires lots of messy, ugly stitches, and you get to carry around a reminder for the rest of your life.


I'm still not going back in. I'd prefer not to be a chew toy again.

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Well, those are pretty big odds of not dying from a shark attack, but Barb... getting bit... that really, really, really hurts (once you get over the shock of it). Plus, it requires lots of messy, ugly stitches, and you get to carry around a reminder for the rest of your life.


I'm still not going back in. I'd prefer not to be a chew toy again.


I hear you, but with my personality, once I was healed, I'd be back in the water. Why? Odds are now hugely in your favor!!! :cheers2:


And, yes, it is a real deal for me, as I live 2 blocks from the ocean. I am truly sorry you were bitten....that could not have been a fun recovery. :grouphug:

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Well, those are pretty big odds of not dying from a shark attack, but Barb... getting bit... that really, really, really hurts (once you get over the shock of it). Plus, it requires lots of messy, ugly stitches, and you get to carry around a reminder for the rest of your life.


I'm still not going back in. I'd prefer not to be a chew toy again.


Totally agree. Once bitten, twice shy. Still, I was shocked at how high the odds were. Don't play the lottery; you've already used up your statistical luck.



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Chance of dying from heart disease: 1 in 3


Odds of being killed sometime in the next year in any sort of transportation accident: 77 to 1


Odds of being murdered: 18,000 to 1


Odds of dating a supermodel: 88,000 to 1


Chance of dying in an airplane accident: 1 in 354,319


Odds of being struck by lightning: 576,000 to 1


Odds of being killed by lightning: 2,320,000 to 1


Chance of contracting the human version of mad cow disease: 1 in 40,000,000


Chance of dying from SARS in the United States: 1 in 100,000,000


Chance of dying from a shark attack: 1 in 300,000,000


According to the International Shark Attack File, between 1580 and 2008 there were 2,251 confirmed (unprovoked) shark attacks around the world and 464 deaths.


But, still . . . :tongue_smilie:

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I think I'll just stick to swimming in the shark-free Great Lakes.:)


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Oceans are nice to visit and wade in, but there's no way I would swim in them for real. I've been stung by a jelly fish and that was enough to convince me that oceans are not for me.

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Well, those are pretty big odds of not dying from a shark attack, but Barb... getting bit... that really, really, really hurts (once you get over the shock of it). Plus, it requires lots of messy, ugly stitches, and you get to carry around a reminder for the rest of your life.


I'm still not going back in. I'd prefer not to be a chew toy again.


:iagree: It's not so much the dying part but being the chew toy part that gets to me. I will probably still go swimming in the ocean. I just love the beach and water too much to have the will power to stay out but I will never again be able to relax or enjoy it in complete calm.

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Love, love, love my hometown Gulf of Mexico. I cannot swim in the Atlantic. My brother has flown small aircraft over those beaches, from Jacksonville to Daytona. He said there are always sharks out there - always. And often they are numerous. And big.


yep. I grew up going to New Smyrna (just south of Daytona)... the Shark Attack Capital of the World. Thankfully I was clueless as a kid, but I did see sharks on several occasions (one was caught right next to me by a fisherman).


My sister tells me that if you've ever swam at New Smyrna, you have been within 100 ft of a shark, guaranteed.


I don't swim in there anymore.

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When I lived in Egypt, we used to go swimming in shark waters every day after work. One day, my boss was snorkeling and a shark started circling him and he said he was so scared that he couldn't move. I think the shark was checking him out to see what he was. This guy eventually swam over to the coral reef and climbed up on top of it (which is scary too - geez - there's all kinds of stuff that lives on the reef) and the shark swam away. Yikes!


I think sharks are just trying to figure out what you are.


I'll tell you what scares the cr%p out of me - those TUNA! I had one swim towards me one day and I was all ready to punch it. :D I'm sure being scared of tuna is completely irrational (seriously, what are they going to do to you)...and if I would've punched it, I'm sure it could've beaten me up and robbed me of my gear. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and lisamarie, I was also stung by a jellyfish and I have to say that was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. It felt like my arm was on fire. :svengo:Just like on Nemo - "bad jellyfish, bad".

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we live on an island. I know that this is probably a horrible thing to say but I always tell my dc to have "shark bait" between them and the open ocean. By this, I mean for them to have other people between them and the open ocean. I am mostly kidding when I tell them that but I also mean I don't want to go out by themselves and I don't want them to go out too far.

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But...look how lovely it is! The water is so clear and full of amazing, wonderful fish to look at. It's so clear that you can *see* the man-o-wars and easily avoid them. Plus, there is the surfing and sailing! I just don't think anything would scare us out of the water.


There is a commercial here for a prosthetic company. One of the "testimonials" is a guy surfing with a prosthetic leg who says something like "after the incident with the shark, I thought I'd never be able to surf again, thanks 'company name!'"


eta: You can see one of their commercials here!

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Chance of dying from heart disease: 1 in 3


Odds of being killed sometime in the next year in any sort of transportation accident: 77 to 1


Odds of being murdered: 18,000 to 1


Odds of dating a supermodel: 88,000 to 1


Chance of dying in an airplane accident: 1 in 354,319


Odds of being struck by lightning: 576,000 to 1


Odds of being killed by lightning: 2,320,000 to 1


Chance of contracting the human version of mad cow disease: 1 in 40,000,000


Chance of dying from SARS in the United States: 1 in 100,000,000


Chance of dying from a shark attack: 1 in 300,000,000


According to the International Shark Attack File, between 1580 and 2008 there were 2,251 confirmed (unprovoked) shark attacks around the world and 464 deaths.


The thing is, though, the shark attack is the only thing on the list that you CAN do something to completely eliminate any possible risk whatsoever. Even if you avoid any form of transportation, a car (or plane or helicopter) could crash into your house or something. It's not really logical, but at least you can *do* something, kwim? You're not helpless in the face of the (admittedly small) odds.

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There is a commercial here for a prosthetic company. One of the "testimonials" is a guy surfing with a prosthetic leg who says something like "after the incident with the shark, I thought I'd never be able to surf again, thanks 'company name!'"


:smilielol5::smilielol5:I don't think that helps :smilielol5::smilielol5:

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The thing is, though, the shark attack is the only thing on the list that you CAN do something to completely eliminate any possible risk whatsoever. Even if you avoid any form of transportation, a car (or plane or helicopter) could crash into your house or something. It's not really logical, but at least you can *do* something, kwim? You're not helpless in the face of the (admittedly small) odds.



Well, you do have to watch out for those land sharks. ;)

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yep. I grew up going to New Smyrna (just south of Daytona)... the Shark Attack Capital of the World. Thankfully I was clueless as a kid, but I did see sharks on several occasions (one was caught right next to me by a fisherman).


My sister tells me that if you've ever swam at New Smyrna, you have been within 100 ft of a shark, guaranteed.


I don't swim in there anymore.



Hi! I did do (I went to HS in Apopka then DeBary). :D


I still swim in the Ocean and let my kids do the same. We only do so near lifeguards, and heed any shark signs, but swimming in the Ocean has always been one of my greatest pleasures. Now, we are mostly in Destin, FL, but I want my kids to have a love and respect of the Ocean, and I don't want them living in fear. I want them living with wise choices. They truly are far more likely dying driving under the age of 21.

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