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Can anyone tell me what this young lady is talking about?

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Wow, I couldn't listen to the whole thing. That was painful. How sad.

Oh, you should have. You know, they should grow food. Because it's free. The land is free. You just have to pay the farmers. Is there rent on the land? It's free, so you should grow things and sell it at the farmer's market. (oh, by the way, did you know that there are vegetable trees?):lol::lol:

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Oh, well, you see, she was talking about the like, organic pesticides that won't hurt us. Like I totally get it now. I just needed clarification on that.


And, you know, the like free food from the farmers that you like buy at the farmer's market. And, like it's free except you have to pay for the land and stuff.


Of course you like knew about those fruit and vegetable trees right? Like so cool. I'm like going to get one of those free vegetable trees like tomorrow. Totally cool.

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Did you feel like you were listening to a three year old? Uh-huh, really and then? And did you see the faces of the of the people behind her? There was one man especially who looked like, "What in the world?".


I am thinking that it had to be some kind of joke. I found it funny. :lol:

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Oh, well, you see, she was talking about the like, organic pesticides that won't hurt us. Like I totally get it now. I just needed clarification on that.


And, you know, the like free food from the farmers that you like buy at the farmer's market. And, like it's free except you have to pay for the land and stuff.


Of course you like knew about those fruit and vegetable trees right? Like so cool. I'm like going to get one of those free vegetable trees like tomorrow. Totally cool.


And you know on the east coast in China they do it different than we do here on the west coast in America. :001_huh:

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Wow. I went to college with a few girls like that, and they were all education majors. That's why we decided to homeschool our children.


Once I reproduced, I had a sudden clarity of thought on the fact that when I took the GRE, the education majors, across the board, had the lowest scores. A sad phenomenon.

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Well, what do I know? I'm from the east coast (apparently near China) where we all believe in slavery and stuff, not like in California, because the union, that's what they are, and they can make stuff, and like, sell iin their stores and stuff.




Thank heavens they spliced that together - watching her speech in its entirety might've caused brain damage.


I love how they just cooly say "next speaker" when she is finally done. What patience. I think I may have been beating my head against the podium by then... just... make... it... stop!!!

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Can anyone tell me what this young lady is talking about?




I am sorry, I..just...could...not...continue...gasp!


This is why I homeschool. For true. Years ago I watched something on the news. It was a college freshman of one of the Ivy Leagues. A reporter was asking her input on some political thing. What she said sounded like the chick in the video. I despaired at the state of education then...and I wasn't even married with kids, yet!

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Oh my gosh! I didn't know that fruits and vegetables, if they were frozen, would like, last forever! All you would have to do is put them in the freezer and they'll last forever! Forever! Well...they might go bad.



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Once I reproduced, I had a sudden clarity of thought on the fact that when I took the GRE, the education majors, across the board, had the lowest scores. A sad phenomenon.


Hey, watch it. I've, um, always scored, um, very high on, um, my, um, tests :D. I'm, um, majoring in (um, post-bacc) education because um, it's something (um, as far as, um, work) I do well from home.

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Hey, watch it. I've, um, always scored, um, very high on, um, my, um, tests :D. I'm, um, majoring in (um, post-bacc) education because um, it's something (um, as far as, um, work) I do well from home.



I was, of course, speaking of the AVERage score. Averages are, well, averages. :D

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I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry when I watched the video. :001_huh:



I was, of course, speaking of the AVERage score. Averages are, well, averages. :D

"Across the board" and "averages" do not mean the same.:tongue_smilie:


I was an education major (although I was very close to having a math major when I changed to middle grades education). My GRE scores were quite high, but I will have to admit that I went to school with a lot of education majors who couldn't say the same.

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I suspect that this is yet another product of public education.


As an aside I saw no indication that she was a lady, a female yes. A lady ???? The jury is still out. (Sorry, a pet peeve of mine. A lady is a true rarity.... a diamond, whereas "a female" describes about 51% of the population)

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I couldn't even laugh.

I tried to, but I was just too embarrassed.


You know, I always get nervous when my ds speaks in public. As an aspie, he goes back and forth between sounding too monotone and overly animated and rehearsed. But you know what? His words make sense. And he's not even 11.

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"Across the board" and "averages" do not mean the same.:tongue_smilie:



Across the board of subjects. The education major's averages were lowest in math and language and logical reasoning. Even the mathematics majors had higher English scores.


"The board", the piece of paper that is mailed out with one's individual scores, is the subjects with average scores of various majors (the undergrad degree claimed by the test takers), not the individual scores of all 10,000+ education majors who took the test.

Edited by kalanamak
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It sounds like something is wrong with her, but.......look closely at the skipping of the video. Someone edit the video to make it seem like she was jumping around. I think they took out whenever she introduced a new topic. It also seems like they took everything she said and mixed it up throughout the video.


Giving her the benefit of the doubt..........:D:lol::lol:

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It sounds like something is wrong with her, but.......look closely at the skipping of the video. Someone edit the video to make it seem like she was jumping around. I think they took out whenever she introduced a new topic. It also seems like they took everything she said and mixed it up throughout the video.


Giving her the benefit of the doubt..........:D:lol::lol:



"On the East Coast they have slaves and believe in slavery and Made in China" --- I am afraid that she left no doubt.



What is the most terrifying thing about the video is that SHE CAN VOTE!!!!! God Save the USA.

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Across the board of subjects. The education major's averages were lowest in math and language and logical reasoning. Even the mathematics majors had higher English scores.


"The board", the piece of paper that is mailed out with one's individual scores, is the subjects with average scores of various majors (the undergrad degree claimed by the test takers), not the individual scores of all 10,000+ education majors who took the test.


Unfortunately, the stats do bear out that many low scorers turn to education degrees. On average, English majors or math majors do not become teachers. Of course, there are those of us that help raise those average education scores :D :lol:. Kind of like how public schools say we need to keep our children in school to help them raise their scores :001_huh:. (my dd would be one they'd say to please keep out. She loathes tests and will mark anything. I found that out $60 later.)

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Unfortunately, the stats do bear out that many low scorers turn to education degrees. On average, English majors or math majors do not become teachers. Of course, there are those of us that help raise those average education scores :D :lol:. Kind of like how public schools say we need to keep our children in school to help them raise their scores :001_huh:. (my dd would be one they'd say to please keep out. She loathes tests and will mark anything. I found that out $60 later.)



My son would just randomly pick answer or make designs or answer in some sort of pattern. I can't tell you how many teacher, principal and counselors I had to talk to over this. Of course, me being the troublemaker than I am found it amusing. This was when he was in school, so I didn't have to worry about them critisizing my teaching. :tongue_smilie: It was back when they first mandated state testing and I didn't really support the idea and you couldn't opt out but I didn't give him the idea.

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Even if they put back in what was spliced out, and if they did mix up her order........it's still crazy talk! Filling in the gaps doesn't fix what she said. LOL. I loved the guy's face behind her. I couldn't believe they weren't laughing at her! I want a vegetable tree....that would be way cooler than all these stakes in my yard holding up my plants.

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Unfortunately, the stats do bear out that many low scorers turn to education degrees.


OTOH, my father was a teacher, and AFAIR did a large paper on the correlation between spelling ability and general educational success (back in the 1930's). He was a "good scorer" and chose to go into education. It certainly was not the road to riches, and my mother did a lot of scraping by to keep all 6 of us properly dressed and fed.


He loved youth, loved being around them, loved science and imparting it to others. He was so bubbly and young around the young. I think that is why he did it, good scores and earning potential lost and all.


If everyone can stand another story about my dear departed dad, when he was in the Army (WWII) he was given the famous Army IQ test. He scored well, and they plumped him up for an office job. He had to know how to type. He typed fine, but didn't want an office job, so on the "pretest" for typing he could type 5 words a minute. After the course, he could type 4. They gave up, and he spent his time overseas investigaiting roads alone in a jeep after area had been subjected to combat, relying on his geographical and geological skills rather than a typewriter. He would always wink one blue eye when he told about "failing" typing.

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The girl's speech was completely ignorant. She is unfortunately an example of the inflated self-esteem that is fostered by American culture. American kids reach maturity knowing very little, but having so much pride that they don't even know how much they don't know. As a culture we give trophies for participation, inflated grades, and praise for everything. We focus so much on positive feedback that kids develop a very distorted view of themselves. The fact that this ignorant girl thought she had anything of value to share with this city council is incredible!


Now, I'm going to go to the garden and check my vegetable trees.;)




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"On the East Coast they have slaves and believe in slavery and Made in China" --- I am afraid that she left no doubt.



What is the most terrifying thing about the video is that SHE CAN VOTE!!!!! God Save the USA.



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Even if they put back in what was spliced out, and if they did mix up her order........it's still crazy talk! Filling in the gaps doesn't fix what she said. LOL. I loved the guy's face behind her. I couldn't believe they weren't laughing at her! I want a vegetable tree....that would be way cooler than all these stakes in my yard holding up my plants.


I honestly believe that they cut out certain parts, because they didn't want to torture the viewer. We are lucky to have an off button to push. However, I felt sorry for the people who were actually there. They did not have an option to pick up a remote control and change the channel. :lol::lol:

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My son would just randomly pick answer or make designs or answer in some sort of pattern. I can't tell you how many teacher, principal and counselors I had to talk to over this. Of course, me being the troublemaker than I am found it amusing. This was when he was in school, so I didn't have to worry about them critisizing my teaching. :tongue_smilie: It was back when they first mandated state testing and I didn't really support the idea and you couldn't opt out but I didn't give him the idea.



I took the SAT in Jr High for the national merit deal. I had no idea on most of the math, so I just made a great design with the bubbles. I knew I wasn't going to shoot the roof off no matter how hard I worked, so why bother. I ended up scoring higher than our resident math geek. Boy, he was ticked. :lol:

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Across the board of subjects. The education major's averages were lowest in math and language and logical reasoning. Even the mathematics majors had higher English scores.


"The board", the piece of paper that is mailed out with one's individual scores, is the subjects with average scores of various majors (the undergrad degree claimed by the test takers), not the individual scores of all 10,000+ education majors who took the test.

I believe what you're saying about averages. However, again, "across the board" and "averages" aren't the same.




a·cross-the-board adj. 1. Including or applying to all categories or members: an across-the-board pay hike; an across-the-board ruling.

2. Of or being a racing wager whereby equal amounts are bet on the same contestant to win, place, and show.



The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.



The fact is that not all education members have low scores on tests, which is what "across the board" would mean.

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