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Pregnancy Prayer Request

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I had a normal ultrasound at 8 weeks, with 0 effacement. At 12 weeks, I had minor spotting and went to see the doctor this Mon. She did another ultrasound and said I was 80-90% effaced and that she possibly sees a uterine clot. But the baby is great. :D


She referred me to a perinatologist and told me that she will probably want to do a cerclauge (stitching). I don't think she will because I have a very irritable uterus and had pre-term labor with the first three, although they all made it to term. I am on bed rest until the appointment on Wed. Please pray that the ultrasound at the peri does not look as bad as the one at the OB did. Please pray that I can be on feet at lest a few hours a day, complete healing would be preferred of course. ;)


The thought of lying here for 6 more months is pretty scary.:crying:

Edited by Quad Shot Academy
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for a UTI. Undiagnosed (and often asymptomatic) UTIs are a big cause of preterm labor, etc. If the reason for the effacement is GBS, you can treat the infection and prevent problems.


Also, before they do an invasive procedure like cerclage, you need to be sure that Group B Strep isn't present, so that you don't introduce infection into the cervix.





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I hope things turn out well (or better!).


I was on bedrest all but a couple weeks (literally!) of my pregnancy with ds. He eventually still came a little early (34.5 weeks but was 7lbs 11oz). It wasn't great and thankfully I only had dd who has always been THE easiest child ever; but you forget those months pretty quickly :)

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I was on bedrest all but a couple weeks (literally!) of my pregnancy with ds. He eventually still came a little early (34.5 weeks but was 7lbs 11oz).


Wow, I thought I was the only one. My daughter was born at 34 weeks, 7lbs 14oz. She looked so big next to all the little babies in the NICU!


To the OP: I'm glad you had a good appointment today, and I will be praying for good news tomorrow!!

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Wow, I thought I was the only one. My daughter was born at 34 weeks, 7lbs 14oz. She looked so big next to all the little babies in the NICU!


To the OP: I'm glad you had a good appointment today, and I will be praying for good news tomorrow!!


Nope, you are not alone with big babies. My 35 weeker was 8lbs 6oz. (I had gestational diabetes.) She was so big in the NICU compared to the other early babies!


hugs to the OP!!!

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Thank you all so much! The Peri appointment today went perfectly. She said my cervix length and thickness were perfect! She said the last US showed it was so thin because instead of being in a straight line, it is shaped like a U and instead of measuring the length, they were measuring the cross section. My doc gave me some exercises to do to get it back where it should be. All is well! Thank you so much for all the prayers!

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