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What have been hits and misses this year at your house?


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Teaching K and 2nd




Spell to Write and Read (3 years running as a hit)

Singapore Math (2 years running as a hit)

My Pals are Here Science

Fun Review Books




Tapestry of Grace (I love this program but it was too much.)

Anne's School Place Bible Curriculum (It looked perfect but again too much.)



Middle of the Road:


Rod and Staff Reading 1 for my Ker--When she likes it she loves it. When she is not ready for it it is too hard.

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Developmental Math for the 7yo

5yo is using BJU K Math (which I like, but the 5yo would like to use Developmental Math after she finishes her K book)

Amelia Bedelia from the Sonlight Core 2 readers

Evan-Moor Grammar & Punctuation 2

Handwriting Without Tears (K, 1st, & 3rd)

Explode the Code book 1

Some of our Sonlight Core C books

Games for Writing by Peggy Kaye (just started this one & some of the games have really helped with writing)



Any books by Arnold Lobel. Ugh. I purchased Sonlight Core 2 readers for the 7yo, and it is mostly Arnold Lobel books (Frog & Toad series, Owl at Home, Mouse Tales), and she won't touch these books!! She says they are too dark.

Some of our Sonlight Core C books

Horizons Math. I hate Horizons Math.

Write About Me (Pre-Just Write series.) Bombed big time with the 7yo, but I think the 5yo would love it.



Spelling Workout B


(I hate teaching spelling to a 7yo, BTW)

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Grade 5




SOTW 4~ We just read, do the maps and discuss history

Scholastic Junior~This combines well with SOTW--current events, map skills, etc.

Great Books~ We read and discuss some great short stories.


Near Misses: :grouphug:

Shurley English~ DD dislikes this program for being too repetative and boring, I like that she know what a pronoun is and can find one in a sentence.

Saxon 76


Spelling Workout~ DD can pass spelling tests, but can spell when writing????? What's this about?????

My Pals Science~ DD really needs to develop her study skills for this to work. We use Higher Order Thinking, Workbook and Tests. I'm also writing a Science Fair project outline to supplement My Pals so we can "do" science.


Total Misses: :banghead:


William and Mary Patterns of Change Language Arts for Gifted Students~ I really wanted this to work, but it just doesn't. It is meant for the classroom and not home school. The concept behind this text is great, but it became the bridge too far.


Spectrum Geography~What can I say, we just never do it.


Journaling~Ditto to the above.



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Another miss for us:

Draw Write Now---seemed like it would be a good way to get some sort of drawing instruction in with the copywork, but pretty dismal failure for us. I am hoping that we will be able to have an actual art teacher through our co-op in the fall as I can only draw stick people.

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For ds13 7th grade



Lightning Literature 7th - We're just finishing up and ds has loved the reading selections.


Lial's Algebra - A very recent switch and it's going great so far!


The Fallacy Detective - We have fun discussing the lessons and looking for fallacies on tv, etc.


HG Wells - okay, so not a program, but ds has discovered HG Wells and we've been reading The Time Machine, and The War of the Worlds as our readalouds. Very engaging and thought provoking.



MUS Algebra 1 - sadly this was not working for ds. He'd used MUS since beginning homeschooling in 3rd grade. Something about the Algebra text just did not connect with him though. I suspect each lesson was a chunk of information slightly too large for ds to grasp. We'll continue to use this as a review tool if/when necessary.


Truthquest - Really wasn't our thing, and perhaps made worse to try jumping in with the last text of the series, geared to older students? It's been replaced by a hodge-podge of my own which is making for a patchy history study this year.

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Singapore Math: This is our fourth year and I am still very impressed with it.


History Read-aloud: This is still my dd's favorite part of the day.


Story of the Greeks--Guerber: DD really likes this.


LCI DVD: I need the hand-holding. I misplaced one of the DVDs in our move and had to teach the lessons on my own for awhile. We did okay with it, but dd (and I) learn much more with the DVDs.



Near Miss:


Discover for Yourself Bible Studies--Kay Arthur. We have really liked these, but they are getting repetitious. I did not like the Genesis series as much as some of the others--too preachy. I had to skip some days because I didn't agree with everything. Unfortunately, I can't find any Bible study that I like better, so we may continue with this next year.




Story of the Ancient World--Guerber, I like the other Guerber books, but I disliked this one. Part of the problem was the strong young-earth slant. I expected more coverage of other civilizations when it is really mostly Israelites.


Horizons Math: I only used it as a supplement. I like the color, but the repetition gets boring. DD said that even the games/puzzles were all the same. From now on, I'll supplement Singapore with Singapore.


History Pockets: DD used to like these, (even asked me to buy more), but this year, she doesn't like them anymore.


Easy Grammar: blah and boring

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Spelling Power


Handwriting Without Tears

Horizons Math

Phonics Pathways



Rod and Staff Handwriting - too rigid

Singapore Math - too unconventional

Veritas Press - too much time spent on one time period (a whole year of Ancient Egypt for 2nd grade - ugh!)

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Hits - 4th grade

Megawords - currently in book 1


Writing Trails in American History

Latin for Children A


LLB Chemistry

Singapore Math - just switched from Saxon and it has been a big hit

Alphabetter - helping with alphabetizing




Hits - K




Singapore Math

How To Teach Art to Children



Misses - 4th

SWO - After 3 years it was time to switch to something that helps the student see when and how to apply the rules (see Megawords above)

Saxon 5/4 - after 3 years finally moved to Singapore - what a difference!

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Our hits for the year are:


Prentice Hall Life Science

Foerster's Algebra I ( except for those word problems!)

Growing with Grammar 1/2

Sequential Spelling

Truthquest MIddle Ages


Our misses:


Spelling Workout

Write Guide ( we just did one month and that was plenty...it was pricey and we got nothing out of it!)

Winterpromise MIddle Ages - this was a total bomb!



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Get Ready for the Code

Singapore Early Bird Math

A Reason for Handwriting


A Miss so far:

Phonics Pathways : So far does not seem very effective, I have noticed more progress with ETC. I am thinking of trying other programs soon if things stay like this.


Absolute Miss:

The Letter of the Week Curriculum

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11th grade Hits:

Sonlight Core 300

Sonlight Economics

Jensen Grammar

Lightning Lit British Lit

Practical Drafting w/CAD


5th grade Hits:

Writing Tales 2

BJU Science 5

Sequential Spelling

Word a Day Vocabulary

Sonlight 4 Readers & Read Alouds

Winter Promise AS II Adventure Readers

Outlining by Remedia




BJU Writing & Grammar 11

Winter Promise AS II hands-on notebooking/crafts (booooring)

NOEO Chemistry II (Not bad really, we just like BJU better)

History Pockets of any kind (again...boooring)

Artistic Pursuits


Any other curriculum we use are in the middle: not great hits, but not misses either. :-)

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11th grade Hits:

Sonlight Core 300

Sonlight Economics

Jensen Grammar

Lightning Lit British Lit

Practical Drafting w/CAD


5th grade Hits:

Writing Tales 2

BJU Science 5

Sequential Spelling

Word a Day Vocabulary

Sonlight 4 Readers & Read Alouds

Winter Promise AS II Adventure Readers

Outlining by Remedia




BJU Writing & Grammar 11

Winter Promise AS II hands-on notebooking/crafts (booooring)

NOEO Chemistry II (Not bad really, we just like BJU better)

History Pockets of any kind (again...boooring)


Any other curriculum we use are in the middle: not great hits, but not misses either. :-)


Melissa, Word a Day Vocabulary, do you choose a word, use a list? have it e-mailed or something else, just curious.




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Melissa, Word a Day Vocabulary, do you choose a word, use a list? have it e-mailed or something else, just curious.





Hi Kristine!


Actually I miss wrote the title of our vocab. It is A Word a Week Vocabulary Program (grades 5-8) by Teacher Created Resources. It is a book that I had seen recommended on another list and decided to give it a try. It's been a BIG hit for us! It is not work-booky at all...just a list of words with definitions and pre-written dialog for teaching it to your child.


I teach my son 3-4 words a week orally while also writing them down on a dry erase board. We also try and use them in our speech as much as possible making it rather fun for all involved. I review frequently to make sure he still remembers previous words, and have also made a simple matching card game where he has to match up the words with their definitions. At the end of the week, I will have him write the week's words and definitions in a vocab journal. This is working great for us. We also use Sequential Spelling, so we do spelling first (on same dry earse board) and then work on our weeks words each day. This is saving a lot of time for other more time consuming subjects like...Math. :-)


Some of the words (and their variations) that he has learned this year that he not only recognizes but actually KNOWS are: garrulous, perturbed, arduous, desist, conundrum, ludicrous, stymie, plethora, gregarious, inclement, benevolent, tenacious, superfluous, interminable, intrepid, obdurate, credible, defenestration, mellifluous, discordant, articulate, etc., etc., etc.


He is not learning as many words a week as, say, Wordly Wise would teach, but when we used Wordly Wise I felt that he wasn't actually LEARNING the words but just learning them enough to do all the tedious exercises which he disliked and found to be busy work. I still have Wordly Wise books, and may use them at some point the same way I am using Word a Week. Perhaps by taking it slower, taking a week to 'teach' the words Word a Week style, and then perhaps a week to do SOME of the exercises. For now though, we are loving Word a Week. I highly recommend it for a fun, simple, and not at ALL time consuming option for teaching vocabulary. :thumbup:

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Latin Prep 1



Hake Grammar

Vocab from Classical Roots

Chalkdust Pre-algebra

PH Science Explorer

United Streaming videos

Hakim's History of US series




Easy Grammar

Lightning Lit 7

Rod and Staff Grammar

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*Singapore Math

*SOTW 2 (and audio CDs)


*Timez Attack

*Chronicles of Narnia (again!)

*the FIAR read alouds

*actually all our read alouds!




*Anna Comstock's Handbook of Nature - just blech. sucks the life out of nature

*Long division - no program, just long division in general.

*Letter of the Week - may be my child, not the program. ?

*FLL 2

* We miss Barbara Alan Johnson on SOTW audio CDs. Does that count as a miss???


Depends on Who You Ask:



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Switching back to Saxon. Why didn't I do this before???

Rod and Staff grammar. Slow and steady wins the race.

Writing Strands. Yes, I really do like it.


Phonetic Zoo--excellent.

Upward Basketball

One day social studies class--report on Brazil

Concordia Voyages for Bible--but I have not been as consistent with this as I would have liked.

Literature Group--DD has made friends with other thoughtful book-lovers like herself.

Story of the 13 Colonies and Story of the Great Republic--Thanks, Kate in CA!

Art coop

Choral group

RS4K Physics Level 1

Those Sonlight science books that are narrative. Name escapes me at the moment, but these are really improving DD's retention.




Harcourt CA math--so glad I stopped beating this dead horse.

Quitting German was good. It had started to take way too much time.

I never did start Latin, though. Vocab is probably the best we are going to do.

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*TruthQuest Middle Ages AND TQ Ren/Ref w/ some SOTW 2 thrown in for good measure

*Fallacy Detective

*Sequential Spelling

*Huge hit here: Imitations in Writing: The Grammar of Poetry - this is awesome! My dd 13 even used what she's learning to make rhyming clues in iambic pentameter for a scavenger hunt for our ds12 bday today! I plan to have them use what they have written for typing practice & have their poetry bound in a book

*sort of: Teaching Textbooks 7: dd13 has issues w/ any math, but ds12 is liking it for review after finishing Saxon 76. I'm planning to have him start Jacobs Elem. alg. soon (can't afford TT prealg & a friend let us borrow Jacobs!)

*Daily Grams - just enough review for dd this year

*R&S 6

*Apologia General Science - ds12 liked this quite a bit, especially if I didn't assign TOO many pages at once, but he's moving to the BJU 8th grade w/ dd this year instead of continuing in the Apologia series

*The Geography Coloring book by Wyn Kaput or something like that - dd likes this & I make up a page of questions for her to answer while she reads the info (to make her really read it instead of skim!)

*1st semester we finished up Wordsmith (dd13) & Wordsmith Apprentice (ds12) - they were ok, not huge hits like the poetry we're doing now. May do another IIW or try Jump In from Apologia next year?

*History of Science by Hakim - dd13 read this 2nd semester & liked it - it went very well w/ our history studies this year, too. Easy read, one chapter per day - I just read it first & made notes where she needed to pay attention to the secular ideas & judge whether or not they were hokey




*Apologia Biology for dd13 - switching to BJU 8th this year (pretty pictures, you know) Also it was too advanced just yet & the chemistry bit had me stumped...we did this w/ co-op 1st semester

*Math U See epsilon for help w/ fractions - Key to series was better for review


I'm sure there is more but now my brain is tired!

Shannon in MO

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I have done science in conjunction with a science club for the past 6 years. In the past, we used portions of the Usborne Internet Linked Science Encyclopedia (Materials, Mixtures and Compounds) as a spine. We then would either use the internet links or comb the web for experiments or demonstrations to do. Most of us would then have our kids write up what we did in science club and what we learned. I have to say that my kids remembered so much more from this approach because they were very engaged.


This year, with our younger science club (ages 6 - 9), we tried RS4K. I wasn't too excited about it, but I was outvoted. My daughter asked to quit because she was so bored. When I led it this week, I tossed the book aside and did my own thing. What a joy it was to see kids who were engaged.

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Lightning Lit. 7

Lightning Lit. 7 (it is such a hit-I must repeat it)


Voc. from Classical Roots

Microsoft Word by Teacher Created Resources


Miss:-only 1-I was lucky this year:thumbup:

Writing Skills by Educators Pub. Service (t-e-d-i-o-u-s)

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Great topic!


Hits for 4th & 2nd boys:

Christian Liberty Press spelling - simple & effective

Christian Liberty Phonics (2nd grader) - has worked with 3 boys

Horizons Math

Writing Trails with Great Composers from Logos (goes great with The Story of the Orchestra and individual CD's "The Story of...Bach, Handel, etc."

Latina Christiana I (we use the DVD's - don't think we would have been successful without them)

SOTW 1 - dictation & narration going well

Rod & Staff English - yep, we're sticking with this one, do almost all orally and with the marker board



VP Egypt and Rome & Greece - I really wanted to love this but we are finally giving up on VP elementary (watch for stuff for sale!)

Noeo biology I - mainly because of the "One Small Square" books - we don't live where we can utilize this and it is boring/frustrating


Penny from Tenny and mom to 5

ds's 22, ds 9, ds 7, dd 2

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We've had a really good year....more hits than misses! (I omitted things that were just "okay")


Hits: SOTW II (with Biblioplan)---loved the knights and castles!, IEW-Medieval Lessons, Vocabulary Cartoons, Latin in the Christian Trivium (I and II), Latin Prep I, Jacob's Algebra and Geometry, IEW's Fix-It!, Simply Spelling, Singapore 4A/4B, MUS, Fallacy Detective/Thinking Toolbox, Apologia's Astronomy, Biology, and General Science


Misses: Spelling Workout, LCI

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Do you mind me asking how you combine SL and Winter Promise?

Thanks! Jill


I only combined the readers/read-alouds.


Coming from several years of using SL, Winter Promise's Read-Alouds were quite light for us (meaning not enough to read each day :)). What I did was take the WP schedule and basically rewrote portions of it doubling up on the WP Read-Alouds (aka Adventure Readers) and adding in choice SL Core 4 Read-Alouds that fit in what we were studying. Wite-out tape works great for this. ;) I also used the SL readers instead of the WP ones that come with the WP LA program. I did get one of their recommendations though, Jason's Gold, and read it as a read-aloud. My son and I loved it as well as the sequel Down the Yukon. Both great 'boy' books.


Anyhow, WP comes with two schedules, one for you and one for your child. On the child's schedule is a spot to write in their reader. I would choose a SL reader that fit in with our unit topic, or a SL biography, etc., and schedule it in. Very simple really.


As for the History books...we used WP exclusively. The books choices were high interest with a lot of great visuals...but we missed the depth SL used to give to our history studies. WP American Story would have been perfect for my son when he was in 3rd...but for 5th, it wasn't quite meaty enough, even with the middler set. I did not list it as a 'miss' though, because it was still a great history year for us.:D


HTH's! If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me!

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Jr. High Hits


LL 7 (with son)

BJU Lit 7 with DVD (my daughter is really enjoying Mrs. Vick with this class)

Wordly Wise Vocabulary 7, 8, 10

Jensen's Grammar (after a few years of excellent teaching with Rod and Staff, we appreciate the clear-cut, no-nonsense workbook format)

Rod and Staff Math

Wordsmith Apprentice/Wordsmith--fun little writing assignments

Hearts and Hands Activity/craft kits (all so far but only with my craft-loving daughter)


Jr. High Misses


Feed My Sheep--just doesn't get done

SOTW 3&4--too young for the age (used in Sonlight 7)


High School Hits


BJU Physical Science with DVD (a *great* class)

Math Relief Algebra 1 on DVD (another *great* class)

Smarr Literature--great for science/math types like my son--whole books but not too touchy-feely....


High School Misses


BJU Geography with DVD (takes too long--we are skipping the videos, doing basic book work supplemented by real books:No Picnic on Mount Kenya, The Long Walk, bio of David Livingstone, etc

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LBB (age 11)




  • Lightning Lit American Lit
  • History Odyssey Level 2 Early Modern (LBB does not like the earlier levels with crafty stuff like history pockets. Early Modern has lots of writing which he does like.)
  • Kinetic Algebra
  • Teaching Company Geology
  • Cooking classes from me




  • NEM1 (it was too easy, poor choice on my part)
  • CyberEd Earth science (he is finishing it, but again too easy and he just does not like it)


Qster (age 6)




  • Math Mammoth Light Blue (curriculum not just worksheets)
  • Complete Book(s) of Science, Grammar, Geography Grades 3-6 (he loves these colorful books and they are challenging enough to last a little while)
  • Even-Moore Daily Geography (he finished it in a month, but loved it)
  • Pokemon Learning League





  • Singapore Math (he understood the concepts fine, but just did not like it)
  • SOTW 1 (the storytelling format is not our style. I don't know why I even tried since it never worked with LBB either)
  • Lapbooking






  • Moving more towards a Core Knowledge type schedule
  • Realizing that it was time to start high school with LBB (started in November when he was 10). This has brought so much calm to our day. LBB is finally feeling engaged and challenged and I am scrambling less to keep up with him (although he is still speeding through science and math at warp speed).




  • Trying to follow WTM too closely with Qster


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but here's my thoughts at this point & looking back to last term (Oct-Dec).




16yod: Apologia Biology, MUS, Jump In (at her request), Sequential Spelling for Adults, SYRWTL Latin 1, Trail Guide to World Geography, & letting her plan her work from my term goals for her.


14yos: Latin Prep 1, Sequential Spelling, MUS, TGtWG, First Start French


10yos: Typing Instructor, Beginner's Kana Workbook (Japanese writing), MUS, Apologia's Zoology 1, FLL 3, math copywork (homemade), TGtWG


Not sure yet


16yod: Usborne Easy Spanish,


14yos: Apologia General Science (dd LOVED this book, but ds#1 struggles with the amount of writing required), Jump In (he doesn't like any writing, but seems to tolerate these assignments better than most)


10yos: Schonell Spelling




16yod: SOS Spanish, SL 200, Latina Christiana 1


14yos: SOS French, SL 5, Prima Latina, SL LA


10yos: SL 3 science, SL LA including Diamond Notes writing


We loved our SL 7 + SL 3&4 combination that we finished in September, but found that SL 5 & SL 200 wasn't a fit for our family. I'm still using the books as they're great literature & postage is too expensive to make it worthwhile to return the cores, but I'm not trying to follow the cores in any way now.



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No misses so far, but we are doing School-lite right now. :001_smile:


My not quite 3 yo sponge is loving Little Hands to Heaven more with each passing day! :party:


I also got Activites in a Bag for Preschoolers and she loves every activity I have made so far. She even offers lots of "help" creating the activities. :thumbup:


I am eagerly awaiting Language Lessons for Little Ones book 1, so I don't know how that will go, but from the sample it looks like it will be perfect for her age and abilities.

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For 3rd grade and K


We've had more of a "miss" year than a "hit" year here, mostly because of my inability to adjust to Classical Conversations.


Hits(Nothing new here):


ETC (K-er)

Chronicles of Narnia (3rd grader)



Classical Conversations - it leaves us with a 4 day week which just doesn't work for us. It is too much memory work with too high a cost (time-wise) - we are missing all the great read alouds we used to have time for.



SWR - it is what we need, but has been difficult to implement on a 4 day schedule (because of CC) I think it will get better :)

SOTW vol.3 - my kids love it, but I miss the continuity of story we had when our spines were only CHOW and Island Story. I'm leaning towards migrating back towards Ambleside after CC is over and letting dss listen to SOTW on CDs (finishing vol3 and moving on to vol 4 in the fall).



Great thread!

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My son is in First Grade:



First Language Lessons, he does not like the way it is scripted and although I have tried to reword it for him- just a no go.

Draw Write Now- I don't know how to explain it, while he thinks the drawing are interesting it just does not appeal to him.



Real Science 4 Kids: When I tell him we are going to pull out the science books his face just lights up.

Singapore Primary 1a & B: he loves this program and requests to do it first.


So so

Explode the Code 4. I am wondering whether or not I should have skipped him ahead to book 5, since he just flies through it. I wanted him to understand syllables, but it just seems to be more copy work than anything.


Sequential Spelling: I think this one is me. I just don't think he needs spelling at this point, I may try again when we are doing our light summer program to see if that makes a difference.

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For K:


Hits: Singapore Math, K12 History, and K12 Science


Misses: Explode the Code, RightStart Math



For 6th:


Hits: K12 Life Science, Getting Started with Latin, Hake Grammar


Misses: IEW packaged curriculum

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1.AOP Lifepacs - misses across the board


2.Saxon Math 1 for K-er- This was a disaster and we tried so HARD to stick it out!


3. Using Beechick guide and McGuffey's to teach reading, etc.




Horizons Math (LOVE this math!)

Hooked on Phonics (so easy!)

Hey Andrew Greek 1 (son loves it!)


Also- Developing the Early Learner, Rod and Staff Preschool



Other hits that we finished the book but didn't keep going: Classic Curriculum Workbooks (these are great- we didn't stick with them but they are very well done- lots of review and very challenging)

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This is a wonderful thread.


Ditto! I'm bookmarking this for sure.


Here are mine, with my verbally advanced 5-year-old, working at a K/1st-ish level.



Right Start Math--so fun, and makes teaching math really easy

Handwriting Without Tears

Learning poetry using various resources

Galloping the Globe (we are secular, but GTG provides a nice backbone and plenty of secular resources)

The Magic Treehouse books!



Winter Promise's The World Around Us and Animals and Their Worlds (I liked the format, but it was very hard to do small bits and pieces every day. DD dragged her feet every step of the way. It just wasn't her style at all.)


Things we're "Eh" on:

Five in a Row (DD doesn't love it. She doesn't like spending so much time analyzing the same book. It's working for us, though, for now.)

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Teaching Textbooks Math - 2nd yr. of this - TT5, TT7 & Pre-Alg.

Singapore Math

Growing with Grammar - Yr. 2 of this also

Startwrite CD

Drive-Thru History DVD's - we just watch them, I don't do the curriculum




None this year, since we've ironed everything out finally after 9 years or so. Here are some past misses (there are many, many more)


Saxon Math

Writing Strands

Abeka Language

Spelling Workout - didn't "work out" hehe...



I can definitely say that experience has taught me that, in general, curriculum written specifically for homeschoolers has worked out much better for us. Even better are programs written BY homeschoolers.



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R&S Grammar 4th and 5th grade

Time Traveler American Revolution

God's Design Animal Kingdom and Universe

Abeka 4th grade..dd doesn't really like it much, but she doesn't like math!



R&S History, Science and Spelling

Lial's BMC

Latin for Children A..dc enjoyed it but we just don't have the time

Wordly Wise

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Life of Fred ~ we have done Fractions and Decimals & Percents and are a couple chapters into Beginning Algebra. My ds loves these books! We are always talking about Fred and what he is up to. Sad, I know. :001_smile:

All About Spelling

IEW TWSS ~ I will be purchasing one of the SWI in April at our hs conference.

Exploring Ocean Life from Teacher Created Resources

Evolution: The Grand Experiment and a free lecture series from HHMI about evolution

Critical Thinking from The Daily Spark series

Sonlight 5 books

Ancient Far East kit from Hands and Hearts


That is all I can think of for now.


We really didn't have any big misses. Dd didn't like the EHE from SL 5 so we dropped that and made some adjustments. I like the concept behind Trisms, but we just could not get into a groove with it so we are not currently using it.

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  • 3 months later...

Misses: SOTW, SAXON MATH, biggest loser ever, most tedious thing we have ever done, we both hated it (dd and I).


Hits: (We just started most of these): MUS, Artistic Pursuits (LOVE IT!!!), HWT, Trail Guide To US Geography, and, as always, almost anything from Evan Moor.

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I have done science in conjunction with a science club for the past 6 years. In the past, we used portions of the Usborne Internet Linked Science Encyclopedia (Materials, Mixtures and Compounds) as a spine. We then would either use the internet links or comb the web for experiments or demonstrations to do. Most of us would then have our kids write up what we did in science club and what we learned. I have to say that my kids remembered so much more from this approach because they were very engaged.


This year, with our younger science club (ages 6 - 9), we tried RS4K. I wasn't too excited about it, but I was outvoted. My daughter asked to quit because she was so bored. When I led it this week, I tossed the book aside and did my own thing. What a joy it was to see kids who were engaged.


I decided to use the Usborne for a spine this year with my 10yo, adding in his chemistry set when it fits. I decided not to let anyone know - figured that would be "So boring!" Very glad to see your post!




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