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Do you know how many books you own?

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I have started cataloging our books with LibraryThing (thank you, WTM forums!). We are merging my library with DH's library after having my books spend 4 years in storage (long story). They are all a jumble physically, but at least I've got a catalog started to organize them in theory.


I've cataloged ONE (1) bookcase and it has 200 books in it, give or take a couple. I have five more bookcases, a few boxes, a great quantity on the floor, and my cookbooks to go.


At this rate I will have over 1,000 books. That number just stuns me. And DD is only 3 years old. I haven't even started really building HER library!! :eek:


How many books do y'all have?!

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How many books do y'all have?!


I love Library Thing too.


How many books do I have? I don't like to buy books. I'm cheap. I've always used the library as much as possible (even working at our county library), and I also use another larger library system nearby. I do not like spending money on books that I can get for free. Dh and I even weeded through our books a few months back, selling off as many as we could.


I have over 500 books cataloged at Library Thing.

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I have started cataloging our books with LibraryThing (thank you, WTM forums!). We are merging my library with DH's library after having my books spend 4 years in storage (long story). They are all a jumble physically, but at least I've got a catalog started to organize them in theory.


I've cataloged ONE (1) bookcase and it has 200 books in it, give or take a couple. I have five more bookcases, a few boxes, a great quantity on the floor, and my cookbooks to go.


At this rate I will have over 1,000 books. That number just stuns me. And DD is only 3 years old. I haven't even started really building HER library!! :eek:


How many books do y'all have?!


OHHH, I would so LOVE to have that many book cases. Sigh. I have tons of books stashed here and there (no count, really) but I have to give most away. We just don't have the space. I only keep what I think the kids will really one day read and enjoy.

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Thank goodness! I was starting to feel like a freak. No one I know has THIS many books. I guess I'm just a sucker for a book. When I was in college I would go to the Green Valley Book Fair in the Shenandoah Valley of VA and would fill my little car with books. I still haven't read all of them (blush) but I know I will one day and I couldn't pass up $2.50 for a great translation of The Aeneid. The funny thing is, I was a business major, so even back then people were looking at me askance ("You want to read that for FUN?!").


When we got my books out of storage I told DH he had no idea what was coming. I was right.

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I have no idea. We started cataloging them a while back and didn't get very far. We are in the process of ordering more bookshelves and even then I'm not sure we will get them all on there. I am learning to check things out at the library and not buy books just because I might like them; I try to buy them when I know they're ones I will want to have around. There are just a LOT of them in that category! I have a ridiculously long Amazon list and more than a hundred in the shopping cart "saved for later" because I don't want to make my list any longer than it is. :lol: And, somehow, when I buy books, they are not the ones on my wish list - they are other ones I find! Dh is constantly telling me that we have too many books but I don't think there is any such thing. We've even culled them before and gotten rid of several but not enough to make up for what we buy.

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I came into our marriage with about 800 books, but only collected 200 more in the ensuing 12 years (good thing for libraries when you can't afford to buy books). I finally sold about half my books earlier this year because we're switching to ebooks. Since we move every year, my knees have been much happier even though I miss my books. I'll be getting rid of several hundred more in the next few months. I hope to end up with about 200 physical books.

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We're required to COUNT them??!!! But, but, but they're for reading! Counting is for numbers.


It's the accountant in me, I guess. I want them all cataloged, quantified, and known. I'm not very organized, but I like to organize things. That sentence only makes sense if you know me. My SIL says I can organize anything but myself. She's right.


Plus I know we have duplicates, potentially triplicates given that DH and I have been collecting books separately for years and are now merging the libraries.

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If we had more space, I'm sure we'd have more! When we moved to this house, we donated 8 large boxes of books to the library. I just went through and donated 2 more. We have 3 bookshelves full of books, plus a few random stacks and bins.


If the library owns it, I don't have to clean it, organize it, or record it in a database. So unless it's something I know I'll read repeatedly, I'd prefer the library keeps it for me. Even though I LOVE books. :)

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idn but it is like this..........I have been an avid reader my entire life, taught school for 20+ years (mostly middle and high), had 5 children from 24-41, have 5 grandchildren (the oldest dgd I now homeschool and we just finished 9th grade), a husband who is also an avid reader and about 12 years ago we spent a whole summer in Boston and came home with the load limit of books in our Explorer van from the Brattle Bookstore. We have countless bookshelves in every room of our house, and every closet has a low bookshelf under the clothes. We are to the stage that we must get rid of a book to have room for a new book on the shelves. We cull and then go right back and buy the beloved book we got rid of. We are life long learners..........how do you do that without books. I have given my dgd the choice of a brand new from the bookstore classic to read or my older copy from my shelf; she will choose the older copy every time because she says she likes the way hardback older books feel and smell. Maybe it's genetic;). My daughter, who homeschools 3 of 4 under 8, just bought her 6th and 7th bookshelves at a garage sale in her neighborhood. Her father told her she was really in trouble now with a smile of pride in his eyes at the fact she is a chip off the old blocks.


Be careful! Books and the collection of them are addictive. Who needs Kindle anyway!:tongue_smilie: I'm with my dgd in that I like holding the book in my hand as I read and marking my spot with a bookmark and seeing the stack of ongoing reading next to my comfy chair in the corner with two bookshelves full of books behind and on either side of my comfy chair in my bedroom.


Now, if I could just get some time away from lurking on this forum I could get back to my next favorite hobby, reading. Thank goodness I can lurk, when my eyes are tired of reading, from my laptop on the ottoman in front of my comfy chair in front of the bookshelves full of books on either side of my comfy chair............Whew! I'm too tired to read now! More lurking I suppose! :lurk5:

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No idea... We have 7 bookcases full, several boxes of books in our garage and storage shed, and stacks throughout the house. Like others, I'm always going through them and donating ones I don't think we'll read again, but there are always 2-3 books coming in for every one going out... ;)

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When we moved in 1998, they packed up 47 book boxes. Our collection has grown. When we moved this last time, the books were scattered throughout our packing, so I'm not sure how many there are now.....


and that's after purging a good number of my paperbacks before the move.

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