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What are you buying/making your kids for Christmas?

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Dd 9 asked for a digital camera. If we go that route, it will be a cheap one.

We'll also get her books (The Mysterious Benedict Society 3 will be out in Oct and I might buy that one for her), some nice clothes, and maybe gymnastic lessons at the local parknrec.


Ds20 will probably get more DVDs--as a film major wannabee, he's always asking for help to add to his collection.


Ds17 (18 next week!) will probably get clothes.


I'm think Dh might spring for the new Wii attachments/games that feel more realistic--can't think of the name right now.

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I just recently read about freezer paper stenciling. I'm going to make the boys some unique shirts. I'm also going to make stepson's children some cool shirts using the same technique.


I made a picture collage of the boys for the grandparents to be printed and put in a pretty silver frame for each. I think the boys and I will make a mosaic of some kind for the godparents or we may paint something on canvas for each godparent using the freezer paper method.


We'll do homemade cookies and goodies for the neighbors again this year. We did this last year and the boys loved delivering plates of goodies to everyone in our neighborhood. We also took a plate to our library because we love them so much!!


So far all I've decided on buying for the boys are a Wii (joint gift), Wii games for each of the older three, books, and legos. The baby is into vehicles and balls so I'm sure there will be an assortment of those. I have no idea what else though.


Oops...didn't see the *your kids* part, just "what are you making" I love making gifts more than buying so we try to do more and more of that each year. Some years I just goof and don't start early enough. This year, though, I am already ahead of the game!! =)

Edited by christielee7278
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Not really sure. We gave our twins AG dolls last year, and we recently received a letter that they're 'retiring' Kirsten so we might buy them accessories for their dolls. They always love anything art related. My 12 yr old is really into homemaking, sewing, etc. so maybe something along those lines. Last year I gave her material for an apron, sewing basket completely filled and a cookbook. I might give her some of her cooking items like cookie cutters, cake pan, etc. this year. Money is pretty tight since dh is only sporadically working, so we'll see.



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I'm thinking we will get ds a tricycle this year. He'll only be 2.5, but he wants to ride dd's bike so bad, I think he will love it.


Not sure about dd yet.


I want to get a combined gift of a globe. Not a fancy one, but one that can be used for school for the next 20 years.

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10yo DD is getting a fully stocked sewing basket (Not a pre-made one. I'm putting it together for her) and books.


7yo DS is getting the Imaginext space shuttle and I bought him a vintage (I'm vintage. LOL) set of Charlie Brown Encyclopedias from ebay. He loves Charlie Brown.

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*looks to make sure no one is peeping over shoulder*


well, I can't get the link to work. If you *really* want to see it go to www.mindware.com and search for 3-D Home Kit and Home Quick Planner Set


My daughter and husband LOVE to look at, study, and draw house plans so I'm getting them the above for a joint gift.


otherwise, I dont' know . . . :confused:

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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I know this isn't done very often but I have a suggestion for your older boys IF they are handy. How about starting a collection of real good quality tools? Do they have any hobbies where they borrow Dad's stuff? Might be a good time to buy them their own?


I was glad when my hubby & I married that he had wonderful tools & "manly" stuff. It saved us so much money.

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I know this isn't done very often but I have a suggestion for your older boys IF they are handy. How about starting a collection of real good quality tools? Do they have any hobbies where they borrow Dad's stuff? Might be a good time to buy them their own?


I was glad when my hubby & I married that he had wonderful tools & "manly" stuff. It saved us so much money.



I think my 18 yo would really like that. He is the one who is out in the garage tinkering and stuff. Great idea, thanks!

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Oh, goodness... it's time to get serious about this, huh?


I am hoping to watch sales VERY closely. I just can't spend much at all this year.


I am hoping to pick out lovely children's books for grandson, 3 nephews, 2 nieces and dh's nephew... and send homemade items to new baby niece.


My oldest teen son wants a video camera or small laptop... NOT happening because no one else would get anything... so, he'll get clothes and shoes.


Oldest girl gets assortment of teas and bed/bath supplies and chocolate.


2nd girl gets a surprise... her favorite doll repaired, she'll laugh and love it... and her photo album and an item of clothing.



3rd girl gets slipper boot shoes and hat she is oogling over.


Another teen son... tennis clothes...


Younger son #1, new bedding and shoes


Younger son #2, clothes and new tennis shoes


Younger son #3, new bedding


Younger son #4, clothes and something fun??


Not much can be home made... most of this is stuff they need. We usually have an ongoing list of who needs what and they take turns getting something. Hopefully for Christmas they can all get something at the same time.


I think I'll do favorite snack foods for their stockings.

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Their santa gifts will be : Both older kids will get their own digital camera (they are registered in photography classes after xmas), Ds6 will get a DS, and baby girl will get either a playhouse or a play kitchen.


Gifts from me include: new bedding set for each of them, new clothes, walkaroo stilts, puzzles, books and cool science kits.


Family gift: annual family membership to the telus world of science


For my nephew I am thinking an educational toy and a new book or two

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Our girls are getting new Razor scooters. While our son is getting his first set of legos. I'm making little soaps for their stockings. I'm also making my girls' a necklace and a few hairbands. Beyond that they will get a book, a webkin and new jammie pants that I make for them each year.

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We do 3 gifts from mom and dad as well as 1 gift from Santa. My older hasn't believed in Santa for YEARS...but my younger still does, so we continue the tradition.


This year:


ds10 - 3 books in a series he is reading, a movie, a Dsi carrying case/car charger set thing, and a Pokemon Platinum DSi game.


ds6 - a bakugan thing he wants, 3 Mercy Watson books, and the new Transformer's movie.


Still thinking on the "Santa" gifts. I will be reading this thread with :bigear:


Dh likes to get them something from the hobby shop, so that will be part of Christmas (or their stockings). I would love to do a joint gift this year of more Triops too. :)

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I know this isn't done very often but I have a suggestion for your older boys IF they are handy. How about starting a collection of real good quality tools? Do they have any hobbies where they borrow Dad's stuff? Might be a good time to buy them their own?


I was glad when my hubby & I married that he had wonderful tools & "manly" stuff. It saved us so much money.

That is a tradition in my husband's family. For their 5th birthday the sons get a real tool box with the basic hammer, and two screw drivers. Then each year on their birthday they get a new tool to add to their tool box. My son (4yo) is already talking about his grown up tool box for his birthday.

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*looks to make sure no one is peeping over shoulder*


well, I can't get the link to work. If you *really* want to see it go to www.mindware.com and search for 3-D Home Kit and Home Quick Planner Set


My daughter and husband LOVE to look at, study, and draw house plans so I'm getting them the above for a joint gift.


otherwise, I dont' know . . . :confused:


My mom and I did one of these (or similar) when I was a kid. I treasured it for all of my childhood!

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I know this isn't done very often but I have a suggestion for your older boys IF they are handy. How about starting a collection of real good quality tools? Do they have any hobbies where they borrow Dad's stuff? Might be a good time to buy them their own?


I was glad when my hubby & I married that he had wonderful tools & "manly" stuff. It saved us so much money.


My ex did with with ds11 for his birthday this year, which meant ds6 needed a tool set for his birthday too and then my folks handed down their old ones to dd10. This summer they had a great time building and fixing things. Thanks for the reminder, there was a few more tools I wanted to get them to add to their personal collections. (I never dreamed I would have 4 tool boxes on the go in this house lol)

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For my 6 year old son, it's looking like puzzles and board games mainly...I'll probably throw in legos or knex or something similar, no clue though...He just realized how much he loves puzzles and wants like 10 of them LOL...I don't have a clue on a big gift for him...


For my 2 year old, yeah, I have no idea...He has the Melissa and Doug pattern blocks set (just received them 2 weeks ago) and he can do them all already...I'm gonna try to find an acceptable upgrade for his age or bit higher...Beyond that, I'm clueless...


And the baby will get a couple baby things like teethie things and rattles and the like since all my baby stuffs are in another state, hiding in a storage unit...


Hmm, I really need to start working on a real list it seems...Lots of ideas but nothing set in stone...

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Guest Virginia Dawn

ds16yo wants a recorder (instrument) and portable speakers for his mp3 player


ds10yo may be getting a clarinet, if the price is right. We got a lead on a little-used one.


I haven't thought much about others.

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Sock monkey, sock elephant for the youngest. I'm also going to make him a doll with a zipper, shoe laces, buttons, velco and all the other stuff I can imagine. For some reason I can't find one that's already made that is okay for a boy (sorry, no frilly pink girl dolls for ds).


Middle... well... I don't really know. I'm thinking of making him a creation bucket, something full of dowels and paints and wood pieces and things. I am hoping to find a masculine journal (blank unlined pages, nice hard cover), if not... guess I'll be making that too. Oh, and First Start French from Santa (he put it on his wish list :p )


Oldest is getting a love in every stitch hat and scarf set. She LOVES getting hand made stuff. I'm also going to get her some art supplies.

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and that's everyone's Christmas present - mine, dh's, and the kids'. All I have to do is get stocking stuff for them.




We're going to Disney World in January and that's our family's Christmas present this year!!


We'll get a few little things -- Star Wars Action Figures, little Lego Kits, CDs, DVDs, etc., -- and candy of course! -- to put in their stockings and that's it!

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DS9 is getting a bunch of as-yet-to-be-determined Bakugan stuff, some Playstation games, DS games, and computer games, a few Lego sets, something crafty (no clue on that yet,) board games and card games, a few DVD collections of his favorite shows, some Star Wars toys, and maybe a netbook, although I would like to think of something better than the netbook because we're already over-run with computers here. I'll also get a bunch of smaller stuff, and probably a few more big things if I can figure out what to choose. I was going to get the new version of Lego Mindstorms, but it doesn't look "different enough" from the one we already have, so I'll probably pass on it. I would like to find another cool robotics kit, though!


Amazingly, I haven't bought anything yet. I'm usually rocking right along with my shopping by now, but I'm having a harder time this year. I hope there are some fun new toys for the holiday season, because I'm not seeing too much new stuff yet, and I need ideas!



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My kids get 12 gifts each, which sounds like a lot, but we celebrate 3 holidays during that time of year. They get 8 gifts for Hanukkah (1 each night, obviously), on Christmas they get one big one from us, one from Santa, and one from their sibling, and then on New Years they get one from Diyed Maroz (translated it's "Grandfather Frost," the Russian Santa. We tell the kids he's Santa's Russian cousin).


DD5 is getting an American Girl doll for her big gift (thanks for helping me decide, ladies!!!!), the set of AG books, several Calico Critters sets that I bought on e-bay at a steal months ago, a potholder craft kit ($4 at Christmas Tree Shop --Sweet!!!!), sticky mosaics, and probably a couple of dresses or small accessories for the AG doll.


DS6 is getting several Lego sets (his big gift is a discontinued Lego set that makes 8 different dinosaurs), books, a couple of sticky mosaics kits, and probably some sort of science kit/activity. He was literally drooling over the Playmobile Egyptian pyramid in the store today, but we already bought his big gift, so it's going to have to wait until another time!

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I know this isn't done very often but I have a suggestion for your older boys IF they are handy. How about starting a collection of real good quality tools? Do they have any hobbies where they borrow Dad's stuff? Might be a good time to buy them their own?


I was glad when my hubby & I married that he had wonderful tools & "manly" stuff. It saved us so much money.


My mom did this for my brother when he hit his teens. She got him a few things each year, and I think she got him a drill too when he hit college. He was glad to already have tools when he got out on his own.

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Target had a nice clearance selection on 75% off a few months ago and I grabbed some goodies... Both kids will get a fun bath toy and a few other little toys. We don't go all out with our kids because my parents usually get the kids decent things and I'm SO not in the 3 or 4 dozen presents per kid camp!


My cousin was going to do a theme for her kids one year:

something you want

something you need

something to wear


something to read


Well I brought that for my DD (we were doing big family Christmases back then with all the cousins at my grandma's house) and found that everyone else (including that cousin) had decided to buy a HUGE amount of gifts for their kids. I was dumbfounded! My grandma's normally huge living room had literally been taken over by the mountain of presents. I'm not into that! LOL

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DS12: Steelers hat, tee shirt, and big sign for his room ("Steelers Country") LOL


DD10: Homemade skirt, shirt, pants, shoes, and coat for her doll (we made that too!)




DS4: Star Wars figures (x 4) that we found at a thrift store.


We budget $50 per kid. We still have $44 to spend on DS4, LOL! Maybe we'll use that for a nice family gift since he'll be so busy with the Star Wars presents.

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My mother tends to go overboard for Christmas, so we keep things small here.


DS6 is getting 2 puzzles, a couple of Playmobil items (he wants a whale and the shark w/diving cage set), books, and a couple of other small things including a game (we haven't decided which one yet).


DS2 is getting books, a toy police car with sounds, and we're not sure what else. Oh, Santa will be bringing him a fire truck since that's what he's been into for a long time.


I know my mom is getting some bigger Playmobil items for ds6 and a small bike w/ training wheels for ds2 (he'll be 3 soon).

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ds 16 no clue. Probably give him $$ and we purchase their year books a part of their Christmas present oh and tickets to Star Wars:Where science meets imagination opening night which will be in town in June of next year

ds 14 likes vintage t-shirts and has given me a few ideas of which ones he likes and of course $$

ds 9 several lego mining sets, hess truck

dd4 disney store princess jewelry box with several rings and necklaces in it, pretty pretty princess, cash register, box of girl legos(I am rethinking this. would I be nuts to get anotehr 200 legos?)


Of course filled stockings.

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My kids get 12 gifts each, which sounds like a lot, but we celebrate 3 holidays during that time of year.


I don't think 12 gifts each is a lot. I know it may seem a lot when you read that people are getting a book and a sweater but I don't think 12 gifts is out of line or excessive.


My kids probably average around 12 gifts from Santa. I only listed 6 above but I'm sure I'll be picking up some clothes, some books and a movie or audiobook or 2 before the big day. They have a bit to open but 12 gifts is not a mountain.


Your gifts sound wonderful!

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Next year it might not be legal to make things for my nieces and nephews. I made my niece a pillow with her name on it. I made my nephew and other niece aprons for baking with their mom, my sis. I'm making my dd 10 a big throw pillow with her initials on it and a fancy pillowcase for her regular pillow and a new zipper wristlet. I would like to make a quilt with an eagle on it for my son who is just now becoming a life scout and will be working on his eagle rank, but I don't think I will have the time. I do think I will make him a book bag. I will probably get him a new alarm clock with a cd player. For my SIL who we are doing a gift exchange with I think I will make some big throw pillows that say "LIVE" LAUGH" and "LOVE", and a big meal for her freezer.

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I don't think 12 gifts each is a lot. I know it may seem a lot when you read that people are getting a book and a sweater but I don't think 12 gifts is out of line or excessive.


My kids probably average around 12 gifts from Santa. I only listed 6 above but I'm sure I'll be picking up some clothes, some books and a movie or audiobook or 2 before the big day. They have a bit to open but 12 gifts is not a mountain.


Your gifts sound wonderful!


Thank you :001_smile: Of course, those don't count the gifts from extended family. My mom goes overboard like she did for our Christmases growing up, and I just don't have the heart to tell her to reign it in a bit. She takes so much joy from it. I think watching the kids open the gifts she gives them is her best Christmas present!

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We're doing a Disney vacation in January as our big gift too!


But, we're also getting a few smaller things as the Disney vaca is a surprise.


Ds13 - rocket stuff. It's his obsession.


Ds 11 - Unicycle (yes really! He loves physical things like this!)


Ds 9 - ???????? (We may include him in on the unicycle gift)


DD3 - My dad is making a doll house and we'll buy some furniture.


All four - new pjs and a Christmas tree ornament.


Stockings - we've been saving all sorts of free stuff all year so we won't have to pay for these things.


LOVE the tool idea! I may add that to our kids' birthdays. VERY cool! Thanks.

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