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And how about 2nd grade?


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Do you all have your second grade plans set? What are you all doing? Here's mine...


*Natural Speller

*Finish The Reading Lesson, bolstered with Explode the Code

*Listening to Grammar Land and doing these worksheets (orally)

*Daily journaling when she's ready

*Copywork about history, science, etc.

*English From the Roots Up (done loosely)

*Saxon Math 2

*I think we'll be using History of US (Hakim) and following rabbit trails. Also under consideration are the Time Travelers cds from Homeschool in the Woods.

*American geography, using photographic books, Scrambled States (book & game), maybe ???

*Science/nature studies done as unit studies of interest (first one will be insects)

*Art and composer studies


ETA: We also belong to a homeschool 4H (like a co-op) where we'll be doing arts & crafts, probably cooking, and I'm leading a series of science projects based on the Book of Totally Irresponsible Science. Plus dancing or gymnastics, park days, etc.

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2nd grade plans

Complete Hooked on Phonics 2/ETC 4&5

FLL 1/2


Finish SOTW 1/start SOTW 2 with cd's/ AG/Living books

MUS Alpha/Singapore 1B

Read aloud book list by mom

Bible-Read VOS Bible w/narration

Composers/Classics for kids cd's

Art/come look with me books

Science-Apologia Astronomy/Swimming creatures/field trips

science kits/snap circuits


Outside Activities

Co-op classes 1xw

Cub Scouts

T-BAll/or soccer

Piano Practice 1xw

**I hope we can have lots of snuggling time and fun!

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forgot info
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Here's ours:


Math: Practical Arithmetics, ch. 2

LA: FLL 1-2, finish Word Mastery then start Webster's Spelling (both from Don Potter's website), daily practice reading aloud, cursive section of Everything for Handwriting.

FL: Rosetta Stone Spanish

History: U.S. History with GuestHollow course, modified

Geography: Evan-Moor Beginning Geography workbooks

Lit: American folktales

Classical studies: Bible stories

Heathen Studies: Virtue study

Science: Astronomy For Kids online astronomy course plus experiments from Astronomy for Every Kid (VanCleave)

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For my 2nd grader:

Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory

Apologia Zoology 1

Singapore Math 2a/2b


Primary Language Lessons

All About Spelling 1/2

ETC 6-8

State/President study including map work and copywork

Handwriting Without Tears

Great American Artists For Kids

Story of the Orchestra

My Nature Journal

CLP Nature reader 2

and a bunch of readers and read alouds



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I am not at all ready, but I am getting closer. We have used ABeka for the past two years, and it's just not working for us anymore. So far, this is my list:


Sequential Spelling

*MCT Grammar Island

*Primary Language Lessons

Galloping the Globe

Mystery of History 1

Singapore Math 2

Draw Right Now

Apologia Zoology 2


(*not quite decided upon)

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DD is technically going to be a 2nd grader, though doing a mix of 2nd and 3rd. Here is what she'll be using this year.


CLE math 200 level and MEP

MCT Island level


Rod and Staff Spelling


Pictures in Cursive

Progeny Press lit guides (1-3, depending on how she does with them)

Singapore MPH Science 3/4 (with older brother)

Finish SOTW 2 and move onto SOTW 3 with additional American History stuff yet to be decided on?

Rand McNally Schoolhouse Beginner Geography & Map Activities


Co op classes (art, recorder, choir)

Basketball (November-March)

Soccer (October)

4H (Cloverbud) (March-June)

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What I've planned to use thus far:


Calvert Math Grade 3


i-Excel Singapore Math &Math Express


Critical Thinking Activities


Adventures in Phonics "B"


Phonics Pathways


HBJ Reading Program


Shurley English Grade 3


Getty Dubay Italic Handwriting Book "C"


Continue Story of the World vol. 1 Ancients & Story of the World Activity Book


History Pockets-Ancient Civilizations


Maps, Globes, Graphs "C"


Singapore Science My Pals Are Here

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Memory Work

Song School Latin

Anki (deck of our math, LA, history, and science)


Foreign Language

Farsi (not sure)

Barrons Spanish Every Day





Creative Problem Solving in School Mathematics



GSA Astronomy, GSA Human Body, Mommy-Designed Inventions Study


Language Arts

We're going to jump on the bandwagon and try MCT the complete first level.:p

library books for read-alouds

probably SL 2 adv readers (not sure about this, but it sure would simplify things)

Handwriting Help for Kids- Create Cursive


History/ Geography

A Little History of the World with coordinating library books and whatever

Maps Globes Graphs D




Art in Story

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For my son in 2nd grade:

Classical Conversations

Math :Bob Jones 2

Phonics/Reading/Spelling: Discovering Intensive Phonics

Grammar/Writing: FFL 1/2, WWE 1 & Bob Jones English

History: SOTW 2, 3 & 4 (Coordinating with Classical Conversations)

Science: Apologia Astronomy

Bible: Awana


Looking forward to starting soon!

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Sotw 2, ch.1-27

R&S English 2

CLE math 2

Delightful Dictation with Spelling

Themes To Remember

Come Look With Me (picture study)

Patterns of Nature

Song School Latin

Prang second grade art

John Thompson piano

PLL beginning in the second half of the year

Story Starters, orally, for storytelling

R&S music for solfa play

BF geography with the Holling books assigned in AO2

Geography songs


Am I forgetting something?


We started yesterday! Yippee!!! :)

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Here's my 2nd grade plan. :001_smile:


Math: Saxon Math 3


L.A.: Rod & Staff English 3

Calvert Spelling & vocabulary Cd-rom 3

Pentime Penmanship 2


History & reading: Story of the World - finish vol. 1, begin vol. 2


Science: McGraw-Hill Science 2


Informal: art, music, gym, lots of reading

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As of right now our 2nd grade plans look like this:


Math: Abeka Arithmetic 2 + CWP

Grammar: Growing With Grammar 2

Spelling: Rod & Staff 2

Writing/Handwriting: Writing With Ease 2 using Startwrite

History/Geography/Science/Bible/Music: MFW Adventures

Art: Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas

Memory Work: Various using Mnemosyne & Living Memory


I feel like I'm leaving something out...

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I'm still working on 2nd grade but I have most of it ready:


Singapore 2B and CWP 2

Italics D

finish Primary Lang. Lessons and then Interm. Lang. Lessons

L'Art de Lire Levels 3+

World History (Ren. and Reform.) with OIS, CHOW and supplements

like D. Stanley books (Good Queen Bess, Peter the Great, Bard of Avon and Leonard da Vinci)

Animals/Habitats for science using Burgess Animal Book, Among the Pond People, Among the Meadow People and Among the Forest People, various coloring books, etc.

Literature includes Heidi, finish World's Best Fairy Tales, Wind in the Willows, hmm.... I need to work on this still.:001_smile:

History of Art Sculpture and Watercolors with sister, Piano, Ballet

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My second grader will be using the following.


Grammar: First Language Lessons

Writing: Writing with Ease

Spelling: All about Spelling

Reading: Reading for Pleasure and some Explode the Code review, also Living history books

Latin: Song School Latin

Math: Math U See Beta and Miquon for fun

Science: R.E.A.L. Science Earth, Space, Rock

History: US History from the beginning through the Revolutionary War (homemade)

Handwriting--Copywork and Draw, Write, Now

Extracurriculars----Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Jr, Cub Scouts, Art Tuesdays, football, soccer, swimming, and bowling

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forgot handwriting
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We are finishing up 2nd grade. This is what we have been using:


Oak Meadow 2 (science, social studies, crafts, math)


Singapore Math 1b/2a

A Little Garden Flower Math stories

Rod and Staff Math 2


Lapbooks: Egypt and horses mainly


Copywork: copyscribe horses and Egypt


Spell to Write and Read phonograms

Aesop's Fables

Saint Stories

A Child's Garden of Verse

Around the Year by Elsa Beskow


It has been a nice year. She learned to read, math started to click, and we had a lot of fun.:001_smile:

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I'm glad for this thread. I look at my 7 yo some days and have no concept of what to do with him. I ask dh, "What would a normal kid his age be learning?" Those with academic olders and a younger tagged on understand, I hope. This child is a homeschool mess. He knows algebra but not all his addition facts; he knows politics, but not his "community helpers;" he can spell long complicated words but some of the letters are backwards. :D


He is a sort of second-third grader (summer birthday, officially we are "holding him back" in second.) Here's what I have planned (or not planned) so far:


Poetry, Bible, and other memorization


Math: Singapore 2A/2B and R&S 2, some Miquon and some Montessori manipulatives, Right Start and Family Math games


History/ Bible: TOG Year 1 LG/UG mix (with Usborne I-L Ancient History and Vos Story Bible as spines)


Science: God's Design Life Science (Plants, Human Body, Animals)


Language Arts: reading list (some for history, some good classics,) Climbing to Good English 2, Horizons Phonics & Reading 2, spelling still up in the air (SW, R&S, IEW???), writing is a home made combo of Ruth Beechick and IEW with narration, copywork, and dictation


Latin: LFC 1 with friends, extra work on memorizing conjugations and declensions


Piano lessons, symphony performances

Art lessons, tours

Boy Scouts (Wolf Cub :001_smile:)

Swim team, wrestling, baseball, basketball, gym class


ETA: Made some changes above, as I have made some decisions in the past few days. It's ordered now, so it must be done. :D

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My second grader is going to be doing:


Language and Thinking for Young Children/ FLL 1/2

Mastering Mathematics

Medieval history (SCM)

Bible/Geography (SCM)

copywork (Startwrite CD/donnayoung website)

AO yr. Literature selection

What your second grader needs to know (Science)

Draw, Write, Now bk.2

The Book of Virtues (character)

Teaching Reading at Home

Picture/composer study (SCM)

Scripture memory (SCM)

Powerglide Spanish with books in spanish from the library


PE-swimming and running with his brothers


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My rising second grader will use:


Bible, History, Science, Art, Music, etc.: Adventures in My Father's World

Geography: Legends & Leagues

Grammar: FLL 2 & 3 (he's flying!); maybe some PLL in lieu of starting FLL 3

Writing: WWE 2 using Startwrite :)

Spelling: AAS

Reading: Veritas Press lit., SL 2 reading

Math: Math Mammoth with a little Right Start on the side :D

Science: We'd like to add Apologia Zoology I but we'll see . . .

Other: IEW poetry, Tae Kwon Do, piano (I hope!), Webster's syllabary, memory box

Edited by abrightmom
typo & a little change
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My upcoming 2nd grader will be doing the following..



  • Finish MoH 1 - Haven't decided what to do after we're complete. Still thinking MoH 2 will be too much, but haven't flipped through it yet.
  • Apologia Botany
  • Sequential Spelling 1
  • Scott Foreman's Grammar and Writing Grade 2
  • Galloping the Globe
  • HWoT 2
  • HoP 2
  • MEP Y2


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-Horizons Math 2

-McRuffy Science

-SL History core 3 with his sister (we're going to take it S-L-O-W for him)

-Growing with Grammar

-ETC online

-Sequential Spelling (maybe. might just wait until next year before starting spelling)

-not sure about Spanish. his speech problems makes Rosetta Stone very frustrating for him.


We really want to focus on getting his reading level up this year so lots of library time. Everything else takes a back seat this year.


Plus tae kwon do, speech at ps, Korean culture and cooking, whatever seasonal sports he wants, winter swim team and art lessons.

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The Phonics Road for all Language Arts (grammar, spelling, handwriting, lit. study, writing, phonics)

Singapore 1A/1B with a ton of drilling

Science - Momma made physics and Apologia Anatomy

TOG Years 3 and part of 4

Computer work: quizlet, purpose games, spellingcity, mus online drills

bible/worship w/ me


He does everything with my rising 3rd grader, except for math. I'm all about combining!

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I'm so excited about starting second grade this year. We had an awesome first grade this year. We both learned a lot and had a ton of fun. Here are my plans for this year:


Language Arts: Spell to Write and Read (just the spelling/phonics part)

Sonlight's Core 2 Advanced Readers

First Language Lessons

Writing With Ease

Cursive First


Math: Math U See Beta

Math Mammoth


History: Sonlight's Core 2

Story of the World 2 with Activity book (supplement)


Science: Apologia Astronomy


Latin: Prima Latina


Art: Artistic Pursuits


Music: Piano lessons


PE: Ballet


We also have to do health every year here in MD. I plan to check out books from the library on various health related subjects. I will keep a list of books that we read and include them in the portfolio for the review at the end of the year.

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I'm still working on 2nd grade but I have most of it ready:


Singapore 2B and CWP 2

Italics D

finish Primary Lang. Lessons and then Interm. Lang. Lessons

L'Art de Lire Levels 3+

World History (Ren. and Reform.) with OIS, CHOW and supplements

like D. Stanley books (Good Queen Bess, Peter the Great, Bard of Avon and Leonard da Vinci)

Animals/Habitats for science using Burgess Animal Book, Among the Pond People, Among the Meadow People and Among the Forest People, various coloring books, etc.

Literature includes Heidi, finish World's Best Fairy Tales, Wind in the Willows, hmm.... I need to work on this still.:001_smile:

History of Art Sculpture and Watercolors with sister, Piano, Ballet


Have you seen the all-in-one version of these books? I so want it.

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Well after spending way too much time reading this forum the past month, this is my first post. :)


I still have a few more decisions to make, but this is what's planned so far for my 2nd grade dd:

LOTS of reading!!


Language Arts:

Mp Spelling Workout B

1st Lang Lessons 1&2

Writing with Ease

(still need to figure out something for teaching cursive handwriting) - suggestions??


Saxon 2


Apologia Astronomy & NB Journal


SOTW 2 (and 3&4 as we get there in CC)

w/ Kingfisher Hist Enc

& Usborne Ency of World Hist


Positive Action for Christ: Finding God's Promises


along w/

Classical Conversations

art lessons




field trips!

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No, I hadn't seen the all-in-one. I would have liked that!:001_smile:

I do have the Among the Night People book but was thinking we might not get to that one until next year. I don't have Among the Farmyard People.


I think she will love science next year. She loves animals!

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You forgot science! I did too; I went back to my post above and edited.


Come to think of it, I also left out that we should be getting DD into guitar lessons this year.


As of right now our 2nd grade plans look like this:


Math: Abeka Arithmetic 2 + CWP

Grammar: Growing With Grammar 2

Spelling: Rod & Staff 2

Writing/Handwriting: Writing With Ease 2 using Startwrite

History/Geography/Science/Bible/Music: MFW Adventures

Art: Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas

Memory Work: Various using Mnemosyne & Living Memory


I feel like I'm leaving something out...

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

*Listening to Grammar Land and doing these worksheets (orally)



Thanks so much for posting this! I'm using Grammar-Land next year too and these are great!


Our plans...


Language: WWE/Bravewriter/AAS, Grammar-Land

Math: Singapore/Miquon with RS Games and lots of real life math

History: second half of American history, CM style

Science: Inquiry inspired with science notebooks, continuing Outdoor Hour Challenges for nature study

Literature: American poetry and kids' choice for read-alouds

Art: The Art of Teaching Art to Children, CM style American art study for second half of American history, remainder of NEH Picturing America

Music: Alfred's Kid's Guitar Course (with DH), CM style American music study (modern music! yippee!! :D)

Spanish: Rosetta Stone & Elementary Spanish

Handicrafts: Woodworking, Quilting, Auto Shop/Mechanics (rebuilding a lawnmower engine with DH)

PE: Swimming, Indoor Rock Climbing

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Our plans beginning in Jan 2011


LA - WWE, AAS, MCT Island

MATHS - Miquon, RS games, other supplements as necessary

HISTORY - SOTW 2 with AG and book basket

SCIENCE - BFSU with lots of hands on, notebooking and book basket

LITERATURE - Drawing from AO, VP, SL, TWTM

LATIN - Getting Started with Latin

MUSIC - Sing 2011, violin lessons

ART & HANDICRAFTS - nothing specific, as it comes up

PE - swimming plus gymnastics/dance?

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Here is ds's.


With sister:

Who Is God? by Apologia

Reading through the Psalms this year

Art Study (studying several American artists)

Music Study (studying the history of American music)

Poetry Reading


By Himself:

BJU 2nd Grade Bible

American History study put together by Mom (some things with big sis)

CLE 2nd/3rd Grade Math

CLE 2nd LA

REAL Science Odyssey Life

Daily Geography Practice

Critical Thinking workbooks (Analogies for Beginners, Primarily Logic, Perplexors)



Outside Activities:

Cub Scouts

Upward Basketball

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We'll be using the following for 2nd grade:


WWE 2 and FLL

Horizon Math 2

Classic Science

R&S Health

Song School Latin

Galloping the Globe

Polished Cornerstones

Keepers at Home

Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Beautiful Feet's History of Classical Music

and LOTS and LOTS of reading


Outside activities:

*tap, jazz, ballet classes and competitive dance team

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I underplanned for 1st grade and now trying to over plan all the "extras" that make school fun this year. We're doing:


Bible: CLP's Studying God Word D

Math: Singapore 2A & B plus continuing Mastering Mathematics

LA: WWE2 with lots of read-alouds, R&S Phonics 2, R&S English 2, Building Spelling Skills 2, starting cursive with Writing with Prayer and enjoying lots of poetry tied to our studies

History: notebooking American history w/ DK Children's Encycl. of Am. History and lapbooks from A journey through learning and lots of library book plus US geography study

Science - God's Wonderful Works w/ 6 days of creation and Apologia's Zoology 3 - try to do Outdoor Nature Study at granddad's farm

Logic: Stepping Stones 3

Artpac2 and artist study

Music - piano and composer study of Bach, Mozart and Chopin plus The Story of the Orchestra

PE: soccer and play days at the park


For the first time, I'm using binders and notebooks ala WTM with narration and copywork. I think it'll help us be more creative and serve as a good reminder of our studies.

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Here's what I've planned for her:


Math--Singapore 2

Reading--Finish (or nearly finish) Phonics Pathways; Pathway Readers

Spelling--ETC 4, 5, 6

Writing--WWE 2

Grammar--FLL 2

History--SOTW 1

Science--McHenry's The Elements; Science in a Nutshell Kits (w/ 5th grade brother)

Latin--Prima Latina; possibly begin Latin for Children A


She's a Brownie Girl Scout, and will begin flute at music co-op this fall. She's asking to play soccer (thinking of trying FFPS), and will most likely be on swim team next summer.

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My current plans for 2nd grade:

Math-U-See Beta

First Language Lessons 2

Writing With Ease 2

All About Spelling 1

Handwriting without Tears Printing Power

Story of the World 2 and Activity Guide

earth and space science that I compile using Usborne encyclopedias and library books


My 2nd grader will also start Cub Scouts this fall.

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Math: Singapore 2A-2B

Dutch: WWE2 (in Dutch), copywork cursive, spelling Dutch

English: R&S English2, R&S Spelling2, More Storytime Treasures, and after that the second grade literature guides from Memoria Press


Science: Dutch curriculum, Singapore Startup science 1-2-3-4

History: reading list, memorize timeline

Geography: Dutch curriculum

Art: Artistic Pursuit 2

Music: classical music listening course (Dutch), recorder

Philosophy: Dutch curriculum


The first three subjects are the most important and the R&S materials are going to be a stretch, so I'm a bit (well...a lot) nervous about that. We are on summer break now, the only thing I'm doing is pushing and pushing English vocab. Aargh. :scared:


The other subjects are dependent on if I can stop vomiting long enough to do them. Sigh.

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Finishing up Sonlight Core 2

SL 2 Readers

Prima Latina

BJU Spelling 2

McGuffey Readers-this is a big hit for some weird reason

Conversational German

Wordly Wise 3000 (and he hates it) :confused: -bleck!

Child's History of the World

Writing with Ease (he's finishing Level 1, will start Level 2)

CLE LA 200's

Snap Circuits

Horizons Math 2

Taking a "Science thru Literature" class at an Enrichment Center

Voyages Memory Book and Catechism

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Our second grader is still a beginner reader. So, we will be doing a lot of easy readers from the library and fun games using Games for Reading by Peggy Kaye and other games.


Math-MUS Beta

Writing-WWE 1

Literature-Just a list of read alouds I have compiled

Grammar-Rod and Staff 2

Handwriting-Reason for Handwriting B


Bible Study-Just using a Children's Bible and activities from Dltk.com

Daily Journal

Weekly Readers for Current events

Latin-Prima Latina

Memory work-Living Memory


With big brother:

History-Guest Hollow American History

Science-Mr. Q's Life Science

Geography-Child's Geography


We will also do Art and Music with big sister but on a lighter scale.


I think that is it :)

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OM 2/3 I have a 2nd grader and a 3rd grader and I'm just going to combine them, eliminate the phonics and math from OM 2 because both are past those lessons and move more quickly through the lessons and do part of OM 3 this year too.


LA: VP 2nd grade reading comprehension, Beautiful Handwriting for Children, R&S 2 and CW Primer.


Math: Singapore 2a/2b and Miquon. Dd is really moving along so we may do 3a too, we'll see.


WP Animals: I doubt we'll do everything, but it rounds out OM 2 and the kids will like the books and activities, plus I have it on hand.


Dd will also practice Recorder this year with the OM books, take art and home ec at a coop and be in a short musical at the coop. She'll also continue ballet, TKD and a team sport.


It should be a fun year.

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Here are my plans:

Math Mammoth Grade 2 daily

History Story of the World 2 3 days a week

American Geography Cantoring the Country 2 days a week

Map Skills Rand McNally workbook 4 times a week

Voyages in English 2 daily

HWOT 2nd grade daily

Wordly Wise 3000 Grade 2 daily

Rod and Staff Spelling 2 daily

ETC books 3 on up daily

Spectrum Phonics book daily

books on his reading level daily

chapter books for me to read to him daily

Song School Latin daily

Nutrition one time a week

Rod and Staff 2nd grade health one time a week

Evan Moor Teach art 2 times a week

Story of the orchestra 2 times a week

K12 Science 2 times a week

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Language Arts:

- finish WWE1, start WWE2

- FLL 1/2

- ETC books 4, 6-8

- VP history selections and Sonlight Read-Aloud selections for Literature

- various early chapter books as readers


Latin: Song School Latin



- God's Great Covenant, OT part 1

- Big Book of Questions & Answers


Science: Apologia Astronomy & NB Journal with library books


History: EasyClassical schedule combining Old Testament/Ancient Egypt & SOTW1 with lots of books


Math: either Math-U-See Beta or Saxon 2, not sure yet


Building Thinking Skills book 1

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I ordered DS's stuff so long ago that I had to go look to remember just what we ended up with.:lol:


For sure doing daily:

Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory

Math: SM2a&b and then Saxon 5/4 (if ready)

Science: God's Design for Heaven and Earth

Weekly nature walks with journaling using Outdoor Hour Challenge and Handbook of Nature.

Reading/Phonics: R&S Reading/Phonics 2 (he may go into level 3 as his reading skills have exploded this summer)



As time allows or weekly:

Bible: Who is God and can I really know Him?

Latin: Song school Latin

Art: R&S Art with a purpose and Developing motor skills in art levels 1&2

Health: R&S health

Social Studies: R&S This is my father's world



He will also be doing cub scouts, fall/spring soccer, and hopefully piano lessons if I can get it worked out.

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Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory (HOD)

Singapore 1a/1b (core)

MEP (supplement, together with K ds)

Miquon (supplement, together with K ds)

Emerging Readers (HOD)

Apologia Zoology 1 (together with K ds)

Little Otter's Science (Guest Hollow) (together with K ds)

Galloping the Globe (together with K ds)

Rod & Staff Grammar 2 (beginning in Jan. '11)

Draw Write Now


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Tentatively saying this is what we will be using next year:


--Phonics Pathways


--Tapestry of Grace, Year 2, Units 1 and 2


--Harmony Fine Arts


--Science: Elemental Science Biology plus Discover and Do dvds and experiments


--Nature Studies


--Math: Living Math, Oak Meadow year 2, Math It, games


--Picture Studies/Composer studies following Ambleside Online


--Bits and pieces of Oak Meadow 1 and 2


--Still debating on Ambleside Year 1 (maybe bits and pieces too)


--Lots of wonderful read alouds


Outside activities: None yet. Can it stay this way? Please? Pretty please??


Coop: None this year! Yippee!!

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