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this is what I found in the bottom of a bag of Jasmine rice...

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Wow, I would have freaked out! :blink: It's the size of a small animal!!


It's like the time I was preparing some fish fillets for cooking and a big worm crawled out of one of them. :ack2: I still find myself flaking my fish apart before I eat it to make sure there aren't any creepies in there. And I'm scared now to buy fresh fish. Yuck!!!

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What a marketing ploy: Free dead pet in the bottom of every bag of rice!


You know, you should have posted this as one of those, "Would You Eat This?" threads. It could have gone either way -- the bug or the rice.




It's like Tequila!!!!!



There have been a lot of those threads lately, haven't there?:lol:

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haven't yall eaten most of the rice already?


I wouldn't worry about eggs - any rice you have eaten would've been cooked. Aside from that, isn't the bug dead? I'm guessing it's not doing much in the way of egg-laying.


All I can say is, I'd rather find a bug here and there than know there was a LOAD of pesticides sprayed on my stuff.


I remember once when I boiled a broccoli from our garden and a worm floated to the top of the water. It wasn't very large, but dh just popped it in his mouth, ate it and said, "There. Now you don't have to worry about it." I don't think I kissed him for a week! :tongue_smilie:

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Can you send it to me?


My DS does Entomology for 4H and he wants it for his collection.


Aw bummer, you beat me to it. :( Ds would LOVE something like that.


(And dh just wandered through while I was looking at it and asked what it was. When I explained he said, and I quote, "Too bad it wasn't still alive." I may have to have him be the one to fill my rice containers from now on...shudder....)

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I remember once when I boiled a broccoli from our garden and a worm floated to the top of the water. It wasn't very large, but dh just popped it in his mouth, ate it and said, "There. Now you don't have to worry about it." I don't think I kissed him for a week! :tongue_smilie:


Ugh. That's worse than the beetle!! :ack2:

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We are finishing up a large (I think about 15 pound) bag of jasmine rice imported from Thailand.


...says that it's Thai rice, but the writing is in Chinese. So it might have been brought to China in bulk and packed up there. He could be a Thai Rhino or a Chinese Rhino.


Have fun,



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I remember once when I boiled a broccoli from our garden and a worm floated to the top of the water. It wasn't very large, but dh just popped it in his mouth, ate it and said, "There. Now you don't have to worry about it." I don't think I kissed him for a week! :tongue_smilie:


:w00t: What a guy!

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You have to blog this so I can put it on my facebook page!! lol!


It's up there already :)


I CAN'T BELIEVE what a nerve this thread has hit! Wow! I think we all have bug issues of some kind, huh?


I'm packing it up to send off to Dragon Academy (except I Click 'n Ship won't work WITH SAFARI ON THE MAC!!)...


LLL told me she got up early and took a peek at our little friend early this morning. What a difference from last night.

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It is definitely a rhinocerous beetle.


Here's a link:



You cannot imagine the excitement in my house at the moment. DS is hoping you find some more.


Yep...I showed it to dh just now and the first thing he said was, "yep...that is a rhino beetle. Cool."


Me..I was more screeching and pushing the computer back from my lap. :lol:

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I showed the picture to my ds (13yo), who was suitably impressed. Then I happened to be serving rice for dinner a couple of days later. As I was serving the rice, ds asked, "Any rhinoceros beetles?" I think we will never eat rice again without thinking of rhinoceros beetles.



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So I sat down with a bowl of cereal to browse the Well Trained Mind forums. After this thread and the fact that I showed my daughters that owl video (the live feed one) and it was eating a squirrel (or something) my bowl of cereal is so not going to be finished!!


Oh my gosh I'm not eating rice for a while. :ack2:

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So I sat down with a bowl of cereal to browse the Well Trained Mind forums. After this thread and the fact that I showed my daughters that owl video (the live feed one) and it was eating a squirrel (or something) my bowl of cereal is so not going to be finished!!


Oh my gosh I'm not eating rice for a while. :ack2:


This is becoming my go-to site for when I need to cut calories!


Nothing like raw squirrel and Rhino. rice to curb the appetite.

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I never thought of that Christy. I wonder if we should get checked out...we eat A LOT of rice.


Hey, I was looking them up on wikipedia and saw on a photo there that their eggs look a lot like short grain rice!


Editing to add: Their larva are sometimes fried and eaten. The adults are kept as pets in some places. They are clean, easy to maintain, and safe to handle. Now don't you feel better?


This is actually VERY comforting. Thank you!


That soooo would not have bothered me except for the fact that I would feel sorry for the pretty beetle. We eat plenty of them ground up in our processed food.
Yep. Natural food coloring is sometimes made from Beetle shells... you have most likely been eating them all along.
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That is SO disgustingly cool!! And I wouldn't throw away the rice. I don't think there is any sort of poison or bacteria that wouldn't be killed by cooking the rice. Obviously, you have visual proof that bugs like that are probably crawling all over the rice or the area where the rice is bagged and you had no idea until you found that gem in your bag :glare:

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I've been trying to not open this post since you first put it on here, but I broke down. Yikes!


On another note, I was about to eat a Fillet of Fish sandwich (yes, I know:tongue_smilie:), and I took the top off to spread the tartar sauce. There was an asian beetle sitting there!!:eek: No, it didn't come from Mcdonald's, we are infested with them. But that's on another post...

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