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S/O: What do you call those cold fizzy drinks?

What do you call it?  

  1. 1. What do you call it?

    • Soda
    • Pop
    • Coke
    • Soft drink
    • Other, but you have to tell us what "other" is.

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Soft drink (most frequent, growing up in Texas)


Carbonated drink (also common)


Soda (took over in frequency as I grew older)


All of my cousins in Oklahoma referred to "pop", which I couldn't get used to !


Nobody said "Coke" unless that was the specific drink desired.

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Growing up in northwest Missouri, we always called it pop. When I went away to college, I could always tell the people who were from the eastern part of the state because they would call it soda.


I've lived in North Carolina for 10 years, so I now call it soda.


I've never used the term coke because I'm a Pepsi girl! :lol:

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When I was growing up in the South, everything was a Coke. "Y'all want a coke?" "Sure." "What kind?" "Oh, a Dr Pepper." I never heard anyone call it "soda" until I was almost 20yo.


I also grew up in TX and I remember the same thing. I have since learned to ask someone if they would like a soda or if they would like something to drink.

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I call it soda, but my grandparents in New Hampshire always called it tonic.


I was waiting for someone to post TONIC! This is what I grew up calling it (in NH) until I hit college where I was made fun of for it. So now it's soda, and that's what I'm teaching the kids even though we're down south and everyone calls it coke. :)

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Coke is a brand name. Not to be confused with Pepsi because the folks who drink soda seem to be passionate about their brand of choice.


I am in a mixed marriage. I drink Coke, and no, Pepsi is not okay. Dh drinks Pepsi. :001_smile:

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When I was growing up in the South, everything was a Coke. "Y'all want a coke?" "Sure." "What kind?" "Oh, a Dr Pepper." I never heard anyone call it "soda" until I was almost 20yo.


To me, it's either the specific brand name or it's a soft drink.


So, what do *you* call it?


My Michigander relatives always called them "pop", which I thought sounded silly. Here in the South, we call them all Cokes. Sometimes now, though, I call them "soft drinks".

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Now, in England, I know better than to call it soda--it's lemonade (for Sprite!) lol


Lol, yeah, "soda" probably means bicarb soda! We call it lemonade too. If we meant anything other than Sprite, we'd then specify. "Lolly water" if someone is being smart.



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I've lived in Ohio most of my life (for what it's worth) and I call it soda. But my mom says pop and so so did her mom.


I think the generally accepted term where I live is pop. That's what I remember all the kids I grew up with calling it. An old high school friend used the word pop on Face Book just yesterday.

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Like Ellie, we in the South called it Coke. But when I moved to Iowa no one knew what I meant. I learned to call it "pop". It's been pop ever since.

We from a different part of the south call it soda.


It's soda. I tried calling it pop when I moved here, since that's the norm in this part of the state. It just sounded forced, so I gave up. I suppose it lets everyone know I'm not a local.

My mom's family in PA near the Ohio border call it pop.


When we were in Montana soda became pop. When we moved from Montana to Maine pop went back to soda.

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When I first read the thread title, but had not yet read the op, I thought that the OP was fumbling for the name of that 1960s tablet drink, Fizzies !

Naw. If I wanted to ask about Fizzies, I'd have said, "How many of you ever put Fizzies directly on your tongue?" :D

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Growing up in Virginia we called it "pop" but growing up in Maryland later I was made fun of for that, they called it "soda." My dh from Ohio called it "soda."

I said "other" because I thought it strange that states that share a border call it two different things.

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I grew up near Milwaukee Wi, so it's always been Soda. Then I married a man from northern IA, where it's pop. So when we're home he's converted and calls it soda but when we visit his family, I convert and call it Pop.


As for pp that asked if Bubbler was a Bostonian thing, I don't know if that's the norm in Boston, but it's definitely not specific to just there. That's what it is where I grew up. My husband had no idea what the heck I was talking about when I told him I needed to find a bubbler because I wanted a drink. When I found one he said." oh a fountain." I said, "No it's a bubbler, a fountain is a decorative water feature found in may museums and parks" :lol:

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here in NJ we call them soda. Now here at the "Jersey shore" we have subs, not hoagies or grinders. Maybe I should start another poll lol re: what do you call those LONG sandwiches?


Don't forget "heroes" and "po' boys!" :lol:


I've moved around a fair bit and I've been lucky enough to live in at least one state for each of those 5 terms. Now I use several of them and keep confusing my children -- Ha! I'll look for your poll!

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Pop. Of course. I'm from Ohio, so it's "pop".


I've probably told this story, but I'll do it again - I can remember visiting cousins in Atlanta when I was around 7-8. My aunt was taking us all out for "soda". Back here "sodas" involve ice cream, whipped cream on top, and frequently a maraschino cherry. There, it was a glass of "pop". I had never been so disappointed in my sheltered little midwestern life. I'm sure I must have appeared the most ungrateful child!

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Originally from Iowa, so we called it pop. Moved to PA and still called it pop just to be different. Went back to Iowa for college and started calling it soda just to be different. Live in the south now and still call it soda.

This made me smile. I am in the south and call it soda.

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Guest Cindie2dds
When I was growing up in the South, everything was a Coke. "Y'all want a coke?" "Sure." "What kind?" "Oh, a Dr Pepper." I never heard anyone call it "soda" until I was almost 20yo.


:lol::lol: Yep. This is me.

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This has probably already been covered but for you that do not know, here is a true conversation in the south:


"Hey! Y'all want a coke to drink?"


"Sure. What do you have?"


"Well, I have Pepsi, Mountain Dew or Sprite."


A "coke" is a carbonated drink of various shades and colors and makers. :) We don't pop, cola or soft drinks things. They are all coke until you get specific.


**added: reading the thread now, I see several others southerners have explained the proper use of "coke" before me. I just can't imagine calling it anything else.

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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I grew up in different places in NC, so I had/have a whole string of words we used, depending on the place and the person offering the drink. I can't even tell you what I normally call it, because I tend to change it up. I mostly call it soft drink or a coke, but have occasionally called it soda, though that always sounds kind of weird to me. Just calling it coke sounds most natural to me. I did know some deep country folks from the north coastal region of NC who called it pop, but that did not seem to be the norm for most of my fellow North Carolinians. And I would never call it pop...it wouldn't sound natural on my tongue!


I have had people look at me funny when I said 'buggy' for shopping cart. That is a word that is very southern I guess. But it works for me!



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Like Ellie, we in the South called it Coke. But when I moved to Iowa no one knew what I meant. I learned to call it "pop". It's been pop ever since.


Isn't that like calling all facial tissue 'Kleenex?' (Guilty, BTW.)


When my family traveled across the U.S. in a motorhome, the NYers called it a Winnebago (it wasn't).


I would never think of calling *every* soda a Coke, but I suppose I understand the idea behind using the most common brand name to cover the generic item.


We called it 'pop' growing up, but that bugged me (for some odd reason) and I've used 'soda' for years, now.

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