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Note to the anonymous 1-star rater...

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of every single one of Impish's threads.




Seriously? Consider getting yourself a life.


No kidding.


Maybe she could sum up some courage and actually post what her problem with Impish is.




I can't stand some of things on this board but I don't put a one-star rating on the threads.

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The feeling on this board gets more and more bitter and cold by the day. :(
There have been a number of (mostly) former posters who received similar treatment. :(


In the immortal words of Sylvester: whoever you are, "You're desthpicable."

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I wonder if the rater is aware that the moderators know who they are.
I don't *think* the system records who made what rating, so when others give 5-star ratings to compensate, it hides the evidence.
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The mods outed someone once.
AFAIK, the only one ever outed was me... I was five starring threads randomly in protest to a one starrer under similar circumstances months ago. I was but one of the five star fairies though. The negative rating of personal threads is a pet peeve of mine. If you don't like a certain poster, don't read their threads. Seems simple enough, no? Grrrr. Edited by nmoira
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I'll be her anonymous 5 star rater and balance it out.

Aww, thanks :001_wub::grouphug:


May sound incredibly stupid, but I really am touched and appreciative of the support you guys have shown in this thread. After sobbing for over an hour today (and it wasn't the pretty tears trickling down the face either...it was the full out chest hitching, hiccuping, snotty nose sobbing :o) this is just so appreciated. As I said earlier, I know nothing about the ratings, how it works, or even how the heck one could know that someone is giving a one star rating. But I appreciate this so very much. :grouphug:

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Aww, thanks :001_wub::grouphug:


May sound incredibly stupid, but I really am touched and appreciative of the support you guys have shown in this thread. After sobbing for over an hour today (and it wasn't the pretty tears trickling down the face either...it was the full out chest hitching, hiccuping, snotty nose sobbing :o) this is just so appreciated. As I said earlier, I know nothing about the ratings, how it works, or even how the heck one could know that someone is giving a one star rating. But I appreciate this so very much. :grouphug:


No snot-running in the mouth sobbing? :D


I hate when I do that!!!

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of every single one of Impish's threads.


Seriously? Consider getting yourself a life.


I agree. I find myself rating a 5 for some of Impish's threads- even if I don't like them- because I don't think they are deserving of a 1.


You can still block people, can't you? Whoever insists on rating one person a 1 every time she posts should think about blocking them instead. Really, it's a message board. Don't raise your blood pressure over it.

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AFAIK, the only one ever outed was me... I was five starring threads randomly in protest to a one starrer under similar circumstances months ago. I was but one of the five star fairies though. The negative rating of personal threads is a pet peeve of mine. If you don't like a certain poster, don't read their threads. Seems simple enough, no? Grrrr.


I don't know if the mod ever said anything but I did a 5-star rating run once. I too was tired of the dumb low star ratings. I rated like a whole page at once! :tongue_smilie:

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should go away....like the 'poster' rating system did, LOL! It is silly and serves no purpose. It seems to be used 'against' people.....



:iagree: I don't understand what purpose it serves if any.



I don't know if the mod ever said anything but I did a 5-star rating run once. I too was tired of the dumb low star ratings. I rated like a whole page at once! :tongue_smilie:



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I don't know if the mod ever said anything but I did a 5-star rating run once. I too was tired of the dumb low star ratings. I rated like a whole page at once! :tongue_smilie:
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Aww, thanks :001_wub::grouphug:


May sound incredibly stupid, but I really am touched and appreciative of the support you guys have shown in this thread. After sobbing for over an hour today (and it wasn't the pretty tears trickling down the face either...it was the full out chest hitching, hiccuping, snotty nose sobbing :o) this is just so appreciated. As I said earlier, I know nothing about the ratings, how it works, or even how the heck one could know that someone is giving a one star rating. But I appreciate this so very much. :grouphug:


:grouphug: I haven't even read the thread that seems to be the problem yet but I know you've had a rough time of late and the last thing you need is someone's nasty attitude on an internet forum that you turn to for support.

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Wait, explain..........I thought if a thread got a star that was a good thing, and the more stars the better, so why wouldn't one star be good? And no, it wasn't me.


When you click on the stars to provide a rating, the single star is defined as "terrible."


And not saying this to you, since I know you are the one-star rater, but I also think that the practice of low-starring these personal threads is tacky and mean.

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This is the weirdest thing I've ever heard. I had no idea such a thing existed. Boy, I better be more careful, I think out loud way too much around here.


Impish, I truly am sorry you are having a bad time of it. Personally, I love to cry. Lately, more so than ever. I cry all the time lately. It really feels good to let it all out. I've walked around lately for whole days with the front of my shirt soaked all the way through with tears. I kid you not. I'd have died if I couldn't pray to my Father above. I don't know all your needs, but I'm praying for you.



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Here is my theory:


If someone rates a thread with one star, but doesn't post about what their issue is, then I think they see too much of themselves in the thread and it makes them uncomfortable. For whatever reason the thread makes them look at something about themselves that they don't like or don't want to face. Otherwise why wouldn't they post their complaint with the thread along with rating it poorly?


A while ago I posted a rant about pain-in-the-butt kids and parents on travel sports teams. All the responses were people that agreed with what I was saying, but there were a lot of bad ratings on it. I think that in that case people recognized that they were they pain-in-the-butt parents but didn't have any defense, so instead just rated the thread poorly.


Just my opinion.

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Aww, thanks :001_wub::grouphug:


May sound incredibly stupid, but I really am touched and appreciative of the support you guys have shown in this thread. After sobbing for over an hour today (and it wasn't the pretty tears trickling down the face either...it was the full out chest hitching, hiccuping, snotty nose sobbing :o) this is just so appreciated. As I said earlier, I know nothing about the ratings, how it works, or even how the heck one could know that someone is giving a one star rating. But I appreciate this so very much. :grouphug:


Oh Impish!! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I am praying for you girl. I hope you see some brighter days soon.

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Impish, I'm sorry you are receiving such treatment. I never rate threads, good or bad. I had a bad experience on another board with stars (thankfully, that board has since taken the star system down), and I want no part of them. On that board someone even 1-starred the thread I posted when my brother died.


I suspect that people who do such things actually have a low self-esteem, so I have some sympathy for them. Don't let this get to you. :grouphug:

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Impish, I'm sorry you are receiving such treatment. I never rate threads, good or bad. I had a bad experience on another board with stars (thankfully, that board has since taken the star system down), and I want no part of them. On that board someone even 1-starred the thread I posted when my brother died.


I suspect that people who do such things actually have a low self-esteem, so I have some sympathy for them. Don't let this get to you. :grouphug:


I'm so sorry about your brother!

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