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I was "carded" for buying Halo at Target.

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Is that typical? I don't mind showing my ID, although it's a little ridiculous. I hardly look 17.


But they scanned my DL. Why do they need to do that?


it's a mature game so yeah you have to be over 18--it depends on who's there but i've been carded for buying games and such before especially at target not so much at like game stop and stuff. the scanning your DL is because it has all of your info on it so they can see age and make sure it is a "real" license

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it's a mature game so yeah you have to be over 18--it depends on who's there but i've been carded for buying games and such before especially at target not so much at like game stop and stuff. the scanning your DL is because it has all of your info on it so they can see age and make sure it is a "real" license


That is ridiculous. I'd want to know if they were capturing the data and if they are capturing information how are they protecting your data?

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My dh has also encountered the "carding" for purchasing an "M" rated game. I don't know if they would refuse to sell it to a 16 year old. It must me a managerial requirement to scan the card to prove the cashier carded the person, because my dh does not look anywhere close to 18, or 21, or 31 or..... Well, let's just say he's "M"

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My dh has also encountered the "carding" for purchasing an "M" rated game. I don't know if they would refuse to sell it to a 16 year old. It must me a managerial requirement to scan the card to prove the cashier carded the person, because my dh does not look anywhere close to 18, or 21, or 31 or..... Well, let's just say he's "M"


Mature enough for this smiley%20-%20old%20man.bmp or fro.gif? Or just crazy M insane%20old%20man.gif ?

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In Wallyworld, yes. It was at the self checkout and she had to come over to card me. It turns out they card for anything you could sniff. I guess you could get high sniffing Sharpies, but I bet you'd end up looking like Rudolph's colorful twin.


:svengo::svengo: unbelievable!!!!

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In Wallyworld, yes. It was at the self checkout and she had to come over to card me. It turns out they card for anything you could sniff. I guess you could get high sniffing Sharpies, but I bet you'd end up looking like Rudolph's colorful twin.


Yep, they card for all kinds of things, including white out, spray paint, etc.

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a woman about 75 years old was in line in front of me buying cough drops and they needed to scan her license and she couldn't find it and then when she did, it was so old it wouldn't scan right, and we stood there for 20 minutes, i kid you not, bless her heart she turned all red and was apologizing to everyone around her, she could hardly talk, she kept coughing and even though i was alone and had a book, so i was really content to stand in line, i thought, poor woman, hand her those cough drops and let her leave the store!


it's a bit ridiculous, imo....

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I don't have a problem with them checking your id but I have a HUGE issue with them scanning anything to 'prove' they did it.


They capture that data & who knows where it goes? Who holds it? Who is responsible for the security of it? What will it be used for? How do we know that it won't be used for anything else? What if 2 years down the line they discover that people convicted of crimes were playing Halo and drinking beer in the past 2 mos before the crime & someone takes the "flying leap of causality" & points out that all these records exist & maybe - in the name of public safety & security, you understand - we should just keep tabs on all these people buying this game & liquor? 'Cause all the data is there on a computer somewhere.....


They should just look at the ID & enter something into their own records that they saw it. If they can't hire people whom they trust to verify info, then that's their problem.


This isn't the border, for pete's sake - & I should know because I used to be a border cop :D.


BTW, there's a good thriller on the topic of the gradual intrusion of all this info gathering into our lives - The Dying Light by Henry Porter. It is a thriller, not a literary book but it's a good read if you have some free time over the holidays.

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Game Stop also cards for the games they sell.


My Game Stop has to mention the rating, and then asks for a verbal answer agreeing to purchase the product knowing it is rated M. I've never had to show my DL. Then again, we're in there so much, we're practically on first name terms. lol

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I don't have a problem with them checking your id but I have a HUGE issue with them scanning anything to 'prove' they did it.


They capture that data & who knows where it goes? Who holds it? Who is responsible for the security of it?


I agree. Depending on what data they capture and hold, it could be the dream of identity thieves.

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Yeah, if they need proof of my birthday in their computer system they can type it in themselves.


I was reading on another forum about this topic and one guy said he taped the barcode from a lean cuisine dinner over his DL barcode. :D Maybe it's not such a bad idea.


I think the best way to keep anyone from scanning your license without your permission is to *show* it to them rather than hand it over. Or keep it in a jacket that covers the barcode and strip on the back but shows the information they need to see.


It drives me nuts when stores ask for your zip code, phone number, etc. I never give them out but it seems that most people don't hesitate.

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It drives me nuts when stores ask for your zip code, phone number, etc. I never give them out but it seems that most people don't hesitate.

I don't mind giving my zip code--that seems like useful information to the store, and no skin off my back--but I don't give my phone number. I just say "no, thank you."


I also don't mind if they type in my driver's license number to show the boss that they did check. Scanning would be faster, but then we don't know what information was acquired. I do understand the need to have the employee do more than just indicate that they checked--how in the world would Walmart be able to only hire employees that they "trust"?


They should just look at the ID & enter something into their own records that they saw it. If they can't hire people whom they trust to verify info, then that's their problem.

And just typing in a birthdate can be easily faked, too.

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I've never heard of a store scanning a license. Around here a lot of stores have cash registers that won't ring up restricted items without a birthdate being entered, though. If the cashier knows you (regular customer) or it is very obvious you are over the restricted age they will just enter in a dummy date, if not they glance at the birhdate on your license. This i have no problem with, but I'm with you on the scanning, just exactly what are they doing with this information they are gathering and can they insure your privacy?

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I've never heard of a store scanning a license. Around here a lot of stores have cash registers that won't ring up restricted items without a birthdate being entered, though. If the cashier knows you (regular customer) or it is very obvious you are over the restricted age they will just enter in a dummy date, if not they glance at the birhdate on your license. This i have no problem with, but I'm with you on the scanning, just exactly what are they doing with this information they are gathering and can they insure your privacy?


I'm pretty sure that any information on your DL is public knowledge anyway. The store can "get" more informatioin from scanning your credit card.


ETA: akmommy, not necessarily responding only to you, just using your comment as a jumping off point. :)

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I'm pretty sure that any information on your DL is public knowledge anyway. The store can "get" more informatioin from scanning your credit card.


This is what I wondered about. What information do they get when they scan it? How about when they scan a credit card? Anyone know?

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Really? Some states apparently use social security #s as the DL #,.... and is someone's address really considered public information?


Not legal to do this anymore. If you have an old license with your social security # on it, you should request a new number to be issued immediately.

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Really? Some states apparently use social security #s as the DL #,.... and is someone's address really considered public information?


I'm pretty sure it is easy to find anyone's address. It is amazing what information is public. I can find out what what anyone in my county or state paid for property taxes and/or if they're delinquent.

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I'm pretty sure it is easy to find anyone's address. It is amazing what information is public. I can find out what what anyone in my county or state paid for property taxes and/or if they're delinquent.

That's true, but I don't want to make it any easier for them!:D

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Not legal to do this anymore. If you have an old license with your social security # on it, you should request a new number to be issued immediately.

I don't. But I agree with you!


There are a lot of other things that are public information, but being "available" is different from "free" and "easy to obtain."

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I was reading on another forum about this topic and one guy said he taped the barcode from a lean cuisine dinner over his DL barcode. :D Maybe it's not such a bad idea.


I would like to mark up my license somehow to prevent retailer's from getting the data, but I bet it's illegal. ("defacing" your license).


The latest for me is that when I buy a gift card at the grocery store using a credit card, they ask for my ID. They want to type in my dl #, but I hold on tight with my thumb obscuring the #and say, "You do not have my permission to record the number." At Ralph's the employee can type in his/her employee # instead, verifying that they have seen the license.

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I saw a sign at WalMart that said they'll card you if you look under 40 yo for cigarettes. I guess it's for cashiers who can't tell how old people are by looking at them. (maybe a very young cashier can't guess age accurately.)


I don't mind someone looking at it, but scanning it is different. I'd refuse and see what happens. They'll probably just let you go w/o scanning it if you refuse.

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