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Board Moderators. Is it possible to get rid of the rating system?

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I reeeeeally want to write my first non-serious tag right now. Something to do with sneeches, like "No stars on thars".


Problem is, I really like Joann and don't want to cheapen this thread. Perhaps the anon. tag-writers are sometimes, like me, simply feeling silly and channel Doran.


Sorry for the hijack.

And sorry for all of the animals harmed in the writing of this post.

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"The Star-belly Sneetches had bellies with stars. The Plain-belly Sneetches had none upon thar's. Those stars weren't so big. They were really so small, you would think such a thing wouldn't matter at all." :D


Sorry -- we celebrated Dr. Seuss's b-day here this week + I ran a co-op activity around that story last week to illustrate to some of the kids (particularly mine and one other) how horrible it feels to be left out of group activities.


Like another poster said, the stars don't matter. Really. I know it must be a downer to look at one of your threads and see that it has a low rating, but I often think it's just people being petty.

Edited by jujsky
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I reeeeeally want to write my first non-serious tag right now. Something to do with sneeches, like "No stars on thars".


Problem is, I really like Joann and don't want to cheapen this thread. Perhaps the anon. tag-writers are sometimes, like me, simply feeling silly and channel Doran.


Sorry for the hijack.

And sorry for all of the animals harmed in the writing of this post.



:lol: Same thought, same time! We posted within minutes of each other. :lol:

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All I know, is it has to be someone with a lot of posts if KidsHappen and I can barely bump it up. I always try to bump it up. I'm sorry, Joanne, it's not fair for someone to do that to you.


Well, I tried to vote twice but it wouldn't let me. :glare:

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I personally monitor infant canine death as it relates to improper use of they're/there/their, you're/your, where/were/wear, and it's/its. I know the gal who monitors infant lagomorph death in as it relates to the improper use of commas. Poor thing. She is a very, very depressed person.


OMG! This is simply overwhelming. I am a cat person so I am very careful with my apostrophe usasge but now I have to monitor all this other stuff as well. I don't know if I can handle the stress. :001_huh:

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OMG! This is simply overwhelming. I am a cat person so I am very careful with my apostrophe usasge but now I have to monitor all this other stuff as well. I don't know if I can handle the stress. :001_huh:


Well, then I won't tell you what dies when one misuses a reflexive pronoun. So sad.... so very, sad.

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I've known some of these women for *years*. There have been many major life events, issues, frustrations and celebrations. When a person shares events such as those and it's rated, it stinks.


Could it partly be that different posters have different views of the stars' meanings.


- Bad original post

- Thread gone bad

- Disagree with posts in the thread

- Dislike


Dislike might be in the sense of I dislike the horrible situation that the OP is describing.


I have seen stars on iTunes and Amazon sometimes get really out of whack, where you can see the stars and the review together and they seem to have little to do with the product at hand. I wonder how much of that happens here.

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Could it partly be that different posters have different views of the stars' meanings.


- Bad original post

- Thread gone bad

- Disagree with posts in the thread

- Dislike


Dislike might be in the sense of I dislike the horrible situation that the OP is describing.


I have seen stars on iTunes and Amazon sometimes get really out of whack, where you can see the stars and the review together and they seem to have little to do with the product at hand. I wonder how much of that happens here.


I would agree, however, if certain people post a thread it will get a bad rating. If certain other people post anywhere in a thread it will get a bad rating. Someone is rating *people* instead of posts, threads or situations.

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Could it partly be that different posters have different views of the stars' meanings.


- Bad original post

- Thread gone bad

- Disagree with posts in the thread

- Dislike


Dislike might be in the sense of I dislike the horrible situation that the OP is describing.


I have seen stars on iTunes and Amazon sometimes get really out of whack, where you can see the stars and the review together and they seem to have little to do with the product at hand. I wonder how much of that happens here.


Yeah, some people rate a book as one star because the shipping sucked.


Perhaps Joanne hasn't been shipping books on time? LOL


(seriously though, I believe the stars are passive-agressiveness at their finest most of the time)




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I never notice the stars or tags.


I guess I think of messing with them inappropriately as childish (ugly jr high school-ish).

However, I also think of you (Joanne) and most of us as past that. How hurt do you

think the average jr high school teacher gets by the antics of a few snotty students?


Sure, we're peers here, ideally. However, there are always a few more mature or immature

in a group. IRL, we brush off the brattiness of those few that insist on being obnoxious.

Surely you know they giggle and make faces and say snide remarks under their breath

IRL also, right? But you usually choose to ignore it or address it in a dignified manner.


Anyway, all this to say that I don't really care about stars or tags or anything else as I

never use them. I rarely SEE them. I think using them inappropriately is dumb and I can't

imagine taking them seriously enough to get hurt by them either.

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"My children act like they were raised by wolves!" ***** [5 stars]

Maybe it got 5 stars because it is a helpful and interesting thread, or maybe people are laughing at the OP.


My 1 month old is gifted! [No stars]

Maybe people are jealus. Maybe they don't like the OP. Maybe, not.


We don't know why people rate things the way they do. Why should we try to read things into the stars? Why assume people had bad intentions and be offended? I don't get it.

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Is it really that big of a deal? Threads that I have started have had low star ratings and I didn't complain about it.



It's the internet, not real life.



:iagree: we aren't in 8th grade anymore LOL.

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I am glad there are many terrific threads here. But the rating system has become a passive/aggressive popularity and indirect slam contest. We are a community and member should be able to post about their lives without ghost commentary.


It happens a lot to some posters; my most recent is posting about finding an outside job in my career field. I've had it happen on posts about custody. I'm sorry, but that's just cruel.


I've seen it happen to other posters as well.


:iagree: The dynamics of these types of boards are interesting (to me) and, yes, the 'ghost community dynamic' you mention is alive and well here I have observed. Impish posted a thread some months ago regarding the same thing -- and, I agree that it is cruel as well.......my daughter would say it is 'mean.'


FWIW, IMO, your posts are compelling -- you are straight-forward, articulate, and appropriate -- I if I did 'stars,' I would give you the highest # of them.

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:iagree: The dynamics of these types of boards are interesting (to me) and, yes, the 'ghost community dynamic' you mention is alive and well here I have observed. Impish posted a thread some months ago regarding the same thing -- and, I agree that it is cruel as well.......my daughter would say it is 'mean.'


FWIW, IMO, your posts are compelling -- you are straight-forward, articulate, and appropriate -- I if I did 'stars,' I would give you the highest # of them.


It's often like a group of chickens picking at each other behind the bushes. :lol:

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It's often like a group of chickens picking at each other behind the bushes. :lol:



:iagree: or 12 year old girls whispering about someone who is close by from behind a locker door.........do they still do that :001_huh: or do they just text mean things now? :confused:



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Is it really that big of a deal? Threads that I have started have had low star ratings and I didn't complain about it.



It's the internet, not real life.


:iagree: My security & salvation do not swing with the star scale.

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Well, this has been enlightening and I feel dumb. I thought *any* star was good. LOL! I assumed if there was one star, someone thought it was helpful/useful/good/or cared. I assumed the more stars, the more helpful/useful/good/cared for it was for more people.


THAT said...I don't notice the stars that much. LOL


As for tags, I never tried to figure that out. I thought it was someone's way of tagging threads they wanted to be able to quickly search for to read the info again. LOL!


Soooo....those of you who were hurt by one star, realize, there is at least ONE woman here who thought your post was *favored*. :001_smile:

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I never look at the star ratings... I wonder what my threads are rated as now? LOL

I upped the star rating here... good luck.


Mine are never rated well. I was just wondering why people rate threads poorly myself. The "Book a Week thread" only had 3 stars this morning. :001_huh: Really? People hate reading that much?!?:lol:


As for nasty tags, if we keep them, I feel like the OP should be the only one allowed to tag the thread. People put nasty tags on one of my threads, and I couldn't remove them. It's just rude. If you have something to say, say it on the thread. Don't be a coward.


Thanks for starting this Joanne!


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The tags I do feel are different because they are useful, plus the mods can tell who tagged something so there is some sort of enforcement.


If your thread gets tagged "incorrectly" are you supposed to report it? I didn't know that. If I did, I would report tags more often.




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I personally monitor infant canine death as it relates to improper use of they're/there/their, you're/your, where/were/wear, and it's/its. I know the gal who monitors infant lagomorph death in as it relates to the improper use of commas. Poor thing. She is a very, very depressed person.


I have no idea what a lagomorph is, but I guess I'm guilty of killing millions of them. I'll do better from now on.


Of course, we overlap a bit since some of those words involve apostrophes. Seems like some people are killing kittens AND puppies. Yikes, that's some bad karma. Poor, poor lagomorphs, I had no idea!


I have to admit, I used your tag on my Facebook page one day :D. The grammatical errors drive. me. crazy. Off topic, but I thought I should tell you in case I owe you for copyright infringement:D.

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I have no idea what a lagomorph is, but I guess I'm guilty of killing millions of them. I'll do better from now on.


Infant lagomorph=bunny. ;)




I have to admit, I used your tag on my Facebook page one day :D. The grammatical errors drive. me. crazy. Off topic, but I thought I should tell you in case I owe you for copyright infringement:D.


By all means, spread the word! :lol:

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Make that TWO, Polly. Not that I have ever paid attention to the stars or tags, but I thought a gold star was a good thing!! Boy was I surprised when I clicked on the rating tab and learned that one star meant terrible!!


Yvonne in NE

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:iagree: we aren't in 8th grade anymore LOL.



But you'd hardly know it from the way "cliques" keep popping up now, would you?



As a totally unrelated aside: Jean, I've been meaning to say, you are looking fantastic in your avi. :001_smile:

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But you'd hardly know it from the way "cliques" keep popping up now, would you?





And the "advice" to just ignore it is like I remember parents of the 60's and 70's telling kids to "just ignore" the bullies.


It's not really helpful to be told "it's only stars", "get over it", "it's the internet, not real life".


IMO, this is a live (dys)functioning community. Allowing aggression and unkindness, even when it's passive, or telling people to not feel hurt when their life is being commented on is the same group mentality that many of us avoid for our children by being homeschoolers.


ETA: Don't get me wrong. I'll not lose any sleep over it (assumes I get any :lol:), I will not threaten to leave, won't rate threads in an immature response or put anyone on ignore. I'm not overly consumed by this. It just so happens that on forums, I post about forum specific issues. In other aspects of my life, I'm running poker tournaments, studying, teaching, and living.

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Stacey...board games!:lol:


And the "advice" to just ignore it is like I remember parents of the 60's and 70's telling kids to "just ignore" the bullies.


It's not really helpful to be told "it's only stars", "get over it", "it's the internet, not real life".


IMO, this is a live (dys)functioning community. Allowing aggression and unkindness, even when it's passive, or telling people to not feel hurt when their life is being commented on is the same group mentality that many of us avoid for our children by being homeschoolers.


ETA: Don't get me wrong. I'll not lose any sleep over it (assumes I get any :lol:), I will not threaten to leave, won't rate threads in an immature response or put anyone on ignore. I'm not overly consumed by this. It just so happens that on forums, I post about forum specific issues. In other aspects of my life, I'm running poker tournaments, studying, teaching, and living.




IIRC, a *long* time ago Susan warned us about this board NOT being a community. She said, and it's true, we don't know who's here. We don't. We can't. I've met some WTM women irl, but besides those few, I can't know who's telling the truth here. Although there seems to be a sense of community, I still think we need to be careful.


As for the aggression and unkindness, I've seen plenty of that in posts, and it's often allowed to stay. I don't like it, either, but I choose to visit here (or not) and put up with those things.


IMO, and I say this gently and with no snark, if you are hurt by comments about your life, then perhaps you are sharing too much of your life *here*. We know already that not every post here is kind. I don't think having the stars gone is going to change that. ;) Just a thought.


Anyway, the stars are gone now....hope that makes your day better!:001_smile:

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IMO, and I say this gently and with no snark, if you are hurt by comments about your life, then perhaps you are sharing too much of your life *here*. We know already that not every post here is kind. I don't think having the stars gone is going to change that. ;) Just a thought.


Anyway, the stars are gone now....hope that makes your day better!:001_smile:


I'm sure Joanne can speak much better for herself than I, however as I see it she does respond to comments quite effectively...but when a passive aggressive person stalks her threads simply to low-star them- then what? Truthfully- I have gained a lot from Joanne's (and others) honest and sometimes detailed posts and I can see how frustrating it would be to have every thread- whether it be about curriculum or life struggles to be singled out with ill intent. Now at least there is no cover for the star-giver.

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IIRC, a *long* time ago Susan warned us about this board NOT being a community. She said, and it's true, we don't know who's here. We don't. We can't. I've met some WTM women irl, but besides those few, I can't know who's telling the truth here. Although there seems to be a sense of community, I still think we need to be careful.


As for the aggression and unkindness, I've seen plenty of that in posts, and it's often allowed to stay. I don't like it, either, but I choose to visit here (or not) and put up with those things.


IMO, and I say this gently and with no snark, if you are hurt by comments about your life, then perhaps you are sharing too much of your life *here*. We know already that not every post here is kind. I don't think having the stars gone is going to change that. ;) Just a thought.


Anyway, the stars are gone now....hope that makes your day better!:001_smile:



Excellent post, Aggie.

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IIRC, a *long* time ago Susan warned us about this board NOT being a community. She said, and it's true, we don't know who's here. We don't. We can't. I've met some WTM women irl, but besides those few, I can't know who's telling the truth here. Although there seems to be a sense of community, I still think we need to be careful.


As for the aggression and unkindness, I've seen plenty of that in posts, and it's often allowed to stay. I don't like it, either, but I choose to visit here (or not) and put up with those things.


IMO, and I say this gently and with no snark, if you are hurt by comments about your life, then perhaps you are sharing too much of your life *here*. We know already that not every post here is kind. I don't think having the stars gone is going to change that. ;) Just a thought.


Anyway, the stars are gone now....hope that makes your day better!:001_smile:



Well said!

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OK. I'll say it. I miss the stars :D


Being a Mod here has to suck :lol:


There's no pleasing you people!


Starry, starry night.

Paint your palette blue and grey,

Look out on a summer's day,

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.

Shadows on the hills,

Sketch the trees and the daffodils,

Catch the breeze and the winter chills,

In colors on the snowy linen land.


Now I understand what you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,

How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen, they did not know how.

Perhaps they'll listen now.



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OK. I'll say it. I miss the stars :D


Being a Mod here has to suck :lol:







Me, too. I get wanting to nix the passive aggressive nonsense, but they were very helpfulon the curriculum boards. Oh well, I guess I'll live.

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Wise words.


Stacey...board games!:lol:






IIRC, a *long* time ago Susan warned us about this board NOT being a community. She said, and it's true, we don't know who's here. We don't. We can't. I've met some WTM women irl, but besides those few, I can't know who's telling the truth here. Although there seems to be a sense of community, I still think we need to be careful.


As for the aggression and unkindness, I've seen plenty of that in posts, and it's often allowed to stay. I don't like it, either, but I choose to visit here (or not) and put up with those things.


IMO, and I say this gently and with no snark, if you are hurt by comments about your life, then perhaps you are sharing too much of your life *here*. We know already that not every post here is kind. I don't think having the stars gone is going to change that. ;) Just a thought.


Anyway, the stars are gone now....hope that makes your day better!:001_smile:

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The star system was removed because the moderators cannot see which members are using them. They had become a cowardly way to show hostility, and the moderators had already discussed several times the advantages of getting rid of them.


We can see the authors of tags, and inappropriate/snarky tags should be reported.



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