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If you could have anything in the world cooked for your dinner tonight ....

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If you could have anything in the world cooked for your dinner tonight what would it be?


I'm a simple girl.... would like a well seasoned tenderloin, grilled veggies, a Rope Walk beer and my mother's home canned peaches with fresh whipped cream....mmm :D:D

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I'd take either:


Good Thai food

Ethiopian platter

Carne Asada from Old Town Mexican Cafe in San Diego -- YUM!!


But honestly, if someone else was cooking and cleaning up, just about anything would be wonderful!!

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baked potato

fresh crunchy salad

and boy do all those fresh fruit desserts sound good so I will go with that.



I'll have what she's having. Mmmm...I LOVE a good steak...

Instead, I'm having leftover linguine aglio olio from dinner out with friends last night. So, not bad...but not steak!

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I could get into this thread.. :D


My dream meal would involve a nice thick filet mignon, cooked medium rare to medium, either red skin potatoes with garlic or garlic mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and some heavy king crab legs. Top it off with a hot fudge sundae.


Instead... I had McDonals tonight. :glare: Not even close, but we cut back on fast food and haven't had any for 3 weeks, and DD asked so sweetly today if we could do McDonalds for dinner. -sigh-

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I would have to be at Los Arbolitos in Puerta Vallarta. There I would be watching a guy make fresh guacamoli at the table with corn tortilla chips. Then I'd order my favorite entre of giant grilled shrimp stuffed with cheese and wrapped with bacon. :001_smile:

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