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Dh and I discovered we have the same dream. (in our sleep, not as in life goals)

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The other day, the family was chatting around the dinner table. Dh shared that he has a dream occasionally that he is back in high school, and he's freaked out that he's going to fail a class. He said that in his dream, he's skipped class so much that he can't even remember when/where his class is, and he's searching the school, trying to figure out where he needs to be for this class that he's afraid he's going to fail. He can't find the class, and he's overwhelmed in his dream that he's going to fail it.


I have the exact same dream. At first dh didn't quite believe me. :)


How weird.


Does anyone else have this dream, or have anything they want to guess as to what it means that dh and I both do? :tongue_smilie:

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that he can't even remember when/where his class is, and he's searching the school, trying to figure out where he needs to be for this class that he's afraid he's going to fail.

Does anyone else have this dream,


I have had this same dream only I am in college not high school.



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Yep - dh and I discuss that we both have that dream too. Mine is usually in college and I have forgotten to attend a class all year long only to realize it right before I graduate. Last night, I got caught cheating on a science test in my dream. LOL


I use to have the same dream about forgetting to attend class all year until the final exam. In a similar dream the teacher would hand out a quiz that the everyone in the class knew about - except me.


Weird. I haven't had those dreams since turning 40.

Edited by Ferdie
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Honestly, I have that same EXACT dream as well -- about both high school and college.


The other one is where I forget that I have a class until the end of the semester right before the final.


The other day, the family was chatting around the dinner table. Dh shared that he has a dream occasionally that he is back in high school, and he's freaked out that he's going to fail a class. He said that in his dream, he's skipped class so much that he can't even remember when/where his class is, and he's searching the school, trying to figure out where he needs to be for this class that he's afraid he's going to fail. He can't find the class, and he's overwhelmed in his dream that he's going to fail it.


I have the exact same dream. At first dh didn't quite believe me. :)


How weird.


Does anyone else have this dream, or have anything they want to guess as to what it means that dh and I both do? :tongue_smilie:

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I have never had that dream. I wonder if you are more likely to have it if you were prone to skipping class as a student.


Ah, good question.


While I graduated #9 in my class with high honors, I did skip a lot in senior year. But all the teachers like me, so I never got in trouble for it. Somehow, my parents never found out, either. They would've punished me severely if they had.


Dh ended up at an 'alternative' highschool because he skipped so much. His daughter was born two months after he graduated. He had an 'interesting' highschool experience, that's for sure.


I wonder if people who NEVER skipped class in school have that dream.

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Ah, good question.


While I graduated #9 in my class with high honors, I did skip a lot in senior year. But all the teachers like me, so I never got in trouble for it. Somehow, my parents never found out, either. They would've punished me severely if they had.


Dh ended up at an 'alternative' highschool because he skipped so much. His daughter was born two months after he graduated. He had an 'interesting' highschool experience, that's for sure.


I wonder if people who NEVER skipped class in school have that dream.


I skipped school ONE time and I was in so much trouble with EVERYONE that I never tried that again. Of course it wasn't so much that I skipped school as I spent the day with 3 other class mates. How we thought we could pull that off I will never know. Let's see, Scarlett's missing today. Oh so is that boy she has been hanging around with. Scarlett's best friend is missing. Oh so is that boy she has been hanging around with. :glare:


And I've never had that dream.

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I have that dream all the time. Sometimes it is college, sometimes high school. I have skipped the class so much that I don't know when/ where it is, where the book is, etc.


Dh says he is going to make me sleep with my diploma under my pillow.




I have never had that dream. I wonder if you are more likely to have it if you were prone to skipping class as a student.


I never skipped class in college and I have this dream as well. Usually I come to class in the middle of the semester and feel totally ridiculous about not having been there before. Lots of times I remember while I am still asleep that I actually am married and have five kids and then I think, "What in the world am I doing at college again?!!"

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I used to dream that I was sitting in a college exam, and I'd forgotten to attend the class all semester. Or, I've dreamed that I was back in HS, pleading with the headmaster, trying to convince him that I was not supposed to be there, that I had already finished college.


I don't have those dreams anymore, though I can't point to a specific time when they stopped.


But get this! A friend of mine went to Yale for graduate work, and actually did fail her oral exams for her PhD. She simply was not adequately prepared. That was when she was in her late 20s, and she has never had a school anxiety dream since. She lived that nightmare, so she doesn't have to worry about it in her sleep, I guess.

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Variations of this dream are very common......according to several books I've read over the years about interpreting dreams (years ago I had some very disturbing recurring dreams and really needed to know the whys):


Failing a test, not being able to get to the test (i.e. can't find the classroom) means that something in your life is (or you feel it is) under scrutiny and making you uncomfortable. It's a lack of self esteem or confidence. Or you feel unprepared for a challenge, or just unprepared for what is happening or coming in your life. In other words, it's not about the test itself, it's about your not feeling ready/prepared. Another interpretation is that you feel that you are being judged in waking life and although you think that you are being unfairly judged the dream is telling you that you need to reexamine either the issue being judged, or perhaps you need to examine an aspect of your life that you are neglecting (sometimes this can be a physical or mental health issue that is being neglected). You could be feeling guilty about neglecting something in your personal or professional life.


Dreams are not a forebearer of the future, they are your subconcious mind giving you clues to how you are behaving or feeling that is putting you out of balance. When you are not having dreams that you can recall in the morning it may mean that your life is closer to balance.


Take it for what it is.....one segment of society who believes that they can interpret everyone's dreams and come up with a handful of common themes to tie them all into, lol. Makes some sense.....I tend to dream or at least remember my dreams a lot more when life is bumpy, and I sleep better, i.e. don't wake up from dreams or even remember dreams when life is going smoothly.

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Dreams are not a forebearer of the future, they are your subconcious mind giving you clues to how you are behaving or feeling that is putting you out of balance. When you are not having dreams that you can recall in the morning it may mean that your life is closer to balance.


I agree with this. I like my dreams though. They crack me up. I am also a lucid dreamer.



Take it for what it is.....one segment of society who believes that they can interpret everyone's dreams and come up with a handful of common themes to tie them all into, lol.


Like the horror movie type snake dreams I had when I was in my early 20s. Dream interpretation nut jobs think this has to do with not being *exually fulfilled, but I've always known those dreams of mine back then were triggered by the murder of a close friend of mine from high school. I think for ME the snakes were a representation of evil.

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Here's one for ya:


Bud and I had a romantic getaway at a lovely lodge this weekend. The first night I dreamt that I woke up on our romantic getaway to find we were in a ground floor hotel room, on a corner in NYC, with the windows open! In the dream we didn't realize it until after we had entertained the pedestrians quite a bit. :blush:


I was relieved to wake up in our secluded lodge!

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The other day, the family was chatting around the dinner table. Dh shared that he has a dream occasionally that he is back in high school, and he's freaked out that he's going to fail a class. He said that in his dream, he's skipped class so much that he can't even remember when/where his class is, and he's searching the school, trying to figure out where he needs to be for this class that he's afraid he's going to fail. He can't find the class, and he's overwhelmed in his dream that he's going to fail it.


I have the exact same dream. At first dh didn't quite believe me. :)


How weird.


Does anyone else have this dream, or have anything they want to guess as to what it means that dh and I both do? :tongue_smilie:

I'm not a psychololgist, but I play one on a message board ;)...I think the dream says that you and your dh have a similar component in your personalities. Maybe a feeling that you're never quite doing enough, or you never measure up, perfectionist tendencies?


Or not. Whatever it is, it sure is interesting, isn't it?



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Guest Virginia Dawn

I've had the dream and variations many times.


I wrote a poem about one of the dreams I had as an adult.




Last night I dreamed I couldn't find my locker

But it didn't matter

'Cause I couldn't remember the combination

Or the way to my next class

Or why I was dressed in pajamas

When the bell rang, I panicked

Wandering through halls

And up staircases

Looking for something familiar

I found the library

But missed the bus

And had to walk home

Through New York City

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I've had the dream and variations many times.


I wrote a poem about one of the dreams I had as an adult.




Last night I dreamed I couldn't find my locker

But it didn't matter

'Cause I couldn't remember the combination

Or the way to my next class

Or why I was dressed in pajamas

When the bell rang, I panicked

Wandering through halls

And up staircases

Looking for something familiar

I found the library

But missed the bus

And had to walk home

Through New York City


Niiiiiiiice. :D

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I've had that dream. Also, sometimes I can't remember my locker combination.


I have similar dreams.

Often I can't remember my way around the school, or where to find my locker. When I finally locate the locker, I can't recall the combination and I'm late for class.


I have always thought the 'lost' aspect of the dream is due to the fact that I have a real-life fear of getting lost.

I have other dreams that I've gotten so lost that I can't find my way home.

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I've had the dream and variations many times.


I wrote a poem about one of the dreams I had as an adult.




Last night I dreamed I couldn't find my locker

But it didn't matter

'Cause I couldn't remember the combination

Or the way to my next class

Or why I was dressed in pajamas

When the bell rang, I panicked

Wandering through halls

And up staircases

Looking for something familiar

I found the library

But missed the bus

And had to walk home

Through New York City


Cute. I love dreams.

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The fact that so many adults have nightmares/bad dreams about school is one of the things that convinced me homeschooling was a good idea!


Ha! This is funny...When I literally LOL at the poster who dreamed about warthogs, ds9 asked what was so funny...I tried explaining to him about people having dreams about being late to class. Blank look.


Ds might have bad dreams later, but I bet being late to class won't be one of them.

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Funny- now that I am out of school I dream about all the problems with failing/ not being able to find my class, etc.


This thread just reminded me that when I actually was in high school/ college I would dream about getting on the bus or walking around campus only to realize that I was naked.


At least I haven't had that one in a while. That is a very uncomfortable dream.

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That is a common dream but sometimes my children will have the same dream on the same night that is totally bizarre and not common at all. It kind of freaks me out. Also for some strange reason all of my children frequently dream of aliens, monsters of some sort or trying to save each other from some kind of scary or dangerous situation. There is obviously some kind of shared psychology there but I have no idea what it is.

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So I wonder if our kids' generation will have similarly bad dreams when they are grown related to homeschooling? :001_huh: Yikes.




Probably not unless your homeschool regularly includes high doses of stress and anxiety coupled with the potential for extreme embarrassment.

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That is a common dream but sometimes my children will have the same dream on the same night that is totally bizarre and not common at all. It kind of freaks me out. Also for some strange reason all of my children frequently dream of aliens, monsters of some sort or trying to save each other from some kind of scary or dangerous situation. There is obviously some kind of shared psychology there but I have no idea what it is.

An abundance of sci-fi movies, maybe? :)



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Does anyone ever have the dream in which you are late for a formal event and can't seem to do everything you need to do to get ready?


I have it often and I am either late for my wedding or a prom. But I have so much to do and time is slipping away. It is as anxiety-provoking as the school dreams.

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Does anyone ever have the dream in which you are late for a formal event and can't seem to do everything you need to do to get ready?


I have it often and I am either late for my wedding or a prom. But I have so much to do and time is slipping away. It is as anxiety-provoking as the school dreams.


I often have a dream in which I show up at an important event but I still have a towel wrapped around my wet hair and I forgot to put on any makeup.

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I think it's a pretty common dream.


My version is that I'm signed up for a class, but I forget and don't go all semester then I realize the final exam or final paper is due and I've never even been to class! It's a miserable dream.


I have that one! LOL! Every once in while I have that exact dream and wake up feeling soooo relieved that it is just a dream. :lol:

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He said that in his dream, he's skipped class so much that he can't even remember when/where his class is, and he's searching the school, trying to figure out where he needs to be for this class that he's afraid he's going to fail. He can't find the class, and he's overwhelmed in his dream that he's going to fail it.


My version is that I'm signed up for a class, but I forget and don't go all semester then I realize the final exam or final paper is due and I've never even been to class! It's a miserable dream.


and sometimes I'm frantically searching for my locker while I'm freaking out about missing class....


I have these every few months. The most recent was that I found myself sitting in a history class that I'd never been to or studied for' date=' and the final exam was in a week or two.


I've had the same dream. Usually I can't find my classes or I've forgotten my locker combination. Sometimes I show up without a schedule and feel quite lost.


DH's dreams have these components too, though mine don't.


Or, I've dreamed that I was back in HS, pleading with the headmaster, trying to convince him that I was not supposed to be there, that I had already finished college.


I've had similar ones, where I'm trying to figure out HOW this could possibly be happening, because I know I've already graduated!!! :lol:


But yeah, it's a pretty common dream.


When I was in high school and college and early in my career, my recurring dream was either that I was about to be overtaken by a tidal wave or massive rushing floodwaters (once I dreamed I was at the top of the Space Needle, watching a tidal wave coming in that was taller than the structure, and totally powerless :001_huh:), or that I'm alone in a town or city or building, being hunted by some nameless horror, trying to hide all over the place but never finding safety. I haven't had one of those in years. Instead I started having the school dreams. I wonder what that means? :confused:

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I've had a similar dream. I'm trying to get to school, but I'm being endlessly delayed, delayed, delayed. Or perhaps I do get there, but trying to get to class, I'm delayed again and again and hours and hours are passing.


I think this sort of "I'm not prepared" dream or a version of it is common.

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Does anyone ever have the dream in which you are late for a formal event and can't seem to do everything you need to do to get ready?


I have it often and I am either late for my wedding or a prom. But I have so much to do and time is slipping away. It is as anxiety-provoking as the school dreams.


I frequently have dreams about missing an international flight and being stuck and not being able to go on vacation. I haven't flown in 13 years and it has been even longer since I had a vacation. Maybe my subconscious mind is trying to tell me something.

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I have never had that dream. I wonder if you are more likely to have it if you were prone to skipping class as a student.


Nope--well, at least not for me. I've had that dream and I rarely skipped class in college (and even then only the amount of classes you were "allowed" to miss), never in high school. I am, however, a perfectionist, and I think that's what it plays into for me. My dream is always college, it's usually a math class, and often I can't remember where the class is, I can't find the book, or I realize at the end of the semester that I've forgotten about it and never attended.

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I think it's a pretty common dream.


My version is that I'm signed up for a class, but I forget and don't go all semester then I realize the final exam or final paper is due and I've never even been to class! It's a miserable dream.


Yep! This one is my recurring nightmare exactly as you have described it... but in addition to that, I have my class schedule in hand and can't find the classroom I'm supposed to go to.

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