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Prayers please for StaceyL and HeatherC (Canada)

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Hi, all -


Stacey and I have not "found our place" on these new boards much yet. But I am checking in today to ask you folks to pray for both of us.

Me, I have been diagnosed with a probable meningioma - this is a kind of brain tumour that is almost always benign (ie *not* cancer) but it will still require surgery. I am having an MRI Monday evening and will see my neurosurgeon (I have already met him once) on Tuesday to find out further plans. I have lots of support from friends, co-workers(I work part-time as an RN), family and my dh, 3 boys and I are OK for now. I am continuing to work part-time (the doctor said it was OK, but I may not drive because of risk of seizure. My 17 yos has become my chauffeur...) - to try to set some money aside. When I am off for surgery, I will not get sick pay (since I am a part-time employee) - I will have to apply for unemployment/illness insurance. This will help but will not replace my usual earnings.... When I got this diagnosis, but my initial thought (my Bible reading at the time was in Job) was "Shall I accept good from the Lord and not evil?" I am at peace....

So prayer that my tumour will indeed turn out to be a benign meningioma and "take-out-able" and that the Lord will provide for our needs financially would be appreciated. Also -- that he will uphold my young men, and they will find Him faithful....


Now -- re: StaceyL

I just got an email from Stacey's son Erik; I will paste it here for all of you to read.


"Hello Mrs. Candy, this is Erik emailing...I'm not sure which address you primarily use, so I'm sending this message to both.



First of all, I heard you've had (or are having?) surgery on a tumor...I hope and pray it goes well, and without any complications.


I don't know if David emailed you already, but our mom was hurt in a car accident on Friday, February 29th. I was in the car but am ok. She is going to be alright (no permanent injuries, organ damage, internal bleeding, or anything), but she is currently in Hamilton General Hospital, and has some injuries, including:



-Broken collarbone



-Fractured Pelvis



-Fractured Hip



-Broken Sacrum



-Multiple broken ribs



-Various cuts & bruises





Don't get too scared though, as I said, she is going to be ok. Obviously she is in a lot of pain, but she says she has experienced a strange calm and optimism despite what's happened. The recovery time should be about 3 months (hopefully!), although she'll be able to come back home in the near future, albeit under homecare, etc.



She asked me to send you this email and to send a message out to the well trained mind board (the highschool one, I think. Whichever one she posts on), and ask for people to pray for her (and our whole family) during this time.





My brothers and I are doing alright at home. Matthew and Kenneth have been going between people's houses, but at the moment are back here. Our church had a meeting 2 days after the accident and put together a list of people who would bring us meals, drive us around, etc. so we are well-taken care of. We've gone to see our mom several times and she is doing a little better each day, and has made considerable progress considering it's only been 8 days.



Sorry for letting you know so late. I just thank God she wasn't hurt any worse.





Pray, and tell the WTM board to as well.












So Stacey needs our prayers as well, as do her wonderful young men (they visited with us a while back and they are a great bunch of young men -- my 3 boys and her lads all got along well together.)


Even though "she is going to be all right" those are pretty serious injuries. It must have been quite a serious collision (and I can imagine her trying to take the worst hit for herself to protect Erik.....)


I am so glad to hear that her church family is standing by her -- I know Stacey has struggled with feeling alone, not fitting in. This, I hope, will bless her ultimately....


Thanks, all for your support and prayers. They will be appreciated by both families.....


HeatherC (Canada)

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happening to you and StaceyL. I will definitelyB] be praying for both of you! One verse I thought of while reading your post is from the end of Psalm 27 (vs. 13):


"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." (NIV) I like the NAS even better: "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."



Remember and meditate on the goodness of God and His love for you. We will be praying for both of you and your families!

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I would be happy to collect cards and letters for Stacey and forward them on to her home. I have her address. Feel free to pm or e-mail me and I will give you my address so you can send them to me and I will forward them to her. I can't just give out her address, but I would be happy to share mine with you for this purpose.



I'm so sorry to hear this bad news from both you and Stacey. I will certainly pray. I feel so aweful that both of you felt isolated from the new boards and now are having to endure these hardships. We are here for you. (((())))

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I know we are told that we will endure trials, but my heart aches for both of you!


Please know that both families are in our prayers, and Heather, please, PLEASE, keep us frequently posted on your and Stacey's condition. I would like to be able to hold you up before the throne on a very regular basis, with as much as you feel comfortable sharing--although He certainly knows before we even pray. :o


I will go put your names on my pantry door list right now--that's the best way I've found to keep the names of folks who are dear to me frequently in prayer! :D






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Hi, all -


Stacey and I have not "found our place" on these new boards much yet. But I am checking in today to ask you folks to pray for both of us.


HeatherC (Canada)


I understand about not "finding your place" on the new boards. Please know that those of us who have been around awhile know you both and love you.


I don't post on these boards much anymore, but I sort of "followed" Stacey, KC, Heather, and Cathi (from Hawaii, now in ?) from the Sonlight boards to these boards. You all have always provided much inspiration and advice and prayer to whomever needed it. And now you need it.


Our prayers are with you and your families as you go through these trials. You (especially, Stacey) may wonder when will these trials ever end? God has His hands on your lives. He will never leave nor forsake you. I pray for quick healing for both of you and for comfort for your families. Please let us know if there's any more we can do for you all. God Bless You, Always!

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I am so sorry to hear what you are dealing with. This must be a difficult time for you and your family. God will provide the $$'s you need...I can bear witness to that....that's why we are here in Georgia rather than back home in Ontario...long story. Please pass on my best wishes to Stacey...her life has been so difficult and complex, that the added complexity of life from a hospital room must be overwhelming. I believe that God has a special plan for her, and that the trials in her life have an ultimate good. Please keep us posted on both of your situations so we can pray and care.


Heather once from Ontario, now Georgia.

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I will be praying for both you and Stacey. Please keep us informed on both of your conditions when you can. It was really sweet of you to pass along the information Heather.


We will be praying for God's grace mercy and healing in your lives and loads of encouragement to see you through.:)

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You both have our thoughts and prayers. Please, please update us on how you and Stacey are doing. That's an awful lot to have hit your two homes all at once. I'm so glad you have such great support, love, and encouragement right there for you. {{hugs}}

Hi, all -


Stacey and I have not "found our place" on these new boards much yet. But I am checking in today to ask you folks to pray for both of us.

HeatherC (Canada)

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My BIL has had two seperate meningiomas removed successfully -- years apart. We'll be praying that all goes well for youas you prepare for this.


Praying also for peaceful rest and sleep, rapidly lessening pain, and a very speedy recovery for Stacey (and family).



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Prayers will be said here for both of you, Heather and Stacey, as well as for your families. Thank you for entrusting us with your prayer needs! My family will be lifting you up down here in Florida. This is such an expression of the wide reach of the true Church -- that we down in Florida can care about you and pray for you, to God who oversees us all. May God do "immeasurably more than all you could ask or imagine." Please let Stacey and her boys know that her big virtual family cares about them and is praying for them!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, all --


Just a quick update to let you know what's up with Stacey and me.


I talked to Stacey this evening -- she is still in hospital, but expects to be going home in the next few days. She is in the process of having her house checked over by occupational therapists, etc. to see what kinds of equipment, etc. she might need. She is "walking" using a walker, but with some difficulty, as she has a broken hip on one side, and a broken collarbone on the other. She uses a wheelchair some of the time as well.

She still has quite some time to go before she will be back to "normal" (whatever that is....) Her boys are doing well, I think, but are looking forward to having her back home....

She is in good spirits, her pain is controlled, all seems to be going well, with no major setbacks.


Me -- I continue to wait. I had an MRI about 10 days ago, and then my first appointment with the neurosurgeon was cancelled (he was called away; not his fault). So my week has been one of waiting, which I find I'm not that good at :-)

I did finally see the neurosurgeon yesterday, and things seem to be in progress. The MRI seemed to show a fairly straightforward meningioma, and he was positive that "we'll just go in and take it out and you should be OK in a couple of months". That was a relief. However, he does want "another" MRI, so I am now awaiting that. It will likely take another few days, because everything pretty much shuts down here for 4 days over the Easter weekend. (I admit to feeling a tad frustrated that, for whatever reason, the first MRI wasn't done "quite right", which is why he wants another one....) The neurosurgeon seemed to think that I would be able to have the surgery sometime in April, and that all would go smoothly.

I had a bit of a different opinion from his secretary today, though -- she led me to believe that it could be June before much happens -- that was quite discouraging to hear, and it's hard to know which to believe now.

Please pray that things would happen sooner rather than later, and that I would be patient....

Thanks, all....



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