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PLEASE remove your stuff from the pockets of your dirty clothes!

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Why can't kids remember to empty their pockets before putting their dirty clothes in the hamper? I'm so tired of finding things in the washer and dryer that came out of their pockets.....


candy and candy paper

Lego men and other pieces

money (finders-keepers)



toy cars

DS games (amazing that they still work)

fishing lures

Polly Pocket stuff



gum :angry:



What kinds of things do you find in your washer or dryer?

(Besides clothes. :lol:)

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I'm pretty sure we had a thread like this a while back...


I dunno, I don't find much in my wash. In fact, to be honest, it's usually *me leaving my chapstick in my pocket. I go through so many tubes of that stuff, it's emabarassing. :D I rarely find anything else important. Perhaps a stray post-it or other scratch paper from dh. Oh, I mean, I've occasionally found screws, or nails, or what not from dh working on the house. But nothing too strange.


But, I do try to make it a habit to check everyone's pockets. Except Moose and Zee; they're, for whatever reason, not yet in a 'put lots of stuff in my pockets' stage.


ETA: Oh, yeah. One time, *I put a pull-up in the washer on accient. Ugh. That wasn't fun. At all.

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Guilty as charged here. I am terrible about cleaning out pockets - mostly paper. At least the worst thing I have washed it money - oh, I take that back - my cell phone. My sons always take a couple candies from my mom's house and forget to eat it. So we have washed that as well.


My mom used to complain about the critters my brothers used to collect in their pockets. The year of the 17 yr cicadas, my mom would find huge pockets full of them. Ick.

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Not long ago we had a thread here about cleaning pockets before doing the laundry and I think I said something like, "It's not my job. They have to clean out their own pockets."


I am such an idiot. :glare:


Last month my son left an ink pen in his pocket and since I 'don't check pockets' it went through the washer and dryer, ruining TWO loads of laundry

(I didn't realize until after the second load that the ink had coated the drum of the dryer).



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I'm usually the only offender but my daughter is occassionally guilty with something gross.


The worst was once I picked A TON of fresh spinach (to freeze) at a near by pick-your-own. The owner said that the easiest way to wash a lot of spinach like that was the (clothes) washer, no detergent. She forgot to mention gentle cycle . . . you cannot imagine.

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I'm usually the only offender but my daughter is occassionally guilty with something gross.


The worst was once I picked A TON of fresh spinach (to freeze) at a near by pick-your-own. The owner said that the easiest way to wash a lot of spinach like that was the (clothes) washer, no detergent. She forgot to mention gentle cycle . . . you cannot imagine.

:lol: maybe not, but I'm trying!

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My 6 year old has left gum in his pocket - a half or quarter of a pack - TWICE now in the last month!!! Luckily, it didn't do anything in the washer - the dryer was a different story!!! Needless to say, he is banned from gum until he leaves home!!!! :001_smile:

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The worst was once I picked A TON of fresh spinach (to freeze) at a near by pick-your-own. The owner said that the easiest way to wash a lot of spinach like that was the (clothes) washer, no detergent. She forgot to mention gentle cycle . . . you cannot imagine.




You did that one ON PURPOSE???!!



You just made my afternoon!

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I like that. :D Only I start feeling guilty, then I have to walk around the house going 'who is missing a dollar bill; I found one in the dryer'. Ugh.


The trick is to announce it first! :001_smile: I told my dh years ago, when I found $80 in the dryer, that any money I found was mine... and thanks for the tip! Of course, I gave him the $80 that time, but it was fair warning! (The largest amount of money I've ever found since then was $4.)

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just be glad you have not encountered a dead frog as mother did oen time washing my brothers pants. All his toughskins jeans had the pockets sewn up after that one....lol


We were having a good laugh over this one when my braindead-ness got in the way and I said to my daughter, "How would you like to find a dead pocket in the laundry?".

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