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On the topic of safety from sexual crime. Last night, at work............

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in the midst of 30 people including my former Houston police officer husband, a man known to have been sexually (verbally and physically) inappropriate slipped his arm around me, deliberately placing it to feel my book at the end of his hand.


I'm a grown, aware adult. This man is married, with grown kids and has been around the poker crowd for years.


No one has chosen to out him publically - for a variety of reasons. Mine, at this point, is financial (I can't survive without this job).


Please, don't tell me you can supervise your children in the midst of family "enough" to prevent inappropriateness; you can't.

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I'm curious how you handled it. Obviously you wouldn't let him stand there like that, but given the work situation you had to be discreet. Do you reprimand privately or just walk away? I had someone in my single gal working life act this way and I avoided and reprimanded. He moved on to someone else who lacked the confidence to confront a supervisor.

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My boss did this to me when I was 16. I locked myself in an office, and called his girlfriend who was my friend. She came and picked me up and drove me home.


It's interesting that my mother wanted to pretend that I misinterpreted things, and even asked me what I was wearing (jeans, tennis shoes, button down shirt and sweat shirt).


His girlfriend believed me immediately. I quit my job, and my mom depleted my savings, so I can sure see why you would want to keep quiet about what happened.

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Yes, I've had that happen. It is icky and demeaning.


I happened to complain to my boss, a woman, thinking she would of course take my side. She didn't - she told me that the man (a high ranking engineer in the firm) didn't really mean anything and if he got his jollies from it we should just let him since it wasn't "that bad".:cursing:


There is a lot of denial and explaining things away out there - not only in families. And the people who are victims are the children without a lot of say and the employees who really need the job.

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In my younger days, I would have punched him consequences be ****ed. Now, a firm elbow to the ribs or at the very least loud exclamation that he was in my bubble or crowding my space, either of which would have made it perfectly clear that I would not stand for any such thing but allow him to save face.


I am so sorry that you were put in such a difficult situation, especially with all the stress you are already under. :grouphug:

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well I had my ass grabbed and rubbed by a deacon at a church I was visiting, the first time was more of a rub and I ignored it and walked off the second time it was a definite grab/rub:ack2:


I gathered my kids and left. (This is the church that my dh's family attends) I was visiting for a kids play. That was last Christmas, thank goodness they didn't invite me for a play this year.

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I'm sorry, Joanne. He is a creep.


in the midst of 30 people including my former Houston police officer husband, a man known to have been sexually (verbally and physically) inappropriate slipped his arm around me, deliberately placing it to feel my book at the end of his hand.


I'm a grown, aware adult. This man is married, with grown kids and has been around the poker crowd for years.


No one has chosen to out him publically - for a variety of reasons. Mine, at this point, is financial (I can't survive without this job).


Please, don't tell me you can supervise your children in the midst of family "enough" to prevent inappropriateness; you can't.

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Wow. What a creep!


I know you aren't in a position to do much about it right now but it appears that some of us would be more than happy to defend your honor. So maybe if you wanted to post a location he might be at on say a Friday night between 8 and 9 pm ... We'd be happy to slap him, kick him in the jollies, ect. Feel free to post ideas. :lol:

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Thanks for posting this Joanne. You are absolutely right. Things like this would happen to me in High School (and worse) and my parents and teachers would just tell me it was because the boys liked me, and I should be flattered. . .Like that's an excuse!:glare: I would never tell my dds that, and I'm actually very happy the public schools are cracking down on inappropriate touches. I wish more people would recognize we still have a problem as a society, and we had stronger laws to deal with these jerks!


Sorry this happened to you Joanne :grouphug: I can't believe in this day and age we are still subjected to treatment like this.




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I can't believe in this day and age we are still subjected to treatment like this.




Don't know if by "we" you mant women, but know for sure, men are subjected to it also. Dh has had some issues a few times with inappropriate cliental. Some woman are more than ready to go out and get what ever they want also. Every worked in a restaurant? Very s$xu@!!y charged environment.

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Don't know if by "we" you mant women, but know for sure, men are subjected to it also. Dh has had some issues a few times with inappropriate cliental. Some woman are more than ready to go out and get what ever they want also. Every worked in a restaurant? Very s$xu@!!y charged environment.


I did mean women, but you're right. My dh almost lost his job before we were married because of a woman like that and HE was the victim. His boss knew it but there was nothing he could do except schedule them at different times and watch her like a hawk to fire her on other charges. She quit before he could:glare:.


I hereby change my "we" to mean all peoples. Which, somehow makes me feel worse. . .

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Predators are good at the "accidental touch" - the kind of touch which can and does happen at times innocently. Except for them it isn't innocent. Sometimes it is too long or becomes a grab. Always it gratifies something in the perpetrator - sometimes a sexual gratification but often one of power. These "accidental" touches hurt people. Sometimes subconsciously. Sometimes because like in this incident, the victim feels powerless. Sometimes it is because it (in the mind of the perpetrator) gives him/her permission to do more overt abuse.


Ways I've combated the "accidental touch" -


the grab and pinch: this works well in over-crowded Japanese trains and buses. Grab the offending hand and pinch or twist really hard. The perpetrator can't scream without giving himself away.


the loud "innocent" exclamation: this "accidental" reaction, when done with an air of total cluelessness and no blame, can bring attention the the offender without making him the bad guy. Useful for when the bad guy has power and can't be confronted directly.


the hiss: take the offender aside and hiss some rather pointed promises in his direction of the "if you ever do this again". . . "and I know your wife's phone number. . ." variety.


the avoidance dance: sometimes it really is easier to keep that table or chair between you or to be too busy to ever be alone with the person.


I prefer the straightforward going to H.R. approach and have done that on one occasion but unfortunately that often is not effective.

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I lost a job slapping my boss for exactly that reason. Of course, I'd warned him I'd slap him if he ever touched my behind again, but I suppose he just had to find out if I meant it. OTOH, I wasn't supporting a family at the time. It sounds like the OP's perp.'s man-parts are intact, for that reason.


A long time ago, my dh heard a very disturbing call on the scanner, and told me the follow-up story later, when the paper covered it. A grandfather (who had molested his daughter when she was a child) was at a family picnic, and locked himself and his granddaughter in a shed. The mother was calling the police and frantically trying to get in.


I also knew a small child who had been victimized who assaulted a high medical needs foster sibling who was too weak to defend herself. The foster parent was utterly devastated.


I agree, a predator will find a way.

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I lost a job slapping my boss for exactly that reason. Of course, I'd warned him I'd slap him if he ever touched my behind again, but I suppose he just had to find out if I meant it. OTOH, I wasn't supporting a family at the time. It sounds like the OP's perp.'s man-parts are intact, for that reason.


A long time ago, my dh heard a very disturbing call on the scanner, and told me the follow-up story later, when the paper covered it. A grandfather (who had molested his daughter when she was a child) was at a family picnic, and locked himself and his granddaughter in a shed. The mother was calling the police and frantically trying to get in.


I also knew a small child who had been victimized who assaulted a high medical needs foster sibling who was too weak to defend herself. The foster parent was utterly devastated.


I agree, a predator will find a way.


Oh that just makes me sick. That poor mother.

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You are an incredibly strong woman for putting the need to support your family ahead of what is right and fair in this situation. This event has only the power you let it have in your mind. You are not in any way demeaned by this idiot's action or by your "lack of response", or what I call self control. I believe we have all had to put up with some crap or other at some point in order to serve a higher good.


However, I would make a note of the man's name and the incident in my journal. And the minute I was no longer in a position where this man could hurt me financially, I would make time to speak with him in a public place and let him know that his advance had not gone unnoted and that should it ever happen again that he would be drawing back a bloody stump. He is an opportunist and a coward, and if you let him know that you are a warrior, ready to defend yourself and your family, he will back down.

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Don't know if by "we" you mant women, but know for sure, men are subjected to it also. Dh has had some issues a few times with inappropriate cliental. Some woman are more than ready to go out and get what ever they want also. Every worked in a restaurant? Very s$xu@!!y charged environment.

:glare: I've had waitresses literally ignore me. We had one SIT ON THE TABLE infront of dh, right between us, to take his order. I had to exercise great restraint to keep from slapping her with the plate.

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This event has only the power you let it have in your mind.


Not to pick a fight, but I *hate* this. It often makes a victim feel like it's her fault for being affected by something. If you are sexually harassed and it affects you, that's okay. That's a normal, very healthy reaction.


If a victim is affected and they are made to feel guilty for that, they may pretend it's nothing and never deal with it. That is not healthy.

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Not to pick a fight, but I *hate* this. It often makes a victim feel like it's her fault for being affected by something. If you are sexually harassed and it affects you, that's okay. That's a normal, very healthy reaction.


If a victim is affected and they are made to feel guilty for that, they may pretend it's nothing and never deal with it. That is not healthy.



By all means, I meant for the OP to be affected, feel a reaction. But IMO it is much healthier to indulge in a bit of well deserved rage rather than letting it make her feel like a victim. The fact is that I have seen women get through things that would probably have crushed me only because they determined that it meant something different to them than it would have to me.


The OP can consider herself a victim and let this demoralize her even further in a difficult time. Or she can consider herself one pi**ed off chick and bide her time until she can address the situation head on. She can feel guilty and part of the problem or she can let it roll off her back with the thought that this guy is the one with the problem, not her.


NOTHING about this situation is the OP's "fault". I merely wanted to encourage her to not let it become more than it was in her mind (like I so often can do). Rather than perceiving the man as a wolf-like predator lying in wait, I think it would be much more empowering to consider him like a housefly--a nuisance that tends to land in inappropriate places and will be swatted and squashed in due time.

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Been there. It's amazing to me how women can do this. I did manage a snarky comment, so I felt better!:D

I tattled to the manager and demanded they give us a different table and comp our meal. Then, I was eight months pregnant and (as most know) you don't mess with a pregnant woman. She really was lucky I was able to restrain myself :lol:

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:glare: I've had waitresses literally ignore me. We had one SIT ON THE TABLE infront of dh, right between us, to take his order. I had to exercise great restraint to keep from slapping her with the plate.


I, OTOH, waitressed and had guys pinching me and calling me pumpkin and darlin' and I don't know what all. I'd usually call them something really ridiculous in front of their man-friends (lone guys never did this, only the show-offs). It highlighted the demeaning nature of what they were doing, and usually got a big laugh at their expense. I have no patience for that sort of thing. Get up and do my job for a while, punk. I could use the break.


Also, I know those anecdotes were upsetting, and I apologize for doing it while standing by my decision, as well.

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I, OTOH, waitressed and had guys pinching me and calling me pumpkin and darlin' and I don't know what all. I'd usually call them something really ridiculous in front of their man-friends (lone guys never did this, only the show-offs). It highlighted the demeaning nature of what they were doing, and usually got a big laugh at their expense. I have no patience for that sort of thing. Get up and do my job for a while, punk. I could use the break.


Also, I know those anecdotes were upsetting, and I apologize for doing it while standing by my decision, as well.

It makes you wish you could have jerk and non-jerk seating. Letting the yucky waitresses make their money on the touchy feely guys, and the straight up good waitresses wait on people that are there to enjoy eachother (and not the staff, no offense).


:confused: Bolded, I'm not sure what you mean. If I offended you, I'm sorry. The situation offended me quite a bit as well.

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Predators are good at the "accidental touch" - the kind of touch which can and does happen at times innocently. Except for them it isn't innocent. Sometimes it is too long or becomes a grab. Always it gratifies something in the perpetrator - sometimes a sexual gratification but often one of power. These "accidental" touches hurt people. Sometimes subconsciously. Sometimes because like in this incident, the victim feels powerless. Sometimes it is because it (in the mind of the perpetrator) gives him/her permission to do more overt abuse.


Ways I've combated the "accidental touch" -


the grab and pinch: this works well in over-crowded Japanese trains and buses. Grab the offending hand and pinch or twist really hard. The perpetrator can't scream without giving himself away.


the loud "innocent" exclamation: this "accidental" reaction, when done with an air of total cluelessness and no blame, can bring attention the the offender without making him the bad guy. Useful for when the bad guy has power and can't be confronted directly.


the hiss: take the offender aside and hiss some rather pointed promises in his direction of the "if you ever do this again". . . "and I know your wife's phone number. . ." variety.


the avoidance dance: sometimes it really is easier to keep that table or chair between you or to be too busy to ever be alone with the person.


I prefer the straightforward going to H.R. approach and have done that on one occasion but unfortunately that often is not effective.


These are excellent! I've used a couple myself. I like the hiss, Jean, (haven't used it) even just the sound itself would be effective.


Ime, these are much more effective with the "accidental touch" kinda guy than an outright harasser. More laws won't do it because it's so random and rather "light" on the spectrum of harassment. No disrespect -- it's creepy and demeaning and shocking. But it is different than the boss who is threatening your job, trying to get you in a compromising position.


If it happens again, I'd have one of these in mind, Joanne...and just loud enough that those nearby would notice. Surprise, shock, scolding, along those lines. Let him know to keep hands off without humiliating him.


Of course the more liquor involved (ime) the more likely it is that he might try it. :glare:

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These are excellent! I've used a couple myself. I like the hiss, Jean, (haven't used it) even just the sound itself would be effective.





Just picturing the reaction of some guy when his touch earns him a cat-like hiss........ Make sure to scrunch one eye closed and bring up a hand to make your nails into claws. They'll either run screaming, or..... get the completely wrong idea. I may have to try this, if only for comic relief. New Year's is tomorrow, I should have a chance to try.

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When I was a sophomore in high school, a very popular senior boy kept grabbing my rear as he walked past me in the hallway. I told him to stop. He didn't. I gathered my courage and decided to teach him a lesson. The next time he grabbed my butt and walked passed me, I slipped behind him, took a big huge swipe at his knees with my leg and laid him out flat in the middle of a crowded hallway. As I passed him while he tried to collect his strewn about books, I said, "Don't ever touch me again." He never did.


These people are sick. I'm sorry you had to endure this. I hope you reacted in a way to at least embarass him.

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Predators are good at the "accidental touch" - the kind of touch which can and does happen at times innocently. Except for them it isn't innocent. Sometimes it is too long or becomes a grab. Always it gratifies something in the perpetrator - sometimes a sexual gratification but often one of power. These "accidental" touches hurt people. Sometimes subconsciously. Sometimes because like in this incident, the victim feels powerless. Sometimes it is because it (in the mind of the perpetrator) gives him/her permission to do more overt abuse.


Ways I've combated the "accidental touch" -


the grab and pinch: this works well in over-crowded Japanese trains and buses. Grab the offending hand and pinch or twist really hard. The perpetrator can't scream without giving himself away.


the loud "innocent" exclamation: this "accidental" reaction, when done with an air of total cluelessness and no blame, can bring attention the the offender without making him the bad guy. Useful for when the bad guy has power and can't be confronted directly.


the hiss: take the offender aside and hiss some rather pointed promises in his direction of the "if you ever do this again". . . "and I know your wife's phone number. . ." variety.


the avoidance dance: sometimes it really is easier to keep that table or chair between you or to be too busy to ever be alone with the person.


I prefer the straightforward going to H.R. approach and have done that on one occasion but unfortunately that often is not effective.


In Mexico City, some women travel with straight pins tucked in their clothing. Buses are crowded. The perp does the touch & feel -- and gets jabbed with a needle lickety split. I hear nowadays the city does offer female buses (no co-ed riders) due to this problem.

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Wow. What a creep!


I know you aren't in a position to do much about it right now but it appears that some of us would be more than happy to defend your honor. So maybe if you wanted to post a location he might be at on say a Friday night between 8 and 9 pm ... We'd be happy to slap him, kick him in the jollies, ect. Feel free to post ideas. :lol:


:lol::lol::lol: My cousin, Guido, can assist...

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Not so sure if the physical counter-attack is always the best.

When I was 18 I lived in Damascus, where guys comment and grab a lot. One day I had reached my fill and slapped a guy right in the face, after he had kneed me between the legs from behind. He looked at me incredously and then got furious and started towards me. If his mate wouldn't have stopped him I really don't know what would have happened.

I learned my lesson though and from then on kicked up a big verbal stink, which was so embarassing for the offender, that they would get lost real quick :tongue_smilie:. Learned that one from local women.

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Not so sure if the physical counter-attack is always the best.

When I was 18 I lived in Damascus, where guys comment and grab a lot. One day I had reached my fill and slapped a guy right in the face, after he had kneed me between the legs from behind. He looked at me incredously and then got furious and started towards me. If his mate wouldn't have stopped him I really don't know what would have happened.

I learned my lesson though and from then on kicked up a big verbal stink, which was so embarassing for the offender, that they would get lost real quick :tongue_smilie:. Learned that one from local women.


That is true. It is especially true for those guys who do this kind of thing more as a power play.

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Please, don't tell me you can supervise your children in the midst of family "enough" to prevent inappropriateness; you can't.

This is precisely the kind of abuse a friend of mine suffered at the hands of 2 different uncles for most of her tween/teen years. Right in the midst of large family gatherings. She was paralyzed with fear and led to believe it was normal.


It's terrifying to think of my dd in a situation like this. She is so shy and timid that it scares me to death she will be victimized and be too scared to say anything. Is it any wonder I am a helicopter mom with her?


Joanne, I am so sorry you had to deal with this in the midst of everything you are going through. I hope you find your inner warrior and feel like you can do something to get the message across that this behavior is not acceptable.:grouphug:

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:confused: Bolded, I'm not sure what you mean. If I offended you, I'm sorry. The situation offended me quite a bit as well.


No, not at all. I have a very hard time telling those stories, because they are so completely awful that I feel like I soil the listener. At the same time, the OP's message was "Don't think you can watch them closely enough", and I think both stories speak to that, so I stand by sharing them. It's an internal conflict I'm already having, so I felt guilty when someone posted that they were awful stories. I've only told them once before, and that was to explain to someone (who wouldn't let the topic go) why I wouldn't be comfortable having a known sex offender at our church.

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When I was a sophomore in high school, a very popular senior boy kept grabbing my rear as he walked past me in the hallway. I told him to stop. He didn't. I gathered my courage and decided to teach him a lesson. The next time he grabbed my butt and walked passed me, I slipped behind him, took a big huge swipe at his knees with my leg and laid him out flat in the middle of a crowded hallway. As I passed him while he tried to collect his strewn about books, I said, "Don't ever touch me again." He never did.




Don't even get me started on sexual harrassment in high school. All of the stuff that I saw, and experienced myself, was a big part of my decision to homeschool. I just wanted to say that I know how that feels, and I'm sorry for anyone else who had to endure stuff like that.


I'm sorry, too, for Joanne, who is already having a really hard time and has to put up with stuff like this on top of all the rest.

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