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we're putting down our old faithful today

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Hi, all. Feel the need to ask for prayers, good thoughts or vibes to come our way. We're putting down our 12 yo shepherd, Sabrina, today. She's been with us since my oldest was 1.5 y.o. and #2 was crawling...before the other 3 children. She has been a good girl, loyal, faithful, loving and has done her job well. She is in pretty bad condition healthwise, and we all agree this is best for her, even if it is cripplingly difficult for us. We love our "old girl." Thank you for all well wishes. I probably won't check in 'til much later today, but I know the prayers, etc. will serve us well all morning long. She goes in at 9 a.m.

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with my 17 year old calico (whom we had since her kitten days), I must say there is a hole in our family. I will be thinking of you and praying for you and yours this morning as I'm sure there will be a hole in your family too.


It's very tough with her gone, but I know she just didn't have anymore to give. She gave us her all and I am forever grateful to her. From your post, I can tell you are feeling the same.


Okay, I'm crying, AGAIN. Hugs to you.



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When we put our girl down, I felt like I had been hit by a truck for days after. I still think about her a lot (2 years later) and miss her, though the pain isn't there the same way.


I hope that your many happy memories, and the knowledge that you loved and cared for her well, will sustain you through the next few days.



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Hi, all. Feel the need to ask for prayers, good thoughts or vibes to come our way. We're putting down our 12 yo shepherd, Sabrina, today. She's been with us since my oldest was 1.5 y.o. and #2 was crawling...before the other 3 children. She has been a good girl, loyal, faithful, loving and has done her job well. She is in pretty bad condition healthwise, and we all agree this is best for her, even if it is cripplingly difficult for us. We love our "old girl." Thank you for all well wishes. I probably won't check in 'til much later today, but I know the prayers, etc. will serve us well all morning long. She goes in at 9 a.m.




So very sorry...we had to put our lab down about 7 years ago. She was our "first" baby.


We all still miss her and talk of you here and there through the years. She was special.


You will need to lean on Jesus for the strength to get you through this. He is your deliverer! Enjoy the memories you made with her. And, know that she was also blessed to have you for her family.


Getting ready to cry here....blessings to you.



Follower of Jesus!

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I will be praying for your loss! We had to put down our 15 year old dog last summer, it was the first time our children had seen their father cry...we have never lost a close family member in our entire marriage...this was tough for all of us...what a blessing they are to our families!!


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Thanks everyone. It has been a very somber day. We bawled a bit when Daddy took her away. We talked about her for a while, then started school. It helped to keep their minds distracted. The older ones have been coming to terms with this for some time, as we warned them about 2 months ago that we were seriously considering this route. The little ones, not so much. A lot of crying and talking through today. I'm exhausted. I blogged about my sweet girl. It really helps me to get my thoughts on paper, so it was a blessing to me. Our local friends called and emailed with love as they knew her and knew her to be a great member of our family.She will forever be in our hearts and never forgotten. She was a great girl.


Thank you all for your support. Despite all of this, we had a very pleasant day of school and got everything finished with no arguments or procrastination -- that was a gift for me, one I am so thankful for...I could not have handled any garbage today.


Again, thanks to all.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry you and your family have to go through this. Be strong, I know first hand how incredibly hard it is. It would be wonderful if they could stay with us forever, but they are not designed to do this. They are gifts to teach us and love us while they can and then they must move on.


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